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Chapter 2: LiteratureReview of Critical Analysis of Workplace Environment

Category: Business & Management Paper Type: Dissertation & Thesis Writing Reference: APA Words: 3100

The literature review intends to familiarize the reader with the certain theoretical framework being employed along with that a gamut of agents are being considered which possibly impacts the workplace environment. Apart from that this chapter is focused on evaluating a range of literature which is already existing on the under discussion studies.

Establishing an employee’s commitment of Critical Analysis of Workplace Environment, Change Management, And Employees' Commitment–In Profit And Non-Profit Institutions

According to Gruman& Saks, (2011) employee commitment is emerging as a recent and acutely serious issue in recent fast pacing times were due to the presence of sheer capacity and talent in today’s globalized, interrelated complex societies. Employees’ loyalty and commitment to the organization are considered pivotal when it comes to the sustenance and management of a well-reputed company.

They are being considered the center around whom the process of policy formation and devising of the latest strategies to avail the opportunities that are available in the market, revolves. It is quite obvious that they are the one who practically interacts with the customers and caters their needs, which stresses their importance in the formation of a well-reputed company as it depends on their conduct which is likewise dependent on the facilities and opportunities, they are being offered to better their own life, by the organization which could really instill positive impacts on their performance and subsequently on the organization’s reputation (Gruman and Saks 2011).

As depicted by Juchnowicz (2010 ), there are three features of employ commitment: emotional, cognitive, and behavioral. The cognitive feature of the employ tells us about his knowledge about the company. In addition, employ’s emotions, perceptions or views about the organization. The emotional dimension refers to employ’s management approach and value. Behavioral feature refers to employ’s inclination towards certain behaviors or views against the organization(Juchnowicz 2010. )

These features collectively tell a lot about employees ' performance and roles being played in the company. Therefore, employs should always be well-informed and have clear knowledge about the demands, strategies, and policies of their organization. They should be aware of their company’s short and long term plans & objectives. Employs should understand the expectations of the company and try to fulfill and stand proudly upon them (Juchnowicz 2010. )

In research published by Aon Hewitt, (2010) a provider of human capital and management counseling services, it was stated that building employee commitment has five stages:

1. Career development index

2. Performance management

3. The reputation of the organization

4. Wages

5. Communication

According to the research, 75% of the involvement was recorded among senior staff, including managers and senior managers (Aon Hewitt). On the other hand, according to the research conducted by Bruce & Tugana (2003) and cited by Jaboska (2012), immediate supervisor is the person employees of the company consider him important enough because they are in direct contact with him due to their work assignments and daily tasks.

Wiener and Mowen (1986) said that managers of the company are the first hand and trustworthy source of information as they are in direct contact with employees on a daily basis. They keenly observe the performance and behavior of employees. Since managers have an impact on employees due to daily involvement of work and communication so this way, managers and supervisors should be in control of performance and responsible for building trust and commitment of work among the employees. Considering the above information, many companies have made policies to observe and monitor the employee’s commitment example, large private sector company in Oman like Mansoor Al A'ali Group of Companies. However, a fast increase in commitment and loyalty cannot be increased because companies should come up with policies that support their employees and managers.

To bring out the best results in economic and financial areas, many companies are eagerly trying to bring change in their organization by making improved policies. Some are doing it to transform from good to excellent like Mansoor Al A'ali Group of Companies and some organizations are forced to do it due to poor economic conditions and faulty structure which is too weak to compete with other organizations in the market. Companies who bring change to provide a better environment to their employees and for the betterment of the company by slowly stepping towards change are more prone to achievement (Stabrya 2012).

To main their position and rank in the market, companies must be ready for new changes within their system no matter what they call it, change, evaluation, transformation or modification but the goal is to change the organization wholly enough to stand and work in the market having a big name attached to it.

To have the best results, companies should come up with effective and best policies, schemes, and procedures to handle this transformation. There are few reasons which influence a company to bring change: increase or change in customer demand, growing competition in the market, expectations, weak financial performance, merges, globalization, need to increase company’s ingenuity and inventiveness, mergers, changes in the law or strategic alliances.

