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Research Methodology on trade marketing

Category: Marketing Paper Type: Dissertation & Thesis Writing Reference: APA Words: 12250

The few following points have been used simultaneously for conducting this exploratory research study in which includes. Research Philosophy, Research Approach, Research Strategy, Selecting Respondents and Research ethics.

Research Philosophy of trade marketing

This research study followed two paradigms for this research which is positivism paradigm under a quantitative approach and interpretivism paradigm under qualitative approach. The data is collected from the managers of the different departments of the different companies of the international trade industry. The positivism paradigm is used because it is easy process of data collection and data analysis. This study is objective in nature for that this paradigm suits this study the most. The interpritivism paradigm is used because it is followed the previous researches and theories.

According to Slife and Williams (2006) Positivism paradigm is a paradigm in which knowledge is generated through observations and experiments. Positivism is also called scientific method post positivism and it’s totally based on quantitative approach. Basically positivism paradigm used in research for a long time till half of the twentieth century but after that it is criticized because this paradigm is only related to objective study no subjective study is used in this paradigm. Because of this drawback another paradigm is rise anti-positivism or interpretivisim Invalid source specified..

According to johnson and Onwuegbuzie (2004) Interpretivism is basically a paradigm which gone through a subjective views. Interpretivism is also called constructivism and social constructivism and in this paradigm qualitative approach is used under this paradigm a researcher questions become broad and general from their participant’s and these questions forged into discussions. Like positivism interpretivism also has some draw backs like it is made difficult to made quantitative prediction on the study. So much time is consumed in data analysis. In this paradigm it is so much difficult to find an appropriate sample of participants for the data collection and it’s also a time consuming process.Invalid source specified..

Research Approach of trade marketing

Deductive research approach

The research approach to be used in the study have a huge impact on the overall research. There are two potential approaches to be used in the research that are inductive and deductive research approaches. Deductive approach checks the assumptions validity close by it and inductive method adds to the growth of new assumptions and hypotheses. In this study the inductive and deductive research approach would be used because this is quantitative research under the positivism paradigm and this research is done by following complete procedure as, assumptions, theories and hypothesis. If many hypotheses will be analyzed for research study that needs to be established or banned at the time of the research process when will following a deductive approach. Invalid source specified..

Research Method of trade marketing

There are three types of research method qualitative method, quantitative method and mixed method. In this study the researcher would use the mixed method of research by following the both interpritivsim and positivism paradigm. The aim behind selecting this method is the investigative research based on subjective and objective both data. It means quantitative and qualitative both methods are using for this research and the sum up of these both methods is called mixed method. Mixed method approach is an approach in which data can be collected through both quantitative method and qualitative method. In this technique close-ended questionnaires is developed as a data collection tool.

This approach is both deductive and inductive in nature. Quantitative method is used for this research that there is short time and research is conducted locally. The researcher by using the quantitative method gets a valid outcome in fewer time by using the SPSS software for the data collection. In this study the close-ended questionnaire would be used as a data collection tool and the data is collected from the companies. The qualitative method is used only for verifying the previous theories.

Studies of McCusker.K., & Gunaydin. S, (2015) depicts about the qualitative method. The qualitative method is totally based on interpritivism paradigm and a researcher whose follow an interpritivism paradigm can only uses a qualitative approach. A qualitative research is conducted at high level and all the data is conducted in alphabets form rather than in numeric figures in quantitative method. Qualitative research is conducted on daily routines base of peoples and in own words of peoples and the big fact about this research is that this research is subjective and inductive in nature Invalid source specified.

According to Biryman, (2017) quantitative method is totally based on positivism paradigm and a researcher who follows a positivism paradigm can only uses a quantitative approach. In Quantitative method all the data is in the numeric form and in quantitative research large sampling can be used by the researcher and on that statistical data various tests like mean, mod and median will be applied to check the validity of the data and through quantitative method the relationship between the variables through the test correlation can be found. This approach is objective and deductive in natureInvalid source specified..

Research Design of trade marketing

Research methodology is one of the essential parts of the research study. In research methodology, the data is collected on which the whole research is based upon. Research methodology follows a complete structure or format through which data is being collected and then analyzed. There are many methods or tools for collecting the data. In basic there are two types of data collection methods, one is known as quantitative data collections methods and the other one qualitative data collection method. In this research qualitative and quantities, both types of tools are being used. Both quantitative and qualitative approach will be applied for gathering the data for the research. The data will be collected through a survey the participants. The data collection tool such as questionnaire will be used for collecting the desired information. After collecting the data the data will be analyzed to its reliability & validity. The analysis of the data has huge significance in the research process. After the analysis of the data, the results of the study would be formed which will answer the research questions. The qualitative and quantitative both type of research designed will be followed in this research study because the research questions required both qualitative and quantitative data to provide in-depth answers.

The research questions are of mixed nature that is why both types of tools are used for collecting the data. The study provided the valid answers to the questions only on the bases of data that is gathered from the participants. The data must be gathered according to by following the research methods that chances of errors can be kept the minimum. The quantitative research and qualitative research both are different from each other therefore collecting data for both types of research are also different.

The reason for using both types of research designs in the research methodology is because through this the research will provide more detail and the credibility of the research will enhance. When the data is going to be collected by using both the techniques than it means that research will provide findings in detail and such findings will be able to use by the future researchers as well. When data is going to be in detail than findings will also cover more things which ultimately increase the validity and originally of the research. This research paper uses the qualitative and quantitative method of research. The primary and the secondary research techniques were used in the present research. For the primary research the Journal and peer reviewed articles were used and for the secondary research questionnaires method is used to get the responses. This research study is the complete analysis of all methods to know about the user perspective about the use of trade marketing in the future of the business. In this research, statistical method is used for the selection of the sample. The questionnaire method is used in the resear

h to know about the perspective of people about using the trade marketing services and how secure they feel to use all of these services. 

Quantitative Data Gathering Tools of trade marketing

Interviews of trade marketing

Interviews are among the most used data collection tools in quantitative research. If the research questions are of mixed nature the interview will be structured. In quantitative research, the interviews are highly structured as compare to qualitative research it means that in the interview a set of questions will be asked of the participants. For quantitative data the following interview types are the most suitable therefore those interviews are conducted in order to get Invalid source specified..

