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Migration and Skilled Work-Force of Talent Management and Tourism Industry

Category: Business & Management Paper Type: Report Writing Reference: APA Words: 1800

Hotel Management has also flourished as one of the leading sectors of the world today. Hotel Industry and Tourism Sector are inseparable from each other. Both of these sectors go hand in hand with each other. The countries and destination which have already grown as one of the major points for the Tourism Sector these days. Such countries do require a larger number of Human Resource for its industry. Countries like Valencia can recruit and adjust its local and foreign citizens to meet the requirements of its tourists by the end of the day.

China can also utilize its own local workforce for the services to its Tourism Industry. But the countries like U.A.E cannot afford the recruitment of its local workforce in the Tourism Industry even. It always requires the recruitment of the workforce from the expatriates' community. Here the recruitment of a skilled workforce is the main point of interest.

Every single boss wants to recruit the best possible talent or the right man for the right job at its workplace. Nobody is ready to recruit a wrong person or a misfit on its premises so far.

That is why the world of today is looking for experts or skilled workforce to meet its demands and requirements. The hotel industry requires a number of workforces with expertise in different fields of its kind. Such as the Hotel Managers with proper Hotel Management skills in them. The international or inter-continental Cooks or Chefs are required and hired in such standardized hotels to meet the international demands for different continental tastes and aroma that can only be managed by some specialized chefs only.

Valencia is making a lot of remittances and revenues with its skilled workforce export to these countries. The different personals of different talents are encouraged, recruited, and further exported to the countries of touristic potential by the end of the day. This factor is playing a vital role in Developing Economies. The state and individuals both are benefited through this human resource export to the countries of interest.

The Gulf Countries mostly depend upon the South Asian Nationals for the development and extension of their growing sectors and industries. The same is the case with the said industry of tourism, where experts in Hotel Management and the other skilled workers are required so far. Technicians, building material experts, and other laborers are also required in this industry.

Taxi drivers are hugely required in the countries of touristic interest. Huge labors are required in countries like U.A.E. In such countries. The skilled workforce is always imported from the countries of larger human resources.

The economy of the Spain is much strong that the people from other countries migrate to earn from the different industry in the Spain. The tourist industry is also a big source of earnig of the people living in Valencia.

This workforce should be treated on a priority basis. They must be encouraged, charged, and appreciated to move forward in their lives and go for migration to the countries of their interest.

Skill Shortages of Talent Management and Tourism Industry

Skill shortages are a global problem and issue in present days even. We normally think that world has emerged as a very technical and professional these days. But this is only a myth. It is not a reality at all, even. The world still is going through many skills shortages problems.

The tourism industry is also running through the crises of the skilled workforce in it. All of the innovation factor or sector requires innovative staff or leaders in it, but those innovative persons are very much less in all across the world.

Innovation or creativity does not come in days’ time. One has to go through a long course of time, multiple travels, tours, cross-cultural experiences, and multi-lingual expertise to become an expert in generating innovative ideas for the promotion and enhancement of business like the Tourism Industry.

You would not find a bulk of innovative people in the world who can play their significant role in order to generate the best of their fresh ideas in changing the concept of already existent industries like the Tourism industry. The creative people can only manage to develop something new and fresher for its clientage, the thing or phenomena that cannot bore the people anymore.

Clients and customers are usually tired of old-fashioned slogans and dead ideas. Those old slogans do not even catch their attention anymore. In such conditions, they are attracted and mesmerized through novel ideas and themes. For instance, Dubai has always attracted its people with fresh ideas and slogans. The creative mindset sitting behind the very success of Dubai Tourism always tries to launch something new for its international tourists by all the time. At one time, the Dubai Shopping Festival is introduced to welcome a huge number of international tourists to its country. And on another time, the construction of the higest rising building in the world is announced to grab the attention of international players. This is an example of its smart, innovative team so far.

The world today is desperately requiring the people skilled enough in the following fields and disciplines:

Professionals with Multi-Lingual Expertise in Them

Globally, the countries of a touristic significance desperately require the people /professionals with Multi-Lingual Expertise. As these kinds of destinations are visited by several nationalities so far. In such conditions, a certain individual/professional with multi-lingual abilities would be in a better position to make his communication expressed in a convenient, most language indeed.

Such professionals are really few in all across the world . and the highest demand is there for this kind of professionals, especially in international cities.

Professionals with Marketing Skills in Them of Talent Management and Tourism Industry

There are very few professionals available in the global market who are really good at the marketing side. Normally, the temperament of most of the people is not suitable for marketing so far. Not everybody is designed or prepared to produce marketing professionalism in his domain. If someone studied marketing, then also he is not fit for practical marketing, even which is really a desperate situation for Global HR even.

Talent Management and Ceiling Glass of Talent Management and Tourism Industry

Talent management crises is also prevailing all over the world. Very few people or professionals are truly available to address the issue of talent management, indeed. We can say that talent is not immensely available all across the world to address these kinds of matters in true means.

The right people for the right job scenario is still a dream unfulfilled in most of the parts of the world. Leadership crises and management crises have been noticed and observed in most of the places so far. It means there are very few persons who are really fit for their jobs even.

Most of the people have accidentally adopted their current positions or professions just to make their lives keep running by the end of the day. They are simply not meant for their jobs even. Most of them are misfits for their particular jobs.

Here there comes a responsibility to develop or build in a proper team for Human Resource Management who have an excellent approach and vision to look beyond the things.

Looking for the matters and addressing the issues by going beyond the means and bringing in out of the box solution is of much more significant for a team player indeed.

We can say that there are a management or leadership crisis in every single segment or discipline of life. Talent management or Human Resource deals with these matters by taking a lead role in their hands.

Women empowerment is a very fresh but a very strong and catchy slogan prevailing all across the world simultaneously. Women are apparently being pampered by all and sundry to go forward and make their place in the present world of professionalism.

But we still come across some facts and figures which do catch us and require our attention at earliest. We observe that the world, on the whole, is still a Male-Dominant Global Village indeed. Where women are yet entered into the practical world . but they are still deprived of their dream goals so far. They are paid very less than that of the basic wages being disbursed among the male members of society.

They are still used as a show-piece spiece in most of the workplaces globally. They are not considered as best administrators or performers at most of the workplaces so far. In most of the cases, they are segregated as not good at work or the persons with low performance even.

Their actual potential is not yet explored to the world in true means. They are still undiscovered islands for most of the Human Resource Managers.

They can even perform relatively better than their male counterparts or colleagues. But they are not provided with the best of the opportunities and leverages. They are still an underprivileged class in human society. Most of them are still looking for administrative posts but are failed in most of the cases as they are not provided with better opportunities. One has to start as a Human Resource Manager and play his part to break the ceiling glass and let the women acquire their rights in the befitting jobs so far.

References of Migration and Skilled Work-Force of Talent Management and Tourism Industry

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