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The Situational Leadership Model

Category: Leadership Paper Type: Assignment Writing Reference: APA Words: 1800

In earlier days of history, leadership was not discussed so commonly or often by the historians or laureates to the extent it has been studied and researched during last few decades. The Top Ranking Universities of United States and European Countries tried to put on light over this topic of a serious mode in general and in particular to highlight the significance of Leadership Model (McCleskey, 2014).

In this regard, there emerged many scholars who tried to bring in new theories and models for the students and researchers of Leadership Discipline so far. Nobody could elaborate the Leadership as beautiful and appropriate as Paul Hersey and Ken Blanchard defined the said topic in a very smart manner. Most of the Oriental Scholars had earlier tried to define and describe the qualities of a leader, its characteristics through their scholarly articles while talking and describing the leadership vision of gone by kings so far (Lynch, McCormack, & McCance, 2011).

Kings were simultaneously serving their nations through their justice, vision and foresightedness, besides they were performing their roles as a professional Soldier for brutal war fares. They were as good in literature as in their epic lifestyles. All of the above described characteristics made them the best leaders of their own time which let them earn their names and prominence for the days to come. Fame and future belong to the people who tried to perform in an unusual manner under unusual circumstances. Leadership quality did not develop in them within few days but they rose to power and sustained to power by their versatile decision-making abilities (Richard C West, 2013).

Making right decisions and choices on the right times have turned many kings into Great Emperors of their times. Every single king of every single dynasty ruled over his subjects through wise decisions, correct judgment, tolerance, peacefulness and vitality in launching and facing war situations.

Former Kings in the history were always trained, tamed and educated by the legendary scholars and trainers of their own times. They were taught martial arts to develop mastery over war-fare affairs in depth. They were taught how to swim in the very beginning of their lives to develop adaptability in swimming to rescue their lives in Emergency Situations as Many of The Tamarind Emperors rescued their lives after getting stuck into brutal war fares besides some rivers.  Hamayun ,the Great Mughal Emperor had managed to escape and rescue his life when he found himself brutally stuck   during his war-time against Sher Shah Suri. This all happened due to his mastery in swimming that he managed to cross all day long the biggest river Ganges and rescued his life to safeguard the real glory of Taimurid Dynasty (Peus, Braun, & Frey, 2013).

The Emperors or The Kings were taught to develop their mastery over horse-riding field. All of the princess were trained how to ride the best of the horses of their times. Now a days, such mastery is turned into good driving skills whether motor biking Skills or Light Duty Vehicles Driving skills are mandatory for a Royal Heir (Sethuraman & Suresh., 2014).

This is how a leader was prepared and managed in olden times as leaders have always been supposed to be the toughest and the fittest among their rest of the lots. The toughest and the fittest persons have always been ruling the humanity since gone by days. In this context, the physical fitness is significant by all the time. Besides, physical fitness a leader is always expected to be the wisest among the rest of the lot. A leader or a Monarch must have studied several contemporary books of knowledge; wisdom and insight that can help him balance his personality. He must always have an example of past emperors in their deeds and judgment to better and refine his own deeds and judgment (Salehzadeh, Shahin, Kazemi, & Barzoki, 2015).

History paves ways and teaches us in a manner that we can make the best choices even in present era. All of the policy matters and real affairs are still as relevant and fresh as they were in gone by days. It always required and requires a common sense and deep insight to sort out and solve the public affairs.

A Leader was expected to perform for his nation under all circumstances. The situation remains the same at present as a Leader of Modern Times is also expected to perform efficiently for the extreme interest of his fellow countrymen. A leader should always keep this point in his mind that he would be impeached even in the history and by the future generations for his misdeeds and falsified behaviors.  His decisions can either benefit or harm the rest of his countrymen through minor error or omission in it. He should always keep in mind that in comparison to the external matters of other countries, he should always prefer and seek the very interest of his own nation. Otherwise his nation would never forgive him for his wrongdoings or falsified behavior so far (Bodla & Nawaz, 2010).

Organizational Leadership Model

The same is the case with organizational leadership model. An organizational Leader should be equipped with multi-dimensional approach and foresightedness. He should always keep in mind that his decisions are much more important and significant for the rest of his subordinates and employees. He should always come forward and try to set his own example to play vital role for his organization/company. Such gesture would help in polishing the hidden qualities of his subordinates in true means (Ismail, Mohamed, Sulaiman, Mohamad, & Yusu, 2011).

