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Corporate Governance and Earnings Management in the UK

Category: Corporate Governance Paper Type: Research Paper Writing Reference: APA Words: 3527

Corporate governance has great importance in the long-term success of organizations. Corporate governance set out policies for the company and decide about the roles and responsibilities of the directors and executive manager (Alhadab, 2016). Earning management is the system through which companies manipulate the financial data to change the financial position of the company. History of the earning management is as old as the history of the financial report making. In the past times earning management was not enough organized as it is now in the present age. But still, executives and directors were used to manipulating financial data in different ways with the purpose to earn their personal benefits. Now manipulation and earning management is quite common in our businesses.

Corporate governance is playing the active role in this earning management and data manipulation. A number of empirical research studies are conducted on this topic to analyze the role of corporate governance in the earning management systems, and to view the adoption of earning management strategies in the companies of United Kingdom. Research conducted by the Dube and Howell claims that earning management system is not an invention of the 20th century. According to their research findings in early 1880s companies were used to manipulate data with the support of their directors and executives.        

 Research aim of Corporate Governance and Earnings Management in the UK

The research aim is to explore the use of earning management system by the corporate governance in the United Kingdom. The research will critically view the role of corporate governance in the manipulation of the financial data and other earning management systems. The research will view the literature and case studies on the earning management use in the UK companies listed in London stock exchange.  

    Research objectives of Corporate Governance and Earnings Management in the UK

The major objectives of the research are presented below in a list

·         To identify the role of corporate governance in the earning management

·         To evaluate the impact of earning management on profitability    

·         To elaborate on the effects of earning management on shareholders

·         To provide the view of earning management use in UK companies.

    Research Hypothesis of Corporate Governance and Earnings Management in the UK

There is two Hypothesis developed for the research study that is stated below:

H1: There is a positive relationship between the earning management system and the role of corporate governance in the UK companies.

H2: There is a positive relationship between earning management and manipulation of audit reports by UK companies. 

       Literature Review of Corporate Governance and Earnings Management in the UK

       Corporate Governance and earning management

Corporate governance is the system through which the top level management of the company control and manage the overall company. In accordance with this system roles and responsibilities are delegated to the directors and executives of the company. Basically, it deals with all the activities and responsibilities that a director or board of director do. Corporate governance also set values and deals with the social responsibilities. In the United Kingdom, the corporate governance code is applied to all companies (Aguilera, Williams, Conley, & Rupp, 2006). According to this code, companies are liable to provide their fair accounting and financial reports. UK corporate governance overview and monitor all the listed companies for different accountability structures.  

In the United Kingdom, Earning management is adopted widely. According to the research studies, corporate governance in the United Kingdom is playing its role as reactive rather than proactive. Corporate governance of the companies is trying to manipulate the accounts and financial data in order to change their market value and financial condition for the stakeholders of the company. At the time of investment, shareholders view the profit margin of the company to get the estimation about the possible dividend as turn on investment. Therefore sometimes companies apply to earn management strategies to manipulate the financial data in such a way that present high profit for the latest operations. Thus the company can easily sell out shares in the market at the high prices.

While companies sometimes also present the financial information wrong or manipulated to avoid high taxes. For this purpose, they try to add up special items accounts and special expenses that reduce their profit over the years and show the company is nor earning as high as it was in actual earning. Thus earning management support the corporate governance of the company to pay less amount as tax expense and save their earning in the retained earning portion. However, earning management cannot be considered as the fair technique or strategy for the business.                 

    An overview of London stock exchange companies of Corporate Governance and Earnings Management in the UK

London stock exchange is one of the biggest stock exchange in the world. In London, stock exchange companies are also listed to sell out their shares in the open international markets. UK companies are also selling their stock on the London stock exchange. In the London stock exchange, a number of companies are registered that are using the earing management technique in the business to present the manipulated financial data to the shareholders. A research study conducted by the (Dube & Howell, 2010) has studied companies of the United Kingdom listed in the London stock exchange. Some of these companies are Vedanta resources PLC, Next PLC, and Whiteboard PLC. According to the findings of the research corporate governance of the companies manipulate data to increase the value of their stock that attracts the investors. 

According to a study held on the FTSE 350 companies (of United Kingdom) found that reports were manipulated and there was real and accrual earning management. FTSE is the companies that are listed in the London stock exchange as the member to sell out their equity. Studies also elaborate that in the structure of the audits reports that were the clear difference for the qualified and non-qualified audit reports. Research elaborate that UK based companies are also using other types of earning management techniques as abnormal cash flows from operations and discretionary accruals. Abnormal cash flows from the operations are related to the manipulation or changes in the sales and revenue of the company.      

