Jimmy John (Buyer): Hey!
Ahmed Ahmed (Seller): Hello sir, welcome to the website of Canadian
Jimmy John: Thank you! Could you please help me?
Ahmed Ahmed: Sure sir. “How can I help you, sir?"
Jimmy John: How can I order your products or tires online?
Ahmed Ahmed: Sir you can order me here online and get the
goods home delivered.
Jimmy John: I have heard that Canadian’s Tire have expensive
products in the Canadian tire market.
Ahmed Ahmed: No sir! Canadian Tire offers reasonable prices compared
with the market prices
Jimmy John: Okay! How much will this cost?
Ahmed Ahmed: The price of the single tire is starting from
$108 to $ 150; depends on the durability and quality.
Jimmy John: Do you sell guaranteed products?
Ahmed Ahmed: Yes sir! We focus to sell guaranteed products quality
with affordable prices.
Jimmy John: Do you also offer products in the stores?
Ahmed Ahmed: Yes sir! We have different outlets and supplier;
who sell our products.
Jimmy John: Tell me! If I order product here; then in much days
I will get tires?
Ahmed Ahmed: Sir you will get tires in maximum 10-15 days.
Jimmy John: What other standards I should have in order to
get your products?
Ahmed Ahmed: sir you need to be approved by the Canadian
Standards Association; if you want our products?
Jimmy John: Okay! Anything else?
Ahmed Ahmed: Yes, certificate of liability insurance.
Jimmy John: can you provide some important information about
Canadian Tire stores?
Ahmed Ahmed: Yes! Canadian’s Tire is a quick and time
efficient company.
Jimmy John: Please tell me! How could I invest in Canadian
Tire stores?
Ahmed Ahmed: You could extremely invest in website
development of the company and from it, you can get the benefits.
Jimmy John: Okay thank you! Please before investing in the
company and before buying the products
from the company I want to know more about the company history, tasks
management etc.,
Ahmed Ahmed: Sure sir! Canadian Tire stores have 58000
employees; the company has 1700 locations spread over Canada. However, Canadian
Tire Corp. is being working or employees for 96 years.
Jimmy John: I want to know about the legal structure of the
Canadian Tire stores?
Ahmed Ahmed: The legal structure of Canadian Tire stores
focuses on the Toronto Stock Exchange and it has $11.4M CAD in earnings in 2012.
Jimmy John: I also want to know about the mission of Canadian
Tire stores?
Ahmed Ahmed: The mission of Canadian Tire stores is “Canadian
Tire’s goals are to strengthen Core Retail, align all business units to
reinforce the core, build a high-performing organization and create new
platforms for growth.”
Jimmy John: Please tell me about the major success of
Canadian Tires?
Ahmed Ahmed: The major success of Canadian tires is that it
is Canada’s most innovative company in February 2016.
Jimmy John: Please tell me, how your product is better than Walmart
Canada and Costco?
Ahmed Ahmed: Sir our product is better than Walmart Canada
and Costco because stores provide an excellent and guaranteed products quality
with affordable prices.
Jimmy John: How Canadian Tire’s is strengthening its position
in the market?
Ahmed Ahmed: Through focused on the retail consumer landscape.
Jimmy John: Okay thanks a lot! I want to order in bulk.
Ahmed Ahmed: Sure sir.
Jimmy John: I want 100 pairs of tires.
Ahmed Ahmed: Okay sir I am confirming your order.
Jimmy John: What about tracking code?
Ahmed Ahmed: Sir I will give you tracking code after 3 days.
Jimmy John: Okay sir! How about payment?
Ahmed Ahmed: I will send you to complete payment in your
company bank account in advance.
Jimmy John: Please confirm my order.
Ahmed Ahmed: Okay sir I hope you will get your order in 10-15
days thank!