Face to face Interview of trade marketing

The face to face interview allows the interviewer to gather the huge amount of information from the participant. In the face to face interview, the interviewer can ask set of questions which are already prepared in the form of the list. In this study, the face to face interview is being carried out which allow me to collect the huge amount of information. The interview questions include both open-ended and closed-ended questions. In the interview, the participants are given the chance to provide the answer to the question in detail. The interviewer has recorded the answers to the questions and collected data efficiently. All the respondents have answered the questions in detail and it can be said that the response of the individuals was exceptionally well Invalid source specified..

Telephone Conversation of trade marketing

The telephone conversation is another method that we used for collecting the data for my first two research questions. The telephone is done to some of the individuals to collect useful information. In the telephone conversation, many participants have answers the questions effectively. However, few respondents do not answer the telephone which cause I bit inconvenience. The overall response of the telephone survey remains quite overwhelming and provides data that is required to answer the questions Invalid source specified..

In-depth interview of trade marketing

The in-depth interview is one of the major qualitative data collection tools that provide the huge amount of information that is qualitative in nature. In this research study, the interview is conducted in which many open-ended questions are included which are necessary for qualitative data collection. After the interview, a lot of new information was gathered this is then analyzed to generate results. All the participants with whom the interview is being conducted have provided data in detail. The response of the individuals was quite overwhelming.

Questionnaire of trade marketing

The questionnaire is the second data collection tool that used to collect the data from the individuals. From half of the individuals, the data is collected by using the survey from the other half the data is gathered by using the questionnaire. In the questionnaire series of questions are being asked of the individuals. The questions that are included in the questionnaire are made by keeping the individuals in mind. Three types of the questionnaire are formed for the study. One questionnaire contains the questions regarding patients and the other questionnaire contains the questions regarding the clinicians Invalid source specified..

Mail Based Questionnaire of trade marketing

The questionnaire technique that is used in the study is mail based questionnaires. The questionnaires are sent through email to the individuals to answer the questions. The individuals to whom the questionnaires have been sent have answered the questions in detail. The participants of the study have given specific time under which they have to return the questionnaires back. All the individuals to whom the questionnaires have been sent have returned the questionnaires back. The response of the individuals was quite appreciating and all of the have gathered the required data on tie through mail questionnaire Invalid source specified..

Observation method of trade marketing

The next method that used to collect the qualitative data is the observation method. I observed the individuals realize what they think about the future trends in the trade and how it is going to affect them. The other individuals are also observed to know what they think about the current government plan and future how trade is going to be changed. After spending a significant amount of time on observation a lot of information was gathered which provide deep insights.

Focus group of trade marketing

For collecting the data another exciting and useful approach that is focus group is also used which provide brief information on the research question. The participants have governed an environment in which they share their information regarding the topic. Through this huge amount of data was gathered which than analyzed to determine the results. The data has very significant points which are required to answer the research question.

Analysis of Data of trade marketing

After gathering the data the analysis of data is important so that the results or findings of the study can be established. There are many ways through which data is analyzed and its reliability and validity are checked. Following are some of the ways through which data is going to be analyzed.

Mean of trade marketin

The mean is one of the most used data analysis technique. Mean provides the average of the data or shows the central trend of the data. The means is the quick way to analyze the overall trend of the data. The mode or median can also be used along with mean to get more detail analysis of the overall data. In this study mean is used to analyze the data Invalid source specified..

Standard Deviation of trade marketing

Standard deviation depicts how much data is spread around mean. It is a good way to analyze the data and to know its characteristics. In case the standard deviation value is high it means that the data is spread around mean and if the value of standard deviation is low than it means that the data is aligned with mean. For data evaluation standard deviation is used in the study Invalid source specified..

Usage of SPSS software in trade marketing

The SPSS software will also be used for analyzing the data. SPSS software provides data analysis in detail. All of the data collected from the respondents would be gathered and analyzed by using the SPSS software. The SPSS software would be used to apply different test like regression, ANOVA, correlation and other different statistical tests.

Selected method of trade marketing

 From all of the primary research tools, the questionnaire method would be used for this research study. The questionnaire methods would allow the researcher to have the view point of different respondents on likerd five scale, so that the responses can be taken on same scale and the data would also be very easy to analysis.  By using the questionnaire method, at least one question will be made for each variable whether dependent or independent.  All of the questionnaire will be distributed among the respondents that can be managers, manufacturers, suppliers, wholesalers and end customers in the international trading industry. The questionnaire responds would help to analyze the practices used by various business to ensure effective trade marketing and explore the future of trade marketing for various businesses. The research questions are of mixed nature that is why both types of tools are used for collecting the data. The study provided the valid answers to the questions only on the bases of data that is gathered from the participants.

The questionnaire will be filled out by the respondents on volunteer basis and any of the respondent can quit the survey anytime they want if they not feel comfortable in responding. In the questionnaire it would also ensure to the respondents that all of the results get from the survey would not be used for commercial benefits.  On the other side, it would be make sure to the respondent of the multinational companies that their identity would be kept confidential.  In this research stud the questionnaire method for the primary data collect would be the more appropriate to collect the data and analyses it.

Sampling Technique of trade marketing

The sampling technique that is used for this research is the simple random sampling. The simple random sampling is the easiest and less time-consuming approach. Through simple random sampling, every member has the equal chance. Another reason for using the simple random sampling is that the population has the same characteristics therefore random sampling will generate the efficient and accurate result.  In this research study the random sampling method would be more effective because it can reduce in the biasness while taking conducting the survey. The sampling technique that is used for gathering the data is simple random sampling. The simple random sampling is a simple method and does not take much time. In research study time matters a lot and therefore this approach is appropriate Invalid source specified.

Sample size of trade marketing

For this research study, the sample of the 300 is selected from the traders, manufacturers, suppliers and the wholesalers in the multinational companies. The sample of 250 will be appropriate for this research study depending on the independent and dependent variables. Different questions will go to be asked of the individuals. However, the questions that are going to be asked of the individuals are open-ended questions. Through open-ended questions, more qualitative data can be gathered. Instead of the normal individual in this sample size, the policymakers will also be included to get detail insights regarding the trade market in the future. The researchers personally met to the manger and employees after getting the permission to know about how are willing to respond. For the permission the researchers have sent a request e mail to fill the questionnaire and also receive the responses via email.

