Figure 1: Conceptual Framework. Source: Adapted from Bitner’s (1992)
Framework for Understanding Environment-user Relationships in Service
hypotheses of the relationship between restaurant
services cape with customer satisfaction and behaviour
Figure 1: Conceptual Framework. Source: Adapted
from Bitner’s (1992) Framework for Understanding Environment-user Relationships
in Service Organizations
Independent variable: ambient
conditions, space/function, and signs, symbols and artefacts
variable: customer satisfaction and positive customer behaviour
hypotheses of the relationship between restaurant
services cape with customer satisfaction and behaviour
the framework, four hypotheses were formulated
l H1:
There is a positive relationship between ambient conditions and customer
l H2:
There is a positive relationship between space/function and customer satisfaction
l H3:
There is a positive relationship between signs, symbols/artefacts and customer
H4: There is a positive
relationship between customer satisfaction and positive customer behavior.
Research approach of the relationship between restaurant services
cape with customer satisfaction and behaviour
this research work, deductive approach is used to measure relationship between
servicesescape and customer satisfaction in Ahimsa vegetarian buffet
restaurant. The deductive research approach is best-fitted approach in this
study because this study starts from the theory and then develops the
hypothesis from this theory in order to measure relationship between servicesescape
and customer satisfaction in Ahimsa vegetarian buffet restaurant. The deductive
research approach leads towards the analysing and collecting the data for
testing hypothesis. The hypothesis that is aligned with the theory of the study
is developed to ensure measurement of relationship drawn by the independent
research variables on the other selected variable of dependency
characteristics. (Wilson, 2010).
philosophy of the relationship between restaurant
services cape with customer satisfaction and behaviour
positivism paradigm is used in order to conduct the research study because this
study depends upon the experience as a reliable and fully valid source for
information and knowledge. This is conducted by using the accurate and actual
data along with the views and idea of the respondents who are experiencing the
internal control and problems related to the relationship of the servicescape
and customer satisfaction. Moreover, this study is positivism in its philosophy
nature because it assumes all kinds of procedures that we can consider as
differences of styles and action plans by the individual respondents or certain
kind of relations among selected individual participants. This study deals with
quantifiable materials in order to analysing the responses of individual for
measuring to measure relationship between services escape and customer
satisfaction in Ahimsa vegetarian buffet restaurant (Pham, 2018).
Source of data
collection of the relationship between restaurant
services cape with customer satisfaction and behaviour
this particular study, from the primary and secondary sources the information
is gathered. The secondary source of the data collection referred towards the
perspectives of Participants according to their motivation factor in a variety
of dining at the restaurant, opinions of various experts in the academic
literature as well as articles about the proposed in the motivation of the
participants, and similar information from other databases will be consist of
this study. It can be said that a specific study will collect information to
help ensure the proper answer research questions, thus further ensuring
research goals. It includes the collection of the data from the pre-existing
sources meanwhile in the primary source of the data collection two types of the
research methods are includes as Qualitative and quantitative. The quantitative
research methods required the questionnaire to gather the data from the respondents.
Research methods of
the relationship between restaurant services cape with customer satisfaction
and behaviour
type of the research methods are used in this study. It includes Qualitative
and quantitative research methods. The qualitative research methods explores
about the ideas related to the theories. The qualitative research methods
includes as the content analysis, in-depth interview,
ethnographic research focus groups, case study research and
content analysis. The results that are generated by using this method are
descriptive in its nature and it easily drawn from the given data. The quantitative research methods are
emphasized the numerical, mathematical and statistical analysis data which is
collected by using the surveys, polls and questionnaires. Under the research
methods data can be analysed by manipulating currently available statistical
results and research data by the use of various other concepts and theories of
managerial system.
Sampling and
population of the relationship between restaurant
services cape with customer satisfaction and behaviour
simple random sampling technique was employ for gathering data from the
respondents. The respondents were the customers of the Ahimsa vegetarian buffet
restaurant from the surrounding of the restaurants. The sample was 120
respondents who have visited the restaurants in various time spans. It is worth
noting that 120 respondents were select at random from the event location
Ahimsa vegetarian buffet restaurant. The questionnaire was distributes to the
restaurants by personal meetings and it was filling according to the
conveniences of the customer. All kinds of the ethical value were considers as
the prior during the filling of the questionnaire. In order to collect the data
from the respondents approval form is taken from the university. The
questionnaire was fill from the respondents by taking the appointment from the
mangers of the restaurants. The confidentiality statements were design on the
top of the questionnaire in order to ensure the customers from their confidentiality
instruments of the relationship between restaurant
services cape with customer satisfaction and behaviour
this specific study, the material from the primary and secondary sources
collected. In the original data, so as to meet the needs of this study will be
gathered in Ahimsa vegetarian buffet restaurant through a questionnaire. The
self-administrated questionnaire was use as instruments for collecting the data
from the respondents. The preparation of
quantitative surveys usually involves a semi-structured interview phase, which
is designed to promote and enhance the design of the questionnaire. These
interviews provide a way to explore research topics more broadly, taking into account
the representation, attitudes and practices of respondents. For example, 5
point Likert scale. In addition, with the help of questionnaires, obtaining
precise and accurate data related to the research objectives identified will be
more convenient, which will further have accompanied by a more trustworthy and
practical overall results. Nevertheless, so as to prevent the probability of
obtaining all irrelevant data, the questionnaire will be tested before
performance. The questionnaire was consist on the three major parts the first
parts is explains the information and questions about the independent variable
and these are designed by considering the five point scales from Very
good:5,Good:4,Average:3,Poor:2, to Very poor:1
Limitations of the
Study of the relationship between restaurant services cape with customer
satisfaction and behaviour
the context of view, this particular study only considered eligible to collect
information about journals, books and articles, in order to meet the study
purpose of this research. This will not only improve the quality and results of
the survey, but also to guarantee maximum relationship of the material
collected, in order to defend the problem.
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