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Report on Three-Year Technology Strategy

Category: Computer Sciences Paper Type: Report Writing Reference: APA Words: 2850

   It is a very hard time for Apple Company at this time because company growth is going down day by day. The company wants to survive in the market as well as wants to grab a high market share, but stronger competitors also exist in market and brought a heavy collection of new innovations that are enough to grab attention of the customer as well as for growth of the company. Artificial Intelligence is introduced in the company that is highly appreciated technique for future. The proposed technique and strong marketing strategies will make the company valuable again in the whole world. For this purpose, a graphical representation of three years plan has been developed to provide guidance to Apple Company.

Introduction of Three-Year Technology Strategy

I have chosen Apple Company to perform strategic planning on it. The main problem is that Apple company sales are very low now and needs some amendment or improvement for growth. A three years plan is developed to increase sales. The plan will show what the company will have to do in the next three years and what things will be introduced for this purpose. A large number of the customers have lost by the company, and they have changed their desires of technology because of the well-known companies in the world like Samsung and Huawei. At this time, they are skimming a large profit from the market because of their new inventions as well as their (Watson, McCarthy, & Rowley, 2013).

First of all, this paper will talk about the technical background and about other companies who are using and working on such techniques. The company feel now a high need to bring some improvements in the company’s strategies such as technologically and by developing strategies of marketing because, nowadays the world’s best well-known companies like Samsung, Huawei, OPPO as well as other companies are inventing and working on new technologies such as Artificial intelligence and other technologies to attract the customers. The three years policy will guide Apple Company that how it can improve its marketing strategies. A brief analysis is discussed year-wise in this report that guides what to do in a particular time period. After three years of strategy making plan, a brief discussion is made on the analysis strategies and the related work.

The company should work on Artificial intelligence because all systems in the world will be shifted on artificial intelligence-based systems because people like the concepts of artificial intelligence. Some well-known companies have taken the initiative and embedded a piece of artificial intelligence works on their products like Huawei is using AI in the mobile camera which tells user what kind of object is this as well as LG and Huawei are using Air gesture controls in the smartphone but Apple did have use such kind of technology in the products.

Background and/or Related Work of Three-Year Technology Strategy

Artificial Intelligence is a very vast field and becomes most famous in the world especially among computer scientists. Apple is now focusing on implementing artificial intelligence to its products like smartphones to make their phones smarter. The technology is now using to make people’s life easier.

If we take a look at Huawei Company, they introduced AI in their mobile phones to grab customer’s attention. The technology was embedded in the smartphone’s camera which works when the user turns on the mobile camera. The main feature is that the mobile screen itself recognizes things and objects and tells to user. Any other artificial intelligence feature introduced in smartphone that recognize the air gestures. For example, user will use his / her hand to control the sound volume. If user wants to slow down sound volume, he rotates his hand anticlockwise, and for volume up, he rotates his hand clockwise (Helbing., 2019).

New proposed technology of Three-Year Technology Strategy

Apple is now working on new technology in AI-related to virtual reality. In that case, they are going to implement a proper technology strategy for a three-year plan. Furthermore, the company is going to work on Artificial Intelligence for making smartphones more effective as well as they are also going to work on smart homes and the project of self-driving cars because the demand for Artificially intelligent devices increasing day by day. Apple company is going to work in the areas which are mentioned below that will facilitate the intended audience, as well as the company, can also  earn a large amount of profit to grab higher market share.

Artificial Intelligence of Three-Year Technology Strategy

First of all, the first artificial intelligent technology is discussed in this report, which made the company very first big giant in the market for launching a digital assistant within the smartphones named Siri in the year 2011. By comparing the technology of the company with other competitors such as Google as well as the Amazon, the technology that introduced was criticized for failing to give answers against the questions that Google as well as Amazon’s assistant. Furthermore, Siri at that time was not so good to provide the relevant answers or provide the best options to the user, but in recent months, the company did bring improvements in the technology, which did make it famous in the world (Dirican, 2015).