3.6 Data Collection methods / Procedures of trade marketing

There are many methods for collecting the data but it’s necessary to designing or deciding the instrument of the research for collecting the data. Here researchers have discussed numerous sources by which data can be collected. The resources that is used by the researchers to collect the data are, surveys, telephonic call and email. The researcher conduct this research study by using telephonic call personal contact by mailing send the questionnaire to managers different departments of companies to know about their trade shows, trade promotions, relationships, branding, trade magazines and websites, consistent market research and digital marketing.

The survey is little bit tough and time consuming procedure of the data collection whenever telephonic calls and emailing is best source and less time consuming that’s why the researcher used this source to collecting the data. Researcher has met to the manger personally to whom he can contact for filling this questionnaire. Where he cannot go email sent to the mangers and receives the responses via email. In this exploratory research the researcher followed a questionnaires method under a quantitative approachInvalid source specified..

Analysis of Data:  Tools & Techniques of trade marketing

The selection of the suitable statistical is very important factors for the analysis of data that is collected from the primary research. So, for the present research the data analysis technique used is descriptive and inferential data analysis. The research will use the SPSS software that used to inspect mathematical equations while analyzing the data. However, the techniques inferential data analysis was also used in this research study. These techniques comprise regression and the correlation. The regression and the correlation both utilized to evaluate the impact of one variable on the other. Likewise, the trade marketing future examines on scale of the impact of the independent variables on dependent variable. Consequently, both the regression and the correlation analyze by using SPSS software to study future of trade. Through open-ended questions, more qualitative data can be gathered. Instead of the normal individual in this sample size, the policymakers will also be included to get detail insights regarding the trade market in the future. The primary variable of this study is the trade marketing. Moreover, for exploring the future of trade marketing, the terms such as online marketing, digital marketing, the changing trends of marketing etc. have been used for the purpose of exploration. For exploring the future of trade marketing, different elements would be taken into consideration. The dependent variable of this study is trade marketing.

The descriptive and the inferential data analysis are quite important in this research study. In descriptive analysis various analyses was conducted:- If the variables are nominal and ordinal then frequency distribution table and bar chart is developed by putting the data in SPSS software 16.0. A frequency distribution table is a table in which how many time a respondent scored on a single variable is marked. And with the help of this table a valid percentage is also has been developed which is also represented that how many times a respondent marked the same variable. Both tools of data analysis will be used in the study to evaluate the independent variables impact over dependent (Hameed & Waheed, 2011).

This exploratory research used the various data analyses techniques for the quantitative primary data research. As said before, this study used quantitative surveys or questionnaires for collecting the primary data. So that, the data obtained through quantitative questionnaires are analyzed in this chapter. There are two techniques used for the data analysis according to the research objectives and hypotheses seen in the methodology chapter. Each of these technique comprises data collected from managers of the different departments of companies. The findings obtained from the forms are further explained and detailed in this chapter

This research study can follow quantitative research methods. In this study the methods selection based on the nature of research study. The quantitative analysis is used in the whole procedure. The questionnaire would be self-designed to be used for better fit the principle of the research. For the secondary research study in this paper, the data is collect from the authentic resources like peer reviewed articles, journal articles, books and official websites of different companies.

Ethical Considerations of trade marketing

While conducting the whole research in this study the ethical considerations kept in mind, so that all of the processes of the research can be carried out effectively without hurting anyone or violating any rule of the academic research. Before conducting the survey the permission is granted by emails to the companies managers and it is also ensured to the companies that there data would not be used for any commercial benefits. The questionnaire will be filled out by the respondents on volunteer basis and any of the respondent can quit the survey anytime they want if they not feel comfortable in responding. While conducting the survey, it would be make sure to the respondent of the multinational companies that their identity would be kept confidential.  None of the respondents throughout the research is forced to fill the survey and all of the surveys are filled by the respondents on volunteer basis. For the secondary research, in this study all of the data is collected form the authentic and reliable resources.

Chapter 4: Research Analysis of trade marketing

Conceptual Marketing of trade marketing

In above model:

 Trade Marketing = TM = Dependent Variable

 Unique Selling Proposition = USP = Independent Variable

 Brand Awareness = BA = Independent Variable

Competitive Awareness = CA = Independent Variable

Frequency Analysis of trade marketing

The frequencies analysis of all questions are given as follows:






Valid Percent

Cumulative Percent


25-35 years





35-45 years





45-55 years





Above 55












The above pie chart and table shows the frequency distribution of age. It can be seen that 55 per cent of the respondents belong to age group between 35 to 45, 25 per cent of the respondents belong to age group belong to age group between 45 and 55 years, 10 per cent of the respondents belong to age group between 25 and 35 years, similarly 10 per cent of the respondents belong to age group above 55 years.






Valid Percent

Cumulative Percent


















The above graph and table represents the frequency of gender; it can be observed that 80 per cent of the respondents were male while only 20 per cent were females.


The trends of trade marketing have changed beyond recognition since it was introduced.




Valid Percent

Cumulative Percent


Strongly Disagree




















Strongly Agree











The table and graph shows the frequency of first statement in the questionnaire. It can be seen that 25 per cent respondents have chosen strongly agree option, 30 per cent of the respondents have chosen agree option, 20 percent of the respondents have chosen neutral option, 15 per cent of the respondents have chosen disagree option, and only 10 per cent of the respondents have chosen strongly disagree option.


Trade marketing can be considered as one of the finest forms of B2B marketing.




Valid Percent

Cumulative Percent


Strongly Disagree




















Strongly Agree











 The table and graph shows the frequency of second statement in the questionnaire. It can be seen that 20 per cent respondents have chosen strongly agree option, 35 per cent of the respondents have chosen agree option, 25 percent of the respondents have chosen neutral option, 10 per cent of the respondents have chosen disagree option, and only 10 per cent of the respondents have chosen strongly disagree option.


Trade marketing’s objective is to sell goods to organizations and increase profits of manufacturer organization.




