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Report on Aging Workforce

Category: Business & Management Paper Type: Report Writing Reference: APA Words: 2200

The operations and various task of the organization are performed by following the particular process in which the HR department of the organization is keening to hiring the young generations because they are able to produce new ideas in order to run their organization in effective manners. In another study which is conducted by Urszula Kobylinska, Ewa Rollnik-Sadowska & Joanna Samul (2017) has discussed the issues which the young individuals in Poland are facing. In the study the perspective of the employers is discussed in detail. The study has stated that the unemployment rate has reached 14.2% in the year 2015. The main reasons for which the young employees are not recruited in the corporation include lack of skills, experience, and relevant qualifications. From this research study it is evident that when the corporation includes the age factor in their HR strategy the issues like unemployment increase. In the study the researchers have clearly stated that unemployment is increasing with alarming rate. So it is pretty evident that the employers or managers should not include age factor in their HR strategy because it would raise issues like young people unemployment. The young people are energetic and more enthusiastic than mature people. Therefore they should get a chance in the organization so that they can learn and enhance their skills (Kobylińska, Rollnik-Sadowska, & Samul, 2017).

Thesis statement

It is clear that if the organization keeps on focusing on the age limit than the corporation might lose the opportunity to take full benefit from the skills and abilities of the people who fall in different age groups”

The aging workforce is the one of the most important issue for any organization.  It can leads the organization towards the inefficient productivity and this productivity can be mi minimized with the passage of time.

Purpose of the study

There are the numbers of the studies that are conducted to measure the association among the gaging workforce and productivity of the organization. But there are the lack of the research in order to measuring the particular effects as well as causes to ignore the aging workforce in any organization. The subject study is conducted to measure the cause of ignoring the aging workforce in the organization. It will explores the concepts that why organization are keening to hire young employees and what its impacts on the productivity of the organization.

Literature review

This section of the thesis will explains the ideas of the numerous authors on this particular topic. The similar studies are explores in this section of the research study. The views of the varios authors are explained as supporting of this study and these views are explores along woth the annotated bibliography.

Conrad, H. (2008). Chapter Fifty-Four. Human resource management practices and the ageing workforce. The Demographic Challenge: A Handbook about Japan, 979–997.

The article tells you about how the age conscious are human resource policies. We have observed that how the employees are managing with the view of the aging workforce. Many research studies have shown the importance of employees who fall in different age groups, which indicates that the age itself should not be considered while recruiting the employee. In the research study conducted by Frederic Delmar and Scott Shane (2006) the researchers have provided brief information about the significance of experience in the newly established ventures. The findings of the study show that the experience of the team matters a lot for the sales 7 sustainability of the newly established venture. Several people have talked on the generation gap since 1960s, the distinction in the behaviors, norms as well as opinions which can distinct the older people from the younger people. Four generations will be living or working together under the same roof very soon (Conrad, 2008).

The research study has shown that age should not be a matter of concern for the organizations. Whether the employees are young or mature both should get equal opportunity in the organizations. Incorporations things like efficiency and performance are required. Whether the employee is young or mature if it possesses the abilities which the organization require than the organization must recruit such individual in the organization so that the corporation can take benefit from the experience, qualification and the abilities which that individual possesses. From the studies the importance of young individuals in the organization can be understood and the point that age should not be considered while recruitment proves up to a lot of extents. The corporations that consider young individuals less skillful should definitely study the researches in order to get deep insights regarding how young people can improve the performance of the organization (Delmar & Shane, 2006).

Dixon, J., Harpel, A., Jones, C., Miesle, A., Morris, A., & Sharer, E. (2016). Recruiting and Retaining Millennial Talent for The J.M. Smucker Company. 1-43.

Jessica Dixon, Andrew Harpel, Conner Jones and Emmary Sharer (2016) have performed a study regarding how millennials can be retained in the organization. Theresearchers have stated that the people who born in the 1990s are quite talented and the corporations can take benefit from them; these individuals are young in age and possess different skills. From this study, the importance of young individuals in the organization can be understood and the point that age should not be considered while recruitment proves up to a lot of extents. The corporations who consider young individuals less skillful should definitely study this research in order to get deep insights regarding how young people can improve the performance of the organization (Dixon, et al., 2016).

The aging workforce is a major issue which many organizations are facing today. In recent years many organizations have recruited the employees who are mature in age because not only mature employees have more skills and abilities than the young or fresh employees, but also due to high level of experience they mature employees can resolve the problems better than immature employees. Therefore it can be said that “the age should not matter when it comes to managers hiring new employees” Although promoting new talent is necessary for any corporation, but the corporation needs such individuals whose experience and skills would direct other employees to move the corporation toward the path of success. In other words the age should not be made a hurdle while making a hiring decision. The things that should matter would be the skills, qualifications, and experience which the individuals possess.

Kobylińska, U., Rollnik-Sadowska, E., & Samul, J. (2017). Young people on the labor market in Poland — the point of view of the employer. (4), 553-568.

