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Report on Impact of Consumer Law in the Scope of European Law

Category: Law Paper Type: Report Writing Reference: APA Words: 3400

General Principles of Impact of Consumer Law in the Scope of European Law

The consumer law has the main purpose to shape up the European Union or EU to become a concrete reality designed for 500 million populations by providing them a guarantee for their consumers’ rights. This simply means that the law acts as a protection for the consumers from severe threats and risks that they are incapable to manage by themselves, empowering the consumers to make decisions with an accurate foundation, provides clear and reliable information, improving the welfare of consumers while, at the same time, also effectively securing their safety along with their economic interests. All of these are expected to be accomplished by aligning the entire consumers’ rights and the rules to modify the situation in both economy and society. The legislation implemented at the level of the European Union itself aims mainly to secure the health, safety, legal interest, and also economic of the consumers as well. In addition to this, the legislation also intends to provide the general systems of product safety (Benohr).

 Treaty on the Functioning of the European Union or TFEU has declared that the issues regarding the protection of consumers are a shared proficiency of both the European Union along with its Member States. At the time the legislation made by the European Union in this subject has implemented properly throughout the regular legislative process and procedure, then all of the Member States are accountable to implement and also carry out these rules. Recently, the ultimate consumption expense of the households noted for 57% of the European Union’s Gross Domestic Product. The plan of consumer law which established by the European Union has demarcated within the European Consumer Agenda for duration from 2014-2020, which is also accompanied by the Consumer programme in its financial features. The Consumer programme has predicted its budget for around  in accordance with about  for every single consumer for each year (Weatherill, 2013).

Legal Foundation of Impact of Consumer Law in the Scope of European Law

            In the Charter of Fundamental Rights of the European Union, specifically in Article 38, and also Articles 4(2)(f), 12, 114(3) and 169 of TFEU establish the main law intended for the policy of consumer protection. Article 169 has also described the policy’s particular objectives as: “In order to promote the interests of consumers and to ensure a high level of consumer protection, the Union shall contribute to protecting the health, safety and economic interests of consumers, as well as to promoting their right to information, education and to organize themselves in order to safeguard their interests.” (Federico, 2010)

            Article 169 mentioned above has complemented Article 114 from the TFEU which identifies that the Commission would take a high-level foundation of protection that written in its applications with reference to the safety, health, both environmental and consumer protection. Furthermore, Article 12 of TFEU has also explained that all of the requirements of consumer protection should be managed into account in describing and applying the other Union activities and policies as well. Meanwhile, Article 38 which included in the Charter of Fundamental Rights of the European Union has set up the prominence of consumer protection by declaring that all of the Union policies should able to make sure high-level protection for the consumers.

The Concept of Consumer of Impact of Consumer Law in the Scope of European Law

            The main stream of the recent instructions made by the European Union has described the concept of consumer as a “natural person who is acting for the purposes which are outside his trade, business, and profession.” This concept somewhat has defined consumer in a negative approach. The concept of consumer in the European Union’s law is unable to be applied as legal individuals, even though they might acquire a non-business feature. Due to the minimum synchronization feature of the bigger portion of the consumer, a number of Member States has been extending their consumer protection law to go further than the concept of consumer clipped in the European Union law.

Protection Tool for the Consumers of Impact of Consumer Law in the Scope of European Law

            There are five fundamental rights for the consumers which described by the Council in its initial exclusive program designed for the consumer protection along with information of the policy in 1975. Those five fundamental rights for the consumer are mentioned such as: the consumer’s right in getting protection regarding health and safety, the consumer’s right in having protection regarding their economic interests, the consumer’s right to claim for any type of damages, the consumer’s right to acquire an education, and ultimately, the consumer’s right to lawful exemplification.

            In these modern days, about 90 instruction of the European Union has covered up the issues related to consumer protection. Despite this fact, yet, a bigger part of the European Union consumer law endures of a minimum synchronization level. As a consequence, the conforming country legislation (both pre-existing and implemented later on to transfer an instruction) has the capability to go even beyond the applicable instruction itself. In actual fact, this definitely means that both the consumers and traders identical still have to be highly aware of the applicable national legislation, specifically around the topics left to the national law.

            In case is there will be any dispute, then the consumer has no capability to invoke contrary to a trader in a straight line. Instead, it would totally depend on the national court of law whether to implement and also construe these rules in the country. In addition to this, these countries also have their rights to request any extra clarification to be made by the European Court of Justice throughout the main governing procedure. On the other hand, this would be slightly rare conditions to have occurred, which might also underwrite to the potential and prospective deviations within the clarification of specific requirements based on an instruction made by the European Union. Thus, legally non-binding tools were made to improve, monitor, and also measuring the recent country along with their effort in empowering the consumer protection on the level of the European Union such as: the tools for market monitoring, the tools for awareness-rising, and also other tools designed for escalating the enforcement as well (Dehghan, 2017).

