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Assignment on Humanized robots

Category: Computer Sciences Paper Type: Assignment Writing Reference: APA Words: 2650

Introduction of Humanized robots:

The company bowers machine parts were developed by Jake who was the father of Helen. Now Helen takes over all the responsibilities of the organization. Jake was very loyal with its all employees and take special care for its all employees. Before death, the employees were working in a very effective manner as they provide huge production to the organization and also consider that this was their organization. They all were taking part in the decision-making process and also give their suggestions for making the decision better. The leadership style Jake adopts follows the complete support of its all employees. Jake work as an employee with its all staff and support them and also gave them the respect due to their performance (Snow, 2002).

No any organization or company can run its operations without the support of the employees and employees only give their complete support and efforts when the senior management consider them as part of the organization and also get involve them in all operations of the organization and also involve them in decision making process of the organization because they are working in internal part of the organization and they know every well all the pros and cons of the operations and also provide complete information to improve the operations. Employees also want some importance and they also want rewards against their efforts so they will provide their maximum efforts and also utilize their experience for the benefit of the organization. It is up to the senior management of the organization and executives that how to treat with your employees and how to deal with them in such a way that it would become beneficial for the organization and they also show their loyalty for the organization with their work and experience (Robert, 2017).


Helen gives more attention to the profitability of an organization instead of on employees and their benefits. She didn't want to treat the employees as family and consider them as a hired person who just gives their services against some remuneration and nothing else. So she wants to increase the level of production and profitability of the organization and also promote the production level to meet the requirement of the international market. There are many different Japanese and strong competitors who also enter the market that provides high-quality products and also have a strong reputation in the international market. So Helen wants to compete with such competitors and also gets the maximum market share and she also wants to develop its reputation at a high level and she wishes that her organization consider the best organization that provides machine parts all over the world and also enhances the profitability of the organization. But her father's style of working was completely different as compared to Helen. Her father considered all the employees as part of the organization. He fully relies on the employees and also gave many benefits to employees so employees also show they completely trust him and they spend their all efforts and hard work. But now the whole situation is going to change. Helen develops limitations for the employees and they never take part in all the operations more than their limit (A. Sciutti, 2018).

Helen wants to run its organization according to new techniques and she wants to expand its operations and also increase its growth or productivity to meet the target of the market. For that, she wants a great effort towards her employees and she wants that they give their best to meet the target but after these restrictions, the efficiency of the employees is going down and they also not meet the company's target actively. So Helen implements a new strategy for improving the capacity of production that every employee specifies some target related to production and if he fails to meet the target then proper deduction from its remuneration occur and this has become the rule of the organization (Schaufeli, 2008).

So the employee has come in a strict environment and they try to meet the target to save from any kind of deduction. But this depends on the employees and their mental approach that how they follow this rule of the organization. Because after Jake the employees are not too much satisfied with the performance and rules and regulations of the Helen and Helen also minimize their pay scale of all the employees and also minimize their limits because she didn’t want the interference of any employee in the major decisions of the organizations and want to take all the decision by herself. Helen wants to take all the decisions by itself and also manage all the strategies and objectives of the organization because she wants to implement new and effective strategies that promote the production of the organization and also develop a high reputation in the local and international markets (P. Sousa, 2011).

When Helen takes over the firm of her father, she brings many changes in the management style of the organization because her father treats all the employees as a family and they listen to their problems and discuss the matter of organization with them. but the view of Helen is quite different from her father, she considers that she can take all the decisions as she is the owner and know the profit and loss of business with competing for concern. Helen's leadership style is very different for employees. She changes her behavior with all the employees and employees want time to adjust to the new leadership style of Helen and work with her according to her way.

Second, Helen wants to increase its production quotas by almost 20% and for this purpose, she cut short the idle time of all the employees and also wants to expand its business by utilizing the softball field that was developed for the entertainment of employees. Her main focus to increase the productivity of the organization and want the maximum effort of its all employees but employees didn't respond according to her expectation and they also used maximum material and create problem in the production system and also incur high cost in the production which is a burden for the organization. With changing her behavior with employees she also wants to compete in the international market according to international standards. The international market has very tough and high reputed competitors that can obtain a maximum of customers and also capture the maximum share of the market (P. R. Grime, 2004). Japanese are the most important example.

In this regard. Because the Japanese offer high-quality products at most affordable prices to its all customers and also develop a strong reputation in the market. Helen willing to compete for the Japanese firms and also make its organization the level of Japanese firms. But its role of employees to increase its production and meet the international market demand is not very active and they are not a response to the instruction of Helen according to her expectations (Nikolaou, 2005). She wants her to become more profitable and highly productive so it can meet the demand of the market at an international level and also capture maximum customers all over the world. She changes many operational procedures and brings new and advance methodologies for increasing productivity. She also stops increasing salaries of the employees and also put some strict rule related to their pay and bring such rule to obtain the maximum number of production and profitability. She has to face major issues related to its employees because their productivity is going down and they didn't follow the instructions of Helen as they follow her father's instructions. Due to poor management and not fully supportive employees and team, Helen considers that they never achieve its target and never meet the international requirement. But they also determine that only she has the authority to make all the decisions related to the organization because she is the owner of the organization (S. Embgen, 2012).

