Introduction of Wind energy (Kinetics energy) to electrical energy and thermal energy to be used in a desalination plant
The form of the solar energy is the Wind Energy, and it is also known as wind power which it explains that’s process which is used to produce the electrical energy. Whereas wind turbines convert the kinetic energy into the wind then into the mechanical power. On the other side the generator convert the mechanical power into the electricity. For the unique task like the pumping of water the mechanical power is used. However the wind is caused through the uneven heating of a atmosphere through a sun, and changes of the earth on surface along with earth rotation.
Figure 1: Wind Energy
The wind power is determine by this equations;
P=1/2 ρAV^3
Whereas amount of energy changes in the wind by cube of wind speed [1].
Wind energies with desalination units
The desalination plant along with wind energy are the two different technologies that is also coupled by the various methods, and interface among the system of wind energy along with system of desalination plant is met at a same place of subsystem where the energy is generated through wind turbine and it is also promoted the desalination plant. The requirements of energy for the desalinations are continue which also has high influential factor of system where the integration cost for the renewable energies system by desalinations seen natural. Now days the wind energy could power the desalinations plant indirectly or directly by the four kinds of energy media [2].
Thermal energy
Electrical energy
Potential energy
Gravitational energy
Kinematic power
In below figure it presented the existing interface among the desalinations units and the wind energy which could also found by different reasons.
Figure 2: Existing interfaces between wind energy and desalination unit
To reduce the future water scarcity and current the desalination is used, especially for the coastal areas, and it is also increase the desalination water which is supply and it is also create the series of problem by the important resources and it is also related by the environment impacts and the energy consumptions. Whereas the renewable energy always provides the environmental friendly and the security of energy which is option for decreasing the global reserves fossil fuel. Renewable energy resource integrations in the water purifications and the desalination is becoming attractive. The application of the desalination “Solar thermal is also used for the wind energy whereas the desalination of seawater.
Generally, desalination which is based on the utilization of different renewable sources of energy can offer a sustainable technique of producing fresh water. Moreover, it is predicted to be economically attractive as the costs of this technique are less while the costs of fossil fuels are significant. With the use of locally available resources of renewable energy, the technique would be cost-effective, especially in remote regions which have a poor infrastructure and low density of population for electricity distribution and transmission. At present, the deployment of this desalination is less than one percent of the capacity of desalination on the basis of fossil fuels. This deployment doesn’t reflect the benefits of this option. Mostly, renewable desalination is based on the process of RO followed by different thermal processes like MED and MS [3]. PV or solar photovoltaic is the dominant source of energy which is utilized in forty-three percent of the existing applications. This is followed by wind energy and solar thermal. In addition to it, solar energy can be utilized for sweater desalination with the production of thermal energy which is necessary for driving the processes of phase change or the electricity which is needed for driving the processes of membrane [4].
Thus, systems of wind energy desalination are categorized into indirect and direct collection processes. Just as their name implies, systems of direct collection utilize solar energy for producing distillates in the collection while in the systems of indirect collection, there are two employed subsystems. Furthermore, conventional systems of desalination are similar to systems of solar energy since a similar equipment is utilized [5]. It can be said that the main difference is that either public electricity is utilized for providing the necessary electric power or a conventional boiler is utilized for providing the necessary heat in the latter while solar energy is utilized in the former. In general, desalination possesses a high SEC or specific energy consumption in comparison with traditional methods of water treatment. This has served to drive studies towards cost-effective and efficient solutions. Considering similar concerns and issues, it is explained by [6] that because of unpredictable prevalence of fossil fuels and costs, there is a significant interest in the utilization of renewable energy for powering the plants of desalination.
This will serve to make the process of desalination accessible to different regions which have scarce resources of fossil fuel and don’t have a large capacity of water. With the use of plants for renewable energy, current concerns are the requirements of energy storage and intermittency. The case for utilizing renewable energy for the units of desalination has been analyzed in the region of South Aegean Islands and instead, it was chosen to adopt grid electricity and a hybrid plant for meeting the demands of energy of desalination plants. The LCOW or levelised cost of water that involves the costs of water storage, transportation, electricity, and water production, for different areas for desalination demands is determined to be within 2.81 €/m3-0.59 €/m3 in 2030, in accordance with the availability of renewable resources and water transport costs to the necessary sites [6]
. The international network which is necessary for meeting the demand in 2030 is predicted to cost approximately 9790 billion €. This amount is required as initial investments. However, it is possible to overcome the limitations of water supply in a financially competitive and sustainable manner [7]. It is demonstrated by this how SWRO or seawater reverse osmosis systems and plants can be utilized through renewable energy. The plants powered through power-to-gas and PV-wind-batter enable maximum utilization of the desalination capacity which results in competitive costs of production in comparison with SWRO plants powered through fossil fuel.
2).Description of the different processes and selection of the process used.
By using the different number of techniques the desalination could be achieved, and technologies of industrial desalination used the phase change and it is also involved the semi-permeable membrane which separates the some solutes. Thus the techniques of the desalination also classified into the different categories which is also change the thermal process by a single phase process. The below all process required the chemical pre-treatment for the raw seawater which is avoid form the scaling , corrosion, foaming, fouling need for the post treatment of chemical reaction and biological growth which is list in the. In the below table 1; the most important technologies is listed, and in the phase change of the thermal process the seawater desalination is obtained by using the thermal energy sources. From conventional resources the thermal energy obtained and it is also converted into the solar energy.
Table 1: Desalination Process of Wind energy (Kinetics energy) to electrical energy and thermal energy to be used in a desalination plant
Phase Change process Membrane process
MSF” Multi Stage Flash”
Multiple-effect boiling (MEB)
Vapor compression (VC)
Humidification dehumidification
Solar stills
Conventional stills
Special stills
Cascaded-type solar stills
Wick-type stills
Multiple-wick-type stills 1. Reverse osmosis (RO)
RO without energy recovery
RO with energy recovery (ER-RO)
2. Electro dialysis (ED
References of Wind energy (Kinetics energy) to electrical energy and thermal energy to be used in a desalination plant
[1], "Wind energy," 20 November 2018. [Online]. Available:
[2] Q. Ma, "Wind energy technologies integrated with desalination systems: Review and state-of-the-art," Desalination,, vol. 277, no. 1-3, p. 274–280, 2011.
[3] D. Mentis and e. al, "Desalination using renewable energy sources on the arid islands of the South Aegean Sea," Energy , vol. 94, p. 262–272, 2016.
[4] E. Tzen, " Wind-Powered Desalination—Principles, Configurations, Design, and Implementation.," in Renewable Energy Powered Desalination Handbook, 2018, p. 91–139.
[5] U. Caldera and e. al, "Local cost of seawater RO desalination based on solar PV and wind energy: A global estimate," Desalination, vol. 385, p. 207–216, 2016.
[6] F. Latorre and e. al, "F.J.G. Latorre, S.O.P. Báez, A.G. Gotor, Energy performance of a reverse osmosis desalination plant operating with variable pressure and flow,," Desalination, vol. 366, p. 146–153., 2015.
[7] V. Belessiotis and e. al, "Solar Distillation—Solar Stills," in Thermal Solar Desalination, 2016, p. 103–190..