Valid Percent

Cumulative Percent

















Strongly Agree











 The table and graph shows the frequency of third statement in the questionnaire. It can be seen that 30 per cent respondents have chosen strongly agree option, 40 per cent of the respondents have chosen agree option, 20 percent of the respondents have chosen neutral option, 10 per cent of the respondents have chosen disagree option.


Trade marketing is very beneficial to enhance product demand with supply chain partners of manufacturer.




Valid Percent

Cumulative Percent

















Strongly Agree












 The table and graph shows the frequency of fourth statement in the questionnaire. It can be seen that 25 per cent respondents have chosen strongly agree option, 30 per cent of the respondents have chosen agree option, 20 percent of the respondents have chosen neutral option, 25 per cent of the respondents have chosen disagree option.


Unique selling proposition defines the unique position of manufacturer company in the marketplace.




Valid Percent

Cumulative Percent

















Strongly Agree











The table and graph shows the frequency of fifth statement in the questionnaire. It can be seen that 45 per cent respondents have chosen strongly agree option, 20 per cent of the respondents have chosen agree option, 30 percent of the respondents have chosen neutral option, 5 per cent of the respondents have chosen disagree option.

Unique selling proposition of company lets it stand apart the market competitors through effective trade marketing.




Valid Percent

Cumulative Percent

















Strongly Agree











The table and graph shows the frequency of sixth statement in the questionnaire. It can be seen that 20 per cent respondents have chosen strongly agree option, 45 per cent of the respondents have chosen agree option, 30 percent of the respondents have chosen neutral option, 5 per cent of the respondents have chosen disagree option.


Through unique selling proposition, the manufacturer company can actively focus on its energy to cater its ideal customers’ group.




Valid Percent

Cumulative Percent


Strongly Disagree




















Strongly Agree











 The table and graph shows the frequency of seven statement in the questionnaire. It can be seen that 20 per cent respondents have chosen strongly agree option, 30 per cent of the respondents have chosen agree option, 40 percent of the respondents have chosen neutral option, 5 per cent of the respondents have chosen disagree option, and only 5 per cent of the respondents have chosen strongly disagree option.

Having unique selling proposition is itself a competitive edge for company.




Valid Percent

Cumulative Percent

















Strongly Agree











 The table and graph shows the frequency of eighth statement in the questionnaire. It can be seen that 15 per cent respondents have chosen strongly agree option, 40 per cent of the respondents have chosen agree option, 30 percent of the respondents have chosen neutral option, 15 per cent of the respondents have chosen disagree option.

Trade marketing is one of the best ways to for company to interact with its suppliers and increase brand awareness.




Valid Percent

Cumulative Percent

















Strongly Agree











The table and graph shows the frequency of ninth statement in the questionnaire. It can be seen that 45 per cent respondents have chosen strongly agree option, 20 per cent of the respondents have chosen agree option, 30 percent of the respondents have chosen neutral option, 5 per cent of the respondents have chosen disagree option.

Brand recognition can be created through trade marketing that ultimately increase brand awareness.




Valid Percent

Cumulative Percent

















Strongly Agree











The table and graph shows the frequency of tenth statement in the questionnaire. It can be seen that 20 per cent respondents have chosen strongly agree option, 45 per cent of the respondents have chosen agree option, 30 percent of the respondents have chosen neutral option, 5 per cent of the respondents have chosen disagree option.

Brand awareness can be considered as one of the major goals of trade marketing.




Valid Percent

Cumulative Percent

















Strongly Agree












The table and graph shows the frequency of eleventh statement in the questionnaire. It can be seen that 20 per cent respondents have chosen strongly agree option, 25 per cent of the respondents have chosen agree option, 40 percent of the respondents have chosen neutral option, 15 per cent of the respondents have chosen disagree option.


Suppliers can effectively establish brand recognition if trade marketing is effective.




Valid Percent

Cumulative Percent












Strongly Agree











The table and graph shows the frequency of twelve statement in the questionnaire. It can be seen that 20 per cent respondents have chosen strongly agree option, 50 per cent of the respondents have chosen agree option, 30 percent of the respondents have chosen neutral option.

Trade marketing is an effective way to explain the products detail and outperform the competitors.




Valid Percent

Cumulative Percent


Strongly Disagree















Strongly Agree











 The table and graph shows the frequency of thirteen statement in the questionnaire. It can be seen that 2o per cent respondents have chosen strongly agree option, 45 per cent of the respondents have chosen agree option, 30 percent of the respondents have chosen neutral option, and only 5 per cent of the respondents have chosen strongly disagree option.


Trade marketers must have strong product knowledge to enhance product awareness.




Valid Percent

Cumulative Percent


Strongly Disagree




















Strongly Agree











 The table and graph shows the frequency of fourteen statement in the questionnaire. It can be seen that 35 per cent respondents have chosen strongly agree option, 30 per cent of the respondents have chosen agree option, 15 percent of the respondents have chosen neutral option, 15 per cent of the respondents have chosen disagree option, and only 5 per cent of the respondents have chosen strongly disagree option.


Competitive awareness can be increased through effective trade marketing.




Valid Percent

Cumulative Percent

















Strongly Agree












 The table and graph shows the frequency of fifteen statement in the questionnaire. It can be seen that 25 per cent respondents have chosen strongly agree option, 40 per cent of the respondents have chosen agree option, 30 percent of the respondents have chosen neutral option, 5 per cent of the respondents have chosen disagree option.

Competitive awareness and trade marketing are directly proportional to each other.




Valid Percent

Cumulative Percent


Strongly Disagree




















Strongly Agree










 The table and graph shows the frequency of sixteen statement in the questionnaire. It can be seen that 30 per cent respondents have chosen strongly agree option, 30 per cent of the respondents have chosen agree option, 20 percent of the respondents have chosen neutral option, 15 per cent of the respondents have chosen disagree option, and only 5 per cent of the respondents have chosen strongly disagree option.

Descriptive Statistics of trade marketing

Descriptive Statistics of trade marketing






Std. Deviation

Trade Marketing






Unique Selling Proposition






Brand Awareness






Competitive Awareness






Valid N (list wise)







The above table represents the descriptive statistics and it can be seen that brand awareness has highest mean value while trade marketing has lowest mean value.

