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Chapter 1: Introduction of Critical Analysis of Workplace Environment

Category: Business & Management Paper Type: Dissertation & Thesis Writing Reference: APA Words: 2400

Now a day’s business has become so vast, and the competition between business organizations has increased a lot, every organization wants to appoint highly qualified professional workers and staff so that their organization can be more successful. But the environment in which the employees are working should be healthy and good if you work in an organization the environment of working place matters a lot on the performance of the employees and when the employees will perform well the company or organization will be more developed and will succeed.

It should reach to the grass root of this situation and improve the environment of the workplace so that the performance of employees will increase in the organization. The culture of the workplace may be different for every individual based on the ethnic, gender or cultural aspects; which can have a positive and negative effect on the productivity of the employee, their morale, and their engagement in the office work. Previously in many organizations, the workplace environment or the safety of the employees and the balance in their work and life was not a necessity, but nowadays these factors are important in every organization because these factors have become a priority for the employees, they need a comfortable and healthy workplace to work. (Funminiyi, 2018).

In this development era, where there are profitable organizations, there are also some non-profitable organizations plays an important role in the society as they help to solve many problems of the society and help to develop a society more properly. One of the non-profitable organizations that provide services to the community and help the local people is Save Street Child. This organization works in many big cities in Indonesia, including Malang. In Malang, a non-profitable organization Save Street Child (SSC) is working which mainly focuses on the street children and their development. The main aim of this organization is the development of street children by educating them, by giving them care and love, by guiding them so that they can develop properly and will stop begging and living on the streets.

This organization SSC is a volunteer-based organization, they need volunteers to support this organization, and this organization works only with the help of volunteers. Volunteers are those people who want to bring a change in their society and want to solve the problems occurring in their society without taking any charges or any money in return. Most volunteers work in different companies and government-related organizations so that they can cope up with the problems of the society and can solve these problems in the near future and the Volunteers have a high commitment to the organization in which they are working (Fuchs, 2014).

Commitment is an important part because it shows how loyal a volunteer is to his work and how they can play their role in the development of the non-profitable organization. The loyalty of a volunteer is measured by three important factors including The strong intentions of the volunteer to stay as a member of the non-profitable organization. His hard work and effort are required for the benefit of the organization. And last but not least he should respect the aims and goals of the organization. When you commit to working in an organization it is a psychological construct that defines the relationship between the employees that are working in an organization.

According to Saxton (2014), the non-profitable organization has introduced a model Three-Component Model (TCM), and this model includes three types of commitment: continuance commitment, normative commitment, affective commitment (Saxton, 2014). The three discussed commitments have become measurement indicators for the employees working in an organization. By measuring all these things the employees will be satisfied, and the errors in their work will be less; they will be more creative and interact with their other colleagues much effectively.A comfortable environment is more productive, and the organization can develop properly under comfortable circumstances rather than panicking situations.A healthy workplace makes the employees more productive, and it increases their performance, and this will be a benefit for the organization (Farh, 2012).

The commitment which the employee has made with the organization can be seen from three perspectives:  Emotional, cognitive, and behavioral. The feeling of the employee about the workplace or its objectives or his approach that what he is up to and what are his aims are placed in the emotional perspective. The knowledge of the employee and how much intellectual the employee is being placed in the cognitive perspective and what is his behavior in the organization and the people working there is placed in a behavioral perspective (Juchnowicz, 2010). All these perspectives define the performance of the employees. The employees should have proper knowledge of the working place and the employees that are working in this organization should be willing and he should face all the challenges by accepting them as opportunities to exceed in life (Sirková, Ali Taha, & Ferencová, 2014).

There is a lot of competition in our surrounding environment, and the non-profitable organization has to face challenges, but the people working in this organization should be prepared to successfully meet the demands of the environment. But some recent studies have shown that some no-profitable organization does not succeed because the volunteers don’t want any changes in the organization that is required for the betterment of the organization (Battistellia, 2014).

Therefore the success of an organization depends on how effectively they bring change in their organization without discomforting the employees and only the dedicated and work-oriented employees can perform effectively in the organization, and this will be sustainable development for the organization. If we prepare the employees for a good chance in the organization, the employees will have a high commitment to the organization, and they will believe that this good change will be good for them to work in this organization (Adeniji, 2017).

Fach (2012) said that the workplace environment is divided into a broad category which includes the physical setting, the job, and the features of the organization, the staff and the communication relation between the members of an organization (Farh, 2012).

Following the environmental circumstances and the rendered duties imparts a sense of satisfaction in the employees they feel contended and obligated towards their organization (Farh, 2012). It is the very working condition provided by the organizations to their employees which determines the direction in which the organization would head to. There are physical as well as psychological factors that contain office structure comfortable access to other departments, communal environment along with sustainable working conditions, future prospects, goal-oriented approach, incentives for performance, security and proper understanding of respective job nature. A suitable and secure working environment that promises flourishing future prospects guarantees better employee performances (Chandrasekhar, 2011).

Justification of the study of Critical Analysis of Workplace Environment, Change Management, And Employees' Commitment–In Profit And Non-Profit Institutions

               The progress of any organization is directly connected to its working environment in its multiple dimensions irrespective of their being profit or nonprofit organizations. They are obliged to develop and provide a satisfactory and promising environment for the employs, which induce them to give their best in their duties. This study proves to be a critical commentary on the interdependence of the working environment, employee satisfaction with the organization, employees’ commitment towards their job as well as their company and the collective impact on the establishment of the well-reputed organization in the sultanate of Oman. Nevertheless, this study primarily focuses on the contemporary trends of managing employees’ commitment towards the company by delivering likely incentives and creating a work environment in profit and nonprofit organizations.

