The prime objective of the present work is to understand the
health and safety legislation and regulations that induces impact on the
business and working environment of the organization. The analysis enables to
identify the requirement of regulation and legalization in the health and
safety management of workplace (Apps. who. int, 2010). In case of working
business the implementation of regulations compliance with the procedure of
organization and legal requirements of the organizations. Consequently,
non-compliance business strategies can induce impact on the employer working
capability (small business. Chron.
com, 2018).
The analysis includes legal issues having effects on safe working practices.
The implementation of regulations and legislation in a workplace provides
strength to the policies, strategies, procedures, and personal responsibility
for safety and health measurements (Apps. who. int, 2010). The harmful work
practices are hazardous for the improvement of the organization. The
regulations and legislation are based on the environment of a working business.
The implementation of health and safety measures secure the life of the person
at the workplace (small business. Chron.
com, 2018).
The rules and regulations for the health and safety measures include,
Statutory duties of employers and employees relating to
health, safety, and welfare
Manual Handling Operations Regulations
Management of Health and Safety at Work Regulations 1999
Workplace (Health, Safety, and Welfare) Regulations 1992
Health and Safety at Work Act 1974
Control of Substances Hazardous to Health 1994
Reporting of Injuries, Diseases and Dangerous
Occurrences Regulations 1995
Display Screen Equipment Regulations 1992
Electricity at Work Regulations 1989
Health and Safety at Work Act 1974 deal with the premises,
machinery, implants used in the workplace. Regulations are designed to ensure
the health welfare and safety of the workers at the workplace and to protect
the people from hazardous activities (small business. Chron.
com, 2018).
The controlling factors of the regulations consider the use of flammable
substances and dangerous substances. The rules prevent the acquisition of
substances and danger for the health of workers at the workplace. The controlling
factors are the emission of toxic elements into the atmosphere and offensive
substances (small business. Chron.
com, 2018).
The rule dealing with such type of offensive and toxic substances are the
Environmental Protection Act 1990.
There are different types of explicit duties letter towards
employees by the employers. The employees should be provided with the
maintenance of a safe system (Apps. who. int, 2010). The arrangement of
the system should be secured with different aspects of handling,
transportation, and storage. In a business purpose, the employees require a
safe place to work and security of health. The prime objective of the
legislation is to decrease the incidents of harm to the complete risk
assessment (Boon-YuenNg,
Kankanhalli, & Xu, 2009). The action parents are required for
the emergence of legislation in the workplace.
The safety standards
in the workplace are based on the risk assessment of the system safety programs
with the working practices of equipment (Armada, Muntaner,
& Navarro, 2001).
A complete risk assessment includes identification of hazards in the workplace
and workers that my face injuries during the work. The risk assessment
evaluates the seriousness and potential impact of the injuries on the health of
the workers. The complete and significant findings are required by the management
for the storage and record of all the data (small business. Chron.
com, 2018).
P 2) Describe the requirements for a healthy and safe
workplace, as applied to the physical environment and equipment used, in a
selected business.
The contractor shall submit an occupational health and
safety organization plan detailing planning and management considerations for
construction at an organizational level. The contractor shall maintain the site
and all working areas in a sanitary condition and the matters of health and
sanitation should comply with the requirements of public and health works
authority. The contractor shall set up and maintain throughout the course of
contract safety notice boards in prominent places of the site. The contractor
shall develop and implement programs which shall act as incentives for their
teams at all levels, to make a positive contribution to good health and safety
performance. The contractor is required to provide a competent supervisor to
monitor each and every area of activities like temporary and permanent
electrical installation, crane and lifting appliance operations, scaffolding
erection, alteration and dismantling, confined space entry, excavation and work
at site. Training should be provided by the contractor which covers
occupational hygiene, essential elements of local laws and regulations and
policies and procedures concerning aspects of human rights. It is necessary to
set up buildings physical emergency evacuation systems. Sufficient suitable standby
plant shall be available in cases where the safety of works or personnel
depends on mechanical plant. Mobile plant and vehicles that are defective will
be removed from use in work areas and taken to a repair facility on the
worksite or removed from the worksite. Repair work is to be carried out by
trained and authorized mobile plant and vehicle repair technicians. Whenever
maintenance work is ongoing the machinery or equipment will be isolated and
De-energized. No passengers will be carried on mobile plant and vehicles other
than in seats that are specifically designed for carrying passengers. All
construction lifts will have flat base plates without holes or openings,
enclosed sides and roof that are designed to prevent from falling objects. All
construction lifts will have overload protection devices that prevent movement
of platform if it is overloaded. Prior to excavating in any area, the location
of existing utilities shall be confirmed from as-built drawings, contact with
utility authorities and trial holes. During planning stage all materials and
equipment required for safe excavation work must be identified which includes
shoring, solid barriers, vehicle stop blocks, access ladders or scaffolding,
ventilation, lighting, signage, pumps, generators, air monitoring devices,
movement monitoring equipment and rescue equipment. Temporary safety barriers
should be used to protect workers and travelling public from excavations that
are more in depth. All ladders used on the project should be manufactured using
international standards. Excavations should be kept clean and tidy at all
times. Warning signs and barriers are to be used for excavations, any edge,
opening or platform from where a person may fall, electrical transformers,
confined space entry points, areas of open water, areas where flammable goods
are stored and areas above underground services. Warning signs will clearly
state the nature of the hazard and instruct people for correct actions to take.