Reliability Analysis of trade marketing




No. of Items

Cronbach’s Alpha


Trade Marketing





Unique Selling Proposition





Brand Awareness





Competitive Awareness




            The table shows that the Cronbach alpha value is greater than 0.6 which confirms the reliability of all variables.

Model Summary of trade marketing

Model Summary



R Square

Adjusted R Square

Std. Error of the Estimate






a. Predictors: (Constant), Competitive Awareness, Brand Awareness, Unique Selling Proposition

The above table shows that independent variables i.e. unique selling proposition, brand awareness, and competitive awareness cause approximately 48 per cent variation in the dependent variable i.e. trade marketing.

ANOVA of trade marketing



Sum of Squares


Mean Square






















a. Dependent Variable: Trade Marketing

b. Predictors: (Constant), Competitive Awareness, Brand Awareness, Unique Selling Proposition

            The above table represents the ANOVA analysis where F statistics value is 1.639 and total degree of freedom is 7.909.

Regression of trade marketing



Unstandardized Coefficients

Standardized Coefficients




Std. Error









Unique Selling Proposition






Brand Awareness






Competitive Awareness






a. Dependent Variable: Trade Marketing

The regression results are presented in above table. It can be seen from the significance and coefficient values that all of the independent variables i.e. unique selling proposition, brand awareness, and competitive awareness positively and significantly impact the trade marketing, which means that these three variables can be the future of trade marketing.

 Chapter 5: Discussion and Conclusions on of trade marketing

Discussion of trade marketing

By analyzing the research study related to the future of the trade marketing, it can be said that future of the trade marketing is very much depends on the manufacturers, suppliers, distributors, wholesalers, retailers and supply chain partners in the industry. In this research study there is a discussion about different important concepts related to the trade marketing in the future that help to better understand the whole factors that involve in the trade marketing. It is estimated from the study that because of the use of advanced technology by the company the whole trade marketing has become digital that is also an indicators of the advance and effective trade marketing in the future (Honeycutt & Thelen, 2007). Other than the digital marketing, the practices of the business are also a major factor that can ensure the effective trade marketing globally.  So it can be said that all of the factors involving marketing tools and the business practices must be taken into account to improve their trade marketing, and the future of their trade marketing  is also depend on these factors. 

By analyzing the research paper, it is also analyzed that the trade marketing is very important for the development of any country because the business of the country are depend on the trade market and the economies of the countries is depend on the business. So there is indirect connection between the trade marketing and the development of any country (Honeycutt & Thelen, 2007).  In order to find the relationship between different independent and depend variable, there are different statistical test are also applied to test the data gather from the respondents.  In this study the literature review is made for the secondary research that help to understand different concepts and theories linked with the trade marketing that were introduced by previous researchers.  In the literature of the research study, there is also a detail analysis of different factors that are involve in the trade marketing of the business and what kind of relation all of these factors have  with the trade marketing of the businesses.  In the literature there is a discussion on the digital marketing tools that are changing the way business have been doing the marketing before.

In the literature review of the research study, the whole business cycle of companies is summarized by splitting it in different drivers of the business activities such as manufacturers, suppliers, distributors, wholesalers, retailers and supply chain partners. In any business life cycle the manufacturers, suppliers, distributors, wholesalers, retailers and supply chain partners are the main drivers of the business practices and the whole process of the business are very much depends on these drivers. As far as the future of the trade marketing of the business is concern the business practices and the whole process have a huge impact of the trading of the business (Sharma, Iyer, Mehrotra & Krishnan, 2010)..

the results  of the study also shows that the dependency of the trade marketing future on the business marketing tools, business practices and other business drivers like manufacturers, suppliers, distributors, wholesalers, retailers and supply chain partners is very high.  The trade marketing future examines on scale of the impact of the independent variables on dependent variable, SPSS software to study future of trade (Sharma, Iyer, Mehrotra & Krishnan, 2010).. The primary variable of this study is the trade marketing. Moreover, for exploring the future of trade marketing, the terms such as online marketing, digital marketing, the changing trends of marketing etc. have been used for the purpose of exploration. With the help of this table a valid percentage is also has been developed which is also represented that how many times a respondent marked the same variable (Sharma, Iyer, Mehrotra & Krishnan, 2010).

It is also analyzed from the study that the trade marketing is very important for the development and growth of any business. When different business analyzed it can be said that the business which are using the effective practices if the trade marketing are more developing as compare to the business that were not focus on the trade marketing. In the literature review there is a detailed discussion on the different digital trade marketing tools to be used by the business to improve their overall marketing practices.

Almost all of the businesses are using trade marketing strategies in one or the other way but the problem is that they don’t know which strategy to be put into effective use Bliemel, Eggert, Fassott & Ballantyne, 2005).  In any business the trade marketing is about products branding, supply chain partners communication, creating public relations and advertising and products differentiating from other competitors in the industry. Some of the businesses also need to know that trade marketing is not just an option for them, it is a necessity for the development and growth business and it probably play a role in the business.  It can also be said that in the business the trade manufacturer the main indicators of the success or failure of any business.  The trade marketers must not undervalue their hard work of manufacturing a product and their product should be market after it is manufactured Bliemel, Eggert, Fassott & Ballantyne, 2005).

Unique Selling Preposition of trade marketing

 In this research study one of the independent variables is the unique selling proposition that is an important factor of the trade marketing for the business. From the data analysis in this research study it can be said that, there is a positive relationship between the unique selling positioning and the trade marketing of the business. One of the main objective of the business trade marketing in to create a unique selling positioning for the products manufactured.  The unique selling proposition improves the overall trade of the business by allowing the businesses to approach their ideal customers for the products Bliemel, Eggert, Fassott & Ballantyne, 2005). Effectively positioning the product of the company, helps to improve the marketing. So it can be said that unique selling proposition is a major factor contributing towards the effective trade marketing of the business.  Through unique selling proposition, the manufacturer company can actively focus on its energy to cater its ideal customers’ group. Unique selling proposition defines the unique position of Manufacturer Company in the marketplace.  Having unique selling proposition is itself a competitive edge for company. It is very important for any business to position their product effective to attract the target audience.  The business should use effective marketing tools to position their product in the market (Sharma, Iyer, Mehrotra & Krishnan, 2010)..

