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Assignment of calling

Category: Arts & Education Paper Type: Assignment Writing Reference: APA Words: 3200

Definition of calling

Calling is termed as a specific goal to achieve for which you have enough passion to do work hard and get the results of your work. When we listen the word calling it rings in our mind that it is all about to listen to someone beyond the other side of the phone but it's wrong. Calling is termed as a specific goal to attain by a particular person. The fair definition of call is termed as the strong passion of interest which play a particular course of action when the goal is implemented in a specific condition. In other words, calling may be termed as any person who is engaged in the specific task of which he gets used to doing it in his routine. In this article, we considered calling as a specific task to do by a person.

In several cases, some people are not have clear vision about their profession or future to do any job or skills and they find it a difficult task to do. In some cases word calling is not same as a profession there may be different meaning which may not be about any profession. Calling is the process of selecting one duty to do and do it for a long period of time to get some aims and which have equal importance in your life. As you give your time to do a specific job you wait for the results of your hard-working which make you eager to do that work(C. T. Chung, 2003).

Problems of seeking work without calling of calling

Every task which has benefits it also has some issues in the working without calling as it is an important aspect to have objectives of the work related to the specific task. The problems are explained below:

·         Lack of Satisfaction of calling

People working with calling always know about the objectives which they have to achieve. If the goal is clear in front of you, you could only have to adopt the way and then implement these practices to get the objective, but when you are working without calling you are not satisfied with your work and this lack of satisfaction reduce the efficiency of your work which result in poor performance. So for effective working, you should have a proper channel of calling to get the work properly done.

·         Confusion about work of calling

When you felt un-satisfaction with your task to do and you never put extra effort on this task and it feels like an extra burden on you. You couldn't decide that if you are working in the right direction or in the wrong direction. You always felt depression about your work and feel anxiety which discourages you to do a work. Therefore before starting on a work confirm that your task is related to calling.

·         Deficiency of confidence of calling

Confidence is important to sense which should be owned by every person before going to do any task. If you have lack of confidence you could not get your aims in the right direction. Lack of confidence is considered as one of the big problems to resolve in the working without calling.

Calling is all about to learn about your interest in the task which you are going to perform. When someone came in to know that he has lack of calling in that task he usually changes his mind as it is properly against the working on the task which is going to done by someone.

Reflection on past and present experience of calling

Everyone who is connected with some kind of work is well-aware about the features of that work. Calling could affect the performance of anyone who is going to do a particular task or vocation. As according to my reflection about calling, I could say it as a student I have the influence of calling on my daily routine which I have done in my daily life. My teachers never suggest me to do that work or that not after when I complete my education. Because they think it will be a decision of mine or my parents who will decide my future and targets of my future. I thought that there should be proper calling by the teachers as they have examined our skills in daily life. So that the students must have an interest in the task which are going to perform in the future(A. Wrzesniewski, 2012).

Commerce field is considered as it is not very much important in our society and people treat it just as waste knowledge but it is a deficiency of the teachers and parents which did not provide proper calling for the guideline for the specific task on which their whole life is depending. Commerce is a vast field which deals with the important aspect of the economy but our calling is just for science and medical field which are told to the children from their early life. In early life, there is a period when children considered ideal to their parents and teachers and accept the thoughts of their teachers and parents or their siblings to adopt a field which creates a deficiency of calling. As I always pushed to take science education by my parents and teachers but I always have interest in commerce and arts but I was filled with the instructions that I could only be a doctor or engineer which is not proper calling. The deficiency of calling shows that no one concern with my interest and implemented their perception to decide about my future which resulted in the issues such as lack of confidence and deficiency of the certainty of the work.

I could never decide that how I felt for the wish which I want to do in my life as I was sitting one day and thought that what I will decide if I have to decide it by own that what shall I do in my future. I found that I have a lot of interest in the economy knowledge and I could further improve it by adopting this field as it has called for mew. But I am working with the field of science which is not according to my concern but I have worked a lot on this field but I still have no much information after spending my important time with this field. I started on reading different articles about commerce and economy of the country and in few days I have found that there is much satisfaction for me in this field and I found my progress is more as compared to my research in science study. That was the day which I felt that I am satisfied with my work as it is according to the calling and I have much passion to get this knowledge. After learning that I decided to choose commerce as my professional field and I started to convince my family to do that. As commerce field is considered as this field is purely suitable for the boys not for the girls. But my elder sister supports me and my mother also decided to allow me to do this qualification and I started my journey in the commerce field as a student of graduation in commerce. As soon as with the passing time my family started to support me in my field and I get to learn with more conscious and I get attention in the field of the and I started to enjoy the study which is according to my calling. I scored good marks and my family get happy with me and now I am seeing my bright future in commerce field at my working place(A. R. Elangovan, Pinder, & McLean, 2010).Social changes are inducing impact on the drastic communities and it has diverse backgrounds. I am an open-minded person and my behaviour allows me to become flexible with following others and understanding their points. Being easy and open-mined I am an individual that have fewer biases and allow others to feel supported and comfortable by me. Through developing an appropriate attitude, I overcome cultural differences. I have designed a professional approach to my services. with the time, as compared to the past, my present is filled with knowledge. I am gaining relatively stronger knowledge from the different cultural vies and I can practice building a stronger foundation for understanding and supporting(A. R. Elangovan, Pinder, & McLean, 2010). I understand the beliefs and views of individuals. When considering my past, I am now reliable, supporting, helpful, sensitive, and teamwork-orientedperson. I have learned from the culture of others and have a stronger understanding of the effective relationship. The learning is about the protocols and sensitive areas. These abilities allow me to be connected with the community and get more knowledge. When comparing the past, I have now overcome language barriers an improved communication skill. My social changes are improved drastically in the present era(A. R. Elangovan, Pinder, & McLean, 2010).

