The Muscat municipality is an oldest organization of Muscat.
It is responsible for performing municipal task such as cleaning and organizes
markets and buildings. After division of the Muscat municipality among
ministries, for the first time municipality became independent and fully
responsible for its developmental projects and other relevant tasks such as
organization of local markets, health affairs, stores which are related to
cleanliness, food, disposal of garbage and its management, supervision of
constructing buildings and giving permits. The organization is responsible for
greenery which is observed in city. The municipal of Muscat is financially
independent and has its own budget prepared. The auditing of budget is done
with respect to financial condition and regulation of the state of Oman. The
source of budget is either from government subsidies or self-revenues which is
an important and sufficient part of the company (Smith, 2017).
Muscat Municipality has a customer contact service in order
to solve customer issues and facilitate them in every possible way. There are three-line
support systems in order to get in touch with customers, the first line, and
second line and back up line. It is the purpose of the customer contact line to
provide low cost service to customers and have easy access to it. To provide
information to the customers and give a consistent high-quality response and
hold the management accountable for solving issues of the customers. MM is
determined to provide accurate data and do research on the problem if necessary
to increase the level of customer service (writer, 2017).
The call center is present to transfer information from one
source to another via telephone. Big companies provide telephone service to
promote their services and meet the demand of people by solving their issues.
The call center is known to be important CRM tool for an organization. The
ranges of communication have extended for customers and organization and have
gone beyond telephone. The contact centers face several challenges every day.
For the purpose a new innovative strategy should be introduced to facilitate
both, customers and company (, 2018).
The customer service center acts as an intermediate between
company and the customer. The aim of this study is to provide a web based
system for customer information in order to enhance quality and efficiency of
Muscat Municipality. There are several aspects on which customer will have
something to say about, there can be variable aspects on which level of
customer satisfaction is unknown. Purpose is to manage schedule of employees
and make customer care a priority. A solution such as mobile usage is required to
provide convenience to customer and solve any inconvenience and improve the
company system (Observer, 2017).
Objectives of Improving Contact Center Services in Muscat
Management of a contact service is a business strategy to
enhance work quality, improve customer satisfaction and establish loyalty with
customers. These objectives can be achieved by communicating well with the
customers and by understanding their characteristics and by meeting the demands
of its people. This can be done if technicians meet the customers when they
complain and visit them on their preference. This web development program is
the new objective to meet the customer demand and ease their problems no matter
where they are located. The solution is provided so people can connect to the
company via internet using mobile or computer and get their problem solved (El-Zawahry, Shahalam, Taha, &
Al-Busaidi, 2001).
Project team and their roles of Improving Contact Center
Services in Muscat Municipality
The call center of Muscat Municipality is a medium through
which the company and clients connect. People call and they tell their problems
which are listened by the people present in the call center. The information
regarding to work and services is provided, queries are answered. Then there is
a back office whose duty is to support call center. The prevailing system lack
work to flow from call center to back office, it is slow as details are
transferred from one office to another office manually which is time consuming.
This includes a lot of paper work and consumes time. The call center was unable
to match schedule of workers of company to visit client on his preference. The
workers visit the client on their own suitable preference of time. The people
have to call again and make sure they are on worker’s schedule of visit. There
was no appropriate way to track service and improve or accelerate the process
of service (, 2018).
The project of web program includes a team who is
responsible to improve the quality of service in time. This system is to be
made prototype model approach. It will allow fast development of work and will
include testing models. In the phase of designing, an interactive approach is
utilized. It will make the entire project to fulfill all the requirements
quicker and easier (Shetty, 2014).
Analysts for requirements: There are three main tasks which will
be assigned to requirement analysts which include obtaining data, communicating
with other team members about data obtained, analyzing the data, requirements
of documents and by managing the scope of project (Khatib, 2011).
UI and UX designer: The UX designer is responsible for
gathering all the necessary information and to create a program. After that a
prototype is developed which is used as a sample for testing. An efficient
designer has ability to understand how website interacts with html, Java and
other browsers. The designer makes sure that code is easy which is possible
only if development for side of client is understood.
The UI makes sure that the developed app is useful for
people. His responsibility is to add colors, set font, add graphics and set it (, 2018).
Web developers: The web developers are responsible for
implementing main scheme of application. They write a script which defines the
purpose of the website, create and manage the database, make the website
functional by integrating it and cloud it with operating systems, develop a
system for management and apply the standards of security to protect the
website from any problem.
Specialists for Quality Assurance: These are engineers who are
responsible for protection of the site. They test the website, perform
competitive and negative tests to ensure quality and test it on several
browsers to ensure people can have an easy access to the website.
Project stages of Improving Contact Center Services in
Muscat Municipality
The project to improve contact service centers in Muscat
Municipalities includes following stages (Al-Maaded, Madi, Kahraman, Hodzic, &
Ozerkan, 2012):
Brief overview: Brief discussion with the authority about
the project keeping in mind the background and status of the organization.
