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Report on Middle Eastern Firms and Supply Chain Management

Category: Supply Chain Management Paper Type: Report Writing Reference: APA Words: 1750

Introduction of Middle Eastern Firms and Supply Chain Management

            Generally, the supply chain is associated with the organization of companies, their processes, their operations, functions, and facilities which are utilized in manufacturing and delivering a specific product to customers. Usually, this organization starts with suppliers and it reaches to final customers. For example, warehouses, processing centers, distribution centers, offices, and retail outlets are included in facilities while forecasting, inventory management, quality assurance, distribution, delivery, customer service, and scheduling are included in activities. The management of supply chain is generally described as the strategic coordination and assessment of different operations within a firm with the objective of incorporating the management of demand and supply. Almarai, Emirates Airlines, and Al Baik face issues in their supply chain and these issues can be resolved with effective management.

            Three Middle Eastern firms are considered in this paper which include Al Baik, Emirates Airlines, and Almarai. In the context of SCM or supply chain management, these companies will be discussed and issues will be described which are faced by these firms in this sector. At present, there are some problems which are faced by these organizations and they will not only be discussed but also assessed in this paper. Other than assessing these issues, solutions will be recommended which can be implemented by the organizations to resolve issues and acquire success in their operations (Christopher, 2016).

Almarai Company of Middle Eastern Firms and Supply Chain Management

In this paper, there are three Middle Eastern organizations which have been selected and one of them is Almarai. In 1977, it was established and it is based in KSA or the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. With its establishment, it began to produce products and sell them. Gradually, it gained popularity among the customers and ever since then, it has been one of the market leaders in bakery items, yogurts, cheese, and juices. It is recognized as one of the biggest organizations in the region (Almarai, 2019).

Al Baik Restaurant of Middle Eastern Firms and Supply Chain Management

            It can be said that Al Bair is a restaurant that deals with customers in the region of Saudi Arabia. It is also established in the same region as Almarai and it is one of the largest restaurant chains in the country. For instance, in Jeddah, it has over 40 branches and this figure is enough to indicate its growth and fame within the nation. Throughout the country, it has several branches and is considered an important organization because of its network (Albaik, 2019).

Emirates Airlines of Middle Eastern Firms and Supply Chain Management

            Just as the name suggests, it is a business associated with airlines and air travel. Emirates Airlines is based in the UAE or the United Arab Emirates and ever since its establishment, it has been the project of The Emirates Group. The project is generally owned by the Investment Corporation of Dubai and at the moment, it is recognized as one of the largest and most popular airlines in the Middle East. In the beginning, the network was not large and in its primitive stages, airlines had been lent from the PIA or Pakistan International Airlines for starting the work. With time and efforts, the airlines was developed and it has gained significant fame in the present time (Emirates, 2019).

Issues of Middle Eastern Firms and Supply Chain Management

            The three organizations considered in this paper are Almarai, Emirates Airlines, and Al Baik. These firms are different from each other in terms of their nature and their operations. For instance, Almarai deals with bakery products, Al Baik is a restaurant chain, and Emirates Airlines deals with air travel. Their operations and the activities associated with them are also different and that is why, the issues faced by the organizations are different from each other. Considering the fact that issues are different, the solutions proposed for resolving the issues will also be different from each other.

            Emirates Airlines is facing the issue of mismanagement in ground services. For instance, in the inventory, the foods served to passengers are decreasing and due to it, passengers are not satisfied. For instance, it was predicted that each and every passenger will be served but only half of the passengers could be served due to the shortage of food. In order to resolve the issue, it is important for operational management to identify the issue and resolve it as soon as possible.

            The issue of rising costs in the production of different bakery products is being experienced by Almarai. Within a few months, the costs of producing a number of products has increased and this concerns operational management because the products are similar to the ones being produced in the past. However, their product costs have increased and if this continues on then there is a possibility that sales will decrease because the prices of products will have to be increased (Singh & Hagahmoodi, 2017).

            Meanwhile, a completely different issue being faced by Al Baik. For instance, it is unable to satisfy customers because deliveries of products are not on time. It has been reported by customers that their ordered foods couldn’t be delivered to them on time. In addition to it, some customers have also reported that their orders were almost an hour late and due to it, the organization is facing the issue of low customer satisfaction. If this issue is not addressed to as soon as possible then there is a possibility that customers might begin to order food from other restaurants.