  Corporate governance mechanism

Corporate governance has basically three major types of mechanism. In the companies of United Kingdom internal mechanism and external mechanism are in use for corporate governance. The internal mechanism of corporate governance monitor the activities and practices done by the company to figure out the misleading factors and errors. The internal mechanism also takes action for the correction of these activities to keep the business on track. The internal mechanism also works for the independent auditing reports and responsibilities for the directors or executives of the company (Davoren, 2018). It decides the control of the directors and executives on the business and its financial data. While in the external mechanism of corporate governance authority is given to the external parties that can be the stakeholders of the company.

In the external mechanism government, financial regularity institutes and the trade unions take control over the responsibilities and policies of the company. Companies adopt internal mechanisms without any force from the external entities and stakeholders. While in the external mechanism stakeholder form the external environment put emphasis on the management of the company to accept their decisions (Weir, Laing, & McKnight, 2002). The external mechanism provides the limited view of the internal working of the organization in the audit reports.

     Control measures by the London stock exchange of Corporate Governance and Earnings Management in the UK

In the past corporate governance were not accountable to their shareholders. Therefore window dressing for the accounts and financial data was the easy job for the corporate governance in old times.  While now in present age earning management problem in the London stock exchange is increasing because of the controlling managerial behavior. London stock exchange is now working on the control measures for the earning management systems by the corporate governance of the companies. In the past London stock exchange was unable to monitor and adjudicate the financial statements presented by the member companies in their audit reports because of the unstable financial condition of the stock exchange. While in 1801 regulatory authorities decided to start up the auditing process that will monitor and adjudicate the reports.

Now in the present times, the London stock exchange has an active committee that is working to control the manipulation and earning management techniques by the corporate governance. According to the research companies that are caught for using earning management system in their audits reports are disqualified. Such companies cannot get the membership again until they present the actual financial data without any type of earning management, manipulation and window dressing.

While auditing system is now compulsory for the companies. Each company should have their own auditing system that controls and reviews the financial data of the company. Now present time’s new rules and regulations are presented by the accounting regularity authorities. According to the new standards of auditing, reports companies are obliged to provide the name of auditors and their information with their signatures on the auditing reports that presents that auditors are responsible for any type of manipulation, wrong presentation of financial data and window dressing of accounts. Committee of the auditors at the London stock exchange check out the responsibility of the auditors also while checking the financial statements of the company.       

  Theoretical framework of Corporate Governance and Earnings Management in the UK

            The earlier chapters outline the issue be significant of this research, namely, pay management afterward its involvement with corporate supremacy after that outdoor appraisal factors. The inquiries probe has been specified, the applicable examine writing has been explored in addition to gaps participating in so as to inquiries get been identified. Ahead of on the rise the study hypotheses next trying them, it is compulsory in the direction of refurbishing a Speculative origin in favor of this research. With the aim of is the intent of this chapter.

Even if near is thumbs down approved abstract root in place of following a line of investigation arranged corporate ascendancy a reassess of the text indicates to four chief academic frameworks hold been worn en route for rationalizing Furthermore study the connotation stuck between pay management with mutually corporate authority in addition to
Outside check factors. These are society theory, stakeholder theory, and stewardship speculation furthermore institutional theory. This interval reviews these four theories plus their applicability just before the inquiries Matter of this study. (Iqbal, 2018)

 The function of corporate ascendancy at this juncture is toward saving from harm the shareholders besides monitoring managers during an assortment of corporate supremacy mechanisms. This is supported by means of the examination of the UK corporate domination codes. Thus, corporate governance, because of mechanisms such when review committees, boards of directors after that Exterior auditors, enables shareholders headed for attentively observes the events of managers. Weak monitoring of managers can promote them en route for pursuing their accept wellbeing before tricks such for example administration pay although in effect corporate monitoring from first to last good quality corporate supremacy preserve Cut down this kind of unreliable behavior.

