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Report on Leadership style of great leader Dr. Sultan Al Jaber

Category: Business & Management Paper Type: Assignment Writing Reference: APA Words: 1900

Introduction of Leadership style of great leader Dr. Sultan Al Jaber

In order to increase the efficiency and productivity of the organization, the business firm is seeking to adopt innovative leaders around the globe. For the success and decline of business, leadership plays a central role (De Vries, 2010). It is one of the most important and good strategies for enhancing the performance of the organization. In order to accomplish the goals of the organization, leadership is referred to as the arts that are required for persuading the individuals in order to put their efforts. A good leader can perform in effective manners for enhancing the performance of the organization.

The leadership is the strategy that can be sued to motivating the employees to perform a particular task in order to attain their specific objectives. The firms are assisted by the effective and innovative leader to attain its long term objective in effective manners (Nanjundeswaraswamy, 2014). This paper explores the discussion about one of the most important and successful leaders named as Sultan Ahmed Al Jaber. The success stories of the Sultan Ahmed Al Jaber are explained in this paper along with its particular achievements as successful leaders. This paper explains the theory of the leadership that is best suited for the personality of the Sultan Ahmed Al Jaber.        

Thesis Statement of Leadership style of great leader Dr. Sultan Al Jaber

“Sultan Ahmed Al Jaber achieved optimal results through possessing autocratic and transformational leadership styles. By setting the directions and perceiving the best strategies, he attained success as a good leader”.In this era, the leadership has become one of the most important debatable topics in the business industry. It is considered as the significant factors that can be used by firms in order to accomplish their long term and short term goals. In the absence of an innovative and effective leader, the firm cannot be developed. This is one of the most important reasons for finding good leaders to discuss in this research. I am really inspired by the leadership styles of the Sultan Ahmed Al Jaber. He is one of the legends who must be discussed in various studies, along with their success factors.

Overview and history of leader

Around the globe, Sultan Ahmed Al Jaber is known as the most important successful leaders. He is the ministers of the states of the UAE (United Arab Emirates), and he is a member of the federal cabinets. Now, he has become the chief executive of the Abu Dhabi National Oil Company (ADNOC). He is engaged in overseeing the operations and growth of the group. He was performing as an executive officer at an energy of Mubadala before taking responsibility for the leadership at ADNOC. He is one of the strategic investment arms for the governments of the emirates, and he was principals agents who always a significant role in the economy of UAE and its diversifications. By enhancing Mubadala’s strategic energy growth, he performed his duties in effective manners over the two central portfolio firms. These two firms are Mubadala and Masdar petroleum (Mubadala, 2019).

Sultan Ahmed Al Jaber is one model of leadership, and he is the role model personality for the upcoming nations. By striving towards the success of the firms, he has set an example. In 2006, he led and established the Masdar, and he was announced as chairman of the board of directors by attaining the goals of the firms. The Masdar has been assisted by his leadership style in order to enhance the growth of the company by earning a stable place in the market of the Middle East. He also holds the advisory position and role of the leadership, besides the above mentioned his accomplishments.

He was also engaged in counseling for the problems that are linked with energy, sustainable developments, strategic communication, and energy. I have selected as a great leader because I am really inspired by leadership styles and he is one of my favorite personalities in the entire states of the Gulf. Due to his good performance, he can be a role model for the new generations. His achievements are speaking the truth for saying him, a great leader.

He has performed the duties as chairman of the national media council in UAE, and he has tried to resolve the issue by highlighting the weak points that were related to the national media council growth. In 2016, he was appointed as a leader at; ADNOC due to his numerous accomplishments. By applying various leadership styles at ADNOC, he has continuous his duties.

Connections to leadership philosophy style

My personal leadership philosophy is always focusing on several thoughts of leadership and follows the various definition of leadership. As it is described by the Warren Benin’s “Leadership is the capacity to translate vision into reality” and definition of Ralph Nadar` is the one best definition according to my leadership philosophy because I always focus to producing more leaders rather than the followers and the definition Ralph Nadar is also addressing about this as “The function of leadership is to produce more leaders, not more followers”  democratic and autocratic leadership theories always influencing on my thinking and personality because, I always believe on the autocratic decision, and Sultan Ahmed Al Jaber is one of my favorite leaders, and he always follows the autocratic leadership theory, and I also like this by taking his decision it the account of my inspiration (Gray, 2018).

To answering the question and discussing the different traits according to personality it necessary to describing the leadership “Basically lairdship is known as the various function to knowing about yourself, to having clear vision which must be communicated in a good manner, Try building trust between the colleagues and suggesting various actions for realizing the leadership potential”. The trait approach of the leadership is addressing the adaptability and an adjustment, which is most related to the democratic leadership styles.

