The current chapter is to provide the research methods which
are used specifically for the current research topic i.e., marketing in
digitalization and network economies. The current chapter contains the details
for the design of the research, research methodology (it contains the details
for the population of the study, sample size of the study along with the
sampling strategy, methods for the purposes of the data collection as well as
the tools which are used for collecting the data for the said topic). The
analytical tools which are used for making the calculations on the available
data and perform the relevant tests are also discussed. It can be said that the
main agenda behind doing this is to ensure that expected outcomes are achieved
to the maximum possible extent by performing the required tests on the
available data.
The secondary source data collection is particularly used in
order to conduct this research study. The secondary source of data collection
leads to the pre-existing data that has been used for other projects for any
other purpose. It includes, journals, books, research papers, research
articles, and annual reports of the company case studies of the companies. In
order to evaluate the research problem, qualitative data is being used. It provides
the theoretical data which is later transformed into self-observation.
This technique supports the theories of the several authors
that are conducted on the related topics. In the case of the qualitative
research the subjective approach helps to narrate, explain, understand as well
as explore the phenomenon underlying the research topic. For the case of a qualitative
approach, the empirical assessment is not used to address the objectives of the
research work. The secondary data which comprises of the annual reports of the organization
and related reassess articles are taken from the google scholar and research gate.
By using this data, it is tried to achieve the objective of the current
research work.