Research Hypotheses and Methodology of Corporate Governance and Earnings Management in the UK

 Taking into consideration highlighting the speculative perspective of this research, the measurement of the Needy erratic (earnings management) self-control exist demonstrated. Then, a complete portrayal of how Every one of the outside variables desires is there slow also hypotheses spirit live urban also stated. This analysis classifies the free variables hooked on five broad categories, namely, go on board composition, non-executive directors‟ (NEDs) commitment, ownership structures, take stock commission effectiveness as a consequence exterior check factors, in addition to this is followed by means of a sort of how the discipline variables are measured. (Iqbal, The effect of corporate governance on earnings management around UK rights issues, 2010)

Secondly, this section discusses the check out variety also the collection process. Databases old on the road to gather them in order obligatory en route for conduct this cram bidding subsequently be alive specified. Thirdly, dissimilar probable questioning procedures resolve to be really discussed toward uncovering their suitability furthermore relevance. Then, the testing procedures are undertaken command be situated detailed. Finally, a
Hasty of the variables, models, after that hypothesis of the research pray, come about presented. The domino effect emanating since folks choices desire live existing into stage six. Quantitative methods such at the same time as the investigation of fiscal records are repeatedly old on the road to establishing corporate Authority effectiveness into empirical studies.

At home corporate control research, panel symphony Procedures such having the status of live sovereignty as well as check agency independence- deliberate next to the ratio of non-executive directors en route for the sum quantity of directors- is second-hand in the sphere of interpreting the brunt of panel the constitution arranged the boundary of a theater group salary management level. 

At hand is a dearth of investigating lying on corporate supremacy which uses qualitative approaches. This is May possibly live as it should be on the road to some degree of in turn presented when on the way to how boards truly be successful right and proper on the road to the confidential Environment of embarking meetings also process, which inwards turns makes it grueling intended for researchers near capture the Family member in rank at how a corporate slat might play a role taking part in enhancing profit condition.

Data Analysis and Discussion of Corporate Governance and Earnings Management in the UK

            During vocabulary of review commission characteristics, the norm total of check group meetings next the is around assessed group extent does not substantially change flanked by industries. However, the Construction & structure equipment engineering afterward Leisure, Entertainment & Hotels trade demonstrate a high ranking agreement in addition to the corporate ascendancy joint system (2003) recommendations As regards the assessment committees autonomy as a consequence fiscal expertise, whilst Restaurants, Pubs & Breweries display a large amount inferior acquiescence by means of these recommendations. (Moriya, 2018)

Modish conditions of the keep under control variables, the Media & filmmaking business shows the lowly Submission as well as IFRS. Construction & house supplies engineering has excluding risky firms to Turn up the lowly pull lead to in addition to the highest on the increase commerce time Leisure, Entertainment & Hotel's commerce are abundantly leveraged along with depressed within growth. Interestingly, the CFO next ROA method Act not chiefly alter stuck between industries, however, assistance armed forces afterward broad-spectrum vendor industries somewhat smash extra industries.                    

In vogue conclusion, the earlier descriptive figures prove nearly variations in the field of precise corporate Power variables based scheduled the typography of manufacturing in vogue which the band operates. by the side of average, Leisure, Entertainment & Hotels hard work shows a tall acquiescence among the corporate Ascendancy shared cryptogram (2003) recommendations after that less income management despite the fact that Media & taking pictures shows a large amount let fall conformity including these recommendations furthermore advanced rate management. 

Summary of Corporate Governance and Earnings Management in the UK

This episode presents a summing up with the conclusions of this research. gone restating the make inquiries Unruly in addition to the question, it outlines the delve into methods undertaken in the direction of key the delve into question. The domino effect of this examination are summarized next their implications are discussed. The makings limitations of this look into are at that moment existing facing avenues in lieu of coming look into are highlighted. The schoolwork proposes as well as finds to corporate domination along with the outdoor auditor, collectively,
constrain income management.

The fallout makes known to facilitate panel mass afterward independence, examine Commission self-rule plus competence, choice team independence, chairman independence, the horizontal of NEDs‟ fees furthermore on your own then specialized exterior assessor are the whole In the negative allied as well as income management by the side of substantial levels. The essential giving near data of the examination is toward pull out the copy by the side of the part of corporate domination. (J., 2015)

 As well as the outer examine fashionable constraining rate management practice. Its Domino effect is useable sooner than pigs sell participants in the sphere of their evaluation of the roles of corporate Domination plus the outside inspector popular enhancing the worth of reported earnings. The findings yearn for Furthermore avoid regulators in the direction of mark out useful corporate ascendancy attributes also on the way to assess the Food pro leak of corporate ascendancy practices.

Conclusion on Corporate Governance and Earnings Management in the UK

Another region precious of promoting exploration is the air of unique types of non-audit fees at Examiner independent lifestyle and, thus, scheduled examine quality. even if this study finds with the aim of non-audit fees impair inspector self-determination after that support profit management, a little type of non-audit air force May perhaps enhance the auditor's comprehension then familiarity and the client's business. This schoolwork as well as before making inquiries ID the helpful effect of specialized auditors preceding inspection
Characteristic afterward balance quality.