The models of the three-dimension fir the leadership styles contain on the change-oriented, task-oriented and the relations oriented. The leadership behavior of the Sultan Ahmed Al Jaber for each of these dimensions is discussed in extensive manners. Sultan Ahmed Al Jaber is always known as the action-oriented individual when it comes to task-oriented behaviors because she always focuses and believes in moving forward and she creates paths for her to move forward only. He had confirmed in her interview she always likes to learn from her mistakes rather than get annoyed about it.

Two of the most noticeable authority theories are Transformational and Transactional leadership theories in the history of the leadership theories, and the Sultan Ahmed Al Jaber has quality seemed like both of these theories  (Avolio, 2013). Since the late 1980s, leadership theories of the transformational and interesting initiative have been rise versions of transformational authority that have been proposed by a few scholars. Sultan Ahmed Al Jaber is a democratic leader because he likes to discuss the matters with their juniors and seniors. He prefers the decisions of the majority.   Sultan Ahmed Al Jaber is the individual who animates and motivates devotees to accomplish unprecedented results of the Mubadala.

He always focuses on the worry and formative needs of his employees while staying and working at Mubadala. He always works to change supporters' consciousness of issues by helping them to take a gander at old issues recently, and they can stimulate, energize and motivate his employees and juniors to put out additional push  in order to attain the bunch objectives  (Odumeru, 2013)..

It has been observed in this above discussion that Sultan Ahmed Al Jaber is engaged in the utilization of autocratic leadership sometimes in order to enhance the firm as well as employee productivity. He encourages his staff to work hard and get more rewards. But mostly he was used to democratic leadership styles, and his most works in the organization lead towards the democratic leadership style. He focuses on the worry and formative needs of individual devotees which they can change supporter’s consciousness of issues by helping them to take a gander at old issues recently, and they can stimulate, energize and motivate devotees to put out additional push to accomplish bunch objectives (Avolio, 2013)

Lessons from examining leader X’s leadership

There is a lot of the leadership lesson which I have learned from the leadership styles of the Sultan Ahmed Al Jabe, but three of them can be described as the facts that will set you free. In order to enhance the performance level of the organization as well as for the celebration of transparency the employees must be encourage and motivate. At first; the value can be added by the leaders to produce or generate the tangible results. It always relies on the output of the task. This lesson of leadership skills leads to the charismatic leadership theory. Meanwhile, the other two lessons are leading toward the democratic leadership theory, and I have enjoyed a lot these all lessons, and these are considered by me effective ways to guiding someone (Goldsmith, 2016).

The four key components of the transformational leadership are explores by the personality of this great leader. These important components are; Intellectual stimulation, inspirational motivation, idealized influence and individualized considerations. These components are also known as the 4IS in generally.

Yes, I felt I have a few of these components in my personality, being transformational leadership  (Van Knippenberg, 2013). I can be a Transformational leader because I have all the qualities of TL.I can fulfill my duties by following these few steps in which includes to generate a good vision for the future. I will motivate the peoples to accomplish their goals or vision by performing in effective manners. I will ever build strong trust, relationships which will be based on strong trust. I am so inspired by the leadership style of Sultan Ahmed Al Jaber.

Conclusion of Leadership style of great leader Dr. Sultan Al Jaber

By summing up the entire discussion, it has been concluded that Sultan Ahmed Al Jaber is a transformational leader, and he is the CEO of the ADNOC Masdar and running this organization in smooth and effective manners by her innovative leadership styles. He is running this organization by following the democratic leadership styles and him so energetic and motivated leader. He is also performing with the skills of the transformational leaders.

References of Leadership style of great leader Dr. Sultan Al Jaber

Avolio, B. J. (2013). Introduction to, and overview of, transformational and charismatic leadership. In Transformational and Charismatic Leadership: The Road Ahead 10th Anniversary Edition. Emerald Group Publishing Limited.

De Vries, R. E.-P. (2010). Leadership= communication? The relations of leaders’ communication styles with leadership styles, knowledge sharing, and leadership outcomes. Journal of business and psychology, 25(3), 367-380.

Goldsmith, S. S. (2016). Three Leadership Lessons. Training industry.

Gray, R. (2018). Measuring leadership effectiveness. Hr magazine.co.uk.

Mubadala. (2019). Masdar. Retrieved from https://www.mubadala.com/en/what-we-do/renewables/masdar

Nanjundeswaraswamy, T. S. (2014). Leadership styles. Adv. ances in management, 7(2), 57.

Odumeru, J. A. (2013). Transformational vs. transactional leadership theories: Evidence in literature. International Review of Management and Business Research, 2(2), 355.

Van Knippenberg, D. &. (2013). A critical assessment of charismatic—transformational leadership research: Back to the drawing board? The Academy of Management Annals, 7(1), 1-60.

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