Rigging of loads and supervision of cranes will be undertaken only by trained
and competent person. Before a mobile crane is positioned for a lift, attention
will be paid to the condition of the ground upon which the crane will stand, as
this will be subjected to high point loadings. All lifting gears should be
subjected to thorough examination. All
scaffolding erection areas and dismantling areas will be provided with barriers
and warning signs to exclude all personnel that are not involved in
scaffolding. Welding cables and equipment will be properly maintained and
inspected before use. Contractors are required to reduce the risk of persons
falling from height by providing a means of fall prevention or arrest for every
person on the worksite that is exposed to a risk of falling a distance of 2 m
or above. The practice of twisting and taping electrical components together to
create a connection is prohibited. The contractor shall provide and maintain
first aid boxes complete with all first aid kits and equipment necessary for
initial care of any personnel who might be injured. The contractor shall take
necessary precautions against fire. Quantities of flammable materials on site
should be absolute minimum. Temporary fire protection equipment for the
worksite will be provided by contractor which includes portable fire
extinguishers, fire sand buckets and fire water storage.
P 3) Explain the roles and responsibilities of health and
safety of key personnel in a selected workplace.
The Managing Director : Managing director is responsible for
overall arrangements and for ensuring that company’s operations are executed at
all times in such a manner as to ensure, so far as is reasonably practicable,
the health, safety and welfare of all employees and others who might be
affected by its operations. Managing director will ensure that there is
effective company policy for health and safety and that all employees,
contractors and temporary workers are made aware of their individual
responsibility. The managing director also appoints a director for safety. It
is his role to ensure that all directors and managers understand and fulfill
their responsibilities with regard to health and safety. The managing director
arranges funds and facilities to meet the requirements of company policy and
legislation. Makes provision for adequate and appropriate training to be given
to all employees and sets a personal example on all matters of health and
Director responsible for health and safety: The director
responsible for health and safety is accountable to managing director for all
matters relating to health, safety and welfare of employees and those affected
by company operations. It is their responsibility to bring company related
health and safety matters to attention of the board of directors at regular
intervals. To ensure that good communication exists between employer and
employee. Safety manager has to take care of inspections, audits, report
recommendations, changes in legislation and advice obtained from other sources.
Ensures that adequate programs for training for health and safety are
established and safety culture is encouraged among employees.
Safety Manager: He understands the application for health
and safety at work and legislation related to company’s business. Keeps up to
date about current legislation and changes in track of new legislation. He ensures
that all assessments required by legislation are conducted at regular intervals,
and maintain records of the same. Conducts health and safety inspections and prepares
report about company’s operations. Carries out investigations into all
accidents and near-miss incidents and records the findings on relevant form. Safety
manager brings new techniques for improving health and safety to the attention
of director responsible for health and safety.
Sets a personal example by wearing appropriate personal protective
clothing and observing all safety procedures.
Managers/Heads of Department: Each manager/ Department head
is responsible for his personal safety and that of all personnel under his/her
authority, including others who may be affected by construction activities.
