The data breach is referred is an incident at where the information
has been take n from the system in stolen way without any permission of the
owner of the systems. Due to this process of breaches both combines either its
small or large can be suffers. Here the problem is that how the breaches are
made by the attackers (, 2018). The complete
process is discuss below in order to explain the process in which attackers are
involved to make the breaches. There are the three particular steps that are
made to able the attackers in and out of the systems and these are;
Research of
Data breaches
In this first phase; the picked target is selected by the
attackers and they seeks weaknesses in order to exploiting the network, employees
and systems. It requires research long hours for the part of the attackers. It
also includes stalking of the social media profiles of employees in order to observe
the infrastructure of the AMCA (Mohr, 2016).
Attack of
Data breaches
In this phase; initial contacts are made by the attackers
for measuring the scoped target weaknesses’ and it can be through social attack
or network based. Two steps and process are includes in it’s by which the
attackers can easily in and out from the system these are; network based attacks
and social. Attacks.
Exfiltrate of
Data breaches
The attackers can easily extract the data after entering
inside the network. This data is extracted from the network of the AMCA. Such
kind of the data can be easily used cyber propaganda and blackmailing.

The threat vectors is refereed as the particular routes and
paths which can malicious attacks and it can take to get past of your defences
even your networks. The email threat vectors is targeted by the targeted malicious
attachments and phishing attacks (Isaca Org, 2019).
Explain what
the attacker did during the breach.
During the breach the first of all the attackers’ research
to finds out the particular weaknesses of the AMCA in order to enter in that AMCA
for hacking their data. The process if this research is particularly attempted in
order to observe and find out the weaknesses and after instigating the weakness
the attackers enter this systems and starts to hack the data and this process
is commonly occurs by those person who have complete knowledge about the
systems and its lacking security. The attackers found out the various
particular sources to stooling the data and in this process the particularly
used the personal profiles of the employees for examples their social media profilers.
The attackers targets the reputation of the AMCA for the perceived ‘betrayal of
trust. The major part of the stolen information is financial losses relevant to
the records victims and their customers are suffer from it. The attackers try
to hack the data and secure information of the people (, 2019).
Describe the effects of the attack on
the various stakeholders. Be sure to include non-technical elements of the
entire corporation (e.g., public relations, marketing, and/or sales).
There are the various ways in which the attacks are effected
on the business and numerous stake holders. From all of these ways; the first
one is; cost of protection;
The wallets must be put out by the companies that wants to save themselves from
various online thieves. In order to identify the risk there are the various
cost such as; to build safer and new operating procedures as well as the
purchasing the of new hardware and software. The business that are engaged in
the sensitive and complex operations needs consultancy of the cyber security in
order to develop the effective customize solution. The attacks are affecting
the stake holders by losing their sales (Anat Hovav, 2014).
The business can
business can be affected by the attackers in more than just financial ways. There
are the numbers of the companies that are reducing their online stores out of
concerns which cannot be adequately protected from the cyber theft. In
addition the attacks impacts rely upon the stakeholders who are involved in
this. The stake holders can be transitional in the case of the attacks hacking (Agrafiotis, 2018). For example; the
hackers is one of the active stake holders; who has interest in the target AMCA
for theft their data as well for the duration of the attack. The attacks are
effected on the non-technical elements of the AMCA and stake holders (Lindsey, 2019).
References of Data breaches
Agrafiotis, I. N. (2018). A taxonomy
of cyber-harms: Defining the impacts of cyber-attacks and understanding how
they propagate. . Journal of Cybersecurity.
Anat Hovav, P. G. (2014). Describe the effects of the attack on the
various stakeholders. Communications of the Association for Information
Systems, 893-912. (2018). British Airways breach: How did hackers get in?
Retrieved from
Isaca Org. (2019). Information Security Threat Vectors. Retrieved
Lindsey, N. (2019). AMCA Healthcare Data Breach Could Set a New
Precedent for Health IT Security. cpomagazine.
Mohr, A. (2016). 3 Ways Cyber-Crime Impacts Business. investopedia. (2019). Types of cyber incidents and losses .
Retrieved from