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Report on Compare and Contrast for Supply Chain Management of Albaik, Almarai and Emirates Airline

Category: Supply Chain Management Paper Type: Report Writing Reference: APA Words: 2600

 There are so many important elements attached to a business organization, but one crucial element is its supply chain management. Regardless of the size of an organization, the supply chain management is critical in so many ways. It is a process where it is ensured that a product has reached its final destination, and customers can purchase it. It would be good to understand the concept with an example. If a company has introduced a new product, which is needed by the customers and they badly want it. The company has done extensive marketing to market the product, and customers have seen so much that now they are eager to buy the product, so they go to nearby shops or stores, etc. to buy the product, but they found it that product is yet not available (Forceintellect, 2018). It means that the supply chain management of the company was failed to deliver the product to its final customers, whereas so many promises were made through advertising. This kind of thing adds a bad taste to customers about a company and so they look for alternative companies, who fulfill their demands. It means that having a product with extensive marketing is not good enough; rather making sure that the product is also reached to its final destination, otherwise, customers won’t be happy with the company (Teeboom, 2018). In this paper, SCM of three companies would be analyzed to review their performance and give some recommendations.

               In some cases, a product demand increases due to its popularity, and then supply should be increased with quick methods so that demand is satisfied, and this can only be done with the help of an effective supply chain management. When demand is increasing and suppliers are asking for more supply in time, then a proper SCM system would allow a company to manage increased demands, because they have good inventory as well as operations along with better logistics. The production units should be informed in time to produce the product as per demand, and once the product is ready, it should be sent to the required sales points as soon as possible. This balance of demand and supply is essential for the success of a company otherwise customers will not be satisfied as I would be a bad experience for them. It is the responsibility of a business organization to make its products available in the market, otherwise, advertising won’t help. So, supply chain management is one of the critical operations of a company to gain long term and sustainable success (Min, Zacharia, & Smith, 2019)

Overview of Albaik, Almarai and Emirates Airline and their Supply Chain Management

      There are so many famous fast food brands in the Middle East and one of the famous local brands from Saudi Arabia is Albaik. The company’s history dates back to 1974 when it started its business operations from Jeddah city. The concept of Broast Chicken was first introduced by Albaik in Saudi Arabia. Albaik was the one, which came up with the first Broast Restaurant in the country. This was just the beginning and Albaik never looked back ever since and had grown up as one of the best in the fast-food market in Saudi Arabia. The iconic logo of the company was developed in 1986, which has been modified twice until now. The company was invited by the Saudi government in 1998 to participate in the food service for Hajj Season, and they are handling these operations during Hajj on a not-for-profit basis since then (LovinSaudi, 2017). Almarai is another famous Middle Eastern company coming from Saudi Arabia, and it is involved in the food & beverage business. The company started its operations in 1976, and it was founded by Prince Sultan Ben Saoud. The company has been involved in a different kind of business such as dairy business, bakery products as well as poultry products. As far as the dairy business is concerned, it is one of the largest in Saudi Arabia. The company has a great market share as well as market value in the whole Gulf regions, and their popularity has been on the rise. In 2015, the market value of the company was more than $12b (Maher, 2015)

        When it comes to talking about famous and top airlines in the world, Emirates Airlines comes to mind as they have gained so much success and reputation over the years. The company started its operations in 1985 when they just had two aircraft. This was just the beginning of a company, which was going to become one of the top airlines in the world. This incredible journey of Emirates continued and currently, they have 265 aircraft, covering more than 80 countries and 155 destinations are covered in these countries (The Emirates Group, 2019). This small company staring from the UAE has become a huge success all around the globe. Every week, more than 1500 planes fly from Dubai airport, which shows the huge scale of its business. The company has been voted to get an award of “Airline of the Year” several times and it has won several other awards as well (Altaf, 2017)

     It is important to look at the supply chain management of all three companies so that a proper comparison is made with considerable findings. Almarai is one of the best in dairy business as a dairy section of its business has the largest portion of its revenues and profits. So, it is important for them to have a supply chain management system, which allows a smooth supply of material and ingredients so that products are made and supplied to customers in time, otherwise, there would be a gap in supply and demand. It is mentioned earlier that they are one of the top brands, so it is imperative for them to have a great SCM process. It has been revealed by the company that they use Vertical Integration Process in their supply chain management. The manufacturing units of the company are situated in Jordan, Egypt, and Saudi Arabia. The Animal feed is imported from outside and rough estimates have shown feed around 1.5 million tons. They have developed their own farms around the world to get quality ingredients to make quality products (Almarai, 2019). It has been revealed that more than 8 million product units are produced by the company in terms of dairy, juice and bakery products. They have a great network of logistics and transport to carry these products to the market. The vehicle fleet of the company has more than 9000 vehicles. The company has more than 100,000 retailers in North Africa as well as the Middle East. This huge and well-managed supply chain network allows Almarai to come up with great and quality products delivering in time to its customers, which is the basic reason behind their huge success (ARAB NEWS, 2017)

      It is also important for Albaik to have a supply chain management system, which is effective and efficient to supply products in time. The company has a great vision of providing consistency as well as quality to its customers, and it can only be possible with best supply chain management, because they have to get ingredients and supply in time so that they can prepare their fast food products in time with good quality, which is the essence to satisfy their customers . They can’t say to their customers that sorry, we don’t have more chicken for today, so we can’t deliver your required meal. There are so many competitors in the market so supply and demand should be managed effectively. The company is getting its supply of chicken from various suppliers so that they can deal with any supply risks and one major source for them in Brazil. It is important to mention here that chicken for Albaik is tested by their own laboratory as well as from SFDA before it is used to make food for customers (ALBAIK, 2019). There are several issues that the suppliers have to face for delivering the core material or fast foods such as chicken. They have to check all of the supply before delivery, like if chicken is not looking or dead they have to remove from the supply. As mentioned in the report, Brazil supplies its chicken to Al Baik mentioned on the official website of Al Baik. The suppliers also have to pay customs taxes on both sides as well as they also have to face shipment returning because of weight issues or other medical problems.

