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Concentration to Any/All of The Social, Economic and Environmental Sustainability Issues as Identified by The Global Community

Category: Business & Management Paper Type: Report Writing Reference: APA Words: 2000

Sustainability can be defined as meeting various needs for present generation without compromising future generation’s ability for meeting their basic needs. While describing the sustainability there is need to concern about three main criteria which are interconnected with the sphere of sustainability and describe these relationships in terms of social, economic and environmental aspects which are related to world level. These spheres when related to set and get into solid form they definitely form a big chain which involves taking better decisions and actions to be made in united ways. Many examples can be obtained by making a firm and solid accountability regarding to economic, environmental and social background and these decisions are mainly making plans, management of various activities and building of different designs (Hiwaki, 2016).

It may also include construction and law making firms. And when theses concept are undertaken in these spheres of sustainability they can be applied for real world to occur in systematic ways. It is important to know that natural resources are preserved in great ways and by making many careful measures so environment is protected. Here point to be noted that economy is not harmed in such aspects and quality of life has been improved and maintained in specific ways (Mohan & Morel, 2014). It has been looked out for many developed countries. These aspects are mainly related and shoe better improvements within such sphere. Sustainability of social and economic aspects are based upon

Ø  Smart growth and planning for long range.

Ø  Cost savings and cost of living

Ø  Their sustainability also depend upon environmental laws and public involvement which is mainly related to publishing and reporting

 Three Spheres of Sustainability

Basically what this is saying is that nearly everything we do or plan to do, has an effect on the sustainability of the human race.

1.      Sustainability of environment

In sustainable environment, population in an ecosystem is maintained. It exhibit biodiversity which perform various functions in equilibrium state and natural system seek to encourage the most optimistic thoughts and decisions are made in such impacts of environment.  It exhibit several items which are responsible for sustainability.

2.      Economic sustainability

Sustainability at economic level is related to create economical values and various decision which are undertaken in most equitable and fiscally manner. As for many people in the business growth or sustainability at economic level is the focal growth. On large scale the sustainability is created by large projects and manage at economic level (Bernardo De Gennaro, 2014). It also relate to energy efficiency of subsides and breaks of tax carbon credits. Sustainability at environmental level depends upon

Ø  Management of resources at environmental level

Ø  Protection of environment

Ø  Preservation and restoration of habits

Sustainability also include:

§  Quality of life

§  Importance of education 

§  Development of community

§  Equal opportunity and fair taxation related to business ethics trade

§  Various right for workers and government spending

§  Following of laws and ethics

3.      Social sustainably at global level:

Social sustainability give the concept about those decisions or projects which promotes betterment of society as a result future generation will come out with better perspective results. This concept also give broader detail about the

§  human rights

§  laws for sustainability for environment

§  involvement of public

§  participation at broader level

At global level, sustainability is very important as it gives much detail about the various processes and laws. Many acts are passed for social sustainability such as Clean Water Act in 1972 and Safe Drinking Water in 1974 (T. Laine Scales, 2013).

It is clear from the graphical diagram that most of the important environmental and health laws were passed in late 1960. And it is important to know that main concern in lives of all states in well-organized manner depend upon quality of life. It relates to economy and environment. In response to poor economy impacts on quality of life is poor. Therefore for proper and equilibrium economy there is need of improvement of economy with better plans and policies (Quigley, 2007).


Major Goals of Sustainability

It has been predicted that either it is security of food, hunger and promoting the sustainable agriculture end up the hunger. People actually suffer due to lack of nutrition. Hunger is a big reason for chaos one in the seven persons suffers from hunger. Moreover, it has been estimated there are 795 million people who are suffering from various diseases and they lack healthy food. Most of the people suffering from hunger belong to under develop countries and develop countries also takes part whereas 12.9 percent of population is considered to be undernourished. Also many Asian in the continent are found to hungriest people in two third of the total.  And so percentage of Southern Asia has fallen in the current years. But on other side in Western sides it has been increased and seems more in percentage in Saharan Africa which is facing hunger. It has been estimated that one person out of four is not nourishes because of many critical factors and lack of sustainable developments. Other factors are also involved and poor nutrition have caused nearly half of the children caused to death. This is very much tragically situation in there sites. Further details showed that 3.1 million children face chronically disease which lead to death every year. According to UNSO data it has been calculated that one out of six children and roughly 100 million in the developing countries are assumed to be underweight. Major factors are mainly included which are lack of food and desirable products. Fluctuation of economy also plays important part. Furthermore, one out of four children have stunted growth. But if women should give more access as compared to men than major factor for hunger are expected to be reduced dramatically as they play much important role side by side. Major reduction of hunger is estimated to be 150 million. Leading towards the School such as primary school 66 million of this school exhibit the children who are suffering from malnutrition in developing countries. Africa is the most susceptible in entire factors (White, 2012).

