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Report on Sharing the Product Service and Factory Function Via Cloud Computing.

Category: Biomedical Engineering Paper Type: Report Writing Reference: APA Words: 4000

List of Contents

Question 1. 3

Question 2. 4

Research a socially assistive robot. 5

Assist an aging population. 5

Question 3. 6

Different assistive technologies. 6

Question 4. 7

Question 5. 9

Wheelchair progression from its invention. 9

Why the AT was developed. 10

How Assistive Technology may change in future

In the field of biomedical engineering, the biomedical engineer faces many types of ethical Dilemmas when they are working in Assistive technology. Because Biomedical engineering combines the development of the product in the medicine along with the compatible. The term assistive technology is utilized to explain the system, or devices that will allow the perform the various task that they would be unable to do, and it will also increase the safety and ease by the task that is performed. As compare to design the new technology the biomedical engineer face many ethical issues during the validation as well as experimentation of the systems. In this section, there is some ethical dilemma that the biomedical engineer face during the working of the assistive technology (EZEIZA & et.al, 2008)

Targeted site

 User with Disabilities

Respecting Autonomy issue of Content

To treat the medical conditions, the biomedical engineer planned the creative as well as innovative ways but is it is very difficult for the biomedical engineer to properly target in the right of a human cell for a treatment when they are working in the field of the Assistive technology. The research, as well as testing, is expensive in a field of Biomedical engineering because this field is very progressive plus the influential field. To maintain its reputation as the global leader in assistive technology, it is necessary to increase the funding (Tucker, 2019).

By the use of Assistive technology, the difficulty is obtained to inform the consent of the people that is quite similar and connected by the consent of the medical treatment. The person by the ethical dilemma have must take the care to understand the information is given that is retained as the long, and it is not enough for the expression and the decision. Without the understanding of the function, the use of the assistive technology must amount the agreement. There are different tracking devices which cannot be easily discarded by means of the one where the person with an ethical dilemma has no longer freedom. Therefore during the use of the incapacity to the consent by the use of assistive technology, the person who has the ethical dilemma then the biomedical engineer involved in the decision making for the greatest extent that is possible (Alzheimer, 2018).  

In the working field of Assistive technology, the biomedical engineer faces this ethical dilemma the user with Disabilities. Because the person with disabilities should have the characteristics that make them attain more attention in different situations where it does not make for the various people. For the same category, all of the uses are human beings, and all of us have particular abilities along with the disabilities that affect the permanently in various situations. Therefore the Biomedical engineers  designing the different methods for the assistive technology systems which contribute to minimizing the effects for more than one disabilities and it also mitigates their negative effects.

Question 2

Socially Assistive Robotics is a rapidly increasing field. Research a socially assistive robot and detail how this robot can assist and benefit an aging population.

Research a socially assistive robot

SAR stands for “Socially Assistive Robotics” is the interaction of the assistive robotics (AR) along with the socially interactive robotics (SIR).SAR shares by the AR the aim is to provide assistance for the human user which is specified in the assistance by social interaction. The research area on the SAR is focused on assisting people with social interaction. There is a lot of attention is paid to the robots which are proving the assistance to the people by the physical contact. Plus the robots entertain by the social interaction in the research projects along with to classify through the target population, interaction methods as well as the domain applications. In this section discussing the benefits to aging the population, and the research on the SAR that is growing field. During the research of the SAR, the motivation is that it has the ample motivation  that exists the multitude for the significant task of the SIR as compare to the contact by a user of central focus. SAR is not to make the Schism in the SIR, but it is also expanding the AR to involve the robots for the operation through social interaction along with the better understanding for the unique befits of the growing field. The significant motivation for the SAR is that, decreased the safety risk in the non-contact of human interaction (Seifer & et.al, 2005).

Assist an aging population

In different studies aging the population is present as the problem that could be mitigated through the introduction of the SAR. By aging, the population taking care of older adults is the biggest challenges. Then the engineers and research introduced the SAR that is one method to help the elderly people to stay in their homes. The changes of demographic are accepted the population aging that turns and has an impact on the care of older people. When the demand of the care personnel, societies is increasing then around the world has to determine the strategies for deals these benefits and challenges. SAR has the potential for the help of older adults that are staying in the homes along with the support and the facilities of personal care.  To assist the benefits for aging the population is to use the robots that assist the older adults and also it is not accepted uncritically for the caring solution of the aging populations. The engineers and researcher working by the aging population on the social robotics through the user-centered of the HRI evaluations along with the ethical plus moral implications which are interested in the workshop. The interest of the research involved the aging of the population and the human factors. To maintain independence for the future generation of older adults, the research focused on assistive technology applications (Weiss & et.al, 2014)

Question 3

Different assistive technologies are shown in the video

In this video, assistive technologies make life easier for users.  In all aspects of everyday life for inclusion, assistive devices and technology offer the opportunity, for people with disabilities. In this video, there are many technologies used in the wheelchair that is used to move the son from bed to wheelchair. The first thing is the little piece that is in front of the chair to move the child easily to wheelchair push the black ball and move this piece down. For the protection of the child than the stirrups bring the little piece in the middle.  There is another technology that is used in the chair is the bar of the chair that helps temporarily in relaxing the arm and the muscles of the child. After that, there is a seat belt that is used for the protection of the disabled child. The metal buckle and the two portions of the buckle as well as the big padding for tight the belt.

