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Privacy Issues Arising from E-Mail Tracking

Category: Computer Sciences Paper Type: Assignment Writing Reference: APA Words: 1550

Privacy Issues Arising from E-Mail Tracking

E-mailing is a recent most phenomenon being used all across the world especially since the beginning of the present 21st century. It means it is a phenomenon of not more than two decades of its history globally. When a phenomenon prevails in the world in recent times. There come to a lot of issues along with it. These issues do come in every single phenomena of the world.

Most of the consumers or users of the E-mailing system are of different categories all around the world. They do not belong to a certain class or group of people who may have some similar issues that can be solved or resolved in a single go or with the same practice or solution measure so far.

Whereas when the multiple people of multiple groups of people using these services. their issues would also be of multiple   kinds and types by the end of the day. these issues would also be addressed from time to time basis.

A single authority or institution would not be in a position to handle or resolve all of these matters and issues in one go. That is why the world over the brain-storming is being done to resolve issues pertaining to the E-Mail Tracking System.

E-Mailing is being done among the traders, and the traders have got relating trade issues to secure their information data from their professional rivals even. The professional rivals of every single trade are involved in falsified activities. They now days hiring professional hackers to steal a precious and confidential database of their rival companies. That is why, there is a layer of un-rest among the traders and professional users of E-Mailing system in order to make their E-mailing system secure enough in future days for their comfort going in their workplaces.

E-Mailing and The Security Agencies World Wide:

Emailing is a global phenomenon nowadays. The security agencies of worldwide fame are also transferring their super secretive database to their officials for a smooth running of their affairs. They are totally dependent upon the emailing system in this regard. Their internal and external mechanism also depends upon the emailing system so far.

Emailing is considered a correspondence that ensures for all of these secretive agencies even. The security and secretive agencies are having documents and correspondence of great national interest with them. These secrets are the safety lines or the life-lines of a country’s national interest.

The country and its state agencies are not at all in a condition to surrender their rights and obligations in any of the situations. That is why we all need to ponder over the solution or to put up a proper safeguarding solution to resolve the issues of privacy breach nature.

In this regard, the emailing upgrading teams are working-level high to regain their lost position of trust and confidence by the customers in their emailing system so far.

E-Mailing and The Educational Institutes Worldwide:

The emailing phenomena are broadened and widened all through the globe. The global requirements are also growing on a day to day basis. Even, the Educational institutes of an international repute are also now using emailing correspondence mechanism for their massive affairs.

They always require to send up the data of their students to the enrolling and examination agencies dealing in the external mechanism of holding exams for certain Educational Institutes so far.

In this regard, they are always in need of sustaining their mechanism of emailing and then saving up their whole data of several years online.

In such situations, their data always require to be well safeguarded and protected in all means. So that the data must be confidentially transferred among internal and external teams with feel free minds.

Emailing checking authorities are upgrading and securing the data of its customers by all the time. They are in a continuous process of upgrading and safeguarding the emailing system.

This would one day be in a position to ensure its customer's satisfaction level by its smart deeds and protected mechanism.

Such a mechanism is always upgraded on a gradual basis but in a very smarter and brighter   manner.

Policing Agencies, Anti-Criminal Agencies, and Emailing System:

Policing agencies all around the world are now almost shifted to online mechanism these days. Online correspondence and the emailing system are being run even in developing countries like the South-Asian Region.

Policing agencies are trying to counter the criminals and culprits in an online manner. The online data entry of these criminals and culprits is of more significance for policing agencies so far. This way, they do correspond with their colleagues and counterparts to make their criminal investigation and interrogation matter go smoothly.

Policing agencies are now complaining of their confidential data breaches all across the world. These breaches can never go unmentioned by the valuable users of the emailing system.

The breach is never considered as taken for granted. Even the professional hackers are working on the very disposal of criminals and culprits even who are after a permanent follow up of policing agencies emailing correspondence.

Diplomatic Venues, Offices, and Embassy Level Correspondences:

Diplomatic agencies, venues, offices, and Embassy Institutes are working really hard to work out in the rest of the countries to safeguard the interests of their own countries. In their race to uplift their level, they also are forced to stay in permanent contact with their countries of origin.

Sometimes, the heads sitting back in the country of origin do send very confidential information for their diplomats and Ambassadors so far. This extra –natured correspondence needs to be safeguarded and protected to its full to ensure the quality and preserve.

That is why they are also worried and superconscious on their part in emailing their matter and confidential stuff to their high-ups.

Such documents need to be well-protected by all the time. In this regard, the emailing safeguarding agencies are on their continuous move forward to upgrade their security system, which will one day secure its customers by all the time.

Love-Partners Correspondence through emailing System:

Love partners also do believe and trust the emailing system for their secure chat and correspondence so far. This correspondence remains secure most of the time. But still, there remains a flaw factor there in the emailing system so far. It needs to be addressed and readdressed in order to ensure the proper security system well-managed by the emailing security authorities the forces which are working on by day and night to achieve the highest possible level of a security system for its prestigious mechanism.

No agency or authority would ever like to get it de-famed among its own clientage so far. Satisfying the existing traffic of clients is the foremost task available with the securing agencies of the email system even.

Like any other Department and Group of people, the love-birds or partners of serious affairs are never ever of the view to breaching out their internal security system by the other forces so far.

No group of people ever wants breach of its valuable data and correspondence by the end of the day.

They are always looking after for a redeemer or rescuer who can rescue and ensure them with anti-breach authority factor for their all confidential affairs.

By the day and night, hard work of all of these agencies, the much longed-for the dream of achieving foolproof security for the emailing system, would be attained very shortly indeed to earn and regain the very name of the secured emailing system.

Because building goodwill and fame, reputation is the very dream of emailing agencies as well.

Parks and Recreational Authorities Ticketing Correspondence and its Security:

The parks and recreational places are ticketed in most of the countries these days as global phenomena. All of such authorities have done their system ticketed by all means.  To maintain their ticketing data updated, they are in practice to maintain their records online by all the time. In their process of keeping their data online, and well-saved by all the time, they are in a regular practice of sending their data to their high-ups for further scrutiny. This practice also keeps their practice alive and well-secured by all means.

Here also, the problem does occur the time when they are threatened by the professional hackers of their data leakage or the breach, which can harm the prestige of their internal affairs. This sort of insecurity factors is going to be addressed and readdressed by the emailing securing agencies in the very near future. There is no need to worry anymore as the emailing network is going to overhaul its system to its full to ensure the highest possible security check indeed.

Vehicles Parking Authorities and Emailing Related Issues:

In the world of modern times, emailing is an important and significant factor for all of the persons so far. Especially, the professional institutes are running all of their affairs through this very medium. Vehicles parking are being controlled by this very mechanism these days. As their on line data is secured through emailing and they need their security which is being resolved these days.

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