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Report on Wooden House that is located in Kuwait

Category: Business & Management Paper Type: Report Writing Reference: APA Words: 3250


1 1ntroduction. 4

1.1 Problem definition and objective. 4

1.2 Description of analysis approach (SLP) 4

1.3 Initial layout 4

1.4 Design constraints. 5

1.4.1 Budgets. 5

1.4.2 Environmental 5

1.4.3 Legislation. 5

1.4.4 Health and safety. 5

1.5 Facility engineering standards. 5

1.5 Available Machines. 5

2 Product and market analysis. 6

2.1 Product description. 6

2.2 Strategy to handle multi-products in the project 6

2.3  Future market expectation for products. 6

3 Processes. 6

3.1 Route sheets. 6

3.2 Processing time estimates. 7

3.3 Waste and scrap rate. 7

3.4 Machine fractions. 7

4 Flow analysis. 7

4.1 From to and Activity relationship chart 7

5 Work-related space requirements. 8

5.1 Production department 8

5.2 Receiving and shipping. 8

5.3 Storeroom warehouse. 8

5.4 Fitness to the facility. 8

6 Personal area requirement 8

6.1 Restrooms. 8

6.2 Food services. 8

6.3 Health services. 9

6.4 Parking lots. 9

6.5 Fitness to the facility. 9

7 Generating Block Diagram.. 9

7.1 Space relationship diagram.. 9

7.2 Block layout 10

8. Summary of the project 10

8.1. Summing table about the project 10

8.2 Summary of the whole project 10


In this report, there is comprehensive information about the layout of the company. This company is Wooden House Company. This report contain complete information about its layout. This is according to the facility standards of engineering. This company may vary in the manufacturing of other products because there is lack of proper space for production. The main aim of this report is to redesign the whole layout of the company. There is complete information about the layout design and the main problems that were faced in this whole project.

Keywords: Wooden House Company, layout, production, manufacturing

introduction of Wooden House that is located in Kuwait

This report is related to the project that is already being carried out in Kuwait. This industry is involved in making different components with the help of different machines. This project report is dealing with this industry. According to the given industry in the scenario, there is one manufacturing organization selected that this applying systematic layout for carrying out their operations in a proper way. This is started from the analysis of the products that are produced from these machines. This report dealt with the complete project in detail and discussed the whole site through the help of different charts and diagrams.

Problem definition and objective of Wooden House that is located in Kuwait

For this report, there is one problem related to the Wooden House that is located in Kuwait. The organization is required to change their current facility plan and make it proper for the next three to five years. According to the given scenario, the organization is going to apply systematic layout planning for applying some improvements in its operations. The main objective of this report is to highlight some important equipment used and their quantities. The reason is that the next three to five years are extremely important for the company because they have to handle huge projects.

Description of analysis approach (SLP)

This is related to the layout planning of the site. This is one of the important tools and used for arranging any work in a plant that is located in the required area and analyzes its frequency with other locations. If any organization wanted to change its layout according to their demand, then they must have to follow such layout because it will give an effective chance to improve its structure.

Initial layout of Wooden House that is located in Kuwait

This layout was not proper. The reason is that it containsa large area for the bedroom. As it can be seen that the area for machining is extremely congested and small. The new layout will convert that area in a proper way and make it easy for the company to manufacture its products

Design constraints of Wooden House that is located in Kuwait

There are some design constraints that are playing an important role in the progress report of the project. There are some constraints that are discussed in the given section.

Facility engineering standards of Wooden House that is located in Kuwait



Parking for the employees

For small and large cars space= 8’*15’ to 10’ * 20’

Space for handicapped cars = 15’ * 20’

For the employees = > 250’ to < 300’

The ideal width for driveways = 12 feet for single and 24 feet for double

Design for parking lot

There must be linear relationship between the employees and parking

The parking is not survived for the public transport

The parking lot for the public transport must contain for three people

The ratio for visitor parking must be about 1 to 1

For handicapped people there must be space for 100 cars

Planning for office space

There is main requirement for the office space

Space for executive office = 100-150 feet square

Space for file room = 10 feet square per file

Open space area = 80-110 square feet

Office for vice president = 140-190 square feet

Food Service

The spaces for the food service:

Cafeteria: 10-20 ft^2 per employee

Serving line 300 ft^2 per line

Vending machine 1 ft ^2 per person

The food services should be located at 1000 ft from the employee workstation

The drinking must be at 200 ft


There will be non linear relationship between the employee and restroom

There must be separate washrooms for male and female

There must be special 4 restrooms for handicapped people

There must be about 6 substituted toilets for urinal

There will be about one sink per toilet for every restroom

The space for the restroom, must be according to the standards

The area for the sink is about 6 square feet

The entrance area is about 15 square feet

The toilet area will be about = 15-17 square feet

Health services

The health service are must be according to these standards

There will be 3 basic first aid room and every room will be about 34 square feet

The main first aid room will be about =100 square feet

Doctor office =200 square feet

Nurse office = 150 square feet

Waiting area = 50 square feet

Employee Interface

It requires storage for employee belongs

There must be area to change their cloths

Locker (6 sq. ft.) per employee

Budgets of Wooden House that is located in Kuwait

This is one of the essential constraints of any project. The manufacturing company has to calculate the budget according to the sale demand for their projects. The reason is that it will help them to refrain them from huge losses. For this project, the budget is normal because the furniture will be changed a little bit. According to the information, the company has estimated a budget of 10000 dollars.