Discussion on goal that which options should be delivered to people to aid
Scope of the Project: It is an important step. Project is
defined well in this stage and expectations of clients are clearly known and
understood. The accountability between client and team is known (writer, WORK ON SEEB BEACH PROJECT TO BEGIN
SOON, 2011).
Wireframes and designing of website: A site map is created
to which gives overall navigation of the connected sites. The wireframes give
the content of hierarchy on page.
Visual design: It describes the visual description of the
organization. It is another important step as it reveals visual key information
and purpose.
Development of website: After the design of website is
approved, next stage is to refine old content, add new content, add videos,
slideshows etc.
Testing of website: Before making site available for public
use it is first tested to ensure its correct working.
Launch of website: After testing the website it is launched
in fluid medium called internet in order to make it easily accessible.
Maintenance of website: The work does not end here. The
website needs proper care and maintenance. Content has to be up to date and
easy to understand.
All of these steps are crucial for development of website
and it functions by proper strategy, achieve goal, prosper the organization in
highly competitive environment.
Key deliverable s of Improving Contact Center Services in Muscat
Briefing of the project
Wire frames
Final prototype
Project time management of Improving Contact Center Services
in Muscat Municipality
The project can be time consuming and it is convenient to
start early because things can go wrong and it is better to be safe. Time frame
can vary depending upon the cost of project, quality of past work and
organization. Three basic approaches are there for development of website. After
the stages are described and understood next comes the management of time. When
a website is fully developed it is sent forward for review this is the period
in which appropriate modifications are made (Reporter, 2016).
Stage of discovery can take two weeks.
It has to be reviewed by client and it can take as much as
one week.
The website design is next step and it can take as much time
as two weeks.
Then reviewed by clients and another week can be used.
Phase of designing continues and it can take two weeks.
It has to be revised again by clients.
Next comes the phase of development which can be as long as
three weeks.
Another phase is modification phase which can also take
three weeks but it can be less or more.
Final step is launch of website which depends upon the time
period of modification phase.
It can take as long as 14-16 weeks.

Budget of Improving Contact Center Services in Muscat
The municipal of Muscat is financially independent and has
its own budget prepared. The auditing of budget is done with respect to
financial condition and regulation of the state of Oman. The source of budget
is either from government subsidies or self-revenues which is an important and
sufficient part of the company. So the amount of money to be spent on project
entirely depends upon the budget of organization (, 2018).
Quality plan of Improving Contact Center Services in Muscat
The proposed project requires the clients to log in the
system. This will allow them to have access to the menu and the service they
require. This menu will have several roles in it including call center agents, automated
responses as well as technical person to discuss the matter with. Home page
will provide an instant overview. It will include the service MM provides,
FAQ’s, customer care, fast responses etc.
New clients will have to log in to get registered on the website;
old users can simply log in and get answers for queries. This system reminds
the agent to track and improve the process and solve the problems the client is
dealing with (Shetty, 2014).
Risk Log/ Register of Improving Contact Center Services in
Muscat Municipality
Web based customer information system has some shortcomings.
System can be unable to recognize call of a previous customer so Cisco
telephone system can be used. As it is web based there is no direct connection
between customer and organization. Integration of this system can allow client
satisfaction, loyalty and consistence. It is important to have active front
line force despite of such development. Clients should be satisfied despite of
any media they use.
User log in
User management
Unclosed escalation of problem
Customer preference on basis of agent
Visual monitoring of report
Ability to be used anywhere despite of location
Findings of Improving Contact Center Services in Muscat
By evaluating the project management approaches of the
Muscat Municipality it is analyzed that the division of the Muscat municipality
among ministries, for the first time municipality became independent and fully
responsible for its developmental projects. To provide information to the
customers and give a consistent high quality response and hold the management
accountable for solving issues of the customers. Web development program is the
new objective to meet the customer demand and ease their problems no matter
where they are located. The workers visit the client on their own suitable
preference of time. The people have to call again and make sure they are on
worker’s schedule of visit. Home page will provide an instant overview. It will
include the service MM provides, FAQ’s, customer care, fast responses etc. This
system reminds the agent to track and improve the process and solve the problems
the client is dealing with. It is important to have active front line force
despite of such development. Clients should be satisfied despite of any media
they use
Conclusion of Improving Contact Center Services in Muscat
It is concluded that there were several ongoing issues in
the Muscat Municipality for call center service in order to respond immediately
web based information system is needed in order to make the organization
efficient. Because organization is somehow standing behind the modern day
technologies and in order to be more competitive in market such developmental
projects are needed. Future research shows that this web based system can be
efficient, fast, and reliable and is able to reduce stress and work load on
staff. Knowledge management is vital part of the system and should be embedded
along with it in order to provide advanced development for customer care and
have supreme knowledge of matters depending upon past experiences. It can be
used to reduce service of staff, time of their training and money spent.
References of Improving Contact Center Services in Muscat
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