They will understand and implement the company safety policy. Appreciate the
responsibilities of personnel under their authority and ensure that each
employee knows his/her responsibility and are equipped to play their part.
Conduct risk assessments within their department ensuring that the methods and
systems of work are safe. Also that necessary procedures, rules and regulations
designed to achieve this are formulated, published and applied. Provide written
instructions of work method outlining potential hazards and precautions and
ensure they are compiled with. Ensure accident and near-miss reporting
procedures are understood and complied with, and assist with accident
investigations where appropriate. Ensure
all employees and sub-contractors are suitably trained to carry out designated
task and that necessary licenses/certificates of competence are in force and
appropriate. Ensure that statutory notices, safety policy, insurance
certificate and the names of appointed first aiders are displayed and
maintained in prominent positions. Reprimand any employee for failing to
discharge health and safety responsibility.
Civil, Mechanical and Electrical Engineering Manager: Prepare and maintain a scheme which identifies
work equipment requiring inspection by competent persons and ensuring that the
equipment is easily identifiable and available for inspection on date required.
Prepare and maintain suitable records of all inspections. Ensure that all
engineering construction work under his control complies with all relevant
construction statutory instruments. Ensure that the impeding start of any new
employee is advised to the company secretary. Set a personal example with
regard to health and safety matters.
Sub-contractors: Sub-contractors will at pre-contract
meetings or other time as may be stipulated, submit assessments, test
certificates and method statements to comply with statutory requirements. Operator’s
certificates of competence and test certificates for the various types of plant
and equipment to be used will be presented to site management before the
operation commences. Every sub-contractor is responsible for providing his
employees with all necessary personal protective clothing and equipment. All
portable tooling and other plant and equipment will be maintained and in good
working order and in case of lighting appliances and electrical equipment
evidence must be produced as to correct testing and certification. Any
materials or substances brought onto the site must be correctly labeled and in
approved containers or packages. Sub-contractors will ensure that they maintain
their work places in a safe condition and that their storage areas are kept
clean, tidy and free from hazards.
All Employees: Carry out assigned tasks in a safe manner, in
accordance with instructions, and to comply with safety rules, regulations and
codes of practice. If unaware of any unsafe condition it is necessary to
consult supervisor. Not to use any unsafe/damaged tools or equipment’s for
work. Not to operate any plant/equipment unless authorized. To avoid improvised arrangements and suggest
safe ways of eliminating hazards.
M 1) Assess the implications of health, safety and
security legislation and regulations for a business role in a workplace
Under the Law, it is the duty of all the employees to work
at the reasonable care and protection environment so the effect of hazardous
action can be reduced. The risk assessment is considered for the safety and
security hazards of the workplace, practice guidelines for the workers, and
monitoring process for the staff development (small business. Chron.
com, 2018).
The requirements of legislative considerations are to record the actions and
planning of the liable insurances. The safety and security of the workers is
the practical component of our work that is required at Federal and state level
(Apps. who. int, 2010).
type of business is considered for the regional locations and security of
workplace is required to reduce the injuries, incident, and accidents. The
effective security programs are based on the statutory requirements of workers
and Management. The key component of safety and health plan in the organization
include reporting system, training programs, emergency planning’s, continuous
improvement and instructions of the workplace (World Health Organization,
implementation of the regulations in a workplace generates a particular
environment for the improvement organization (Apps. who. int, 2010). The activities in
the organization are designed to improve the Awareness of safety issues along
with barriers of right and wrong. The implementation of health and security
legislation affects the environment of business. The workplace policies are
designed according to the type of jobs (World Health
Organization, 2007).
The procedures used in the workplace are required to be under the health and
safety act. The harmful what practices result in injuries, health illness, and
accidents (Hsa. ie, 2018). In the business
workplace Work Regulations, 1999 legislation was implemented to address the
risk and hazard (World Health
Organization, 2000).
The implementation considers facilities of employees in the workplace. The
Electricity at Work Regulations 1989 legislation was implemented in the
workplace for the protection of employees from the electrical injuries (World
Health Organization, 2007).
workers deal with the electrical equipment on the daily basis such as laptops,
machines, and extensions. The regulation ensures the prevention of electric
shock and the maintenance of the electrical system in the workplace (
World Health Organization, 2015). The main responsibility of the
organization is to provide a safe and risk-free environment for instance from
faulty equipment, hazardous chemicals, and electrical equipment. The quality of
floorboards is checked to reduce the risk of fault. In case of fire emergency
exit must be provided for the employees to save the life (Apps. who. int, 2010).