Moreover, the company did introduce the biggest signal that it is going to raise investment for bringing improvements in Artificial intelligence.  Apple has reorganized its machine learning, as well as artificial intelligence divisions under Gianandrea as well as the company, has most effectively promoted him for it executive team within a few months. Furthermore on the reorganization, the longtime head of Siri of the Apple Company, Bill Stasior, did resign from the company (Makridakis, 2017).

How AI and Facial Recognition Are Impacting the Future of Banking

Everyone loves the facial recognition technology in smartphones as well as most people loves to adopt this technology because it helps the users to do things better without wasting precious time. The company did really good work on the facial recognition system through the mobile camera. Before now, everyone knew that facial recognition is used by the users to unlock the smartphones as well as the computing devices instead of inputting the password and pin code. The company did focus on this technology facilitate the users white driving the cars or at any other place to save time.

The company is now focusing on providing more facilities to the users to make their lives easier. For this purpose, the company is now going to launch the bank access to users by using artificial intelligence technology through facial recognition. Users can easily open their accounts to see the current balance, to pay the dues of the hotels or restaurants or to deposit or transfer the cash to the other accounts. The system is really good as well as very efficient for the users because they can pay their utility bills, pending dues, rents, taxes, school or college fees or another kind of many types of payments (Mian, 2008).

The company is effectively working on this technology because it can provide several advantages to the users as well as the company can get a lot of heavy profit by applying this technology into smart devices. The company can get heavy profits as well as they can hold a heavy market share. It can be a lot of advantages from this technology but currently there may a lot of threats according to security perspectives because it may be criticized by the users. The biggest threat to security is that the attackers can easily use the facial recognition systems to scan the human faces to crack security of the accounts to steal the money of the users of this system that can affect the business of the company (Kovacevic & Majluf, 1993). To overcome this issue or avoiding this kind of threat or minimization of the effects of this kind of issues, the company is still working on this system. If the company controls the overall security then the system can be more efficient that can provide the facilities to the users of this system. In the last, by launching this technology, the company can generate a heavy profit from the market as well as it can give a tough time to other competitors for a long time as well as it is necessary for making the monopoly in the market for a long time again (G. Jiménez, 2014).

Smart Home of Three-Year Technology Strategy

The very important plan of the Apple Company is making the home smart. The concept of the artificially intelligent houses can control the house appliances with the use of the smart home mobile application, voice recognition as well as the air gestures of hands or by using body actions. For example, in the past many people did watch the concept of smart homes in the movies which did show that the human can easily handle the home appliances such as the room lights with the help of the at clapping sound or can play the music or turn on the TV with the help of the clapping. Now the company is purely focusing on making the home smart for the intended audience for the provision of a lot facilities to the users of the technology or to make the life of the users more luxury (Rao, 2014).

Therefore, the company did recently hired Sam Jadallah as the former CEO of the smart lock company Otto for the running division. Google and Amazon dominate the gateway vie voice-controlled smart speakers for the smart home. According to the research, Google has 24% as well as Echo of Amazon has 70% market’s smart-speakers in the United States while the HomePod speaker of Apple company has only 6 percent of the market that launched the early last year’s according to the marketing research. The smart home ambitions of the Apple Company live in the apple’s tradition operating system named as IOS, that ships with an application for Home grant you permission to access to the home appliances of the third party which connected with the mobile device such as the lights of the house, switches, locks of the doors as well as the cameras while the mentioned companies having a huge head start have been given by the ubiquity Google as well as the speakers of Amazon within the smart home (Sivaraman, 2016).  

Self-driving cars of Three-Year Technology Strategy

The self-driving car project is the next project of Apple Company with the name of Project Titan, which is the biggest open secret in the industry of the technology. Therefore, the company is now going to implement and launch self-driving cars, which are considered as the “Mother of All Artificial Intelligent projects.”  (Harris, 2015).

Therefore, in the self-driving cars technology, plenty of other competitors are well ahead of the Apple Company. Waymo Company is also working on self-driving cars for the betterment of this decade as well as it is already in the testing phase, but the Apple Company is also working a lot on this project. That’s why the company said that it would become the mother of all artificial intelligence projects. In the perspectives of the news, it was reported that new information form the department of California of the motor vehicles did reveal the self-driving cars of Apple or the illustrations when it is needed by a human driver for getting over from the automated system (Greenblatt, 2016).