The consumer purchases goods/services from various organizations so that their product/service needs can be fulfilled efficiently. Sometimes the consumer faces various issues when they purchase products from the organization such as safety issues and privacy-related issues. Today there are many ways through which customers can purchase their products from the corporations for instance online shopping. When any customers purchase products online they provide their personal information to the business. Such personal information can go into the wrong hands, and they can use the information of the customers for their own benefit. Sometimes data breaches cause huge inconvenience to the customers because due to the leak of their personal data the hackers use their information for getting financial gains.

That is why many customers are awarded online payment. Many laws have been made to protect customers from any financial fraud. The Directive 2007/64/EC is regarding the payment services. This law protects customers from financial frauds and tells them how they can make secure payments in the internal market. The other law which protects the customers from unfair commercial practice is Directive 2005/29/EC. This protects the customers from the practices which are recognized as unfair. The above-discussed laws allow the customers to perform secure transactions on different platforms and protect the customers from any financial loss. The above-discussed laws are made by keeping the safety and needs of the customers in mind. Today the technology is becoming advanced day by day, and there is a need to protect the customers on different payment platforms. As technology is becoming advance day by day the hackers are also developing new techniques of getting the data of various customers so that they can use it for their own benefit. These financial services laws provide safety top the customers and protect them from unfair practices (Campbell, Edgar, & Stonehouse, 2011).

As discussed earlier the technology is becoming advanced day by day. Many organizations today various methods for advertising the products in the market. The customers around the world purchase products after viewing the advertisement for the product. The organizations are allowed to market the product in such a way that the customers can be attracted to its product. However the organizations are not allowed to create such advertisement in which fake claims or misleading advertisement is performed. The customers have the right to get such product which they have seen in the advertisement. If the customers are going to get the product which does not provide the benefits which the advertisement has shown than it is against the rights of the customers (Kourdi, 2009).

Directive 2011/83/EU protects consumer rights. If any customer who has shopped online after seeing the advertisement and after using the product feels that the product does not function as stated in the advertisement than this law will help the customer. The directive 2006/114/EC protect the customer from misleading advertisement. If any business is going to perform misleading advertisements, then in the light of this law the relevant authorities will take action against such business (Spender, 2014).

Many customers today purchase the products online because they know that purchasing products online is more convenient than purchasing the products from the market in the traditional way. However this digital revolution comes with different issues such as consumer privacy protection. The directive 2002/58/EC protects the privacy of the customers. If any organization has not taken strict measures regarding the protection of private data of customers, than in the light of this law strict action will be taken against the businesses that have not secure the data of their customers. Customer satisfaction and privacy must the utmost priority of any business.

It is highly important that the products which the customers get are safe and does not provide any harm to the customers. The European consumer laws pay special attention to the safety of the products s that the products which the customers get will provide maximum benefit to them. According to EU legislations the product’s safety is the first responsibility of any manufacturer. It is the responsibility of the manufacturers to create such products that are safe for the customers. The directive 2001/95/EC is regarding product safety and protect the customers from any harmful products (Griffin, 2012).

The EU consumer laws are made in such a way that the consumer gets maximum satisfaction regarding the quality and safety of the products they purchase from the market. If we talk about food products, the EU has created many legislations. It is the right of the customers to know the exact ingredients which are used in creation of any food product. The Regulation (EU) No 1169/2011 directs the manufacturers to provide authentic information to their customers’ regarding the food products they create. Many organizations today claim that their p[products provide different nutrients to their customers. The regulation (EC) No 1924/2006 direct the manufacturers to provide information about the health claims that they made regarding the products.

The EU does not only focus on the product but also on various services that the organizations provide to their customers. The rules and regulations have been made regarding the transportation facilities which different companies provide to their customers. The set rules allow the transportation companies to provide high-quality services to their customers so that they won’t face any incontinence while traveling from one place to another (GOVINDARAJAN, 2007).

If all the above discussion is summarized than it can be said that the EU consumer laws are made in such a way that the consumer gets maximum satisfaction regarding the quality and safety of the products they purchase from the market. The consumer purchases goods/services from various organizations so that their product/service needs can be fulfilled efficiently. Sometimes the consumer faces various issues when they purchase products from the organization such as safety issues and privacy-related issues. Today there are many ways through which customers can purchase their products from the corporations for instance online shopping. That is why various consumer protection laws have been made for the protection of the customers.  The European consumer laws pay special attention to the safety of the products s that the products which the customers get will provide maximum benefit to them.

Past improvements in consumer protection in Europe

The cutting costs of roaming through the use of telecommunication devices such as the mobile phone abroad as well as for bringing the improvements in the rights of passengers into the whole territory of Europe are some of main attainments of the laws within this area. On the other side, the lack of awareness of consumer rights between the civilians appears to become undermining such kind of improvement. Furthermore, the confidence of the consumers also continues as low with around fifty percent of the consumers still of the opinion which their rights are not sheltered. For highlighting this major thing in this essay, the success stories regarding it are also discussed for getting better understanding.

