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Assignment on Merger and Acquisition

Category: Business & Management Paper Type: Assignment Writing Reference: APA Words: 2550

Keywords: mergers and acquisitions, search and matching, aggregate production, reallocation, business economy, financial performance, Liquidity ratio, banking sector, diversification,

Introduction of Merger and Acquisition  

The basic purpose of the research about the implications of merger and acquisition in the business is to evaluate the get the outcomes of acquisition and merger in the accumulated business economy in the business world. The study of merger and acquisition is used to ascertain the link between the different aspects of the organization’s issue. While the merger or acquisition takes place between different organizations, it is considered that the benefits and the privileges are distributed according to the equal portion or in specific portion. The estimated model to use in acquisition are significantly distributed in a way that put aggregate impact on both the organization. The outcomes show a certain percentage to contribute to the consumption of total revenue of the business. Different sorting methods are used in generating the advantages related to merger and acquisition. The study is also concern with the allocations of the resources which are being used in the business for common benefits of the firms. It also discussed with the changing management of the business and taking hold of new management, which has to face different challenges to stable the economy of the firms. The purpose of the study is to establish the impact of mergers and acquisitions in the performance of the business. The economy has to face the issue to deal the policies with the improvement of the firm’s business condition (J. David, 2017).

There are several studies which are conducted on an implication of merger and acquisition in the research history. To find out about merger and acquisition, there should be knowledgeable about the meaning of merger and acquisition. Merger and acquisition (M&A) are referred as terms that are used in the consolidation of different organizations. The single term merger means the combination of two companies and built a new one in results, while the acquisition means that one company take hold of the other with authority to take all the decision about the company. M&A is considered as big aspects of the trade market. The cause of the merger and acquisition is the phenomenon that the one unit with different powers could do business activities more accurately as compared to in separated units. It could be possible in this way that companies could maximize the output of the business, which could evaluate different opportunities in the business. Merger and acquisition could take place by purchasing assets, purchasing share, exchange of shares and exchanging shares of shares (N. N. Brueller, Carmeli, & Markman, 2018).

While implicating the merger and acquisition in any business organization, there must be some reasons to combine the business in a single unit. The organization must be well-aware of the risk which is collaborated with the investment in the existing business with the competitive market. The business must have the ability to diversify the risk to limit the scope of the loss, which could be beneficial for the business. The management of the acquiring must be resilient to adopt the changing environment in the business.

The implication of the merger and acquisition is most likely to deal with the activities in the wealth effect of the business which acquiring the companies during the working on the methodology of the acquisition in the announcement of the merger of different business — the announcement of the different changes in the activities which are resulted in implication of merger and acquisition. Moreover, outcomes are measured by the actual and budgeted stock price of the shares, which are needed to be examined in the market, when the actual return of the merger and acquisition is post-event for the firm following the event and date, which is mentioned in the contract. When there is budgeted return in normal events it must be announced that merger and acquisition do not occur as it is not beneficial for the state of business. The study found that the average number of abnormal returns that are acquired by the shareholders which are important in numbers. After all the discussion about the implications of merger and acquisition it would be concluded that the shareholders must lose some portion of their revenue while the time of merger and acquisition (J. G. Lynch & Lind, 2002).

There are different examples which are collaborated with examples of merger and acquisition. China and the U.S. also have many examples that describe the term merger and acquisition in practical way, which is necessary to take into consideration while thinking about mergers and acquisitions. When there was a breakdown in the economy of China, there was announcement of companies that are listed in the stock exchange and going to take place as merger and acquisition. However, it is considered in China that the merger and acquisition lose the real value of the business which could be not beneficial in business terms, but it should be considered that the risk is evaluated with the help of merger and acquisition to form a new business (V. M. Papadakis, 2005).

In the financial and economic growth of the business, it must be considered as important as it is power of the business for the corporation of the business across the world. In different strategies of the growing merger and acquisition are distributed according to the business strategies which are in process in the world. With the implication of merger and acquisition, the business firms could overcome the issues related to the business which is believed that the merger and acquisition are expected to grow the business at a large scale. Merger and acquisition are also significant in the competitiveness of the organization in better way to expand the business in different regions. Different organizations peruse the managers and another regulatory body to enhance market value and efficiency to get financial and operational success in the market.

Finance theories are recommended both negative and positive important impacts of merger and acquisition in the performance of business market. There may be empirical rules to merger and acquisition which have no important influence on the corporate firms. Another purpose behind the merger and acquisition which is to expect more liquidity in the merging firms. The liquidity problem is main issue to evaluate the financial position of the business in the market. Liquidity ratio could be evaluated by the current ratio of the business and also calculate the quick ratio and working capital of the business. Different research represents that the higher the value of these ratios the less will be risk. So it could be said that these ratios are helpful in the implications of the merger and acquisition in any business market to calculate the financial position of the business. Merging could take place between the organizations that are dealing similar nature businesses so that the business operations could be implemented in the business at the same time. While acquisition is taking place between different lines of product as they have operated a new business as a result. It may be vertical, horizontal or conglomerate merger following the market condition of the business (S. Cartwright & Cooper, 1993).

The business organizations in the markets are seeking to grow with the growth of strategic and tactical management of any business. Mergers and acquisitions are considered a way of implementing growth in the market with different strategies. Merger and acquisition are frequently used terms that are used to implement the diversification in the business if there is any need. When there is need for diversification of the business strategies there should be concept of Merger and acquisition, which could be used for the changing management in the business to get the best position in the market (I. Asimakopoulos & Athanasoglou, 2013).