There is another thing which is also present in the wheelchair is that in the back side, there is a five-point harness and four-point harness that is in the back, and it’s going to come underneath the headrest right there and then come across the chest connected to the other piece at the left and connect with that metal piece and similarly to the right side, and the last piece is on the shoulder side. If you think that the belt is lost, then there is a way to tighten the belt there is a strap near the metal piece if you pull that strop than you tight according to the requirement. After that also make the adjustment of hand with the block that is present between the leg of the disabled child. There is also an assistive technology that is the backpack of the disabled child attached to this chair. We should care about the front wheels of the chair if they slip than the whole chair is a slip as we can say that this makes the life of a disabled person very easy. Assistive technology also offers the opportunity for the disabled child to communicate with their parents and the other that is connected to everyday life. In this video, the wheelchair is full of assistive technology that helps the child to go the school for the activities. There is full protection of the disabled child. If you want any changes, you can immediately do the required changes. There are so many belts used in the wheelchair that protects your child, and there is no problem of anything. It's easy to sit your child in this chair. The researchers really work in assistive technology. A wheelchair is one of the examples of assistive technology, and other is scooters, walkers as well as canes. There is also a hearing aid that is providing to the people who can’t listen. But in this video, we only discuss the wheelchair.

Question 4

How Brain Gate is working at the forefront of BMI research?How Brain Gate is working at the forefront of BMI research?

Braingate is the brain of computer interface systems which is constructed at the one time, and it is claimed through the cyber kinetics which is presently working in the progress of the clinical trials. To help the individuals who have the lost control of the appendages for the real capacities in the spinal string of harm. The technology Braingate along with the benefits of related cyber kinetics is currently possessed through the Braingate LLC. Into the brain, the sensors that are embedded monitors the brain movement in the delivery of the plan plus in a patient for the computer's commands. The mission of the Braingate in the research of a BMI further progression of the enriching technology for the evaluation of the extensive selection which helps the people to debilitated, collaborate and correspond with the society (Mepits.com, 2015) .  

The BMI development as well research has advanced over the past years that are bound to upgrade the high speed of the coming decades. The application of the BMI might be extended the realms for the medical assistive devices that are available for all of our day-to-day. There are crucial factors for the functionality as well as the accuracy of the devices. The working principle of the Braingate in the research of the BMI is that it is intact with the brain function , signal of the brain which generates even by they are not to sent the hand, leg as well as arms. In the Cursor movement, the signal is translated as well as interpreted that is offering the user to have the alternative for the Braingate pathway to control the computer by thinking, where the individuals have the ability to move their hand by use of the mouse. The researcher at the Braingate is very excited that is develop the multiple technologies on behalf of the peoples with its disabilities. The challenges which need to resolve to create the BMI very interesting (Underwood, 2018).   

By linking the intact circuity of the brain for the treatment of neurological disabilities, BMI research holds the promise. In the rapid development, the BMI has experienced, and it also facilitates the advances in the neurons recordings, robots plus computer technology. The complicated factors prevented this technology for the research of the BMI is the sensory , Motor as well as the bidirectional that is sub serves domain for the higher brain functions. When the information of the bandwidth is limited, then the BMI is easy and safe to implements their functions. The research of BMI enhances the bandwidth through using the recordings of multichannel from the ensembles of the brain neurons. The goal of BMI research has a broad range for the clinical goals as well as to improve the normal functions of the brains (Lebedev, 2014).  

Question 5

WHEELCHAIR is assistive technology (AT) device?


Wheelchair progression from its invention

Around about in the 12th century, the first Wheelchair might have been entered in Europe. By the disabled person in a Europ, the first record is used for the self-propelled   chairs in the dates of the 17th century. But in the 20th century, the most advanced in the wheelchair technology is being, and the invention is the folding wheelchair that is initially created by the tubular steel, and it is allowed for the disabled individuals to use the wheelchair outside of their homes. The 20th century saw key improvements for wheelchair design in a manual plus electric wheelchairs that are brought the relief problems like the pressure sores plus the added support. The important element of the wheelchair design is increasing the incorporation of the emerging technologies in the 21st century (Woods & et.al, 2019).In our everyday life, the wheelchair is the fundamental part for the various customers; it not just for the long part of transport that has the maneuverability as well as stability of wheelchair. This created for the persons that are the less abled member in our community could enjoy the active social life, to travel the different places plus it is significant to be comfortable.

