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Executive summary of the role of supply chain and its management

Category: Supply Chain Management Paper Type: Assignment Writing Reference: APA Words: 2600

In the field of business, the role of supply chain and its management is very much essential and no any organization can move its operations without the implementation of supply chain within the organization. Supply chain management and its effects are long lasting for the operations of the organization and it also help to maintain functions and transaction in proper way and on track. In the supply chain management the purchasing process is very important and basic purpose of the business explain with its purchasing pattern. Every organization have different way of purchasing by utilizing its strategic techniques, and also adopt effective purchasing policy that explain the objective of the business.

Different organizations have different policies related to their transactions and supply chain management because the functions of every organization are different from each other and its supply chain management procedure also different according to the requirement of product and its customers. So in every business or organization supply chain showing a major role in its development. Supply chain also provides many competitive advantages to its used because it makes the product more prominent and also convenience for the users to easy access. The supply chain management has show major impact or organization, customers and competitors in different ways and it’s also effect the economic condition of the country so its depend on the organization

 that how effectively they are going to utilize the supply chain management and how they get more and more benefit for enhancing their sale and purchase in the market and also consider that how they provide the competitive advantages to the organization because many competitors are using the same management techniques so it depend on the management of the organization that how to utilize the strategies to obtain maximum benefit and make the supply chain management more effective

Table of content:

Executive summary……………………………………………………………………………….2

Overview of concept………………………………………………………………………………3

Impact on managers, customers and competitors…………………………………………………6

Implications for executives in the future………………………………………………………….8



Over view of the concept of the role of supply chain and its management

The current issues are related with the condition of market at global level and condition of organization according to their supply chain policy and management. As we know that Supply chain management is the process of deliver the goods or product from raw material to final product and then deliver to end user. So its supply chain management explains the complete path of delivery the product from its start to end and also enhance the quality of product according to requirement or demands of the customers. The supply chain management helps to make the operations of organization more active and smooth and also help to manage its all transactions in proper format. (Page, 2019)

The supply chain management is not a simple term, it includes many different aspect of the organization that make all the function effective and easy to understand and also elaborate all the transactions in clear terms. Now competitive environment is going to increase within the market where everyone willing to come at first and beat the other. This though makes the purchases very essential for the organization and they want to adopt such policies or procedures that make their purchase more effective. In purchasing the introduction of innovation make the purchasing more convenient and visible.

Purchasing and supply chain management has strong relationship and it also help to motivate the reputation of the organization and show great impact on the economy. Company is going to be more successful when it going to achieve all the benefits related to purchasing and supply chain management. With them. It is very important to discuss the process of purchasing because it explains the objective of the purchasing and also focus on the business goals and objectives.

Then organization determines the strategic supply management role and responsibilities. Policies are major part of the organization and its development because policies make the setup of the organization in legal term and everyone has to follow these policies. So the purchasing policy helps to explain all the aspect of the organization and also their impact on the performance of the organization. For obtaining the competitive advantages, it is very important to integrate the supply chain management with the functions of organization to explain all the functions and operations more effectively and also help the structure of the organization to establish in proper manner. (Maidenberg, 2019)

Different type of supply chain management strategies also implement in the organization according to their requirements and operations. Purchases is occur between seller and buyer so both have to understand that complete process and also explain the terms and conditions that they have to settle with the organization according to their responsibilities. Effective suppliers are also very important because it help to make the production of high quality and also develop a greater standard of products among many competitors.