There may be some issues in implementing the new strategies in the business by the management. Merger and acquisition most likely to take place in joint ventures, which may be within the boundaries of countries or beyond the boundaries. As concerned with joint venture, there are some strategies that are used in the joint venture such as spider web, go together-split and successive integration. The spider's web strategy is implemented in the industry within some large and small organizations. To get avoid the absorption there may be different possible ways to get the strategies implemented on the joint venture. The go together-split is a strategy is referred to the strategy which is corporate in the organization, which could be separated when needed and easily could be split into the sections when the situation requires it. Successive integration starts with the minor point in the relationship which becomes more efficient in the Merger and acquisition which is deliberately considered as best part of the merger and acquisition. There may be significant parts of the joint venture such as:

· A selected partner whom to be joint in business.

· The consideration which is going to control the whole business

· Final and ultimate consideration which is involved in the management of the business

Merger and acquisition (M&A) are referred as terms that are used in the consolidation of different organizations. The single term merger means the combination of two companies and built a new one in results, while the acquisition means that one company take hold of the other with authority to take all the decision about the company. It may be vertical, horizontal or conglomerate merger following the market condition of the business. While implicating the merger and acquisition in any business organization, there must be some reasons to combine the business in a single unit. The organization must be well-aware of the risk which is collaborated with the investment in the existing business with the competitive market. Merger and acquisition is stage which is adopted by the business when one is weak condition and needs to be supported by some strong powers to stable in the market. When organizations are going to take place in Merger and acquisition they must be well-aware to avoid the factors to prove the Merger and acquisition a successful business unit. These are the factors:

·         Pay too much cost

· Away from the product line of existing business

· Disparate culture

· Visits of key managers

· Assuming that there will always be green time

· Leaping before looking

·  Merging with extra-large organization

Several organizations can integrate the sufficient so that the Merger and acquisition will become a successful business unit, which will be a result of diversification. There are many reasons behind the Merger and acquisition which are compulsory in the seeking of key principles behind the creation of Merger and acquisition. This rational decision is made when the company is facing difficult time, and it collaborates with strong one to overcome the risk of competition and exit from the market. On another hand, large companies prefer to merge weak one to expand the business to create more competition and market share in the business. Both companies merge to seek the maximum output in the business with common benefits and to target the companies which are working as competitors in the market (M. G. Seo & Hill, 2005).

Merger and acquisition take place to gain many advantages in the business, which are evaluated in the terms to gain the ability to upgrade the business to gain the market to control the business in according to the economic conditions of the country in which business activities are being implemented to get the returns. Merger and acquisition is based on stock price studies. These studies depend on widely available information on stock prices and apply event study methodology. The main disadvantage which is faced by the business of this approach lies in the fact that stock price movements rely on the anticipation of investors as to the benefits and costs of M&A rather than on actual value creation. As a result, the corporate finance is considered as performance of the business is less as there are difficulties in the collection of information to construct a valid performance in the business so it could be completed in the business market. Instead of these drawbacks, Merger, and acquisition still have the capacity that it could support a dissolute business and make it powerful in terms of different gains which are acceptable by the market conditions (A. Agrawal & Jain, 2015).  

The pre-merger profitability stream of research studies focuses on the point of ex-ante corporate performance to identify potential acquirers and targets. Mueller (1980), in his study give the abstract of the results on company performance studies concludes that there is a negative correlation between performance and the probability of being taken over, although the difference in performance is small and often non-significant. The acquirer is a large unit and has higher growth and higher debt levels. Therefore, the weaker the performance of a company, the more likely it is to become targeted by the acquirer. Stock price studies reach the same conclusions which are described by the acquirer. This should be suggested that the market for corporate control is functioning properly with more efficient companies taking over less efficient ones.

There is also empirical research on the performance of the acquirer and merger who are combined their activities to get the competitive advantages of the market competition. This problem is most likely to analyze the corporate finance in the business which are used in the specific event. These implications often have to pay a high cost of acquisition, which could be harmful to the acquirer. Before going in to the acquisition and merge there should be a keen analysis which could elaborate all the hidden points of the market which could be harmful for the acquisition of any business, therefore, it is necessary to take the overview of the company before the merger and acquisition of the company (S. C. CARTWRIGHT & Cooper, 2016).

References of Merger and Acquisition

A. Agrawal, & Jain, P. K. (2015). Multiple perspectives of mergers and acquisitions performance. In Systemic Flexibility and Business Agility, 385-398.

I. Asimakopoulos, & Athanasoglou, P. P. (2013). Revisiting the merger and acquisition performance of European banks. International review of financial analysis,, 29, 237-249.

J. David. (2017). The aggregate implications of mergers and acquisitions. Available at SSRN 2033555.

J. G. Lynch, & Lind, B. (2002). Escaping merger and acquisition madness. Strategy & Leadership, 30(2), 5-12.

M. G. Seo, & Hill, N. S. (2005). Understanding the human side of merger and acquisition: An integrative framework. . The Journal of Applied Behavioral Science, 41(4), 422-443.

N. N. Brueller, Carmeli, A., & Markman, G. D. (2018). Linking merger and acquisition strategies to postmerger integration: a configurational perspective of human resource management. Journal of Management,, 44(5), 1793-1818.

S. C. CARTWRIGHT, & Cooper, C. L. (2016). Managing mergers acquisitions and strategic alliances. Routledge.

S. Cartwright, & Cooper, C. L. (1993). The psychological impact of merger and acquisition on the individual: A study of building society managers. Human relations,, 46(3), 327-347.

V. M. Papadakis. (2005). The role of broader context and the communication program in merger and acquisition implementation success. Management Decision,, 43(2), 236-255.

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