Ans:The following are the intention and unintentional
rating distortion factors that come into play in this situation. The manager of
the company who studied from that university obviously prefer the employer who
are graduated from his university. Because obviously he knows that on which
rank his university stand and the student of that university are more hard work,
responsible and have more encouraging or emerging ideas about the market. They
also allow them to take part in general meeting and take their ideas sometimes
superior or final decisions while on the other side the employers graduated
from other university even not invited in these general meeting. And sometime
they never have chance to meet manager for months which create a gap between
other employers and manager. Which create a culture of biasness of
intentionally or unintentionally sometimes. There is a perception in other
employers of the company that there is special favor for the employers who are
hired in the organization got education from same university. They gave them
more superiority and more allowances. They allow them to being part in decision
making in the company. They took their ideas and point of view more seriously. To
make stay the employer graduated from that university in their company, they
going on increase their salary package these all are the initiative took just
for the betterment of the organization not to feel humiliated other employers.
But it results in to the following face, there is a lobby made in the
organization which made huddles in team work. All the employers hire from that
university are took aside and all other employer make their separate group. The
other employers of the company also feel that they gave them more allowances,
resources and other facilities as compare to them. They always encourage them
on their performance which raise demotivation factors in other employers. And
the environment of biasness is spread in the culture. This intentional and un
intentional rating distortion factor also effect the culture of the
organization in very disturbing ways employer who are used to start Leg bulling
and tease each other’s. Which put organization into down fall.
Question no 2: Evaluate the kinds of training programs that
could minimize the factors you have described. What do you recommend and why?
The following are the training programs that could minimize the factor you
Culture association training
It helps to minimize the gap between
the employers of the company. Gave them activities or hire them task on the
basis of team work. Arrange extracurricular activities so that the atmosphere
of personal engagement built which pull down the wave of differences between
them. Make sure that all working employers of the organization easily approaches
your strategies, wellbeing rules, and other inter connective atmosphere. Do
work on language and culture barriers. Work hard to reduce it.
Vision and mission approach training:
Arrange session in the company in
which they teach how to direct approach and understand vision and mission of
the company and how they play their own role to complete it.
Face to face sessions:
In this session employer used to put
their problem, hurdles and their feeling about the culture of the organization
above the managing authorities. And managing are strictly responsible to
address these problems on time.
Encouragement session:
The session should be organizing in
which the employers on the basis of their performance should be encourage and
point out as achiever so that he feel motivated and the feeling of biased
environment is discourage.
Day to Day Book keeping performance:
The session organizes which point out
day to day activities and performance of the employers. So that no one feel
ignored and feel relaxed after do bad performance and have pint of view that no
one can b judges.
Overcome the gap between employers
and managers:
Arrange general meeting in which
employer from every sector are allowed to take part and gave their point of
view. And manager should also gave their ideas noticeable and if they are
effective choose them as final.
Create open minded environment:
Create an atmosphere in the company
in which every body have free space to give their point of view without
hesitations. They point out all the good and bad of company. They feel no
hurdle once they gave their negative point of view about any company activities
in their job.
Choose best on performance based:
Never be biased on gave any
allowances to any employers, even they are graduated from the university
manager is graduated. Always prefer a person on their performance grade, hard
work and effectivity they generate in the company.