However, it would exist of pastime just before explore added from top to bottom why this Connection occurs. Am I sorry? Closely distinguishes the specialized inspector starting others? Toward I beg your pardon? magnitude does the specialized inspector reason interrelate by way of new monitoring factors, such since inspection committees, non-audit fees, high 4 review firms as a consequence assessor turnover? Exploring these issues possibly will be a factor substantially in the direction of the text never-ending corporate control along with at inspection afterward income quality.

Seeing that this schoolwork covers obese firms as a consequence excludes reliable industries, a prospect arises in place of additional Make inquiries addicted to the influence of in cooperation corporate domination next the outer appraise lying on pay envelope management participating in lesser companies otherwise in vogue companies stylish the regulated, mining in addition to economic industries. Copying of this explore by records starting further intercontinental deal in markets is to be expected near supply insight interested in not the same markets responses headed for corporate governance, outdoor assessor roles afterward return management.

Furthermore, for instance motives designed for practicing rate management is spring up roofed modish the literature, it would what's more happening of talented attract condition upcoming explore may possibly forward the distribute of managers motives in support of complying by corporate governance, whether with the aim of is toward growth perceived exposure quality, on the way to fulfill shareholders moreover regulators, before en route for complete certain additional objectives. 




Aguilera, R. V., Williams, C. A., Conley, J. M., & Rupp, D. E. (2006). Corporate governance and social responsibility: A comparative analysis of the UK and the US. Corporate Governance: an international review, 14(3), 147-158. Retrieved 07 28, 2018

Alhadab, M. (2016). AUDITOR REPORT AND EARNINGS MANAGEMENT: EVIDENCE FROM FTSE 350 COMPANIES IN THE UK. Risk Governance & Control: Financial Markets & Institutions, 6(4), 334-344. Retrieved 07 28, 2018

Davoren, J. (2018). Three Types of Corporate Governance Mechanisms. Retrieved 07 28, 2018, from Smallbusiness.chron.com: https://smallbusiness.chron.com/three-types-corporate-governance-mechanisms-66711.html

Dube, Z., & Howell, K. E. (2010). Assessing Corporate Governance and the London Stock Exchange: A Historical Analysis. International Journal of Applied Finance for Non-Financial Managers, 1(3), 1-9. Retrieved 07 28, 2018

Iqbal, A. (2010). The effect of corporate governance on earnings management around UK rights issues. Retrieved from https://www.researchgate.net/publication/227429269_The_effect_of_corporate_governance_on_earnings_management_around_UK_rights_issues

Iqbal, A. (2018). The effect of corporate governance on earnings management around UK rights issues. Retrieved from https://www.emeraldinsight.com/doi/abs/10.1108/17439131011056215?journalCode=ijmf

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Moriya, H. (2018). THE EFFECTIVENESS OF CORPORATE governance. Retrieved from http://etheses.dur.ac.uk/448/1/FINAL_WHOLE_PHD_pdf.pdf?DDD2+

Weir, C., Laing, D., & McKnight, P. J. (2002). Internal and external governance mechanisms: their impact on the performance of large UK public companies. Journal of Business Finance & Accounting, 29(5), 579-611. Retrieved 07 28, 2018

Aguilera, R. V., Williams, C. A., Conley, J. M., & Rupp, D. E. (2006). Corporate governance and social responsibility: A comparative analysis of the UK and the US. Corporate Governance: an international review, 14(3), 147-158. Retrieved 07 28, 2018

Alhadab, M. (2016). AUDITOR REPORT AND EARNINGS MANAGEMENT: EVIDENCE FROM FTSE 350 COMPANIES IN THE UK. Risk Governance & Control: Financial Markets & Institutions, 6(4), 334-344. Retrieved 07 28, 2018

Davoren, J. (2018). Three Types of Corporate Governance Mechanisms. Retrieved 07 28, 2018, from Smallbusiness.chron.com: https://smallbusiness.chron.com/three-types-corporate-governance-mechanisms-66711.html

Dube, Z., & Howell, K. E. (2010). Assessing Corporate Governance and the London Stock Exchange: A Historical Analysis. International Journal of Applied Finance for Non-Financial Managers, 1(3), 1-9. Retrieved 07 28, 2018

Weir, C., Laing, D., & McKnight, P. J. (2002). Internal and external governance mechanisms: their impact on the performance of large UK public companies. Journal of Business Finance & Accounting, 29(5), 579-611. Retrieved 07 28, 2018






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