of Unhealthy Products be sold with a Warning Label
warning labels' effectiveness is a major issue nowadays. It can be overcome by
published work which in return provides measurable effects at the level of the
individual in a short time which is a matter of some months or few months. This
can help in making advancement in the policies which are not easily cannot be
attained. Alcoholic beverages and other products must apply labels of warning
on their products so in this way people are aware of what are they bare
consumed and if it is not beneficial for people must avoid it.
health claims of Unhealthy Products be sold with a Warning Label
Many beverages companies claim that's
their products are beneficial for the health of people all these claims are
expressed in advertising in all the countries which are developed but it must
be discouraged in every country because healthy is first concern of every
individual but if someone spoils it spreading and by telling fake or knowledge
which is not based on facts and figure than this steps are ethically wrong.
Conclusion of Unhealthy Products be sold with
a Warning Label
Many changes occur in the world to
implement warning labels on the products. There are limited changes in the
labeling of alcohol due to which attitudes, behaviors, and knowledge of people
limitedly changed but labels on tobacco products are mention very excessive
amount based on facts and figure and it typically aware the people about the
results of tobacco consumption which genuinely provides a warning to the
Pomeranz, J. L., 2012. Advanced policy options to
regulate sugar-sweetened beverages to support public health. Journal of
public health policy, 33(1), pp. 75-88.
Sugar-sweetened beverages become popular day
by day in this world. SSBs detrimental impact exposed that advocates of the
health of the public and protection of consumers called the government to
increase their control. It mainly emphasis on the children that are the
consumption of sugar-sweetened beverages must be restricted to the children because
it contains more
sugar three times much than caffeine that's why it is too dangerous for the
health of children so due to these reasons many innovative policies are
formulated to overcome the consumption of sugar-sweetened beverages. In all
this procedure SSBs are regulating to support all the concerns related to
health. In all these aspects healthy, retail marketing and economic and
taxation systems are analyzed to evaluate the issues regards to the food
services. (Pomeranz, 2012)
Sacks, G., Veerman, J., Moodie, M. & Swinburn, B.,
2011. Traffic-light'nutrition labeling and ‘junk-food tax: a modeled comparison
of cost-effectiveness for obesity prevention. International journal of
Introduction of Unhealthy Products be sold with a Warning Label
This study is related to the rate of
obesity increases due to the increase in consumption of fast food due to lack
of warning labels present on the products and indirectly harm the people due to
lack of awareness and knowledge about the products that they have consumed.
People are not aware of the non-beneficial points of the food that they intake
in their daily supplements due to which many diseases are spreading. Obesity is
the main focus and the most common disease spreads due to the intake of fast
food and which further becomes the reason for many diseases like diabetes,
cholesterol, and various heart problem, etc.
of Unhealthy Products be sold with a
Warning Label
Warning labeling on the nutritionist
supplements and taxes on unhealthy products of foods or any other thing which
is not beneficial for the mankind can be used to measures of prevention to
control the disease spread through these unhealthy products. (Sacks, et
al., 2011)
Kanter, R. et al., 2019. The food supply before the
implementation of the Chilean Law of Food Labeling and Advertising... Nutrients,
11(1), p. 52.
This study relates to the warning labeling of
food supplements and their implementation according to the law of 2016 which is
Chilean law of food labeling and advertising. The products which contain a high
amount of sodium, sugar, calories and saturated fats must be highly restricted
for the children and the products must have labels of ingredients and their
quantity on the product. According to reports 17 percent of the product doesn't
have any label for their products but harms the health condition of people who
consumed them and just 7 percent have perfect labeling of their ingredients and
quantity regards their products. (Kanter, et al., 2019)
IJMRD. (n.d.). Why should fast food packaging be labeled
with health warnings? Retrieved from
of Unhealthy Products be sold with a
Warning Label
The label on the products must be
present and tells all the ingredients includes in these products which are
beneficial or not beneficial for the health of their consumer because most of
the consumer won't even know that what are the ingredients used in the products
and in which way this not beneficial for the benefits of their consumer. By
doing this person will aware of what they are consuming and they have to
consume this or not?
Diets Promotion of Unhealthy
Products be sold with a Warning Label
promotion of accurately labeled packaging of a product must be ensured because
it will aware the consumer that what he or she is consumed in his or her diet
and is she or he has to eat this product or not? Are these products beneficial
for the health of the consumer or not? And what precautions a person use to
avoid this type of products
consumption and side effects of fast food of
Unhealthy Products be sold with a Warning Label
In a year McDonald launches a burger whose
name is super-size me burger after eating this burger a person became severely
ill due to the excessive consumption of meat present in this burger. There is
no label on this burger regards to their ingredients that how much quantity of
meat is used in this burger that's why due to the unawareness the person became
severely ill
of Unhealthy Products be sold with a Warning Label
So, we can
conclude this that warning labeling on the products is very necessary because
it will tell the people that it is beneficial for the health of the people or