List of Sources (Harvard Anglia Ruskin):
Abrams, S. (2009). A gaming frame of mind: digital contexts
and academic implications. Educational Media International, 46(4),
Griffiths, M. (2002). The educational benefits of video
games. Education and Health, 20(3), pp.47-51.
Sabella, A. (2010). Negative potential of video games.
Florida Gulf Coast University.
Abrams, 2009:
Abrams, Ph.D., is an Associate Professor of Adolescent Education in the
Department of Curriculum and Instruction in the School of Education at St. John’s University in New York. Her research on video gaming
focuses on adolescents' identities and practices developed, maintained, and
modified. The source is an academic journal which is published in Educational
Media Journal, which is a scholarly journal that publishes research,
experimental and developmental studies.
Summary of educational videogames be used
in high schools to motivate students
Sandra S. Abrams (2009)
conducted an experiment, called ‘A
gaming frame of mind: digital contexts and academic implications,’ which involved
three students who underperformed academically and found it difficult to
concentrate and be involved in a traditional learning environment. The study
revealed that when students are subjected to video games related to their history
lesson, they manage to understand concepts and theories by playing the video
game. Their gaming experience improved their understanding of the Second World
War drastically by providing them with more distinct details of the battles.
Theses of educational
videogames be used in high schools to motivate students
The results of this study
show how game-based learning can provide an interactive simulation that makes
the syllabus practical and important to them, specifically for those who
generally find it challenging to involve themselves in traditional settings.
Evaluations of educational
videogames be used in high schools to motivate students
Abrams, from the perspective
of a professor in adolescent education, views videogames as a platform for
students to understand concepts through practical learning, such as a
simulation. By actively experiencing the environment which they are learning
about, students are able to grasp concepts better. Abrams proves this theory
through the experiment which she conducted, providing sound evidence. This
experiment is current because with the evolution of modern technology, it is
vital to test theories with use of this technology in order to investigate
whether educational videogames are a future possibility.
Links of educational videogames be
used in high schools to motivate students
This source extends
Griffiths, 2002 by proving the educational benefits of videogames, which
Griffiths lists. This source also agrees with Loo, 2014 which describes the
academic benefits of educational videogames. The source contradicts Sabella,
2010 as it focuses on the positive qualities of videogames for education and
does not consider the negatives.
Reflection of educational
videogames be used in high schools to motivate students
This source assists me in
understanding my research topic, as it provides evidence that education
videogames are a form of practical learning that have the ability to assist
students. This will be used in my literature review in order to provide evidence
for videogames being beneficial to students. From the perspective of a
professor Abrams in adolescent education views videogames are taken as a
platform for students to understand concepts through practical learning, such
as a simulation by actively experiencing the environment which they are
learning about, students are able to grasp concepts better. Abrams proves this
theory through the experiment which she conducted, providing sound evidence.
The evolution of modern technology is vital to test theories with use of this
technology in order to investigate whether educational videogames are a future