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Introduction of Troubles with Black Race

Category: Arts & Education Paper Type: Assignment Writing Reference: APA Words: 1950

In the 21st century, where everything has changed so much with the essence of technology and growth in all aspects of life, but still, there are issues, which have not been changed much even in this modern world, and racism is one of them. The people, as well as societies, have developed so much, and extensive progress has been made in a lot of ways, but the irony is that we have not made much progress in many issues, and the race is one of those, which is still evident in American society. There was a time when the situation was too bad, and the life of black people in the United States was miserable in every aspect. There was racial discrimination as well as segregation, which kept black people far away from the real growth and progress as whites were able to achieve. Many black leaders emerged in the freedom movement so that African Americans can get their rights, and live a normal life like white people. The efforts of great leaders like Martin Luther King, Jr. proved beneficial for the society, and blacks were able to restore some respect and dignity in the American Society. But race is still a major issue in American society, and stakeholders have to understand that race does matter when it comes to treating American citizens (Ziabari and Houston)   

The book “Troubles with Black Race” was written by Cornel West with the title in 1993, which tried to look at internal and external problems & challenges faced by African Americans. It is quite shocking to realize that many problems and challenges described in this book are very much still relevant to the American Society. It has been 25 years since this book was released, but various themes of this book can be associated even with modern society. Cornel West has talked about various issues and topics in the book by elaborating on different short essays, and each one is trying to cover a different topic. One argument in the book is made by Cornel West that black people have been in the crisis even after achievements made due to freedom movement, and this crisis has been evident because they lack the real essence of leadership. In the last two decades or so, African Americans have not been able to make great progress in making great black leaders who can represent them at the highest level. I completely agree with this point of view explained by Cornel West, and I believe that black people have not been able to get their due status, because they are under the idea of nihilism, which hinders their ability to produce great leaders.

What Does West Say? (Evidence)

“Troubles with Black Race” uncovers that the black community in the United States has been struggling with their lives, and the issue is as fresh as it was in the era of the 1950s and 60s. In the preface of the book, Cornel West included some important information and shared a sad incident with the readers. He told that once he was in Manhattan and after dropping her wife at an appointment, he left his car, and came out on the road to look for a taxi to reach his next appointment place. He stated that he had well enough time for the next meeting, but the situation got worse when he had to wait for too much to get a taxi. It was told that not one or two, rather ten taxies passed without bothering to pick him. It is shocking to know that ten taxi drivers would pass by a passenger, and they refuse to pick him up. What could be the reason? The reason was the physical presence of the author, as he was a black African American. One may not believe in such incidents, but this is what has been happening with the black people in the United States for decades that they have been discriminated against and deprived of various rights, which they owe as part of American society (West).

Nihilistic Ideology

The black race American community has produced so many great leaders in the past, such as Elijah Muhammad, Malcolm X, W. E. B. Dubois as well as Martin Luther King, Jr. But since then, the black community is facing a leadership crisis, which could be due to various reasons. But I strongly believe that the concept of nihilism has stopped the black community to stand up for their rights, and there is no one to inspire them in this regard. It is crucial for an individual or community to have certain goals in their mind so that they can pursue those future goals to get going with their lives(West). The black community is lacking this will and urge to take this challenge and face it with full determination and commitment. There is no one to inspire them so that they can fight for their rights as they fought it in the past under the great leadership. It is quite sad to know that the black community has lost hope, love as well as meaning in their lives, and they are captured by the idea of nihilism (Warren).

Black people and the American Society

Troubles with Black Race, in every field of life, especially in the United States. It is important for the black community to realize their worth in the American Society. If American society has to find its true colors and meaning to show its liberal as well as democratic values, then they will have to give due status and rights to its black community. This is how the black community can pursue a life, which is filled with an urge, passion as well as enthusiasm; otherwise, they may never get their due status in the society. It was so rightly said by Malcolm X in 1964 that “No matter how much respect, no matter how much recognition, whites show towards me, as far as I'm concerned, as long as it is not shown to every one of our people in this country, it doesn't exist for me.”