Environmental of Wooden House that is located in Kuwait

For carrying out any kind of project, there is one of the most important factors related to its environment. In that case, the environmental conditions are absolutely perfect.

 Legislation of Wooden House that is located in Kuwait

The layout of the manufacturing company, the most important thing is that it must be according to the laws of that country. For that case, it is a functional organization and the layout of this according to the laws.

 Health and safety of Wooden House that is located in Kuwait

Whenever there is a need to change the layout of the organization, there is a need to ensure the health and safety of the surrounding. This project is completely fulfilling the health and safety standards of the area.

Facility engineering standards of Wooden House that is located in Kuwait

For this site, the Lockheed Martin Facility Engineering construction descriptions are applied to each and every part of the project. But it must be important that all of these parts must appear on the drawings so that making modifications would be quite easy. All of these standards are becoming the main reasons to reflect on any design practice in the organization.

Available Machines of Wooden House that is located in Kuwait

 Here is the list of available machines:






·         BEAM PANEL SAW








·         SPRAY BOOTH

·         17 CNC MACHINE

 Product and market analysis

In this section, there is a complete and comprehensive discussion on the product and market analysis.

Product description

The product is related to the layout engineering drawing of the place. The product will be passed through different manufacturing steps, and it took about 3 hours to complete it.

Strategy to handle multi-products in the project

There are different strategies to handle multi-products. For handling the products, the company will be using designated one place for handling different products. The reason is that all products would be completely visible and it will be extremely easy to manage it properly.

Future market expectation for products

For the future market expectation of its products, the company is working on the future forecasting demand. In that case, the company is going to make a new strategy for the future of its products until 3 to 5 years.


There are different processes the company will use for carrying out these operations.

Route sheets of Wooden House that is located in Kuwait

Those are the operation process charts for the manufacturing company. For completing any kind of task, the company must have to follow up on this chart.

Table 1Product 1: The Route sheet of Commode Table:

Operation number

Operation Description

Machine type

Operation time

Materials or Part


Showroom “customer order “





Factory receive order










Make cutting list

Radial Arm Saw



O – 1O1

Forward to panel saw machine cutting

Panel saw machine

7.5 minutes/ 100 kg


O – 1O2

Go to drilling machine

Drilling machine

5.5 minutes/ 100 kg


O – 1O3

Some parts go to lipping and some go to subassembly

Banding machine

10 minutes/ 100 kg



Parts meet together for subassembly


1 minutes/ 100 kg


O – 1O4

Subassembly to sanding

Sanding Machine + Manual

4 minutes/ 100 kg


O – 1O5

Sanding to spray       

  “painting “

Painting machine

4.5 minutes/ 100 kg


O – 1O6

Spray to drying

Drying Room no machine

6 minutes/ 100 kg







Table 2Product 2: The Route sheet of Chair:

Material or part

Operation time

Machine type

Operation description

Operation number


7.5 min/100 kg

Panel saw

Cutting machine

O – 2O1


32 min/100 kg

Jointer/planner machine

Combine the cutting parts

O – 2O2


27.5 min/100 kg


Punch operation

O – 2O3


22.5 min/100kg

Spindle molder

Spindle process

O – 2O4





Table 3Product 3: The Route sheet of Cabinet:

Material or part

Operation time

Machine type

Operation description

Operation number


7.5 min/100kg

Panel saw

Cutting machine

O – 3O1


5.5 min/100kg


Go to drilling machine

O – 3O2


4 min/100 kg


Sanding operation

O – 3O3


4.5 min/100 kg


Spray painting

O – 3O4


6 min/100 kg


Spray to drying

O – 3O5

Processing time estimates

The processing time is about 3 hours. This time is estimated from the different operations of the organization.

Table 4 Processing time estimates

Operation number

Processing time

O – 1O1

7.5 minutes/ 100 kg

O – 1O2

5.5 minutes/ 100 kg

O – 1O3

10 minutes/ 100 kg

O – 1O4

4 minutes/ 100 kg

O – 1O5

4.5 minutes/ 100 kg

O – 1O6

6 minutes/ 100 kg

 Waste and scrap rate of Wooden House that is located in Kuwait

For conducting operations, there is no such cost for scrap and waste. The reason is that there is quite a minimum waste that can be handled by the company. The time for the drying room is ignored.