Focus can be concentrated on foreign policy -or- domestic policy proposals. 

Foreign Policy Sustainability

1.      As we know that countries have to interact with each other, Countries have different type of relations, like allies, trade partners, strategic stake holders, etc. and one can say that foreign policy depends on domestic policies, influenced by geopolitical designs and World’s trade. Foreign policy is led by diplomacy. Countries play their roles as a counterpart when it comes to their personal interests, diplomacy plays its role there either ways for war or for peace.

2.      Interaction between countries and Nations lead by foreign policy. Foreign policy include decisions that can affect the other countries. Public shows their real interest in foreign policies of their countries as it tells us it effects general public. It’s a pathway that decides the fate of the Head of state, because his/her foreign policy shows that how much he/ she is loyal to his/her

3.       Country’s domestic and foreign agendas in this global village.  It involves an elaborate series of steps and levels where domestic politics plays an important role. The head of government may have many motivating factors can be identified to explain the rationale behind decisions taken. Some factors of influence include the leader’s own personality and skills, domestic politics. Other factors include  degree of rationality and international and domestic interest groups. The leader have to play a game of two different levels domestic level and international level And the impact of International organizations is quite different than domestic ones.

In the whole world nowadays either it is political systems or implementation of various policies governed by the government degree of acceptance still required by decision taken by political system. Because main reason are seen in foreign democratic system which are more likely to be unsuccessful because they lack many consensus. Regardless, such factors political systems interfere with other decision of foreign policies. The head of the state has to come up with international and domestic imperatives and the head of the state has to maintain a nice face locally and internationally.

The U.S. strategy in World War II was pretty successful according to thoughts of many people but the head of government instead of solely basing it on military advice at that time considered the issue which is mainly domestic politics thus many other factors were also included in such aspects. Foreign policies and interfere with other factors were cooperated and main issues were emerged because of many reasons. Actually the United States strategy in World War II was greatly influenced by the need of president in order to maintain popular support at home and other reasons were also exhibited side by side in special ways and critical factors were involved (Quigley, 2007).


The article is about the sustainability. Some courses are offered on the website related to the sustainability more than twenty subjects in the specific area such as sustainable economy, sustainable society, sustainable environment as well as the global citizenship. The courses which are designed for the students by SAGE as well as made them available for the students are mentioned in here which are finance, Environmental science, microbiology, mortgage banking, philosophy, history, humanities, logistics, geology environmental science, mathematics, sociology as well as the speech communication.

            The website is for those who wants to be a SAGE scholar. The people can become the volunteer. For this purpose, some requirement are required. Students must have to complete all of the learning services for the hours of volunteering completion as well as should get the verification by SAGE scholar (Bernardo De Gennaro, 2014).

            Several courses of SAGE as well as the instructors of the related subject have the assignments that developing the campus by allowing all students to take a part in building of campus and in the greening a more sustainable community. The college of North lake has many classrooms at outdoor which provide help for learning as well as building the sustainable environment. The living learning garden, community garden as well as the butterfly garden are also included by the central campus of the North lake college. Furthermore, the outdoor waking creek and trail are also included by the South Campus of North Lake College.

            For making or taking part in the formation of sustainable environment, the jobs for sustainability are also offered. The jobs for this purpose are named as the green jobs for almost every career such as business, engineering, healthcare, information technology, recycling, science transportation, retail sales, the business education, hospitality, water resources as well as the economics and international relations (Mohan & Morel, 2014).

References of Sustainability

Bernardo De Gennaro, G. N. (2014). Sustainability of the Agri-food System: Strategies and Performances: Proceedings of the 50th SIDEA Conference. Lecce, Chiostro dei Domenicani, 26-28 September 2013. Universitas Studiorum.

Hiwaki, K. (2016). Culture and Economics in the Global Community: A Framework for Socioeconomic Development. CRC Press.

Mohan, M., & Morel, C. (2014). Business and Human Rights in Southeast Asia: Risk and the Regulatory Turn. Routledge.

Quigley, M. (2007). Encyclopedia of Information Ethics and Security. Idea Group Inc (IGI).

T. Laine Scales, C. L. (2013). Rural Social Work: Building and Sustaining Community Capacity. John Wiley & Sons.

White, J. C. (2012). Global Climate Change: The Economic Costs of Mitigation and Adaptation. Springer Science & Business Media.



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