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Alternative Solutions for The Issues That Rise During the Recruitment Process

Category: Computer Sciences Paper Type: Assignment Writing Reference: HARVARD Words: 3200

There are many problems that a line manager faces during a recruitment process. For a line manager a recruitment process is challenging because line manager has to deal with different kinds of people on a daily life. Line manager has to take personality assessments and had to deal with people having different personalities and different behaviors. Then line manager has to conduct a selection interview in which line manager will hire some best employees for the company but this is a difficult task because line manager had to choose wisely between different people because this hiring process is really important for the company because that employees that will become a part of the company has to play a role in the development of the company and if the employees are to competent enough to join the company and handle this responsibilities of a company then it is a loss for the company (Armstrong, 1998).

Moreover when different people come for interview they fake themselves and this is known as applicant faking, sometimes the applicant fake a personality in such a way that it doesn’t reflect their original personality and sometimes this faking process make them successful and they have been hired by the line manager and later on they do not work potentially and effectively for the company and show their true colors so this is another major problem, the company faces (Patel & al, 2003)

As well as during the hiring process some persons also provide their fake information to get hired in the company, a line manager is responsible for all these problems, because line manager is responsible for hiring a person or employee for the company. Line manager should be careful and access all the hiring’s carefully by checking their documentations and taking a proper personality assessment so that their personality traits should be clearer (Klinger, 2011).

 But these are not the only problems that a line manager has to face during the recruitment process, other problems include the ethical issues that rise sometimes during the hiring process, personality assessment test or the during an interview because sometimes the line manager might ask some questions that crosses the boundary or questions that might be more personal or ethical or during the personal assessment test the line manager may get personal by asking some private information from the employees, so these ethical issues also rise during the recruitment process and the line manager  should be careful while asking questions in the interview. So the line manager has to face many problems and want some expert advice from colleagues that what to do in these kinds of problems and how there can be management of day to day procedures while having a proper solution for these problems (Armstrong, 1998).

Some serious expert advices should be given to the manager so that line manager can cope up the daily routine problems and can handle the recruitment process efficiently by selecting the best and competent employee for the company that will provide benefit to the company and will become a part of the company in a friendly and a positive way and can settle down with the employees and the manager easily  (Cumming, 2006).

To deal with problems during recruitment process:

A manager should deal with the problem of the recruitment process effectively but there is also need of some advices from the expert staff to cope up with these kinds of situations more appropriately. The line manager or the leader of the company must focus on developing a model called human resource management competency. By developing a model, the company will become more professional and will introduce new systems like the target management system, the assessment system of the comprehensive capability and the assessment for a management system. By developing a model and by using the comprehensive capability assessment system, the line manager can access the capabilities of a person, who is competent enough to join the company. And the target management assessment includes many things that can be assessed properly including the job analysis, the evaluation of employees for the job, the analysis of the organization and the personnel suitability measurement (Klinger, 2011).

By developing this model; there should be analysis of employee that who is suitable for which position and a test will be conducted for this purpose. The main goal of developing the model is to identify the suitable positions for the new hiring’s and for the job status of each of the employee based on their personality assessment and also important in providing the recruitment and for the trading of the employees in the organization. By developing a competency model, the manger has benefit not only in the recruitment process but also have some additional benefits regarding the organization. (Fu, 2018)

During the recruitment process and the hiring of the new employees in the organization, there is need to focus on employees innovation and creativity, hiring should not base only on the degree and the experience and on the personality assessment test but it must also based on some innovation and creativity test so that the manager can see how creative and how innovative a person and how employee can lead company to a next level of success by creativity and innovation. Some systems must be developed to conduct a test regarding the innovation and creativity of the candidate; this will help the line manager in selecting the perfect candidate for the organization (Andrew Crane, 2019).

However, the innovation and creativity is an important factor in developing the organization and its social-economic development. A line manger should ask some solutions of certain problems in the interview to see how creatively a person can respond to the problem and can give answer of the problem. A test can be taken from candidate in which the line manager should provide some case studies to the persons who are here for the hiring process, in this way candidate can be evaluated through intellectual level and this will also avoid the faking of different applicants. They cannot fake their personalities in a written assessment. And this will solve some problems of the line manager to some extent and there will be more efficiently in the hiring process. (Cascio, 2018)

Moreover, the adaptability of the employee that will be hired in the organization should be checked. That if they are easily adaptable with the environment or not. An adaptability test should be conducted so that the line manager can identify the potential of the persons and can choose from the person who seems most suitable for the available post. Line manager should conduct some job fairs so identification can be done easily by observing the persons that how are the behaving with the fellow employees as well as the how adaptable and comfortable they are in the environment. In this way with outing informing the persons that they are being assessed, interviewer can assess the easily and can choose the most competent and suitable person that seems most suitable for the post (Andrew Crane, 2019).

