Description of outbreak
outbreak is about the WBDOSS “Waterborne
Disease and Outbreak Surveillance System” collect the data on the waterborne disease then outbreaks
connected by the recreational water, environmental and the drinking water along
with the undetermined exposure to water. The Surveillance program of WBDO is conducted to;
Characterize the etiology as well as epidemiology of the
WBDOS along with to identify the important pathogen of waterborne and the deficiencies
of the water system.
Improve the investigation and the detection capabilities
Collaborate with federal, local ,and the international agencies
on the initiatives (Craun & al, 2006)
The outbreak report is evaluated by CDC
(Centers for Disease Control) and EPA Environmental Protection Agency to determine the epidemiologic
evidence which is sufficient and it’s implicate to water as the probable
sources of illness. However this outbreak is limited for the environmental data
and it includes in the surveillances database but the outbreak has lack of
necessary epidemiologic data.
Description of pathogen
the distributions system of the outbreak the most common and identified pathogen
is the Giardia. The distribution systems which are the vulnerable for the
animal and the human facts and the contamination might be the becoming risk of the
common and the identified emerging waterborne pathogens. Due to the different pathogens
‘which is the relatively resistant and the residual disinfectant of the concentration
is maintained in the system which is most important to prevent the contaminations
for the entering systems. Most of the illness is caused by the Giardia and the bacterial
pathogens (CRAUN, 2001)
Potential sources
water is the potential sources which is used to exposure the pathways of with
pathogens that is also absorbed these pathogens. The distribution systems is
connected with the WBDOS and tended to the small contamination which is usually
affects the portion of the distribution system limiting the potential sources to
exposure the pathways of the pathogen. The resulted of this outbreak is
associated with the WBDOS has the more than the 1000 illness by the largest
causing of the 5000 illness. However the chemical etiology is found the 35% of
the WBOD and the system of distribution is caused through the bacterial 17% of the
protozoon, and the 14% of Viral, and the undermined pathogen is 30%. (Craun & al, 2006)
Disease investigation principles
the investigation of the disease the principle which is used to encompass the
collection and the analysis of the water sample for the pathogenic microgormnaism.
There are the two principles like the culture dependent methods, and the molecular
methods , whereas the culture dependent methods is used for the pathogens of the
detection of water and these methods are limited though the low sensitivity and
the excessive time of the reliable results (Ramírez-Castillo & al, 2015).
References of Waterborne Disease & Outbreak Surveillance
CRAUN, G. F. (2001). Waterborne disease Outbreaks
Caused by Distribution System Deficiencies. Journal - American Water Works
Association, 93(9), 64–75. doi:10.1002/j.1551-8833.2001.tb09287.x
Craun, M. F., & al, e. (2006).
Waterborne outbreaks reported in the United States. Journal of Water and
Health, 4(19). doi:10.2166/wh.2006.016
Ramírez-Castillo, F. Y., & al, e.
(2015). Waterborne Pathogens: Detection Methods and Challenges. Pathogens, 4(2),
307–334. doi:10.3390/pathogens4020307