            Quality of supplier is essential according to quality management perspective because the supplier have to deliver the product of high quality that reach the product at high level and also help to explain all the terms and conditions related to product. Organization is going to used the six sigma approaches to ensure the high quality of the product and also establish the standard of quality at high level. Different approaches are utilizing for better development and maintenance of the operations of the organization and provide better results for the future. Supply chain management is going to be an effective tool in every type of organization because it helps to run the operation and also maintain the purchase and sale of organization’s process more effective and smooth and generate effective results for future. The role of supply chain management makes the strategies of the organization more effective and efficient. (Page, Today’s Logistics Report: Amazon’s Shipping Costs Soar; Supply Chain Tapestry; Trade’s Tight Window, 2019)

Impact on managers, customers and competitors of the role of supply chain and its management

Supply chain management is the main part of every organization and also become the cause of success and satisfaction of customers. The supply chain management has major impact on the management of the organization because it provide them many type of benefits and also give then long term benefits to enhance the production level of organization and also improve the performance in right direction. It helps to improve the financial position of the organization as it enhance the profit leverage of the organization by reducing the cost of supply chain and enhance the quality of product to attract more customers.

It help in decrease the fixed assets as it decrease the usage of major assets in the process of supply chain by effective strategy and use the additional fixed asset at minimum level to save the cost of organization. It increase the cash flow because it make more smooth the path through which the product reached to user and due to quick delivery of the product the cash come in the organization in quick way. It also help the management o minimize the operation of costs of the organization as it reduce the purchasing cost by less holding the product and deliver the product in less time. Production cost is also minimizing as the shortage of material occur less and the production spend less cost in the development and manufacturing of the products. (Chaney, 2019)

Supply chain management help to provide maximum satisfaction to customers in many ways. Because it make the delivery of the product more smooth and effective and also utilize less time so the customer are very much satisfied due to effective supply chain management of the organization. Due to effective supply chain the customers expect that accurate product and accurate quantity deliver to them from the organization. At right location the product must be available. In other words, delivery must be occur at right time so that they can obtain their product at their accurate place. Customer also wants to avail after sale services that make the relationship more strong and reliable with the organization. Because they know that the organization always ready to provide their services according to their requirement.

Supply chain management also improve the living standards as infrastructure help to exchange the goods between business and customers at low provides and in quick way. So supply chain management help to improve the life of customers by provide them the product that is according to their demand and also provide that product in the right place, at right time according to their manageable prices. So it help to develop strong and healthy relationship between customers and organization. (Kimmelshue, 2019)

Organization need better response of all customers when they want to obtain competitive advantages. Only those organizations can obtain the competitive advantages who give response to the needs and requirements of the customers and develop a strong relationship with its all customers. Supply chain is the responsive related to customers as it is become the source of competitive advantages for the organization. The performance of the firm must be different from others and it has ability to manage all the issues of customers and make the delivery of the products more effective and smooth.

At international level, many organizations follow the supply chain management strategies to run its all operations and also build a strong relationship with the economy of the country to establish its all transactions with the supply chain management. Supply chain management show major impact on the management of the organization, customer’s relationship and also its competitors to run it’s all operations effectively and manage all the issues and deliver its product and develop a strong reputation in the market at international level.

Implications for executives in the future of the role of supply chain and its management

The role of supply chain management is essential for every type of organization and no any organization can make its all operations smooth and active without the effective strategies of the supply chain management. In the upcoming years, the organization more rely on the supply chain management and according to these strategies the product directly delivers to the customers in most effective manner. Supply chain management gives more attention on the operations of organization and then establishes the complete setup for the product from its manufacturing till its supply to customers. (Alexandra Berzon, 2019)

The supply chain management and its effective benefit reach the organization level at high point because it provide the infrastructure of the organization a new and trendy way to establish their operations and also manage all the transactions according to customers need and requirement. Some trend belongs to future and supply chains are given as in mainstream supply chain activities, the artificial intelligence will be embedded. In a close loop feedback process the leaders will leverage social media. The technology move at top position that support the usage of supply chain management. For successful results, the micro segmentation must be implemented in the organization.

It determines the nature and number of supply chain with the product clock speeds. With similar to CPAs the supply chain management will have standard certification process. To serve the base of the pyramid, the supply chain must be designed. To fully report corporate externalities the companies must be prepared. As compare to product chain the service chain is going to be more important for the organizations.