In another study which is conducted by UrszulaKobylinska, EwaRollnik-Sadowska& Joanna Samul (2017) has discussed the issues which the young individuals in Poland are facing. In the study the perspective of the employers is discussed in detail. The study has stated that the unemployment rate has reached 14.2% in the year 2015. The main reasons for which the young employees are not recruited in the corporation include lack of skills, experience, and relevant qualifications. From this research study it is evident that when the corporation includes the age factor in their HR strategy the issues like unemployment increase. In the study the researchers have clearly stated that unemployment is increasing with alarming rate. So it is pretty evident that the employers or managers should not include age factor in their HR strategy because it would raise issues like young people unemployment. The young people are energetic and more enthusiastic than mature people. Therefore they should get a chance in the organization so that they can learn and enhance their skills (Kobylińska, Rollnik-Sadowska, & Samul, 2017).

If all the above discussion is summarized than it can be said that the age should not matter when it comes to managers hiring new employees. Although promoting new talent is necessary for any corporation, but the corporation needs such individuals whose experience and skills would direct other employees to move the corporation toward the path of success. In other words the age should not be made a hurdle while making a hiring decision. If all the research studies are evaluated critically than it can be said that both young and mature employees are required in the organization.

Anne C. Kroon, M. v. (2016). Dealing with an aging workforce: Locating threats and opportunities in corporate media.

                The workforce aging is in between the main Challenges facing by the several developed communication organizations about the issue has received a small attention of the scholars. The researchers have provided detail information about the issues which are occurring in developing mature employees. In the study it has been stated that there are companies that consider young employees only and terminate those employees who are mature or older. The age discrimination is quite prevalent in many companies. From the study it is clear that the aging workforce should get a chance in the corporations so that with their expertise they can improve the position of the organization. This study clearly identified the issues which the aging workforce is facing in United States or perhaps in other countries. If the mature people are going to get a chance in the organization than the organizations will have the opportunity to take benefit from their expertise and experience, which the young individuals cannot provide. From many research studies it is clear that young employees and mature employees cannot be compared in terms of experience(Anne C. Kroon, 2016).

According to US Bureau of Statistics one-third of the workforce in the US has age 50 plus. It means that organizations would have to take steps to provide opportunities to their aging workforce. There are various issues which occur when the corporation form their recruitment strategy. Sometimes the corporation prefers such employees who are young and freshly graduated from the university, and sometimes corporations recruit employees who must have relevant experience of working in the organizations. The HR strategy of the organization has strict regulations regarding the age of the employees in many industrial sectors. Above or below that age limit, employees are not recruited in the organization. From this HR strategy not only issues like unemployment increases but also many individuals unable to utilize their skills and abilities just because they do not fall in the age limit which is set by the organization

Shen, G. G.Y., & Kleiner, B. H. (2001). Age discrimination in hiring. 20, 25-32.

The researchers Gene G.Y. Shen and Brian H. Kleiner (2001) have discussed the issue of age discrimination. As discussed in many studies the HR department of the organization have an age limit in hiring the employees. Some prefer young individuals and some prefer experienced or mature individuals. Due to this discrimination issues like unemployment and decline in the performance of the organization occurs. If all the research studies are evaluated critically than it can be said that both young and mature employees are required in the organization. Both possess certain skills and abilities which the organization needs. So, while recruiting the employees both young and older should be given equal opportunity(Shen & Kleiner, 2001).

It is clear that if the organization keeps on focusing on the age limit than the corporation might lose the opportunity to take full benefit from the skills and abilities of the people who fall in different age groups. The HR strategy of the corporation should be designed in such a way that different age groups can get equal representation in the corporations. With this not only the organization's performance, efficiency and profitability will enhance, but also the organization will sustain for a longer period of time. The age factor must be removed from the HR strategy so that individuals can be recruited on the basis of talent, skills, and qualifications rather than age.Many employers think that with the passage of time the ability to perform well in the mature employees decreases. It is true that older people might not be as physically Styron as young people, but the experience, knowledge, and skills that they possess are not possessed by young individuals. Both possess certain skills and abilities which the organization needs. So while recruiting the employees both young and older should be given equal opportunity.

References of Aging Workforce

Delmar, F., & Shane, S. (2006). Does experience matter? The effect of founding team experience on the survival and sales of newly founded ventures. 4(3), 215-247.


Dixon, J., Harpel, A., Jones, C., Miesle, A., Morris, A., & Sharer, E. (2016). Recruiting and Retaining Millennial Talent for The J.M. Smucker Company. 1-43.


Kobylińska, U., Rollnik-Sadowska, E., & Samul, J. (2017). Young people on the labor market in Poland — the point of view of the employer. (4), 553-568.




Shen, G. G.Y., & Kleiner, B. H. (2001). Age discrimination in hiring. 20, 25-32.


Anne C. Kroon, M. v. (2016). Dealing with an aging workforce: Locating threats and opportunities in corporate media.


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