Three Year Plan of Three-Year Technology Strategy

Gantt chart of Three-Year Technology Strategy

Three year Plan




Proposal regarding technology and explanation


Research technology




Software & hardware specification



System Development






Dev of Marketing strategies






Year 1: 2020 of Three-Year Technology Strategy

In year one (2020), the company will make a professional proposal and represent in front of the committee and explain briefly to the higher management of the company. It is a critical task to agree with all of the stakeholders on one point by explaining that thing. The members will defend their ideas. After making agree all of them on one point, it time to get into form of the designers, developers and the highly skilled programmers of the company to research in-depth on the discussed technology. In the same year company has to take the initiative to gather information and data as well as the company will also identify what kind of hardware and software will be good. After getting all the data, the development work will also be started on this technology.

Year 2: 2021 of Three-Year Technology Strategy

In the second year, the product is in the development phase. The development of the product will take a lot of time in the year because it is the phase of construction. It is understood that development consumes a lot of time. After development, the testing phase will be started, and at the end of the year, the testing will be completed.

Year 3: 2022 of Three-Year Technology Strategy

In the third year, a complete product is in front of you and wait to be commercialized, but for this purpose, the company needs to develop a strategy for marketing of this artificial intelligent product. After development of strategies, the company will launch this product.

Discussion and/or Analysis of Three-Year Technology Strategy

In the discussion, the paper will analyze all of the critical aspects and identifies the company’s competitors who can create troubles for Apple in the market. Apple has to understand that if they are not bringing new things and improvements into their technology as well as in the strategies, it can be dangerous for the future of the company.

Conclusion of Three-Year Technology Strategy

I have concluded that Apple company is going down and nearly to disappear from the market because of the new competitors like Huawei, OPPO, Samsung, and other companies. A large number of the customers have lost by the company, and they have changed their desires of technology because of the well-known companies in the world like Samsung and Huawei. They are working on Artificial Intelligence. Apple company is going to work in the areas which are mentioned below that will facilitate the intended audience, as well as the company, can also  earn a large amount of profit to grab higher market share. By comparing the technology of the company with other competitors such as Google as well as the Amazon, the technology that introduced was criticized for failing to give answers against the questions that Google as well as Amazon’s assistant. Apple has reorganized its machine learning, as well as artificial intelligence divisions under Gianandrea as well as the company, has most effectively promoted him for it 

References of Three-Year Technology Strategy

Dirican, C. (2015). The impacts of robotics, artificial intelligence on business and economics. Procedia-Social and Behavioral Sciences, 564-573.

G. Jiménez, S. O. (2014). Hazardous times for monetary policy: What do twentythree million bank loans say about the effects of monetary policy on credit risktaking? Econometrica, 2(82), 463-505.

Greenblatt, N. A. (2016). Self-driving cars and the law. IEEE spectrum, 2(53), 46-51.

Harris, M. (2015). Documents confirm Apple is building self-driving car. . The Guardian, 14.

Helbing., D. (2019). Will democracy survive big data and artificial intelligence?. In Towards Digital Enlightenment . In Towards Digital Enlightenment, , 73-98.

Kovacevic, A., & Majluf, N. (1993, jul 15). six-stages-of-it-strategic-management. Retrieved from sloanreview.mit.edu: https://sloanreview.mit.edu/article/six-stages-of-it-strategic-management/

Makridakis, S. (2017). The forthcoming Artificial Intelligence (AI) revolution: Its impact on society and firms. Futures, 46-60.

Mian, A. I. (2008). Tracing the impact of bank liquidity shocks: Evidence from an emerging market. American Economic Review, 4(98), 1413-42.

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Saulles, M. D. (2016). The Internet of Things and Business. Taylor & Francis, 2016.

Sivaraman, V. C. ( 2016). Smart-phones attacking smart-homes. In Proceedings of the 9th ACM Conference on Security & Privacy in Wireless and Mobile Networks , 195-200.

Watson, C., McCarthy, J., & Rowley, J. (2013). Consumer attitudes towards mobile marketing in the smart phone era. International Journal of Information Management,, 5(33), 840-849.

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