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Report on Ethics and Ethical Behavior

Category: Business & Management Paper Type: Report Writing Reference: MLA Words: 1020

  Ethics are the standards or rules which govern the behavior by which a certain individual will live his or her life and make all the relevant decisions. One way to look at what ethics really are is to look at what are an individual beliefs and how will he or she react if his beliefs are being challenged. An individual’s ethics manage his or her thought process so that if an issue occurs or if an individual needs to work his way through any problem, his ethics are that will give him a solution. We need to understand this clearly that ethics are not inborn rather they are adapted with time and have the ability to change over the growing age. When an individual gets exposed to different cultures, norms, and values and meets different people they tend to change their own ethics with greater learning of the right and wrong that exits in the society.

How an individual reacts in a certain situation explains what his moral values and ethical behavior are. If a person is a fraudulent and does not have any cognitive dissonance after anticipating the act, he then has weak moral values and his ethical behavior is negative. Being ethically strong can result in many benefits such as; making the society a better place with improving the lives of minorities and needy citizens, it will result in equality for all the individuals in the society and it also helps to lessen stress of cognitive dissonance of what to do in a particular situation, what is right and what is wrong. (McCartney)

Eventually, ethics is important not so that "we can see" insightfully, but rather so we are able "improve the way of living". Through ethical behavior, we enhance not only our lives but also the lives of people around us. It's certainly important to continue the ethical life when we are young, as it is valuable to exercise and repeat these ideas already being gone up against with progressively complex matters. Lafollette’s study speculates that ethics resembles most the whole thing that we endeavor to be good at; it requires exertion and practice. Preparing and endeavoring to resolve on good picks through life will give profits when we are looked with honest good predicaments. (Voorhoeve)

Critics might say that this is not the right motivation to be ethical, and sideways these lines is not in effect actually ethical. A counter contention might say that the action itself can be observed as ethical, giving little mind to the clarification behind taking the action.

Ethical Dilemma is the problem that exits in the decision-making process between two likely options

An ethical dilemma is the problem that exits in the decision-making process between two likely options, none of which are absolutely adequate accordance with an ethical perspective. Even though we may face many ethical difficulties in our life, most of them have comparatively direct solutions. In ethical dilemma, an individual is in constant confusion of what to do, which option to pick or which option will be least unethical according to his morals. Ethical dilemma does not only occur in an individual’s personal life, it can also occur in the workplace or any institute he studies in.

My ethical dilemma example is; I worked as a data analyst and one day I couldn’t find a missing that I once sent to one of my coworkers so I decided to log into my coworkers system and resent that missing data to myself. Upon doing so, I found her email related to gambling bets with sports coordinator. Now I knew that this act of my coworker was unethical but if I had to say anything to him or tell the company about his violating act I would have to reveal that I logged into his system which was ethically wrong.

Ethical Leadership and Social Corporate Responsibility
Ethical leadership is much more than just increasing the organizations productivity or profits. When ethics are applied to management and leadership it includes keeping in mind the ethics when making a decision, developing ideas and also setting boundary. Settling on a choice will dependent on the guiding principle of a person or a code of conduct set by an association overall eventually motivates employees to do likewise, creating a positive and profitable condition. Ensuing a moral way will create an optimistic ordeal for everyone associated with an association and additionally improve the working of the firm.
When a leader is ethically powerful he will set an example for people working under him. In a workplace if a manager is ethical he will work respective of the ethical boundaries and this ethical behavior will then be further adapted by the employees working under him. The ethical leadership quality of a manager will motivate employees to work ethically.

Corporate social responsibility is an ethical act to improve the society. It’s extremely significant that an organization operates in a certain way that exhibits corporate social responsibility. Although corporate social responsibility is not a legal obligation, but it’s understood as good practice for the firm to take into account environment and social issues. Estimated statistics tell us that the customers are increasingly conscious of the significance of corporate social responsibility, and so they actively pursue products from the organizations that are operating ethically. Corporate social responsibility will portray the consumers that your organization is more than just increasing profits margins and productivity, rather your firm has interest in social issues and welfare of the society. This thing will then attract the customers who share the same moral values. Therefore, corporate social responsibility will help the business to function sustainably. (Collier)

Bibliography Ethics and Ethical Behavior

Collier, Ellie. The Importance of Corporate Social Responsibility for Your Business. 28 January 2018. <https://www.highspeedtraining.co.uk/hub/importance-of-corporate-social-responsibility/>.

McCartney, Steve. ETHICS IN LAW ENFORCEMENT. 2016. <https://opentextbc.ca/ethicsinlawenforcement/chapter/1-1-the-importance-of-ethical-behavior/>.

Mihelič, Katarina Katja. "Ethical Leadership." International Journal of Management & Information Systems – Fourth Quarter 2010 Volume 14, Number 5 (2016).

Voorhoeve, Alex. "Hugh LaFollette: The Practice of Ethics." Soc Choice Welf (2010) 34:497–501 (2015).




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