Brand Awareness of trade marketing

It is obvious that the major aim of the trade marketing is to create the brand awareness among the customers. In this research study it is analyzed that there is positive relationship between the brand awareness and the trade marketing of the business. The trade marketing in the future is very much depends on the brand awareness of the business Bliemel, Eggert, Fassott & Ballantyne, 2005). The more effective trade marketing would be in the business the more customers would be aware of the brand that the company is selling. Further, the brand awareness of the any company’s product is also very much depends on the suppliers of the company in the market (Armstrong, Kotler & Opresnik, 2016). It can be seen by analyzing the results of this research study that the interdependency of both variables trade marketing and the brand awareness have a high dependency on each and the relationship between  the variables is also positive. Again as it is discussed in the literature of the research that the digital marketing tools have a huge role in the improvement of the trade marketing practices in any business, taking the concept of digital marketing tool further, it can be said that the digital marketing tools also help the business to create the brand awareness among the customers of the company. Suppliers can effectively establish brand recognition if trade marketing is effective. Trade marketing is an effective way to explain the products detail and outperform the competitors. Brand awareness has highest mean value while trade marketing has lowest mean value. So it can be said that the brand awareness is an essential tool for the long term success of any company and it can be improved by employing effective trade marketing practices and digital marketing tools.

Competitive Awareness of trade marketing

The competitors awareness of the any business is also depends a lot of the trade marketing of the business.  The competitive awareness is an independent variable in this research study. In this research study it is analyzed that there is positive relationship between the competitive awareness and the trade marketing of the business (Armstrong, Kotler & Opresnik, 2016). For the success of any business, it is very important to have a good competitor’s awareness, because the companies functioning in a similar market are very much effected by the position and the performance of other competitors company’s in the market. By using the effective trade marketing practices the overall competitive awareness of the company can be increase.  Having a competitor’s awareness is essential for the development of any business and trade marketing of the business should be compatible with the competitor’s strategies and marketing tactics.  So it can be said that the competitor’s awareness of the business should be very solid to service in the mark place. Trade marketing is very beneficial to enhance product demand with supply chain partners of manufacturer. The good competitor’s awareness can help the business to adopt effective trade marketing tools and adopt effective business practices that is also essential for the long term success of any business.

In this research study by analyzing all of the results, it is found that the three independent variables unique selling preposition, rand awareness and competitors awareness are directly connected with the trade marketing future of the business. As it can be seen that the trends of the trade marketing are changing in the competitive environment by increase the use of digital and more diversified technologies for the marketing. There are thousands of business out there that are using different technologies for the trade marketing, which is also an indicator of the diversification if the trade marketing of the business in the future.  In the B2B business model the trade marketing is the essential tools to attract more business towards the company. The trade market is most effective tool to be used by the business, whom business model is B2B. The major objective of the trade marketing in any business is to increase the overall sales of the product that the business is manufacturing, and by doing this the overall profit of the business also increases. It is also analyzed from the research of this study, that the trade marketing of the business are increase the demand of the product in the market that the company is selling(Armstrong, Kotler & Opresnik, 2016).

All in all it can be said that the trade marketing with the help of all independent variables in this research can be increase rapidly in the future. Recently, there are many of the changes are occurring  in the trade marketing of the business, as in this research the data is collected from different respondents by one of the well-known companies employees and it is analyzed that almost all of the companies are using different technologies and digital tools for their marketing.  It is analyzed that there are a lot of diversification in the trade marketing of different companies operating in the industry. The supply chain partners of the business also have a he impact on the future of the trade marketing. The supply chain partners, customers’ demands of the product and the trade marketing are connected with each other. The trade marketing of the product help to improve the overall demand of the product in the market and when the demand of the product increase more supply chain partners would be needed for increasing the experience of the customers towards the product(Kourdi, 2009). 

Trade marketing can be considered as one of the finest forms of B2B marketing Trade marketing’s objective is to sell goods to organizations and increase profits of manufacturer organization. Trade marketing is one of the best ways to for company to interact with its suppliers and increase brand awareness. Brand recognition can be created through trade marketing that ultimately increase brand awareness. Unique selling proposition, brand awareness, and competitive awareness cause approximately 48 per cent variation in the dependent variable i.e. trade marketing. So it can be said that by evaluated the all of the results of the analysis independent variables such as unique selling proposition, brand awareness, and competitive awareness positively and significantly impact the trade marketing, which means that these three variables can be the future of trade marketing

Conclusion on of trade marketing

Summing up the discussion about the future of trading, it can be said that with the help of trade marketing, a business can promote its products through all of mediators because they sponsor the products of main company. The business and manufacturing companies are aware of the trade marketing importance in present time, the researchers have not gave importance to this field.  For discovering the trade marketing future, different fundamentals would be taken into consideration. Furthermore, the research will take into account the current trends related to trade marketing. It will help the businesses in industry to accept certain approaches to promote their business with the help of middlemen and mediators etc. The intermediaries or supply chain partners involved in the trade marketing are retailers, distributors and wholesalers. The trade marketing core lies in the indication that the manufacturers sell products to the companies and then resale the products to end customers. The business in this long chain process contributes in the products promotion and make their margin. The suppliers go one step forward and they also assume the distribution of products to retailers after buying. The trade marketing role in a business is to guarantee the products selection by retailers that they want to sell.

In any industry the manufacturers face two big challenges for example space and competition. The worst situation here is that the manufacturing businesses don’t know the trade marketing importance or maybe they are ignorant of the policies that are used to promote their products.  By using the advanced technologies, it was not potential for the manufacturers to influence the entire audience they want to sell their product. The acquisitions and mergers of stores also a big challenge for most of the retailers to stay in the industry. A manufacturer might gather data and then use that data to create manipulating messages for the retailers to purchase the same product time. This is a customer trade marketing perspective. For some other manufacturers, relationships building with retailers is effective trade marketing strategy. Collaboration between all supply chain partners could give growth to inventory management. Although marketing is an expensive process but public relations and advertising improves the consumer’s trust in the products. Recording the retailers sales data, accepting the target audience, and recognizing the customers’ needs in a market can help the manufacturers choose their products. It is essential for the manufacturers to respond to shifting consumers’ needs. In the recent times, the furthermost effective strategy for manufacturers to link with their supply chain partners is via email, websites, and social media marketing.

