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Talent Management and Tourism Industry

Category: Business & Management Paper Type: Report Writing Reference: APA Words: 2350

Hotel and Tourism Industries are considered as one of the most charming, potential and emerging industry in all through the Globe. Every single country in the world is trying to boost up its Tourism Industry to meet up the global requirement and generate more and more of a financial turnover for its country so far (S. Watson, 2008).

Dubai, U.A.E is one of the finest examples in the world that boosted its Tourism Industry to multiply its financial turnover by all the time. Dubai is now a known reality to all and sundry across the world for its Fabulous Tourism Influx from all across the world.

The Tourism Industry has made great success in the recent past, and now it requires a lot of workforce /human resources for it as well. The significant points relating to this Industry are many, but one of the vital most features in the emerging and growing Tourism Industry is as follows:

Discrimination and Segregation of Talent Management and Tourism Industry

It is considered one of the finest and potential industries in the world. Yet there has been observed a lot of flaws here in this very industry so far.

Human Resource is certainly considered as a backbone to any industry. But we have observed so many flaws in this are even. These flaws include discrimination and segregation in the said industry (M. Deery, 2008).

Women or Female Gender has always been treated as one of the most low-paid genders among the paid employees category of all disciplines. They are hired as a charming factor to attract male customers so far. But by the end of the day, their salary structure is very pathetic in all means.

This is a severe kind of discrimination we are showing towards the female gender, which is basically the most fragile, sympathetic, and trustworthy gender among all of us. They must not be treated with any kind of discrimination at all.

They should not be segregated for their gender among any group of people. They can also work very efficiently and with all energy for the progress and betterment of any practical field or discipline. They should be kept in high esteem by all the employers and bosses because self-esteem and prestige are the main factors which are very much essential for all humans. The humans do not need huge salaries only but respect and prestige by the end of the day to keep them self-motivated and charged in all means (P. A. Grobler & Diedericks, 2009).

So, all of the countries across the world interested in boosting up their relative Tourism Industry need to make a proper mechanism to develop basic rights for female gender as well so that they may get their wages and salaries equivalent to that of the male gender wages/salaries.

They should not only be utilized as a sex tool in the Hotel Industry as there are several countries of the world that are taking the services of Sex-workers adjacent to their hotel

Industry. This very practice should be discouraged in all means.

Human Capital and Productivity of Talent Management and Tourism Industry

Human capital is a valuable resource of every single country as it is termed as Human Resource in the whole world. Nothing can become a substitute for the Human Resource of a country. In the present area, every single country of the world is trying to develop a proper mechanism for the development and welfare of its human resource. Once, it used to be considered as some taboo to have a giant population. But these days, many of the countries have proved this myth wrong that a population is a biggest or smallest obstacle towards success.

The countries like China and Spain which have city like Valencia which have proved to the rest of the world that a country can make its huge population not an obstacle in the beauty but a source to make instant progress by the end of the day.

China utilized its human resource as a tool to make success in the modern world. And now China is recognized as The Economic Super –Power of the world. China emerged as an Economic Power with the developed restaurants hotels and the visiting places of the Spain. Spain owned the center of beauty which play a key role in the developed economy of the country.

Valencia has also tactfully utilized its human resources to turn its country as one of the most powerful and strongest emerging economy of the world. Valencia is now days known for the most beautiful destination to visit in the world. Valencia is the most beautiful city of Spain with beautiful sightseeing, museum, hotels and tourist planning on the surface of planet Earth (R. A. Noe, Hollenbeck, Gerhart, & Wright, 2017).

China and Spain both have turned the table round through their unique policy of investing in their Human Capital and doubled, tripled its Economic Growth within the shortest span of time, which itself is considered as a miracle story in the present-day world, so far.

The modern world is a changing world in all means. One cannot achieve its destination with a stagnant, conventional, and traditional approach anymore. The countries tried to change their age-old policies, which did not pay much by the end of the day. In the changing world, they started believing in their huge population as energy or potential resource, which really paid them back in a monetary means.

Monetary benefits can be gained by the proper usage of some country’s young and experienced group of people. There is a dire need of the hour to utilize the human resource in the emerging Hotel & Tourism industry of the world today. Every single country is trying to attract the number of tourists through many techniques. These techniques include proper marketing, promotion, and advertisement through electronic and social media.

A lot number of people can be adjusted and recruited, taken on board through the promotion and enhancement of the Tourism Industry. As the cities of attraction like Valencia, or Beijing ,China has already trained and recruited a number of persons as a professional guide to their cities; the persons are working as drivers and even as hotel attendants for the reception of their foreign and inbound tourists. This is all a healthy sign for investing in human capital, and it really resulted in more productivity of a country in the present day (L. Uren, 2007).

Human Capital and Wages of Talent Management and Tourism Industry

The tourism industry is the fastest growing industry in all over the world. All of the smart countries have started promoting their history, lifestyle, varieties, and Cultural Heritage through different means of communication. The world of today is no more a secret to one another. Anybody can get any kind of information within seconds through the very easy use of the internet and other mediums of communication.

In recent days, applications such as WhatsApp, Imo, and others have changed the regular means of communication altogether. People around the world have an urge and curiosity to explore new destinations for their holiday trips so far. In this regard, the corporate sector and private individuals both look forward to the countries of new types and varieties for further exploration and fun-making. For instance, Valencia paid its vital role in promoting its culture world across through its charismatic beauty and festivals which they celebrate the festivals in traditional way which attracts the torist. Now the world of today looks like an impressed spectator of Valencia's beauty and festivals.