Moreover, the persons being assessed will not feel that they are being observed. This is a good method to identify the potential of the employees while they were not faking and remain in their natural way while conducting a fair. Because when a person knows that there is analysis of the personality then one could be faking in personality, attitude and behavior in front of the manager but if candidate does not know about the observation so then one cannot do that. There can be better assessments with some proper techniques. (Vardarlıera, 2016)

In conducting a personality test, there should be consideration of a written test rather than an oral test because in the written test; there can be analysis of the intellectual level of the person while in the oral test or assessment by taking just an interview of the applicant can give him a chance to fake himself by saying sugar coated words and fake the personality as compared to the real personality. There should be focus on personality measure, some projective measure and the Emotional Intelligence of the employee is that when a person has some serious downfalls and difficult situations that the company can face and can cope up easily with the problems, does not panic easily and is emotionally stable (Fu, 2018).

 The manager should also discuss the personal history of the person this will help the manager to evaluate the person’s personal inserts and in which filed candidate is better at and how multiple tasks can be performed. And the manager should conduct a leaderless group discussion, in this way the employee can speak up more about himself and will feel comfortable to share thoughts and ideas with the manager without being nervous. So these things should be kept in mind when the manager is taking the personality test and evaluating the other person for the vacant post in company (Mitchell & al, 2001).

Moreover when conducting a recruitment process for the vacant post or the needed post in the office the manger should have the basic skills to conduct a recruitment process, a professional workshops should be conducted for the manger, because with the rapidly developing world, the techniques for assessing a person regarding a job, changes rapidly so the manger should attend the different workshops, to learn new assessment techniques to assess the persons during the job hiring process (Uma Sekaran, 2010).

 Line manager should exercise leadership on every next month, built up teams and communicate with them. Interviewer should be clear about what type of person needed in the company and for which post and what kind of person is suitable for the post. Moreover, Interviewer should have clear thoughts to the persons that are indulged in the recruitment process so that they can know the requirements for this job and will prepare themselves according to the need of the job. Interviewer should adopt some strategic approach to conduct the recruitment process with proper strategies in mind. Line manager should always develop strategies before conducting and recruitment process (Mitchell & al, 2001).

These all things will be helpful for the manger to hire the right person for the job and to conduct the recruitment and hiring process more efficiently and effectively by dealing with all the problems that arise during the recruitment process. As well as by developing a proper strategy the persons that are coming for the job hiring’s will also be clear about their aims, what they have to achieve during the interview or the personal assessment test. (Armstrong, 1998)

Overcoming the Ethical issues that rise during the Recruitment process:

During a recruitment process many ethical issues may rise depend on the persons that have been here for the recruitment process and as well as on the manger. Sometimes different employees from different cultures participate in the recruitment process and try to find a job where here will be nod discrimination upon the race and the color, but sometime during the recruitment process the manger will be doing any discrimination and this is non-ethical and professional way when you are conducting a recruitment process. More over some times the questions that are asked by the manager might b personal or may cross the boundaries. More over the candidates should know that they will be assessed if the assessment is based on the personal evaluations, because it is unethical to assess a person without the interviewee permission (Fu, 2018).

            Moreover the personal information that is collected by the candidates should be safe and put the information at a safe place because it is unethical to keep the data of the candidates in access of everyone so that they can judge the candidate and can use their personal information with a wrong cause. More over don’t compare the candidate with other professional employees of the company because this will lower their morale and they will be discouraged (Armstrong, 1998).

And it is very unethical to change the statements when you have hired an employee because you have made a commitment with the employee that employee will work in this particular region but after hiring you change the responsibilities of the employee. As well as during an interview if a candidate is asking you some questions regarding the company and you are not answering the questions, this is also an unethical way to treat the employees that are here for the hiring. (Uma Sekaran, 2016)

But here are some solutions to solve the ethical problems that rise during the recruitment process. When conducting an interview in the hiring process, the manager should take care while asking questions from the candidates. The questions should not be too invasive and personal that makes the candidate uncomfortable, stay relevant and ask simple question from the candidates regarding the post they are being assessed for. Moreover, if the manager is making any commitment with the candidates regarding the hiring and work responsibilities, the manger should be focused and stay committed rather than being unfocused. Interviewer should stay loyal with candidates. Line manager should not change the work responsibilities after the hiring of the candidates, because this is very unethical. Stay committed and focused. (Sekaran, 2006)

Appreciate the capabilities of the employees and encourage them to be more innovative and creative, do not compare themselves with other professionals because, the professionals have more experience and skills and they have more knowledge, but the candidates that the manger is hiring maybe have less experience in the field, so by comparing them with other, you will degrade them and they will not be motivated to do the work properly. (Andrew Crane, 2019)