The product development is essential and it can be recognized at any point of supply chain process. Risk analysis at this phase is also necessary concerning the acceptance of products and products exposure to the consumers. It is significant to define the public relations and advertisement agenda for consumer’s attraction. The tools digital marketing consist of an lively and informative social media platforms, website content, branded content, , interactive blogs and software for email marketing etc. Trade marketing is very imperative for the businesses especially at the manufacturers’ level but the issue with trade marketing is that it is actually completely misunderstood. The major problem related with trade marketing is that manufacturers and marketers are not aware of its root and they don’t know how to come up with the effective strategies that are valuable for advertising of products by B2B marketing tools.

Some of the businesses need to know that trade marketing is not just a choice for them, it is an essential for the growth and development business and it probably play a part in the business. As far as the trade marketing future of the business is concern the business practices and the whole process have a huge influence on the trading of the business. Unique selling proposition describes the unique position of Manufacturer Company in the marketplace.  For company having unique selling proposition is itself a competitive advantage. The competitive awareness is an independent variable in this research study. In this research study it is investigated that there is positive relationship among the competitive awareness and the trade marketing of the business. There are thousands of business that are using different technologies for the trade marketing, that is an indicator of the divergence in the trade marketing of the business. The business supply chain partners also have a he impact on the future of the trade marketing.  Trade marketing is more about branding of the products, communicating with the supply chain partners, creating public relations and advertising and differentiating the products from other competitors in the industry.  In case the business start to pay focus towards trade marketing, they will be able to make a decision about the retail channels and outlets on which their products are showed. The only emphasis on consumer marketing means that there is something missing in the strategy of the trade marketing of the business. So it may be said that the, trade marketing of the business in the future is very much depends on the unique selling preposition, brand awareness of the customers and the business competitor’s advantage and in the future these are the main factors that can shape the credibility of the trade marketing in the future.

Limitations and reliability/validity of study on trade marketing

Reliability of research of trade marketing
 In this research study the data is collected from primary as well as secondary that increase the reliability and the overall authenticity of the data that would be gathered and analyzed. This research study can follow quantitative research methods. In this study the methods selection based on the nature of research study. The whole quantitative analysis is used in the whole procedure. The self-designed questionnaire used for better fit the principle of the research. For the secondary research study in this paper, the data is collect from the authentic resources like journal articles, peer reviewed articles, books and official websites of different companies. 

In order to ensure that only reliable and professional quality information is used in the paper, only peer-reviewed articles were used for obtaining the necessary data to be used in the project. Even though the process was very tough, different online search engines were used to find credible data sources so that the validity of the study is not hampered. Literature has been thoroughly studied and facts have been analyzed among the sources for checking their authenticity before using them in the project. Furthermore, only the necessary information has been taken from the literature as this strategy has kept the paper very concise. For making the paper as precise as possible, information has been effectively divided among sections. Furthermore, a specific outline has been followed according to the topic.

Limitations to the Study on
trade marketing

The major limitations of the present research are that it is going only to be conducted on local location. However, due to the time and resource limitations the researcher is not in an opposition to conduct the study in whole country. In the research study, there isn't sufficient literature review for the optional information. This difficulty can be solved by continuing looking deep on the Internet for white papers, official online stores of insightful research and money related materials and particular journals. Another issue that was faced concerned the fact financial resources were limited and most of the journals on the topic of trade marketing were either locked or not present at all. In order to collect information from these journals, they had to be purchased. Not many journals could be purchased due to the limited finical resources. Furthermore, there was not an easy access to the necessary information. Enhanced by the fact that literature on trade marketing is very scare, it became even difficult to find credible information. Not all the information was available on the internet and time was limited which prevented the researcher from finding all the important journals which could be used for gaining insights into the topic and provide a broader view to the topic.

The size of the sample was also limited, that is suitable for the academic purposes but as far as the importance of digital customer data in trade marketing for companies and trade marketing for business by taking examples of developed countries is concern. Since the sample size is quite small, the results of the study cannot be made universal. Moreover, trade marketing depends on the location of organizations and it varies among different companies and locations. It means that results obtained from a specific study cannot be made universal as the same outcomes cannot be applied to an organization from a different region or nation. Along the research study, research understands that there isn't sufficient literature review for the optional information and confirmations of looked into work done in a few subjects of my particular interest. This difficulty can be solved by continuing looking more in deep on the Internet for white papers, official online stores of insightful research and money related materials and particular diaries.

 Student/Tutor Reflection of trade marketing

Personal Reflection of trade marketing

 Reflecting on the time that I have spent on this project, it is like I am reflecting on a journey, full of hurdles and moments that have prepared me for what I will be facing as I move forward. Like any other journey, some of the most exciting and memorable moments come from our ministrations, which cause us to think broadly and try to find our way on our own. It doesn’t only change us for the better but also make us stronger.

I can definitely say that the completion of this project what not only exciting but intriguing as well. From the very start, I have liked learning about trade marketing. I find this subject an ongoing challenge for the local marketers at present in this new time of changes and advancements. There are times when we don’t know why but we are interested in a particular subject or a topic and we develop an affinity for it. As I have progressed through standards, I have come to like this topic as it is of great interest. I have often found myself researching about trade among businesses.

All the information that I found and analyzed was of great value. I never limited myself to a single resource of data and have relied on multiple data sources. One time I would be reading a magazine about businesses and then I would be using the internet to find latest articles about trade marketing. The knowledge that I gained was always aligned with the market conditions at present. For a long time now, I have liked the independent study because it has had more tasks to complete and no limitations. Moreover, it also needed me to analyze a point from different points of views. It has allowed me to develop better analytical skills. In order to collect the information that was required for this project, the method studying literature was chosen. In the process of studying articles, there were different sections that I came across and it really was like an adventure because of all the new wonders that I was encountering. Even though this approach was limited heavily, I still was able to achieve reliable data that I used in the project to provide it with the value that it required. Considering the fact that trade marketing is quite a broad topic, it is difficult to obtain the necessary data on it. In order to overcome this obstacle, I chose a variety of journals and skimmed through them to get integral insights into trade marketing.