Success Stories of Impact of Consumer Law in the Scope of European Law

To make the actual estimation that the actions of Europe benefited the most to the consumers, or which the biggest ever gage while it is possible for getting several signs by conducting different kind of survey and different kind of sounds such as the network of the European consumer centers as well as the consumer organizations network. Furthermore, the lasted improvements in the consumer rights as well as in the consumers protection laws consist of the data downloads, the text messages as well as the charges of lowering of the roaming for making or places the voice contacts by eighty percent, it the consumer compare the tariffs for the year of 2014 as well as the year of 2007, that constantly minimizing the non-compliance with those laws for the consumers which are recognized as well as the particular irregularities on the websites of EU which are selling the several kind of products and services such as the music, films, movies, foods, games, books as well as the airline tickets as the other kind of services by presenting the regular checks annually, as well as presenting the right of the consumers for bringing a change into their thoughts and norms such as the period of the cooling together along with the rights for the provision in the particular decided time at the time of buying or placing their order through ecommerce website or the application online as well as the right to a two year surety at the time of the purchasing the particular products from the online shop or online store. Furthermore, it is also setting up the alert system of RAPEX that focuses on recognition as well as terminate the useless as well as the dangerous product from the internal market. So the main purpose of this legislation for the consumer's rights which mainly focus on to identification of risky services or risky products and to remove from the market (Ackermann, 2013).

Weak points of Impact of Consumer Law in the Scope of European Law

In this area, different kind of discussions on the current legal framework is disjointed as well as the importance of the differences amongst the law for the national consumers within the jurisdiction of the sales or business as well as somewhat unacceptable as well as they may be deterred by the consumers from such kind of transactions throughout the borders. With the introduction of any new legal structure, the overly detailed nature, as well as the fragmentary of the European laws and legislation points for the regulatory reform, need in a parallel way. For consumer transactions in the very first point, it can more appropriate such kind of regulatory laws as well as it is also argued without having the directives for making sure the accessibility as well as coherent of the legal framework into the market.

On the second point, the change proposal tells or proposes the actions of the EU that must concentrate on the context of the cross of the border as well as specifically more on the transactions decided by means of the differences and majorly in the sense of the online sale or purchasing website. Furthermore strongly, it has focused on how to bring the particular improvements by the organizations of the consumers. To bring some improvements in making sure, as well as the current condition for the coherent legal framework, there have also been called for the adoption of the traditional meaning of the common concepts such as the energy poverty as well as the consumer’s vulnerability throughout Europe within all the member state. The call for the new serious laws by some other consumer organizations for the protection of the consumers better, and it is a binding legal instrumental collective regarding as well as the new directive of copyrights (Mak, 2011).

Challenges of Impact of Consumer Law in the Scope of European Law

The most significant aspect is that the partially undermines the rationale overdue the making of the policy within the area in the economies concerned with the behaviors. Neoclassical economics is being challenged by behavioral economics. It also takes in the sense of different kind of perspectives of the behaviors of the human which are not logical such as the farming effects, hyperbolic discounting as well as the discounting. The consumer's preferences which associates with the concept of the hyperbolic discounting are not consistent on the particular time as well as it is also suggesting that at the time of making the decisions, as well as the single person can reduce the foresight in the short term while in the long term, it seems more logical. With the introduction of any new legal structure, the overly detailed nature, as well as the fragmentary of the European laws and legislation points for the regulatory reform, need in a parallel way. Furthermore, the lasted improvements in consumer rights as well as in the consumer's protection laws consist of the data downloads, the text messages, as well as the charges of lowering the roaming for making or places the voice contacts by eighty percent. The main difference within the different ways of the framing may also generate different kinds of outcomes, such as the concept or idea of the well-known in marketing. In the last, we can understand it with the help of example, and it also seems that the product of the food labeling, which consists at least 75 percent fat rather than 25 percent, can enhance the graph of the sales (Flesner, 2011).

References of Impact of Consumer Law in the Scope of European Law

Ackermann, T. (2013). Public supply of optional standardized consumer contracts: A rationale for the Common European Sales Law? Common Market Law Review, 11-27.

Benohr, I. (n.d.). EU Consumer Law and Human Rights. 2013: OUP Oxford.

Campbell, D., Edgar, D., & Stonehouse, G. (2011). Business Strategy: An Introduction (3 ed.). Macmillan International Higher Education.

Dehghan, S. (2017). European Commission's Directive on Consumer Rights and its Application in the UK. GRIN Verlag.

Federico, G. D. (2010). The EU Charter of Fundamental Rights: From Declaration to Binding Instrument. Springer Science & Business Media.

Flesner, C. (2011). TwiggGood-Bye Harmonisation by Directives, Hello Cross-Border only Regulation?’–A way forward for EU Consumer Contract Law. European Review of Contract Law, 235-256.

GOVINDARAJAN, M. (2007). MARKETING MANAGEMENT (2 ed.). PHI Learning Pvt. Ltd.

Griffin, R. W. (2012). Management. Cengage Learning.

Kourdi, J. (2009). Business Strategy: A Guide to Taking Your Business Forward (2 ed.). John Wiley & Sons.

Mak, V. (2011). Policy choices in European consumer law: Regulation through ‘Targeted Differentiation. European Review of Contract Law, 257-274.

Spender, J.-C. (2014). Business Strategy: Managing Uncertainty, Opportunity, and Enterprise. OUP Oxford.

Weatherill, S. (2013). EU Consumer Law and Policy. Edward Elgar Publishing.

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