To bring transformation, a company should make a questionnaire and come with the reasons for change, what the company wants to achieve and what it really needs. After asking questions, the company should look for the resources which would help it achieve the desired change. The three sources which companies need are financial, technological and human resources (Fedor 2015). Coming with reasons and sources of change, the company will be able to figure out the kind of change they need whether it is structural (refers to company management strategy), social (role of behaviors and value systems) or technological (creativity and quality of the product, research and development. By coming up with reasons and answers, a company would wisely decide the type of reform to bring.

The interest of researchers and practitioners to study employee’s reactions towards change is rapidly growing, and most of the researchers have analyzed that the positive psychological experience of the employees can rapidly show successfully transformation in the company.

According to Battistelli et al., (2014) “the concerns about change are highly conducive to affective, normative and continuance commitment to change; as it has significantly interacted with innovative behavior in predicting affective commitment to change, such that employees’ engagement in innovative courses of actions could buffer the negative effects of concerns.”The result clearly shows that reassuring and endorsing innovativeness and change in the workspaces shows good sources for dealing with change-related demands, thereby increasing staff and organizational involvement in the transformation initiatives (A. M. Battistellia 2014).

Shin, (2012) revealed in his study an employee in the organization has to face different stages in his working experience passing throughout the changing in the management and working experience with the help of examining both professional and personal experience. There are some effects of learning about the experience which is derived from the different behavior of the changing environment for both individual and teamwork in the organization. Whenever there is the trend of changing the organizational structure, the employees with high stamina of absorbing the diversification react positively, on the other hand, employees who couldn't understand the diversification and changing things easily, they are most likely to react negatively. These qualities of the employees could take the organization towards the level of the high optimistic level which has a great impact on the performance of the company in any field of business, which could be proved best in the future (Shin 2012).

Phua (2012) indicated in many organizations; there are many cases in which employees have issues regarding work and other people working here. He has stated in his study that it is trending nowadays that employees are most like to remain free at the workplace which is not affordable by the industry. However, employees are mostly given complete relaxation so that extra burden could not influence the performance of the business. To compete for the high rate of competition and advance business methodology, every business required to perform in a way that is linked to a healthy and comfortable workplace. Top-level management should not think about the reward against the performance, but it should also assume that it should be suitable for the performance of the company. Organization given working environment affects the performance of the business (Phua 2012).

Leblebici ( 2012)revealed it is important to understand the signification of the relation between the workplace and the humans working here. Sometimes, changes have positive impacts, and in some cases, it has negative impacts on the performance of the employees. To maintain the balance between the diversification of the workplace environment, the organization focuses on the profit margin and goodwill of the business to change the policies of the organization. For example, the design of Architectural designs influences public behavior which could have a negative impact on performance (Leblebici 2012).

There have been so many organizational change models, and one of them was introduced by Kurt Lewin. There are three stages of this model presented by Lewin (Cummings, Bridgman and Brown 2016). The first stage is called unfreezing, which means that the organization should spread awareness about change that why it is needed and how things will get worst for the organization if the change is not made. This is how employees; the mind will get ready to embrace change. The second stage of this change model is called ‘changing", which means that once people are ready to accept change and they show commitment, then the change process should be implemented. Once the process is implemented, the last stage is called refreezing. At this stage, Lewin believes that change should be reinforced and people should be reminded that they have to keep working to bring a complete change in the workplace environment and overall organization (Cummings, Bridgman and Brown 2016).

John Kotter introduced a change model in the year 1996 after conducting research on around 100 organizations. He presented 8 steps in his model (Appelbaum, et al. 2012).

Employee Commitment during change of Critical Analysis of Workplace Environment, Change Management, And Employees' Commitment–In Profit And Non-Profit Institutions

Many researchers write on the topic of changing the behavior of the organization because there is a trend to change the working culture in the economy to make progress in the field of the relevant business. According to Battistelli et al., (2014) The diversification in the organization is recommended by the management to bring change to the working environment of the workplace which remain the employees to developing the products in more advance methods(A. M. Battistellia 2014).”