        The third company in this list is Emirates Airlines, which is one of the best Airlines in the globe. It is a fact that supply chain management is a critical function for an airline, because the competition is intense in so many ways, and if an airline will have flaws in its supply chain, it will struggle to gain market share and value. It is known that Emirates is one of the best airlines and they have a great reputation amongst customers because they have great operations in their business processes including their supply chain management. They have to deal with supply in two aspects, first is the pre-travel supply chain, and the other is the post-travel supply chain. They provide quality services to their customers as they can get a whole great experience when they travel with Emirates Airlines. One good example is the food provided to the passengers during the flight. The company has developed a venture named “Emirates Kitchen Flight Catering (EKFC),” which handles all the operations and supply of food. They provide great quality food with fresh and quality ingredients, which satisfy customers all around the world. That’s why they have been voted as the best airline for several times (Sundarakani, Razzak, & Manikandan, 2018).

Supply Chain Management of Albaik, Almarai and Emirates Airline

In this report, the supply chain management, as well as activities, are also discussed, which can provide you brief information on how Al Baik, Almarai, and Emirates Airlines are managing the supply of its products to other prospective buyers. Furthermore, it has a technique for the diversification of the supply chain for this area of the decision of operation management. Getting more supplies is involved by the strategy from other areas for the minimization the effects of the supply chain risks. After observing these websites, I have found several activities of the supply chain management of all companies. The best activities or the practices for the supply of the products or service supply as well as manufacturing (Buurman, 2002).

Activities of Supply Chain Management of Albaik, Almarai and Emirates Airline

The demand forecast activity is usually based on the demand for the products and the services of these companies, the usage patterns, or the sales in the previous time. Therefore, the changing situations such as the introduction of new services or products, losing or gaining the clients, the short term enhance within the demand by promoting as well as the reduction or enhancement of the popularity of the product can affect the demand in the future. The customer relationships activity by serving a high standard or high-level services and products are by performed by the company. Mentioned companies are focusing effectively on building strong relationships with the customers by fulfilling the requirements of the customers.

On the contrary context, the supply chain of mentioned companies is so much different because the supply chain of Emirates Airlines is completely different from fast-food chain and bakery. The companies are doing focusing on making beneficial relationships with prospective buyers and customers, but they have different kinds of workability to supply the products and services to the customer. Emirate Airlines do not import any kind of service, but the Al Baik has to like it imports chicken from Brazil to manufacture the fast food items for the customers. Emirates Airlines is providing customer care for convenience of the customers because many customers can face some issues to attend a flight, or any customer may have some unexpected issue then the customer care center of the company provides further facilities to the customers. After provision of the services, the company also keeps in touch with the customers by emailing to let know them about the new services of the company (Mulyono, 2011).

Conclusion/Recommendations of Supply Chain Management of Albaik, Almarai and Emirates Airline

               It can be concluded in the end that all three companies are famous and have a great reputation in the Middle East region. However, the range and reach as well as the scale of business for Emirates are far more than Almarai and Albaik. Emirates have achieved this great success due to their great operations and supply chain management. Almarai has also been doing well in this regard. So, it is recommended to Albaik that they should follow the model of Almarai and Emirates so that they can expand their business to more destinations worldwide, and gain more market share in the fast-food business. They should follow the SCM model of Almarai and Emirates.

Some issues the companies are facing in the supply chain, so they need to improve the overall structure of the supply. Some customers cannot afford the services of Emirates Airlines, and the company should have to provide flexibility to have flight services for increasing sales. For Almarai, company should note the challenges they are facing, such as slowdown in the selling of bakery products, so they should have to manufacture other alternative products such baked fast food items into the bakeries, which can increase the sales of the company.

References of Supply Chain Management of Albaik, Almarai and Emirates Airline

ALBAIK. (2019). Where does ALBAIK get its chicken from? Retrieved November 12, 2019, from http://www.albaik.com/en/faq/albaik-talk/your-questions-answered/where-does-albaik-get-its-chicken-from-1.html

Almarai. (2019). Overview. Retrieved November 12, 2019, from https://www.almarai.com/en/corporate/investors/overview/

Altaf, S. (2017). Emirates turns 32: A brief history of UAE's favourite airline. Retrieved November 12, 2019, from https://www.khaleejtimes.com/business/aviation/emirates-turns-32-a-brief-history-of-uaes-favourite-airline

ARAB NEWS. (2017). ‘Operation Almarai’ — four decades of success and growth. Retrieved November 12, 2019, from https://www.arabnews.com/node/1208976/corporate-news

Buurman, J. (2002). Supply chain logistics management. McGraw-Hill. Retrieved from McGraw-Hill.

Forceintellect. (2018). Supply Chain and it’s impact on profit and growth in today’s business. Retrieved November 12, 2019, from https://www.forceintellect.com/2018/05/14/importance-of-supply-chain-management/

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