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Research Methodology and Its Connection to The Real World

Category: Arts & Education Paper Type: Assignment Writing Reference: APA Words: 1200

It is really an amazing topic for research, and one goes deep down into that very world of building relations and developing interpersonal skills for its relationships.  Nothing is like a relationship building as men are meant for each other. We are all super connected to each other.

A building cannot be constructed without the prior use of bricks to it. The same is the case with the social animal, man, as he is also nothing without the role of other men in his life. Life is like a cycle or echo system. This echo system cannot go without the very participation of the collective approach of all humans to it.

In our research methodology, we tried to study the interpersonal relations mechanism through proper study and case study even.

We started exploring several layers of potential human relations in all of the segments of life. The foundation unit of every single human is its own home, where the relations are so important to act positively with each other.

The positive interaction between children and parents is much more needed in a family structure. The family structure must be strengthened in all means for the strong binding of this very bond. This bond would strengthen the atmosphere of the entire family.

The family structure’s strength was studied time and again. In conclusion, we observed that in this manner, we could purpose the rest of the world to further strengthen the family bonding to its full.

This is the first foundation stone for a unit of a whole society. Our societal behaviors are set through this very foundation. A good, obedient child of parents would certainly become a progressive and positive-minded citizen of a country or state.

The ill-behavior child who stood dis-obedient and rebel to his parents would never become a fine and fruitful asset to a civilized society. So, our I.R study is all set to deliver for the practical implementation in society.

Use of Motivational Speaker to Address our Behavioral Issues:

Unfortunately, in most of internationally recognized institutions, there has been observed no proper mechanism to arrange for the studies of Ethical Codes to our young ones. The young boys and girls have a lot of potentialities and capabilities in them. Besides, they all have a lot of violence and negative tendencies in them, which need to be defused at a very early stage. If the young ones would not be guided in the right direction to choose. They simply can go and choose the path of violence and destruction.

Safeguarding and protecting youth from the very path of violence and destruction is the prime responsibility of Educational and Training Institutes. Unfortunately , this very responsibility of a responsible state actor has not been delivered back to the society.

In such situations, we badly require the emergence of a new system to our society to safeguard the future of our potential youth population. Such a huge population of youngsters under the age of just 30 needs our attention at its earliest.

Motivational speakers and ethical guidelines can play their vital role in order to regulate and regularize the tendency of fluctuation issues arising in our youth on a rapid basis.

The youth can not go unattended or unaddressed. They deadly require guidelines, whom   they really lack in their lives. These guides can lead them in the right direction, regularize them all and show them the real enlightenment.

The youth cannot get enlightened by himself. He must be guided and enlightened by his seniors and masters, indeed.

More Interaction of Parents For More Positive Results:

Nothing can be an alternative to parental attention in this world. A teacher, guide,motivational speaker or trainer cannot even fill the very space of parents at all. The parents can play their vital role in the mental growth and nourishment of their children. This is also the very responsibility of parents to pamper up their children , check and observe the very tendency of their children.

Their children can be better polished by their own parents. Parents can invoke confidence in them   with all means.

Intra Departmental Dialogue Among Different Segments of The Society :

Intra Departmental dialogue is the need of the hour. Most of the departments of a state or society are not practically negotiating with each other. People are hesitant to talk to some other persons of a different trade. This hesitation and reluctance become a big obstacle in the very path towards success and the best possible solutions to redeem the society from all of its evils indeed.all of the departments functional inside the state need to talk to one another for the smooth sailing of their affairs. This stagnancy of society must  be broken off that a Professor of Humanities cannot communicate with a Medical Doctor or with an  Engineer to add on his experiences for his smooth sailing of affairs in future days as well.

A policeman may scarcely have interviewed a Professor or a Beautician. The laborer or technician should be interviewed by some laureate of the town to develop an understanding of the very life of a laborer who is the toughest worker of his society.

A laborer has a lot more to talk about to let us learn the harsh and difficult, cruel side of life. Life is a very unpredictable place. In this unpredictable world, we all need to know the prime responsibilities and difficulties, challenges, hardships of one another.

When all of the segments of society would keep on meeting one another, they would be in a better position to develop a prior understanding of one another. Intra dependence of society on one another is a healthy sign for the future of our generations. All of the stigmas and taboos must get removed from all societies rapidly as we are living in a communication era.

The communication era requires the maximum number of interpersonal communication on all levels.

Intra States Dialogue for a Better Known World:

The world of today is called the world of communications in all means. In this world of communications, the far countries cannot even live their part in isolation anymore. Isolation is a gone by phenomena of olden days now. In the present day era, all of the nationals of this very global world are almost connected to each other through electronic and social media’s access.

But now the time has come to physically bring these different nationals to some One Unit Platform to bring up and introduce the potentialities and capabilities of one another to all and sundry. This would bring more and more opportunities for young participants to access people of different nationalities easily .

This easy access would enable them to explore the new manners of interpersonal skills further. More and more manners can be adopted by these young chaps  through this very exposure. International exposures are much more important to develop interpersonal relations indeed.

1.Why Interpersonal Relations Matter For Economics ,book, B Gui ,R Sugden,2005

2. Networks in marketing , D Lacobucci ,1996 ,books

3. The impact of Formal and Informal Rules,CJ Milhaupt ,2004

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