Ajala, (2012) presented in his study these outcomes suggest that endorsing and reassuring innovation in the workplace represents a valuable means for coping with intense change-related demands, thereby enhancing individual and organizational involvement in the change initiatives. These consequences recommend that advancement in the products of the business is important for the changing requirements of the public in the market. Employees are engaged in regulating different policies in the workplace with the changing environment with confusion to get fail in their purpose, but they prefer to work in a changing environment.

The results may convert the behavior of employees in negative terms which will have to pay by the business. Whenever there is the trend of changing the organizational structure, the employees with high stamina of absorbing the diversification react positively, on the other hand, employees who couldn't understand the diversification and changing things easily, they are most likely to react negatively.These qualities of the employees could take the organization towards the level of the high optimistic level which has a great impact on the performance of the company in any field of business, which could be proved best in the future. The changes in the business are good; it improves the performance of the business, but in some cases, there may be a negative impact of the change in business which may affect the performance and lead to decreasing the efficiency of the business(Ajala 2012).

Workplace Environment and Employee Performance of Critical Analysis of Workplace Environment, Change Management, And Employees' Commitment–In Profit And Non-Profit Institutions

According to Nanzushi (2015), different resources of the research and studies determine the factors which are comparatively used in the business to perform better in the business. In his studyexamines the limit up to the employees who could bear the flexibility according to their social and basic needs. he also further research about mentality of the employees about the business policies and about the interest of the employees that in which environment they want to work, and after his research, he told that the employees are more capable in working at the place which is according to their nature and in this way they could work wholeheartedly even in low return situation(NANZUSHI 2015).

Ajala, (2012) states researches show that the employees are more committed to their working place, and they are ready to work here without any disturbance. Improved working places contribute to the improvement of the business unit increase the performance which results in high margin profit. It is commonly experienced that as the environment is secure and according to the requirements of the customers, they performed better.

Research by Ajala (2012) explains that the issue about the workplace should be limited such as complaining about the misconduct of the act and only focused on the productivity of the business product. The examines of Pakistan's economy shows that the economy of Pakistan has positive impacts if there is diversification in the management and policies for the betterment of the performance of the company (Ajala 2012).

Organization commitment of Critical Analysis of Workplace Environment, Change Management, And Employees' Commitment–In Profit And Non-Profit Institutions

Fedor (2015)stated commitment to any task is more helpful in improving the efficiency of the work of the employees. Sometimes, changes are made transitional, in which work of different departments is changed with the others so that job movement could be proved better in the field of the same business. Where the employees are more committed to their targets, it means that they are more motivated by the policies of the company which means that there are fewer chances to leave the organization. Moreover, sometimes, the commitment of the employees changes the working attitude of the employees in a way to make different decisions for future policies and projects. The employees are key stakeholders of the company, and their positive behavior could be beneficial for the business to earn a high-profit margin. An employee who is determinant of the goals assigned to him represents positive behavior to the business and shows the attitude which is being expected from him (Fedor 2015).

Employee commitment of Critical Analysis of Workplace Environment, Change Management, And Employees' Commitment–In Profit And Non-Profit Institutions

According to Gul, (2015), commitment is a physiological term that meansa sense of belonging and a sense of ownership in an organization. Commitment is very important in the employees of the organization because without a sense of belonging employees are not able to work toward the strategic goal of the organization. Organizational commitment means the goal of the organization is equally important for the employee as it is for the organization. The employees who have the commitment toward the organization can try to perform their work more than the expectations of the management of the organization.

The employees with high organizational commitment can play an important role to get a competitive advantage for the organization. The process of change in the management of the organization and attitude of the employee after management change can assess employee job motivation in the organization. The physical work environment includes internal and external factor line comfort zone decoration, temperature, sitting arrangement, noise, and lighting arrangement. These features also improve the employee's experience and performance in the organization(Gul 2015).

References of Critical Analysis of Workplace Environment

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