The manager should be clear about the job description and what kind of job herrings is needed for the required post. The manager should not advertise the non-existing jobs or the job description that are not relevant to the regarding jobs, because in this way many candidates will come to the organizations and returning them back is very unethical. So the manger should be clear and provide a proper description about the job requirements, qualifications and needs. Moore hiring the non-skilled people or the people that are not suitable for this job is also unethical because when the skills of the workers or the employees do not match with the requirement of the job, then it is very unethical to force a person to do a work that is not relevant to field. (Uma Sekaran, 2016)

Another ethical issue that should be avoided is that the manager of the company should not charge any application fee from the candidates and the applicants. Because charging any fee is unethical because the employees will provide services to your company, so the manger should not charge any fee from the candidate in order to pursue Their losses, theta the company has faces due to some reasons. (Roger Bougie, 2010)

And trying to offer the least possible pay to the candidates is another unethical practice, the companies fire the workers that are taking high pay in the organization on that specific post and hire new candidates on that post on a low pay. This is a non-professional way. The candidates should get the pay regarding to the requirement of the job (Sekaran, 2006).

The manager should not fake the relationship with the candidate and must show him the true picture of the organization, where it is standing, or if the organization is facing nay loss. The manager should be loyal while hiring the candidates and show them the true picture of the organization, so that they can contribute in the welfare of the organization more properly (Sekaran, 2006).

Conclusion of Alternative Solutions for The Issues That Rise During the Recruitment Process

From this study it is concluded that to solve the daily problems of the recruitment process and the unethical issues that rise during the recruitment process the manager should introduce some strategical models and conduct some assessments and written tests in order to avoid the problems that are faced by the manager. The comprehensive capability assessment model should be introduced in the company so that the company can assess the employees properly and take a proper personality assessment of the employees, judging their capabilities skills and the innovation and creativity in them, that how productive they will be for the company.

And to overcome the ethical issues that rise during the recruitment process, the manager should develop some basic skills in himself to conduct the recruitment process appropriately. The manager should attend some workshops regarding how to conduct a recruitment process because the recruitment process and the assessment ways change with the developing world, so manager should know the new assessing ways to assess the candidates and avoid unethical issue that rise during the recruitment process.

 The manager should act sensibly with more professionalism while conducting an interview and should not ask too many invasive questions from the candidates. manager should remain basic and simple. To conduct a more effective and appropriate recruitment process, the manger should be well prepared and implement the strategies for conducting an effective recruitment process and hiring of the candidates.

Recommendations of Alternative Solutions for The Issues That Rise During the Recruitment Process

To avoid the recruitment problems, the manger should follow some recommendations to make the recruitment process more effective:

The manager should develop a database for the advertising of the job, the better job description and its advertising the easier it is for the manger to conduct hiring with some specific people.

The manager should manage proper time and appointments for the recruitment process, manager should go through all the resumes that have been submitted to him and then after reviewing, call the selected candidates for the assessment. Because it is easy to choose the best candidate in a limited group of people.

The manger should conduct interview in the group discussion, so there should be adaptability of the candidates and how competent they are for the required position.

Don’t rush in the selection process of the employees. This may raise ethical issues while conducting the selection process in a rush.

Before interweaving the candidates, the manager should develop a structure of the interview and should conduct structure interviews.

The ability and aptitude tests should be conducted in order to identify the potentials of the candidates and the manager should conduct more written tests so that the candidates will not fake the interview.

By developing a proper strategy for the recruitment process the, manager can conduct a hiring by avoiding all the problems and all the unethical issues (Cumming, 2006).

References of Alternative Solutions for The Issues That Rise During the Recruitment Process

1.      Andrew Crane, D. M. S. G. L. S., 2019. Business Ethics: Managing Corporate Citizenship and Sustainability in the Age of Globalization. London: Oxford University Press.

2.      Armstrong, M., 1998. Managing People: A Practical Guide for Line Managers. s.l.:Kogan Page Publishers.

3.      Cascio, W. F., 2018. Managing Human Resources, Productivity, Quality of Work Life, Profits. Boston: McGraw-Hill Irwin.

4.      Cumming, G. S., 2006. Scale Mismatches in Social-Ecological Systems: Causes, Consequences, and Solutions. Ecology and Society , 11(1).

5.      Fu, F., 2018. Research on Enterprise Human Resource Management Competency Model. International Workshop on Advances in Social Sciences , pp. 520-524.

6.      Klinger, S., 2011. Did Recruitment Problems Account for the German Job Miracle?. International Review of Business Research Papers, 7(1), p. 265 – 281.

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9.      Sekaran, U., 2006. Research Methods For Business: A Skill Building Approach, 4Th Ed. USA: Wiley India Pvt. Limited.

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13.  Vardarlıera, P., 2016. Strategic approach to human resources management during crisis. Procedia - Social and Behavioral Sciences, pp. 463-472.



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