As a consultant of the Helen, first of all, I consider all the weak areas of the organization that why the Helen couldn't obtain her targets and what flaws her management appear so that its coordination with its all employees are not too much effective and they unable to generate the production at specified level that set by the Helen although she implements new and advanced technologies in the organization. According to my point of view, the employee's issue is quite critical as Helen want to bring very strict environment for the employees and in past, the employees are very relaxed and they were working in a very friendly environment that considers their all problem and also provide him reward and incentives according to their performance (V. Kujala, 2005).

But now they are treated as hired employees and their wages also cut short and the environment is completely changing and now they are work as an employee who receives salary against their efforts and they have no issue or concern regarding any action or operation of the organization. They also have no share in the profit of the organization because the whole profit belongs to the owner of the organization and they are just the part of management. In the past, they were also taking part in decision making and give their advice and share their experience related to the performance of the organization. But now the whole criteria are going to change. Helen is the only person who takes all the decisions of the company without any advice and also treats the employees are the simple hired person who receives some amount against their services. As per consultant, I suggest the Helen to bring some change in its behavior with employees because without employees no any organization can run its operations and functions so the Helen make good behavior with its all employees and give them incentives and some reward against their extra effort so they show their willingness to perform very well and they give their complete effort to accomplish the target of the organization that set by the Helen. She also determines that how much the plant of the organization can produce the parts so she set all the goals and targets according to real capacity and set the real targets that can be achievable for the organization and its employees (J. C. L. Chew, 2004).

She also provides training to its all employees according to new methods and standards so that the employees can capable of producing the product according to new market standards and also able to follow the latest and advanced technologies for the production sector. So the main change should be present in the attitude of Helen toward its employees and she considers as part of an organization that spends their time, efforts, skills, and experience to the organization and demands some respect and importance with its remuneration. And also develop realistic targets that can be achievable for the organization according to its capacity of production (Breazeal, 2017).

Conclusion of Humanized robots:

 After study the case we can conclude that the organization never runs through a single person. For running the organization successfully a complete team of good employees is required that have great experience in the field and also have great capabilities of doing to work for the organization. The role of employees in the development of the organization is very important and also determines the performance of the organization very effective. Leadership style and the role of management are considering major importance for the development and success of the organization because when the executives are taking effective decisions for the organization and its all employees then they can run the organization successfully. Management should be loyal to the organization and set such missions and objectives for the organization that can achievable and easily obtainable for the production sector. But the most important fact is that employees should be loyal and honest with the organization and for that the organization has to develop good relationship with its all employees and also take care of its employees because when the employees are happy and satisfied with the organization then they give their best performance for the development of the organization and also utilize their maximum experience related to the work to improve the quality of the production and the organization generate best product that can compete the market requirement and meet the high level of profitability as compare to its all competitors. The organization needs a good team of members that can run the organization inaccurate direction and resolve all the issue and remove all the hurdles that come in the path of success for the organization. Making the organization of high level and to enhance its standard according to other international firms, organization needs to follow and implement effective and beneficial strategies that can helpful in obtaining the target of productivity of the organization and also promote its production and provide high quality product to the customers so they can develop long term relationship with its all customers. The employees also give the right advice when the management brings any change or adopt any new technique of methodology for the production because employees are part of the production and they know all the actual condition of production and know its flaws and strengths. So they give better advice related to the operation of the organization and this will be beneficial for the organization because they can give more benefits to the organization. Employees also have the right to receive some reward or incentives against their efforts because when the organization motivates the employee with some reward then the employee gives their best to obtain the target of the organization and enhance the level of production through effective strategies. The organization is a combination of different people who perform their role and responsibilities that assigned by the management of the organization so it depends on the member of the organization that how to perform and how to make the organization more profitable because of their effort also part of the success of the organization.

References of Humanized robots

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J. C. L. Chew, &. L. (2004). Retention Management Of Critical (Core) Employees A Challenging Issue Confronting Organisations In The 21st Century. International Business & Economics Research Journal, 3(2), 19-34.

Nikolaou, M. V. (2005). Attitudes towards organizational change: what is the role of employees’ stress and commitment? Employee relations, 2(27), 160-174.

P. R. Grime. (2004). Computerized cognitive behavioural therapy at work: a randomized controlled trial in employees with recent stress-related absenteeism. Occupational Medicine, 5(54), 353-359.

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V. Kujala, J. R. (2005). Classification of Work Ability Index among young employees. Occupational medicine, 5(55), 399-401.

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