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Describe 4 different marketing options you could include in your marketing plans

Category: Marketing Paper Type: Online Exam | Quiz | Test Reference: APA Words: 1400

In this marketing plan, there has been including different four strategies including the use of different brothers that are going to implement or distribute door-to-door as nowadays along with social media this marketing technique is also going good. 2nd option could be an advertisement on electronic media as people use to watch advertisement as well. 3rd option could be approaching current businesses that are working already in the markets so that their traffic can get through.  The 4th option can be a very unique way which is providing people some free samples or services in terms of, making them realize with the fact that there has been a new thing coming in the market. (Martin, 2017)

Describe how the following traditional factors can affect consumers purchasing behavior.

(a)   Family Life Cycle

Consumer purchasing power always get effected by different but unique aspects as consumers are normal working people and they only get this if they do not going to happen they can get disturbed by this. Family life cycle depends on the purchasing power of the consumer as he/she has to purchase for their families and also they have to save for their families for further expenses.  

(b)  Heredity and home Environment

The heredity and home environment depends very much on marketing as they are concerned to buy things for their home interior and once they are going to shop they must remain in search of affordable and consistent prices so that without being affected by the high prices they can renovate their houses.

(c)   Cultural, Social and Situational Environments

Cultural, Social and Situational Environments are an essential thing to be considered carefully from the marketing perspective as many of the times it happens that the more you work carefully on it the better you cannot deny its importance in the marketing criteria else you cannot rely on its importance as it grows gradually and along with this it helps to promote target audiences more.

Outline the principles behind marketing to first families

            Marketing for first families is an important and happening thing as it makes the workings more innovative and more precise. Many of the times it happens that when you market for first families you will observe a huge difference of sale of your products or services as families are main concerns for the betterment of your business and they will first buy your products or services whatever you are offering to them. These are linked with direct purchases so you can get an excess of purchases and hence you can get best marketing ratio on your product or service when you apply it on first families. (Chand, 2018)

Outline the principles behind marketing to empty nesters.

            Empty nesters are those middle aged or older age people who do not live with their families or some couples who lives separately alone and far far away from their complete families. There is an opportunity that they will get more highlights in terms of making them marketing and they will become more aware of the products or services you are offering as they have limited access to people of their own so they use to live more social on the social platforms so you can market your products more there by keeping your products growth more hire and more highlighted as well.  

Describe the benefits and constraints of 4 different marketing mixes.

4 marketing mixes includes the products prices which is very important as customers do not want high process so your prices should be normal. Places you are going to market your products should be according to the use of your’s of that product. You must select the right place so that your product or service will highlight there more as compare to you promote your product at a place where it is not needed. Your promotion should be so much attractive and eye-catching that people will attract more and this is the best thing regarding your marketing that your product will enhance by your excellent promotion. Your product is the thing you are marketing for but if you do not focus on its aspects then you cannot be able to get quick and efficient results from it and you will lose your efforts after this. (Yodiz.com, 2018)

Describe the benefits and restraints of 4 different marketing approaches.

            . There is always a team that works after promoting the business the whole team works according to their skills in their specific department. Every person is responsible for his or her tasks and if they do not work properly on their target then there are many of the things that become disturbed and this will ultimately disturb other and even whole marketing of the business as well. The more people are responsible the better they give their business success.

Describe the benefits and constraints of 4 different marketing mixes

            4 advertising blends incorporate the items costs which is significant as clients don't need high process so your costs ought to be typical. Spots you are going to advertise your items ought to accord the utilization of your's of that item. You should choose the ideal spot so your item or administration will feature there additional as contrast with you advance your item at a spot where it isn't required. Your advancement ought to be so a lot of alluring and eye-getting that individuals will pull in more and this is the best thing with respect to your showcasing that your item will upgrade by your incredible advancement. Your item is the thing you are advertising for yet on the off chance that you don't concentrate on its viewpoints, at that point you can't have the option to get fast and effective outcomes from it and you will lose your endeavors after this. (Chaffey, 2019)

1.  Describe following market opportunities.

a. New Products or Services to Target Specific Markets

Launching of new products to target market is very helpful in getting more opportunities as there are many different things that works only then, when you take care of the thing that where you are marketing actually. The more you promote your business in a new perspective the better you will be able to get more targeted audience and more success will be in your favor.

b. New Business and Franchising

New businesses and franchises enhance your business and they will give you more ideas about how to grow your business well and in which conditions. Your business franchises will increase your sales and indirectly they increase your worth of working as well. There are many different things that not only effect the promotion of your business successfully but also make your business more highlighted and more developed through inaugurated different franchises.

2. Describe Following Codes Of Practice

(a)   Free TV Australia Commercial Television Industry Code of Practice

This code says that you can promote your product for free but in return you have to deliver some services of your or products free at some places as a test of your work so that people can rely more on your products and as well as on higher profit this free advertisement will help you very much. (Borella, 2015)

(b)  ADMA Direct marketing code of Practice

This code provides you the ease and comfort of the marketing of your product or services directly and hence you can do it in less cost according to your ease and comfort as there are many different things that involves in your marketing process that charges some amount so you must use direct marketing so that these costs will decrees and you can save your finance for better options.

References of 4 different marketing options you could include in your marketing plans

Borella, S. (2015). The new Commercial Television Industry Code of Practice is now in play. Retrieved from http://www.mondaq.com/australia/x/450014/broadcasting+film+television+radio/The+new+Commercial+Television+Industry+Code+of+Practice+is+now+in+play

Chaffey, D. (2019, December 19). How many different types of marketing plans does a business need and why? Retrieved from https://www.smartinsights.com/marketing-planning/create-a-marketing-plan/many-different-types-marketing-plans-business-need/

Chand, S. (2018). Approaches to the Study of Marketing (4 Approaches). Retrieved from http://www.yourarticlelibrary.com/marketing/approaches-to-the-study-of-marketing-4-approaches/25846

Martin. (2017, August 24). Understanding the Marketing Mix Concept – 4Ps. Retrieved from https://www.cleverism.com/understanding-marketing-mix-concept-4ps/

Yodiz.com. (2018). 8 Types of Marketing Strategies and Definition. Retrieved from https://www.yodiz.com/blog/8-types-of-marketing-strategies-and-definition/

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