Thousands of people from different Countries are in regular practice to visit beautiful Valencia beeches during their holiday time. Valencia marketed its tourism to such a manner that everybody is urging to visit Valencia at earliest. Valencia has also provided much security and peace of mind to its tourists as it is situated in the Spain which is considered as peaceful region. The economy of Spain earns foreign exchange annually by the tourist industry.

Dubai today is also one of the finest examples of attracting tourists from all across the world. Its industry is flourishing day by day through its proper planning. All of the leading Airlines of the world are having their regular operations for Dubai, U.A.E.

Dubai is playing its vital role in linking and bridging east to West. Tourists from European and Western Countries do visit Dubai for recreational purposes. They do see plenty of sunshine and hot weather which they really lack in their own countries (M. Powell & Lubitsh, 2007).

This different and hot weather attracts them to its full. On the other hand, the biggest number of work-force arising from the South Asian Region is reaching to Dubai for employment and services.

Most of these services are indebted to the fastest-growing tourism industry in this country. Tourism is multiplying day to day in a country like Dubai, and a huge number of work-force is the growing need of the hour. More of the workload requires the more of a Human Resource for it.

That is why the maximum number of countries are working hard to build up their career in the Tourism Industry. It is the industry of billions of Dollars potential in it. Millions of tourists can do visit a country annually with its right kind of marketing approach. Easy mode of issuance of visas would also help to increase the number of tourists from all across the world so far. Human capital can be taken on board with high wages offers in the system of the Tourism Industry.

Innovation Factor in the Tourism Industry:

Innovation and creativity factor is the backbone of any single industry in the world. No industry can keep on making progress by leaps and bounds without the permanent induction of fresh ideas and innovation to it. Innovation factor keeps the people/customers/clients well charged and fresh –up in all means. An industry like the Tourism Industry requires innovation all the time.

Marketing, promotion, advertisement, and branding require a proper creative mindset and expertise team for regular innovative schemes by the end of the day (Y. Stamboulis & Skayannis, 2003).

You need to keep your clients curious, and spell-bound about what you are offering is the most suitable and the most convenient deal of its own kind. The client must be ensured and re-ensured that he or she cannot find a deal of a trip cheaper or better than your ones. You need to convince your tourists that you are as secure and safe at your destination for a holiday as you are in your own country and town.

He or she must be ensured of his or her security and peace of mind. Tourism requires attractable notices for it. Today, tourists from all across the world even have access to pay their tour virtually to acquire more and more information about the destination they are supposed to visit in the coming days (Y. C. Hung, Yang, Yang, & Chuang, 2011).

The developing countries have recently made remarkable success in their countries in order to attract tourists from all across the world. Valencia, has performing the destination place of visiting from the decades as a potential tourist place for millions of tourists from all across the world. The area is famous for the cities of the place that the market of deco food market and the museum. The shopping centers are the most attractive platform to attract the people of the world.

The city of Spain is totally covered with fancy outdoor with the sandy beaches and the parks which oofer with the beauty. The river of the Turia covered its dried part with botanical gardens which become the heart of the city. The Valencia also hae the Zoo which designed in the heart of Africa.

As the beauty of the Valencia figures to the world, which are heard in every corner of the world. So, the people who want a peaceful and journey of beautiful destination, they are in regular practice to visit the destination places of Valencia. Valencia is a cathedral city which is widely accepted by the people of Europe. There are number of parks and beaches which attracts the people with their beauty. These are the attractions of the Spain which force people to visit the destination places. As far as with the parks and beaches, there is a science museum which considered as treasure of knowledge by the scholars (A. M. Hjalager, 2010).

References of Talent Management and Tourism Industry

A. M. Hjalager. (2010). A review of innovation research in tourism. Tourism management, 31(1), 1-12.

L. Uren. (2007). From talent compliance to talent commitment: Moving beyond the hype of talent management to realizing the benefits. Strategic HR Review,, 6(3), 32-35.

M. Deery. (2008). Talent management, work-life balance and retention strategies. International journal of contemporary hospitality management,, 20(6), 792-806.

M. Powell, & Lubitsh, G. (2007). Courage in the face of extraordinary talent: Why talent management has become a leadership issue. Strategic HR Review, 6(5), 24-27.

P. A. Grobler, & Diedericks, H. (2009). Talent management: An empirical study of selected South African hotel groups. Southern African Business Review, 13(3).

R. A. Noe, Hollenbeck, J. R., Gerhart, B., & Wright, P. M. (2017). Human resource management: Gaining a competitive advantage. . New York: NY: McGraw-Hill Education.

S. Watson. (2008). Where are we now? A review of management development issues in the hospitality and tourism sector: implications for talent management. International Journal of Contemporary Hospitality Management, 20(7), 758-780.

Y. C. Hung, Yang, Y. L., Yang, H. E., & Chuang, Y. H. (2011). Factors affecting the adoption of e-commerce for the tourism industry in Taiwan. Asia Pacific Journal of Tourism Research, 16(1), 105-119.

Y. Stamboulis, & Skayannis, P. (2003). Innovation strategies and technology for experience-based tourism. Tourism management,, 24(1), 35-43.

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