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Research Methodology of Social impact of low-cost airlines in the European airline industry

Category: Social Sciences Paper Type: Report Writing Reference: APA Words: 2500

The current chapter is to provide with the research methods. These methods are used specifically for the current research topic i.e., the social impact of low-cost airlines in the European airline industry. This chapter contains the details for the design of the research, research methodology (it contains the details for the population of the study, sample size of the study along with the sampling strategy, methods for the purposes of the data collection & the tools for collecting the data for the said topic). The analytical tools, which are used for making the calculations on the available data and perform the relevant tests, are also discussed. It can be said that the main agenda behind doing this is to ensure that expected outcomes are achieved to the maximum possible extent. It is done by performing the required tests on the available data.

Research Design of Social impact of low-cost airlines in the European airline industry

The design of the study explains about the particular materials and methods that will be particularly employed in this study. The objectives of the research are attained by doing so. The design of the research study also explores the research approach that will be used in this study along with investigation types, unit’s analysis with particular time horizon. The research design of the study also discuss about the research strategy and methods.

Research Approach of Social impact of low-cost airlines in the European airline industry

There exist varying study forms that are based on varying data forms. Based on the nature of the study it is confirmed that the nature of the current research work is quantitative. The methodology is better determined based on the nature of the data. If we talk about the qualitative methodology, it can be said that the verbal data exist for the qualitative methodology. For the quantitative methodology, the numerical data exists. From the data available for performing the varying tests, to find the results, the numerical data of Ryan Airlines have been analyzed. For knowing the impact of the low-cost airline on the industry it is important to understand their financials. As the data is based on the financial reports, so it is confirmed that the nature of the data is numerical. The tests are performed on this data which assisted in performing various analyses.

Type of investigation of Social impact of low-cost airlines in the European airline industry

The financial ratio analysis of Ryan is used from which the profitability, efficiency, liquidity and financial leverage of the organization are better evaluated.

The profitability is based on various parameters which include as given: margin percentage of sales, the revenue, cost of goods sold, gross margin, SG& A, R&D, other, operating margin, net income, EBT margin, tax rate, return on assets, financial leverage, return on equity percentage, return on invested capital percentage and interest coverage etc.

The liquidity is all about the quick ratio, current ratio, financial leverage and debt-equity ratio. For the efficiency the data analysis is performed for the day's sales outstanding, days inventory, payable period, cash conversion cycle, receivable turnover, inventory turnover, asset turnover and fixed asset turnover.

The financial leverage include the ratio analysis for the Cash & Short-Term Investments, Accounts Receivable, Inventory, Other Current Assets, Total Current Assets, Net PP&E, Intangibles, Other Long-Term Assets, Total Assets, Accounts Payable, Short-Term Debt, Taxes payable, Accrued Liabilities, Other Short-Term Liabilities, Total Current Liabilities, and Other Long-Term Liabilities.

The data from the financial reports are taken from the year 2010 to the latest quarter. The data analysis better helped to analyze the current study topic i.e., the social impact of low-cost airlines in the European airline industry. The data for every quarter is taken in order to calculate the profitability, efficiency, liquidity and financial leverage of the organization.

The data collection for the current study is based on the financial reports of Ryan. As the financial analysis is desired for the current work so the use of the financial reports is better suggested for the current research work. The quantitative data analysis is used for the said purpose. The data analysis is based entirely on secondary data. The secondary data means the already available sources are used for data collection purposes. For the current study the financial reports of Ryan Airlines are used. The performance benchmarks are set for evaluating the performance of the company under consideration. Even its own performance is evaluated for different periods of time. The ration analysis and the performance analysis better helped to evaluate the performance of the company in varying time periods.

Unit of Analysis of Social impact of low-cost airlines in the European airline industry

As per the topic of the study i.e., the social impact of low-cost airlines in the European airline industry, the unit of analysis is the financial report of Ryan Airlines for a specified quarter of the year for which the performance analysis can better be made for the said company.