The progression of the wheelchair is developed day by day as the Braingate invented the new technology of wheelchair today for a patient by the limited mobility. The technology Braingate is implanted into the brains of the patient as well as it is hooked to the computer to which a patient could send the mental commands which give the results for the machine involving the wheelchairs by doing what they want. The progression of the Wheelchair is continued where there are appliances that are widely used through the handicapped of the individuals until an advanced procedure of medical and it can return the ability of work. By the use of the today wheelchair that allows the freedom of the movement (Bellis, 2018).

In today wheelchair the progression is developed that is

 The wheelchair continues to enhance the new material that is supposed to help and provide the independencies of the people.

Progression of wheelchair cause the introduction of an automobile

 Rehabilitative treatments development

 When people deal with that person who has issues about mobility issues

Accessibility plus improvement of medical services for the wheelchair peoples  

 Why the AT was developed

AT is stand for “Assistive Technology” that is several items, software program , the piece of equipment as well as the product system  The purpose of the AT is that to maintain, increase, and improve the functional capabilities for the person with its disabilities. AT could be divided into two categories like Low technology, High technology.

AT was developed because it enables the students by the disabilities to compensate for their certain impairments. And the AT is special technology because it promotes the independence plus decreases the need for other support. To care for their families as well as themselves the AT and the Rehabilitative can enable.

AT technology could enable the individual

  Care for their families and themselves


 Learn the typical School environment

By reading and Computers access information

Enjoy the arts, music, travel as well as sports  

 In the community life fully participates Assistive technology is developed because it is also benefits for the teachers, employers as well as family members along with the everyone that interacts with the people. The people without disabilities are benefiting for the AT because it is more commonplace. Such as people taking the advantages of form the screen reader whom English is the second language. But some of the use the magnifiers as well as enlargers for the older individuals (Borg & et.al, 2015). Assistive technology also offers the opportunity for the disabled child to comm

unicate with their parents and the other that is connected to everyday life.

How Assistive Technology may change in future

The assistive technology future is surprisingly simple. In everyday technologies which improve the accessibility that is far and more helpful than the miraculous, plus intervention of high technology. The brightest future of the AT is the catchall term for the several hardware plus the software term which issued to increase and maintain the functional capabilities for the individual disabilities (Perry, 2015).

Future of the AT is the fast approaching, which might be scarily close to having the robots and completely controlling for the workplace. The future of the AT looks like;

 IoT (internet of things)

Cars of Blind

Stairs climbing wheelchairs

 Vis GPS signal walking Assistance

The internet of things is enhancing as well as expanding the ability to streamline along with integrating the AT onto the everyday lives. The AT is profitable and mainstream along with to achieve the things that are thought the possible realm of science fiction .The mainstreams of the AT is the universal reach plus seen the innovative cool.


Alzheimer. (2018). The ethical issues linked to the use of assistive technology in dementia care. Alzheimer Europe Report.

Bellis, M. (2018, July 3). History of the Wheelchair. Retrieved from https://www.thoughtco.com/history-of-the-wheelchair-1992670

Borg, J., & et al. (2015). Assistive Technology for Children with Disabilities: Creating Opportunities for Education, Inclusion, and Participation A discussion paper. Unicef.

EZEIZA, A., & et.al. (2008). ETHICAL ISSUES ON THE DESIGN OF ASSISTIVE TECHNOLOGY FOR PEOPLE WITH MENTAL DISABILITIES. International Conference on Ethics and Human Values in Engineering.

Lebedev, M. (2014). BRAIN-MACHINE INTERFACES:AN OVERVIEW. Translational Neuroscience, 5(1), 99-110.

Mepits.com. (2015, January 1). Braingate-Brain-Computer Interface System. Retrieved from https://www.mepits.com/tutorial/268/trending-technologies/braingate-brain-computer-interface-system

Perry, D. (2015, August 17). The future of assistive tech is surprisingly simple. Retrieved from http://america.aljazeera.com/opinions/2015/8/the-future-of-assistive-tech-is-surprisingly-simple.html

Seifer, D. F., & et al. (2005, July). Defining Socially Assistive Robotics. Proceedings of the 2005 IEEE 9th International Conference on Rehabilitation Robotics.

Tucker, K. (2019). What Is the Most Important Issue Biomedical Engineering Is Facing? Retrieved from https://work.chron.com/important-issue-biomedical-engineering-facing-22737.html

Underwood, C. (2018, November 29). Looking at the Present and Future of Brain-Machine Interfaces with BrainGate’s Dr. Janos Perge. Retrieved from https://emerj.com/ai-podcast-interviews/looking-at-the-present-and-future-of-brain-machine-interfaces-with-braingates-dr-janos-perge/

Weiss, A., &et al. (2014). Socially assistive robots for the aging population Are We Trapped in Stereotypes. IEEE International Conference on Human-Robot Interaction.

Woods, B., & et.al. (2019). History of the wheelchair. Retrieved from https://www.britannica.com/topic/history-of-the-wheelchair-1971423







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