            This research is going to be presenting the future facts with a scope of options and circumstances which are crucial in determining the relationship between environmental conditions and employee efficiency in order to determine employee’s loyalties towards organizations. This would be assistance to the future students who would be taking up leadership roles and making decisions on the managerial level.

Significance of the study of Critical Analysis of Workplace Environment, Change Management, And Employees' Commitment–In Profit And Non-Profit Institutions

                             This study endeavors to provide the profit and nonprofit organizations with a number of parameters that could timely information about the urgency of the remedial steps which need to be taken beforehand regarding employee efficiency or their loyalties towards companies. It is a timeline for the already declining organization which could benefit from this research by consulting relative options being presented to the reader regarding employees’ contentedness with the working environment which would eventually impact their commitment to the company.

 This study offers a plethora of options to consider for the enhancement of environmental conditions and suitable promising future prospects for employees as it is at the center of consideration for any organization aspiring to standardize their performance which is directly connected to the employee capability and loyalties. On the policy-making level, this research would facilitate the policymakers of any profitable or non-profitable organizations.

They would able to better understand the changes that need to be made in already existing policies and to devise new policies in correspondence to the contemporary business trends, the kind of policies and rules which would be accommodating and facilitating rather than turning out to be a hurdle for the employees to perform at their best. This study is also a source of help for the scholars of human resources who aspire for further studies in this field, as they can get an idea of the concept of how the environment directly impacts the working capabilities of individuals.

       By managing the performance of the employees, companies are endeavoring to augment and strengthen their deliverance. Employees’ performance is being considered the focal point in order to better the organizations' performance.

Research questions of Critical Analysis of Workplace Environment, Change Management, And Employees' Commitment–In Profit And Non-Profit Institutions

The major question of the research study is related to; Does the Workplace Environment Change will impact on building stronger mployeecommitmenttowards the institute? Another major question for this study is; Whatis the relationship among the Workplace environment, change in management, and employee commitment in profit and nonprofit organization of Oman? Several other sub-questions will be addressed in the next part of the research study. These are;

· How does change in the Workplace Environment affects employee satisfaction and commitment?

· What is the major effect of the change in the Workplace Environment in the Governorate (non-profit) and Private (profit) Sector Organizations?

· What can be conclusions and some recommendations on an action that could be taken into consideration to enhance and improve the process of change in the workplace environment?

Research Objectives of Critical Analysis of Workplace Environment, Change Management, And Employees' Commitment–In Profit And Non-Profit Institutions

            The aim of cureent research is to seek opportunities to understand employees’ loyalties towards the profit and nonprofit organization which could be affected by a range of workplace environmental factors, which would lead to the formation of multiple strategies for guarantying employees’ dedication towards their respective assignments. This research revolves around the idea of conceiving different environmental agents which could eventually affect employee’s loyalties towards the firm. This study reviews a range of literature accessible on employee’s stance towards organizational changes, their loyalties and determination and the interrelationship between these two factors. This research is based on two focal objectives which are:

· To critically assess and research how a change in the Workplace Environment affects employee satisfaction and commitment.

· To evaluate the effect of the change in the Workplace Environment in the Governorate (non-profit) and Private (profit) Sector Organizations.

· To offer conclusions and recommendations on an action that could be taken into consideration to enhance and improve the process of change in the workplace environment.

Scope of the Study of Critical Analysis of Workplace Environment, Change Change Management, And Employees' Commitment–In Profit And Non-Profit Institutions

The scope of this study is very vast as this study critically analyze and assesses research that how a change in the Workplace Environment affects employee satisfaction and commitment. There is an evaluation of the volunteers in the Workplace Environment in the Governorate (non-profit) and Private (profit) Sector Organizations. There is a focus to offer conclusions and recommendations on an action that could be taken into consideration to enhance and improve the process of change in the workplace environment.

Methodology of Critical Analysis of Workplace Environment, Change Management, And Employees' Commitment–In Profit And Non-Profit Institutions

The research study will follow the descriptive research design strategy. Methodology section contains information about research data analysis, design strategy, data collection techniques, and interpretation related information. The research study is an empirical research study and the selected population for this research study includes all the people who may suffer discrimination or other issues in the organization and how productive employees are working etc. Secondary data is collected by utilizing the literature and existing knowledge, the secondary data can be easily explored. For supporting this academic research there several research studies that are usually used as the secondary for conducting any new research study.

References of Critical Analysis of Workplace Environment

Adeniji, C. G. (2017). Employees’ Attitudes towards Organizational Change and Its Effects on Employee Commitment . Regional Development to Global Economic Growth.

Battistellia, A. M. (2014). Employees’ concerns about change and commitment to change among Italian organizations: the moderating role of innovative work behavior. The International Journal of Human Resource Management, 25(7), 951–978.

Chandrasekhar, K. (2011). Workplace environment and its impact on organisational performance. International Journal of Business Systems, 7(2), 17-18.

Farh, C. C. (2012). Emotional intelligence, teamwork effectiveness and job performance: The Moderating Role of Job Context. Journal of Applied Psychology, 33(4), 317-325.

Fuchs, S. &. (2014). Creating Positive Employee Change Evaluation: The Role of Different Levels of Organizational Support and Change Participation. Journal of Change Management,, 14(3), 361–383.

Funminiyi, A. K. (2018). Impact of Workplace Environmental Factors on Employee Commitment: Evidence. International Journal of Scientific Research and Management (IJSRM), 6(7).

Saxton, C. B. (2014). Organizational Lifecycle in New Non-profit Board Start-ups: An Action Research Case Study. University of Georgia.

Sirková, M., Ali Taha, V., & Ferencová, M. (2014). An analytical study on organizational creativity implications for management. Polish Journal of Management Studies., 10(2), 179-187.





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