Table 5 Waste and scrap rate

Operation Number

Waste / Scrap rate

O - 1O1


O -1O2


O - 1O3


O - 1O4


O - 1O5


O - 1O6


Table 6  Scrap rate for chair

Operation Number

Waste / Scrap rate 

O - 2O1


O - 2O2


O - 2O3


O - 2O4


Table 7 Scrap rate for Cabinet

Operation Number

Waste / Scrap rate 

O - 3O1


O - 3O2


O - 3O3


O - 3O4


O - 3O5


3.4 Machine fractions of Wooden House that is located in Kuwait

There are some machine fractions that are required for this organization. the number of machines is given below

·         Band saw machine

·         Jointer planner

·         Thickness planner

·         Drilling machine

·         Lathe machine

·         Beam panel saw

·         10 edge banding machine

·         Air compressor

·         17 CNC machine

·         Automatic spray

4 Flow analysis of Wooden House that is located in Kuwait

For this, there is a need for two relationship charts that are used to analyze the project.

From to and Activity relationship chart

Storage material

1 1






1 1

Analyze components


1 1






Holding material



1 1


1 1






1 1




1 1

Machines operations




1 1




Quality insurance





1 1









1 1


Work-related space requirements

The work relatesto space requirement is changing according to the requirement of the organization. For that organization, it is a functional company so its layout must be according to that. The place for work must be proper so that the manufacturing process will be carried out in a perfect manner.

Production department of Wooden House that is located in Kuwait

The production department is extremely important. The reason is that all kinds of products will be carried out in that area. If this area containsa specific space, then it will be quite easy for the company to manage its products. It can be noted that in this organization, the manufacturing space was quite low and that is needed to be upgraded, and it can be done through changing the layout of the company. Now a new layout is according to the demand of products for the company.

Receiving and shipping of Wooden House that is located in Kuwait

Both of these factors are extremely important for the organization, and every organization must have to maintain enough space to carry out the receiving and also the shipping operation of its products. There is no requirement for such operations in the organization because it is only a manufacturing company.

Storeroom warehouse of Wooden House that is located in Kuwait

The warehouse and storerooms will be located at the side end of the layout. The dimensions of the storeroom are extremely important for this organization. The dimensions are carried out for about 23.457 * 22.265 square per foot. The dimension of the room is almost like a square.

Fitness to the facility of Wooden House that is located in Kuwait

The layout of the organization is set according to the facility engineering standards. Every boundary of the company is adjusted according to these standards.

Personal area requirement of Wooden House that is located in Kuwait

In this section, there is complete information about the area required for the new place.


It must be noted that restrooms are extremely important for any organization. This is the reason why they are located in a proper dimension in any company. For this organization, all of these restrooms are located in a proper way for the ease of the workers.

Food services

The employees that are working in the organization required proper food services. For that case, the organization layout is set for giving proper food services to the employees. The budget for food services is set in the budget section.

Health services

The health services are one of the essential parts of the organization. This is the reason why another organization is working on making a proper area for providing health services. For that organization, there is a proper place for giving health services to the workers of the organization.

Parking lots

There is a need for proper parking lots for the employees and other facility members. Through these parking lots, there is proper space to park the cars of their employees. For this organization, there is a proper place for parking. The dimensions for parking is allocated properly for the workers. 

 Fitness to the facility

The requirement for the personal area of the organization is extremely important. This area must be according to fitness engineering standards.

 Generating Block Diagram
Space relationship diagram



Loading area

Staging area


Manual painting area

Sanding area

Glass mirror



Beam panel saw



1 1 1 1



5 3

5 6



Wide belts sander





5 6 6




1 4








1 8

5 6

1 2 3



4 3


Sanding manual



4 5








Primary painting





1 3 6

7 9 6






4 6 7

4 56






7 8 9



Paint lacquer





1 6 8


0 4

2 4




Block layout of Wooden House that is located in Kuwait

Summary of the project

Summing table about the project

Sr. number

Bill for machines

No. of pieces


18 * 60* 220

2 ps


18 * 60 * 100

2 ps


18 * 50 * 220

2 ps


5 *100 * 220

1 ps



2 l.iters



I box



10 boxes



1 ps

 Summary of the whole project

In this report, there is a complete analysis of the progress report of the required project of the organization. This project report is dealing with this industry. According to the given industry in the scenario, there is one manufacturing organization selected that this applying systematic layout for carrying out their operations in a proper way. The organization is required to change their current facility plan and make it proper for the next three to five years. According to the given scenario, the organization is going to apply systematic layout planning for applying some tasks.

 If any organization wanted to change its layout according to their demand, then they must have to follow such layout because it will give an effective chance to improve its structure. The reason is that it will help them to refrain them from huge losses. For this project, the budget is normal because the furniture will be changed a little bit. But it must be important that all of these parts must appear on the drawings so that making modifications would be quite easy.The reason is that all products would be completely visible and it will be extremely easy to manage it properly. For that organization, it is a functional company so its layout must be according to that. The place for work must be proper so that the manufacturing process will be carried out in a perfect manner. There is no requirement for such operations in the organization because it is only a manufacturing company

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