M 2) Analyze the roles and responsibilities for health and safety of key personnel in a selected workplace
Managing Director: The director board needs to accept
formally and publicly its collective role in providing health and safety
leadership in organization. Managing director needs to ensure that all his/her
decisions reflect company’s health and safety intentions, as articulated in
health and safety policy statement. Managing director realizes his role in
engaging active participation of workers in improving health and safety. He
needs to ensure that it is kept informed of, and alert to, relevant health and
safety risk management issues. The
Health and safety commission recommends the board of directors to appoint one
of its members to be health and safety director to deal with all health and
safety related issues. This helps to minimize the risk of accidents or injury
at the work place. It also helps in complying with the legal policies so that
progression of work at construction site will never be interrupted by the local
Director responsible for health and safety: The director should understand the legal responsibilities
when it comes to health and safety. For example, where safety critical plant is
used and the consequences of loss of integrity could be severe for the
undertaking, the role should be carried out by a person with the necessary
competence to adequately understand their roles and responsibilities. He/she
should receive necessary safety and health training so that they can be
comfortable with the responsibilities. The safety and health director can look
for evidence of the practical working of the board’s safety and health policy
and ensure that discussions on this issue at board meetings are focused and
effective. He/she should liaise closely with undertaking’s safety committee.
Safety Manager: Developing and executing health and safety
plans in the workplace according to legal guidelines. Preparing and enforcing
policies to establish a culture of health and safety. He/she evaluates
practices, procedures and facilities to assess risk and adherence to law. His goal should be to ensure worksite meets
all legal expectations and actively supports occupational health and safety. A
safety manager for a construction company has a wide variety of duties that
center on the safety of construction work sites. Training others is an
essential duty. Safety managers use preventive education to ensure that
construction managers and employees understand policies and regulations. They
also travel to construction sites to conduct safety audits.
Managers/ Head of Departments: The line managers and
department head should review the strength and weaknesses of company’s health
and safety performance. They should also focus on the measures currently taken
for a reliable and sustainable future. They should focus on risk profiling,
leading and managing for health and safety, competence and worker consultation
and involvement. Line managers provide a crucial link between an employee and
health and safety practice at the workplace. The attitude of senior management
influences to a great extent the approach and attitudes of workers in terms of
how seriously they consider health and safety. If respective line managers
compromise on health and safety of the employees who serve under his
department, it can lead to accidents and injury which will be a major problem.
Civil, Mechanical and
Electrical Engineering Manager: Conduct
risk assessment activities within their department ensuring that the methods
and systems of work are safe. Ensures that all employees and sub-contractors
are subjected to proper training to carry out their filed of work and have
certificates/licenses where appropriate. Ensure the statutory notices, the
safety policy, Insurance certificate and the names of appointed first-aiders
are displayed and maintained in prominent locations. Any employee failing to
discharge their health and safety responsibility may be subjected to
Sub-Contractors: It
is the sub-contractor who directly engages construction workers or manages
construction work. Contractors include sub-contractors, any individual
self-employed worker that carries out, manages or controls construction work.
They must have skills, knowledge, experience and, where relevant, the
organizational capability to carry out the work safely and without risk to
health. Sub-contractors and the workers under their control are most at risk of
injury and ill health from construction work.
Therefore they have an important role in planning, managing and
monitoring their work to ensure any risks are controlled. They make sure that
all workers under their control have site-specific induction. They do not start
site work unless reasonable steps are taken to prevent unauthorized access.
They also ensure suitable welfare facilities are provided from the start for
workers under their control, and maintain them throughout the work.
All Employees: It is an employee’s duty to take reasonable
care of the health and safety of themselves and of others who may be affected
by what they do or do not do. They have to cooperate with the employer on
health and safety matters. They should not misuse any equipment that is provided
for safety purpose (example fire extinguishers or safety goggles). Inform the employer if something happens that
might affect the ability to work, like suffering an injury.
References of Understanding Health and Safety in a Business
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