He is actually trying to make a point that the black community can’t leave its matter alone and let others decide about their fate, rather they will have to stand up for their right negating the concept of nihilism. If you are not ready to fight for your own rights, then no one will do it for you. This is a message given by Malcolm X, and this is something which is proved time and again in so many cases all around the globe. The black people will have to take ownership of their lives and stand firm to fight for their rights. Otherwise, they will keep facing the issue of racial discrimination(West).

“Americans must appease so that the plight of the black poor is overlooked and forgotten. When such leaders move successfully into elected office—as with Marion Barry—they usually become managerial types with large black constituencies, flashy styles, flowery rhetoric, and Booker T. Washington—like patronage operations within the public sphere.”

Failure of Liberal Ideology

The failure of the liberal ideology of black people, as well as the leadership of the black middle class,  points to the requirement of new strategy and the new vision.So, black workers or unemployed persons have furthermost to attain it. Some discriminations are suffered by the layers of the middle class and still live well enough for desiring to shake the foundations that are providing support to them. Furthermore, the writer also said that race always matters in America.

“This crude and slightly unfair comparison highlight two distinctive features of black political leaders in the post—Civil Rights era: the relative lack of authentic anger and the relative absence of genuine humility. What stood out most strikingly about Malcolm X, Martin Luther King, Jr., Ella Baker, and Fannie Lou Hamer were that they were almost always visibly upset about the condition of black America. When one saw them speak or heard their voices, they projected on a gut level that the black situation was urgent, in need of immediate attention.”

When the black race community had more than one great leader in the same era as when they had Martin Luther King, they also had the leadership of Malcolm X, Dorothy Height, Ella Baker as well as Fannie Lou Hamer. It is because the black people in America have no equal rights in anything as well as white people do not like blacks just because of their colors, and they say that they are superior. Due to this reason, the black community should have their own black leader who will representthem as well as what troubles they are facing currently(Powell).

I agree with the writer because I have also seen and read so much inequality among the right people and while people. White people do not like enough black people. So that’s why they are not feeling good or free because of that behavior as well as the writer also mentioned in his book that he was failed to get taxi ride due to his race. It is a very disappointing thing for black race. I believe that my work or research on the troubles of black people will give awareness to white people and put a question mark on those behaviors.

The New Black Conservatism

The figurative occasion within the turndown of the American economic domination was the crisis of oil, which impacted mainly from the unity of the OPEC countries. The increasing economic competition commencing West Germany, Japan, and further countries concluded an era of unquestioned US economic supremacy. The ensuing fall within the US economy damaged the Keynesian foundation of postwar American liberalism, which is the growth of the economy along with the state regulation and some interventions from disadvantaged citizens. “The impact of the economic recession on African-Americans was immense. Not surprisingly, it more deeply affected the black working poor and   very poor than the expanding black middle-class.” The prominence of this expedition for the middle-class which respectability grounded on an advantage slightly than politics cannot be overvalued in the new black conservatism.

Conclusion of Troubles with Black Race

            In conclusion, I have realized after reading and analyzing the theme elaborated in the book “Troubles with Black Race” by Cornel West, and after looking at various recent trends, it is evident that the black community is lacking any true leadership with a concrete set of objectives, and this leadership crisis is playing a huge part in their struggle for getting their due rights and status. Cornel West, in his book, talked about a lack of leadership as well as the concept of Nihilism, and these ideas are still very much relevant to the modern world and the black community of America. If they want to get out of trouble, then they will have to stand up for their rights and take this situation as a challenge to move forward in the right direction. If anyone has to get their rights and equality in a society, then first they will have to take the pain and ownership.

 Works Cited of Troubles with Black Race

Powell, Kevin. Black leadership is dead. Long live black leadership. 2012. 20 October 2019 <https://www.washingtonpost.com/national/on-leadership/black-leadership-is-dead-long-live-black-leadership/2012/02/21/gIQA2JvJRR_story.html>.

Warren, Calvin L. "Black Nihilism and the Politics of Hope." The New Centennial Review 15.1 (2015): 215-248.

West, Cornel. Race Matters. Beacon Press, 2001.

Ziabari, Kourosh, and Akil Houston. Being Black in America. 2019. 20 October 2019 <https://www.fairobserver.com/region/north_america/racism-america-black-african-american-culture-news-latest-world-news-today-20126/>.

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