This process of finding relevant and up-to-date information was tough and if my parents hadn’t supported me, I would not be able to achieve the position that I have today. Whenever I was at home, my parents would encourage me not to give up and fight back with all I had. If I was lost then my father would guide me to the right way and I cannot thank them enough. The main aim of my project is to explore the trade marketing and explain its future. It is very important in the advanced world today and organizations survive depending on it.

One of the most overwhelming obstacles that I faced during the researching-phase of this project was that I didn’t have much experience in collecting only valid and authentic data from credible sources. Literature on trade marketing is quite scarce and it became even difficult for me to use credible sources for extracting all the important information that I needed for completing this project. Therefore, I had to spend hours on the internet and use different search engines to obtain peer-reviewed articles that had what I needed. This process was not only time-consuming but it was tiring as well. However, just as I stated earlier, my parents were there to support me and this has only made me better and stronger than before. As I went along, it got easier and I started to get relaxed with the research because I had gained a little experience and knew what to do now.

Another difficulty that I faced when I came to the next stage was the organization of information. Although I had found the necessary articles for finding the significance and how organizations were relying on trade marketing, it was still a question for me how to create the outline which articles should be used first. I had created the outline and it was an issue which article should be used for completing the sections that I had created. I had extracted all the information but it had become very difficult for me to assemble all the information according to the outline that I had created. For ensuring that I was saving the time, I put badges, numbers, and even highlighted statements for reminding myself of the suitable information for the sections. I had to create a flow in the project and it became even more important for me to organize with care. Once I became accustomed to it, I understood the strategy and straightened the flow of the data.

 In the process of writing, I normally found no issues. The issue was that whether I had a sufficient speed for meeting the deadline or not. After all, I haven’t been writing for a long time due to which, my writing suffered. I knew that for obtaining a good score, I had to write in an effective and smooth way. Therefore, I tried to write when I was calm and knew that I could write properly without stopping. I checked occasionally to ensure that I was not letting the content be disoriented. It was of a great concern to me that whatever I was writing made sense and the meaning was conveyed properly. Therefore, whenever I reached a checkpoint, I would read what I had written as it allowed me to have a sense of surety that my efforts were not lost.

A serious issue that hindered my research was the lack of financial resources. Most of the resources that I found out for collecting necessary information were locked and required me to purchase them. Due to this, I was unable to get some potential sources of data that could have played an important role in empowering my project because they contained the facts which were not present in all other resources. This was an issue that I was unable to resolve. However, I still attempted to do my best in achieving the efficiency that I had in mind. I feel that I have reached that point due to the completion of this project.

The conclusion of this project is not universally generalized since a barrier in the way is that trade marketing depends on the location of organizations as well. Therefore, it varies among nations and different areas.

As I am reflecting on the experience of completing this project, I have come to a realization that I truly enjoyed this whole process, most of it at least. It is my habit that if a process involves learning, I ensure to complete it either in the classroom or out of it. In particular, I am passionate about the pertaining my interest in the topics that I find valuable and have a better career in the marketing area.

I have spent numerous hours completing this project. However, through it, I have come to learn that with the setting of goals, I can achieve almost anything I want with hard work. My perception has changed regarding the fact that persistence is sometimes ignorant. Now, I seriously believe that persistence is capable of leading a person to success. I have faced many hurdles in the process and I have learned how to cross them. I have not only gained experience but also new and important information.

Overall, I can easily say that it has been quite an interesting trip for met since I gained not only friends but also partners and colleagues who share my personal and academic ideas. This project has assisted me in maintaining a study focus while encouraging me to participate in new activities for gaining experience.

Regarding this reflect, I would like to thank all of my teachers because they have helped me a lot in this project. Whenever I was confused and didn’t know what to do, they would be there to help mea and show me the right way. A part of this project belongs solely to my teachers as they provided me with the insights that I needed when I was completing this project. Now, I can look back and realize that all of this has assisted me both as a young professional and as a student. Writing and research skills are valued not in academics but also in marketing. Due to this project, I feel more confident in my skills now. In addition, I have developed a skill of strategic thinking which has allowed me to formulate strategies for finding the solution when all of the directions were blocked.

References of Bibliography of trade marketing

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Questionnaire of trade marketing

 This survey is aimed at analyzing whether the objectives of this research are fulfilled. This research aims to analyze the future of trade marketing. It will take maximum of your 10 minutes to fill this questionnaire. It is ensured that all the information provided in this questionnaire will be kept confidential and anonymous. Your cooperation in this regard will be highly appreciated.


1) Age

a) 25-35 years             b) 35-45 years             c) 45-55 years             d) Above 55

2) Gender

a) Male                        b) Female

Please indicate how strongly you agree or disagree with each statement using the scale provided.

Strongly Disagree









Strongly Agree



















Trade Marketing (TM)



The trends of trade marketing have changed beyond recognition since it was introduced.








Trade marketing can be considered as one of the finest forms of B2B marketing.








Trade marketing’s objective is to sell goods to organizations and increase profits of manufacturer organization.








Trade marketing is very beneficial to enhance product demand with supply chain partners of manufacturer.
















Unique Selling Proposition (USP)



Unique selling proposition defines the unique position of manufacturer company in the marketplace.








Unique selling proposition of company lets it stand apart the market competitors through effective trade marketing.








Through unique selling proposition, the manufacturer company can actively focus on its energy to cater its ideal customers’ group.








Having unique selling proposition is itself a competitive edge for company.








Brand Awareness (BA)



Trade marketing is one of the best ways to for company to interact with its suppliers and increase brand awareness.








Brand recognition can be created through trade marketing that ultimately increase brand awareness.








Brand awareness can be considered as one of the major goals of trade marketing.








Suppliers can effectively establish brand recognition if trade marketing is effective.








Competitive Awareness (CA)



Trade marketing is an effective way to explain the products detail and outperform the competitors.








Trade marketers must have strong product knowledge to enhance product awareness.








Competitive awareness can be increased through effective trade marketing.








Competitive awareness and trade marketing are directly proportional to each other.










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