Comparison of Supply Chain of Middle Eastern Firms and Supply Chain Management

            It can be said that the supply chains of Almarai, Emirates Airlines, and Al Baik are both different and similar to each other.

Size: One of the most important similarity between these organizations is that the sizes of their supply chain are almost similar to each other. For instance, the supply chains of Almarai and Emirates Airlines are similar in terms of size but the nature of their products and operations is different.

Products and Raw Materials: The products and raw materials stored in inventories of these organizations are both similar and different. In both Almarai and Al Baik, some products are similar to each other such as water bottles. However, it doesn’t mean that their management is also similar because it depends on the demand of the water bottles for both of the organizations.

Logistics: Among these organizations, logistics as a function is not similar and the systems are also different. The issue of delay in deliveries is being faced by Al Bai and that is because of the inefficient logistics within the organization.

            Therefore, it can be said that the supply chains of these organizations are both similar and different from each other in terms of products and operations. It means that the solution for two organizations with the same issue has to be changed to meet the standards of that specific firm.

Identification of Root Causes of Middle Eastern Firms and Supply Chain Management

            In order to resolve the issues, it is important for the operational management to conduct RCA or root cause analysis and in order to conduct, fishbone diagram has to be drawn. If fishbone diagram as a tool of identifying issues is implemented then it will help in ensuring that the root causes of problems faced by the firms are identified. Once this diagram has been drawn, it will indicate that Emirates Airlines is facing the issue of lack of products because of inefficient record-keeping and management of products. Meanwhile, Almarai is facing the issue of rising production costs because the products are not being handled in inventory in an effective manner. The inventory is not suitable for storing the products and it has an adverse effect on the quality of products. When products are not safe to utilize in production, new products have to be purchased and utilized in production.

            Lastly, Al Baik is facing the issue of low customer satisfaction because there are significant delays in the deliveries. These delays are occurring because the tracking technology is not latest and it is not possible to keep track of products as they are delivered to products (Weller, 2019).

Conclusion and Recommendations of Middle Eastern Firms and Supply Chain Management

            Overall, it can be said that the supply chains of Almarai, Al Baik, and Emirates Airlines are both similar and different to each other. The issues being faced by them are also different from each other. In order to resolve the issue of inefficient record keeping, it is important for operational managers to introduce a new and efficient application for keeping records of raw materials and products which can help in determining when a specific product is about to deplete. Meanwhile, the issue faced by Almarai about rising production costs is because of inefficient inventory space. This issue can be resolved by removing the products and either implementing a quality standard or changing the inventory space. This solution will help in maintaining the quality of products.

            Lastly, the issue of delays in deliveries can be resolved by the operational managers of Al Baik with the implementation of an effective and innovative tracking technology which can help in recording the tracks of products. If there are some issues in delivering the products on time then customers can be simply notified about it. Although these practices can resolve the issues, it is important to note that benchmarking should also be utilized as a monitoring and evaluation tool for ensuring that organizations are progressing effectively (Ibn-Homaid & Al-Sulaihi, 2016).  

References of Middle Eastern Firms and Supply Chain Management

Albaik. (2019). How We Started. Retrieved from Albaik: http://www.albaik.com/en/section/albaik-talk/how-we-started

Almarai. (2019). Profile. Retrieved from Almarai: https://www.almarai.com/en/corporate/almarai/profile/

Christopher, M. (2016). Logistics & supply chain management. Pearson UK.

Emirates. (2019). About us. Retrieved from Emirates: https://www.emirates.com/pk/english/about-us/

Ibn-Homaid, N. T., & Al-Sulaihi, I. A. (2016). Benchmarking Financial Performance: A Case Study Of Saudi Construction Companies. Benchmarking, 2(12).

Singh, A., & Hagahmoodi, S. O. (2017). Performance Measurement of Almarai Products and Customer Satisfaction. International Journal of Management Science, 4(1), 1-12.

Weller, E. (2019). Root Cause Analysis (RCA).

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