Paul Hersey and Ken Blanchard’s Theory

In modern times, different scholars have tried to define and describe the Leadership characteristics, qualities, design and model through their detailed research and analysis by judging the past behaviors of potential modern and gone by leaders of Organizations/Set-Ups. In this context, Paul Hersey and Ken Blanched are considered as one the latest researchers of ‘Leadership and Management Sciences”. They tried to ponder over the issues relating to organizational behavior.

After studying and researching upon different case studies, both of them reached to a conclusion that there is no single ‘Best Style of Leadership” meaning the leadership or managerial behavior varies from case to case and situation pertaining to (Jackson & Marriott, 2012).

The single model of leadership cannot apply upon all the cases as it can only worsen the situation.

The above said theory was first introduced in 1969 as “Life Cycle Theory of Leadership”.

Life Cycle Theory of Leadership

The said theory meant and means that a Leadership is not a monotonous subject or topic only. It is not a sort of static thing like mathematics discipline. Mathematics is dealt with universal methodology that works normally in all the pertaining situations. As two plus two is always four. But , when it comes to Theory of Leadership, the simple formula of two plus two four does not apply in this discipline. The discipline of leadership is a vibrant, living study which always guides us to act and react accordingly. As some different situation emerges, the leader or manager acts according to that very situation. Both Paul and Ken Blanched are of the opinion that a real leader always has a flexibility to adjust him with time and situation. He would not always behave the same with different communities of different backgrounds. For instance, dealing with local countrymen is different than the multi-national staff (Allen & McCleskey, 2014).

Local countrymen or fellow nationals can be dealt in a local manner always. The colloquial language and proverbs would be used by the relative leader to make them understand the given task. In such situation, you as a leader may inspire them with national spirit and approach

In the other case, when you are supposed to perform as a Leader of an organization in some other Multi-National Firm , where your staff mainly belongs to different nationalities with different backgrounds. You would inspire them in an international mode so far. In such a case, you must have a certain command on every single national’s background to communicate to him in a convenient manner. If you would talk to every single national in his own cultural tone, then only your success chances would be on its highest level as a Leader of that very Organization.

Situational Leadership Model:

As we have described earlier that the “Life-Cycle Theory of Leadership” was introduced firstly by Paul Hersey and Ken Blanchard in the year 1969 that attracted the minds of many thinkers all across the world in those times.

Afterwards, in the Mid 1970s, “Life –Cycle Theory” gradually emerged as “Situational Leadership Model”. Then onwards it is still known by its present and latest name “Situational Leadership Model” (Jackson & Marriott, 2012)

The Situational Leadership Model addresses four types of Leadership styles based on the follower:

·         -Directing

·         -Coaching

·         -Supporting

·         -Delegating

References of The Situational Leadership Model

Allen, J., & McCleskey. (2014). Situational, transformational, and transactional leadership and leadership development. Journal of Business Studies Quarterly .

Bodla, M. A., & Nawaz, M. M. (2010). Comparative study of full range leadership model among faculty members in public and private sector higher education institutes and universitie. International Journal of Business and Management.

Ismail, A., Mohamed, H. A.-B., Sulaiman, A. Z., Mohamad, M. H., & Yusu, M. H. (2011). An empirical study of the relationship between transformational leadership, empowerment and organizational commitment. Business and Economics Research Journal .

Jackson, K. M., & Marriott, C. (2012). The interaction of principal and teacher instructional influence as a measure of leadership as an organizational quality. Educational Administration Quarterly .

Lynch, B. M., McCormack, B., & McCance, T. (2011). Development of a model of situational leadership in residential care for older people. Journal of Nursing Management.

McCleskey, J. A. (2014). Situational, transformational, and transactional leadership and leadership development. ournal of Business Studies Quarterly , 117.

Peus, C., Braun, S., & Frey, D. (2013). Situation-based measurement of the full range of leadership model—Development and validation of a situational judgment test. The Leadership Quarterly .

Richard C West. (2013). Situational Discipleship: The five-fold ministry roles of Ephesians 4: 11 and their relationship to the Situational Leadership model. Culture & Religion Review Journal .

Salehzadeh, R., Shahin, A., Kazemi, A., & Barzoki, A. S. (2015). Proposing a new approach for evaluating the situational leadership theory based on the Kano model: The case of university students. International Journal of Public Leadership.

Sethuraman, K., & Suresh., J. (2014). Effective leadership styles. International Business Research .



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