Time Horizon of Social impact of low-cost airlines in the European airline industry

The data which is gathered for the current research work is collected for just once. It means no revisions are made to gather the data again and again. Rather the website of the company is better used to gather the financial reports. It confirms that the nature of the study is cross-sectional and not the longitudinal. No follow-ups are required for getting the desired outcomes. The data collection is time-series. It means that the data which is used for the analysis purposes is collected for a specified tenure of the time. It is the quarter of a year for which the data analysis is performed.

Research Strategy of Social impact of low-cost airlines in the European airline industry

The data collection is time-series. The data collection for the current study is based on the financial reports of Ryan. The website of the company is better used to gather financial reports.

Research Methodology of Social impact of low-cost airlines in the European airline industry

The use of financial reports suggests the use of secondary data for the current research work. The financial reports are perceived to be an accurate means for data collection purposes. In case the data is evaluated for a different span of time then the reliability is more confirmed due to the accuracy of the financial reports. As the financial reports tend to show the financial position of the company, so the records of the said company are examined in order to get the know-how about the company’s financial positioning.

The population of the study of Social impact of low-cost airlines in the European airline industry

The population for the current research work is based on the European airline industry. All the airlines of the industry are perceived as the study population.

Sample and sampling strategy of Social impact of low-cost airlines in the European airline industry

The sample is specified for the studies where the questionnaire is used. For the current research work it can be assumed that the Financial reports of 2010- onward (2019) Ryan Airlines is used. The sampling technique which is used for the current study is the non-probability convenient sampling technique. It means that the data is collected from those financial reports which are easily available.

Data Collection Method of Social impact of low-cost airlines in the European airline industry

The secondary data collection for the current research work is based on the financial reports of Ryan Airlines. For the said purpose, financial reports are considered as the best fit to gather the data. From the already existing work, it is evident that the research works which are based on the financial reports the performance of a company can better be evaluated for a specified tenure. It can be done with respect to either the company’s own performance or the other companies in the industry. The secondary data is also based on the already existing research articles which better served the purpose.

Simply it can be said that for the purposes of current research work, two research methods are used basically. It includes both the quantitative and the qualitative research method. As far as the qualitative research method is concerned, it makes easy for the researchers to better understand the underlying reasons and opinions. It provides the basis for the development of the unique as well as the innovative ideas for quantifying the beliefs, behaviors & attitudes.

In order to evaluate the research problem, the quantitative data is being used. It provides the numerical data which is later transformed into the usage statistics. This technique supports the use of the financial, statistical and mathematical data for evaluation purposes. In the case of the qualitative research the subjective approach helps to narrate, explain, understand as well as explore the phenomenon underlying the research topic. For the case of a quantitative approach, the empirical assessment helps to address the objectives of the research work. The secondary data which comprises of the financial reports is used from the website of the Airline under consideration. By using this data, it is tried to achieve the objective of the current research work.

Pilot Study of Social impact of low-cost airlines in the European airline industry

For the purpose of the pilot study, the profitability, efficiency, liquidity and financial leverage are calculated for Ryan Airlines for 2019. It helped to evaluate the performance of the company for the specified tenure of the year.

Measurement Error of Social impact of low-cost airlines in the European airline industry

The case when the calculations are performed without having the surety for the exact as well as the accurate outcomes for the study data is basically the measurement error. For any study it is not possible to avoid measurement errors. The study outcomes cannot be devoid of the measurement errors.

The possible measurement errors may have faults related to the input of the data as well as the wrong interpretation of the outputs. The measurement errors cannot be eliminated. Rather they can be minimized as well as controlled to the possible extent. The data is gathered, encoded, decoded and evaluated by human beings. So, there are more chances to have the data with the said measurement errors. In order to conduct the current research work, the parameters which are taken into consideration are as given: the data coding and the decoding done very carefully the excel sheet. In this way the data which is gathered from the financial reports is more accurate and feasible. Also, it is tried to interpret the data by taking into consideration the proper precautionary actions.

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