Supply chain management make the supply of product within and outside the organization more effective and smooth and also handle all the related issues and problems that create hurdles in the delivery of the product to customers. Supply chain management strategies implement in all level of production and also help to manage the manufacturing process more active and efficient because organization are now depend on the demand and requirements of the customers and try to produce the products according to their need and requirement so they are willing to purchase the product from that organization.

The supply chain management want to provide accurate product according to customer’s need so the customer show its complete trust and a long term and good relationship is going to develop with the organization and the customer obtain its required product according to supply chain management.

            Supply chain management help the organization to maintain and run its all operations in effective manner and also establish a strong relationship with the economy that provide benefit and become beneficial for the organization in long terms. The purchasing process and its supplier role and responsibilities are very much important for provide better results in the production department and also deliver the product according to customers demand and its need.

Because supply chain management and its effective strategies help the organization to establish a cooperative environment   that work for the benefits of all the people who are attach with them and also maintain a supportive atmosphere that support the customers and competitors according to its functions and making better its performance.

Conclusion of the role of supply chain and its management

Summing up all the points we can say that there are many different and serious issues have been recognized in the society around us and those issues needs to be taken care efficiently and on very immediate basis. Supply chain is that field that has a vast experience and it is too much wide that it cannot be completed in a simple step or in an easy way. Supply Chain executives make the stock of item inside and outside the association progressively compelling and smooth and furthermore handle all the related issues and issues that make jumps in the conveyance of the item to clients.

 Inventory network the executives methodologies actualize in all degree of generation and furthermore help to deal with the assembling procedure increasingly dynamic and proficient on the grounds that association are currently rely upon the interest and prerequisites of the clients and attempt to create the items as indicated by their need and necessity so they are eager to buy the item from that association. To serve the base of the pyramid, the supply chain must be designed.

The inventory network the board need to give exact item as per client's need so the client show its total trust and a long haul and great relationship will create with the association and the client acquire its necessary item as indicated by store network the executives. Association need better reaction of all clients when they need to acquire upper hands. Just those associations can acquire the upper hands that offer reaction to the necessities and prerequisites of the clients and build up a solid association with its everything clients. Inventory network is the responsive identified with clients as it is turned into the wellspring of upper hands for the association.

References of the role of supply chain and its management

Alexandra Berzon. (2019, August 23). mazon Has Ceded Control of Its Site. The Result:

      Thousands of Banned, Unsafe or Mislabeled Products. Retrieved from https://www.wsj.com/articles/amazon-has-ceded-control-of-its-site-the-result-thousands-of-


Chaney, S. (2019, October 3). Here Is How Interconnected Manufacturing Is Across the Globe.

Retrieved from https://www.wsj.com/articles/here-is-how-interconnected-manufacturing-is-across-the-globe-11570096801

Kimmelshue. (2019, October 7). Cargill Executive Urges Resolution of U.S.-China Trade

Dispute. Retrieved from https://www.wsj.com/articles/mondelez-ceo-the-future-of-food-features-plenty-of-snacks-11570453437

Maidenberg, M. (2019, October 18). Food Companies Put Supply Chains Under a Microscope.

Retrieved from https://www.wsj.com/articles/food-companies-put-supply-chains-under-a-microscope-11570662180

Page, P. (2019, August 19). Absolut Mixes Machine Learning Into Its Spirits Supply Chain.

Retrieved from https://www.wsj.com/articles/absolut-mixes-machine-learning-into-its-spirits-supply-chain-11557394201

Page, P. (2019, October 19). Today’s Logistics Report: Amazon’s Shipping Costs Soar; Supply

Chain Tapestry; Trade’s Tight Window. Retrieved from https://www.wsj.com/articles/todays-logistics-report-amazons-shipping-costs-soar-supply-chain-tapestry-trades-tight-window-11572015020

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