Articulation and vision of calling

It is important to consider the big picture for articulation and vision for the students to achieve the goals that the students define. In this section, a guide is designed that fit to visualize and articulate. This section looks of the definite characters and ethos to describe the aspiration for the students and describe the type of organizations that can be valuable in making future. The ethical framework and criteria will be used to represent a meaningful life. It is important to consider the careful balancing act to be performed(Bennet, Power, Thomson, Mason, & Bartleet, 2016). The lofty statements in the framework of idealism can encourage certain cynicism related process. The strategy can aspire and inspire to generate the shared image of institutions. In this way, one can avoid wasting resources and time by pulling a dozen of different considerations. Even on contradictory different courses of action will be considered for directions. Resolving and recognizing different tensions are mainly inherent elements for the success and it only depends on the appropriateness of statements. There are some mission, vision, and values to define info kit. Some consensus process is used to clear the correct order(A. R. Elangovan, Pinder, & McLean, 2010).

An important concept of terminology of calling

It is important to consider the resources and discussions over terminology that allow to dominate proceedings and to prevent from the progress. The clarity is referred to have an understanding of all the terms and conditions. Some other terms are defined as mission statements, values, and vision-related to absolute and fixed conditions. The vision is constructed by some other parts such as mission statements that students can consider accomplishing. The students must bear in mind about the rest of the concepts that are relatively more suitable to define the objectives(Bennet, Power, Thomson, Mason, & Bartleet, 2016). The mission statement of the institute must be aligned with the interest of students and it must be according to the principles of conforms. Some students argue that higher education institutes are mission-oriented and students can cover courses according to their interest and conduct valuable research. The ethical considerations are required to make reforms in the institutes. The ethical framework must allow the students to go through their desired course. Not in every institution but some others pursue the active research agendas to represent the focal point as international reputation and mainstream as income(Bennet, Power, Thomson, Mason, & Bartleet, 2016). Like that, some institutions would have a high value on the learning and teaching process. The approach is to conduct courses with the skills. The ethical framework of these institutes is in accordance with the vocational skills and training programs of the students. In many ways, the mission and vision of the institute reflect the ultimate distillation related to the strategic activity of the institute and students in the institute. The mission and vision statement pose serious questions about the aim in which institute is indulged(A. R. Elangovan, Pinder, & McLean, 2010).

The consideration related to the rise of prominence for the business community engagement, the institutional activity is the best example to find the shift in policy. The shift in the policy can be diversity in the ethical framework. The mission statement and vision of students for the meaningful life must be related to the educational growth and skills in their career. These students can aim to become dynamic and recognized in their mission. The external organization can work with the students to engage and reach out in the best possible way. The aim of students can be to contribute to the society by the pursuit of education, research, and learning at the highest international levels of excellence. The advance and diffuse knowledge, understanding, and wisdom can be a significant example to have an influence on corporate life.

One of the interesting exercises is to make a separate statement for the goals and find the best suitable ethical framework to fit in. The mission statements and vision statements come in many types with different shapes and categories. From the short and simple kind, one can become comprehensive. The vague and general consideration is to calculate the measurable. There are no kind of absolutes and criteria of the future goals must be different. No matter how well one can demonstrate the goal if it is not effective for the society it will be less worthy. The level of accuracy must be specific and measurable(Jisc. ac. UK, 2014).

General principles of vision of calling

There are some well defined general principles that can be worth bearing in mind to define the new vision statement and reviewing the previous one. These principles are discussed in detail to review the vision and mission of students(A. R. Elangovan, Pinder, & McLean, 2010).

1.      Make vision succinct of calling

The vision must be succinct, short and snappy. The process can be mapped out using different strategies.

2.      Make it memorable

The vision must be clear and partially linked with something that can be remembered in different ways.

3.      Make it realistic and unique of calling

It is easy to determine the framework of an institute that trap with generic statements. The focus of students must be to strive for different achievable concerns. The mission statement must describe the presence of the student and how it can be accomplished, and what are the future perspectives(Aussiechildcarenetwork .com. au, 2017).

4.      Consider it is current of calling

The vision is something that must be changed regularly, and it should not be set like a stone. The priorities and focus must be changed significantly over time. The major changes in the vision must be related to the interest of the student. The main focus must mitigate the risk to formulate the resources. 


The selection of institute deliberately concerns to measure if the mission of institute matches with the vision of the student. The consideration involves different sets of challenges to reduce the issues informing a mission statement. Complete guidance is required at each stage to encompass all designs. Before selecting an institute to consider different questions that can help you in selecting the appropriate institute and course. In this process, the selective questions to be asked are listed below,

1.      What five words come first in your mind when considering an institute?

2.      What is the best facility in the institute?

3.      What makes the institute different from others?

4.      What would a student like to think about the others?

In this process, the next stage is to consider real contenders. The particular attention is in the range of adjectives used in the statement and the process will ensure differences.

Criteria for a meaningful life of calling

The vision guidance must apply to the accurate selection of the goal. It is important to strive for different conditions to achieve a mission. There are some exceptional circumstances under which major changes in the vision can be carried out. The well-defined characteristics are required to be considered an integral and complementary part of the strategic framework(A. R. Elangovan, Pinder, & McLean, 2010). The institute that does not articulate vision cannot expand. The selection of appropriate institute is important to expand, improve and growth of the institute. The quality of vision determines the originality, creativity, and quality of solution and ideas of students. The powerful vision statement can stretch the aspirations and expectations to jump in the comfort zone for the students. The criteria of the meaningful life are to have well-defined statements and current vision must draft statements.

Inspirational of calling the vision statement must be challenging, inspiring, and enthusiastic. The use of powerful words in the phrases can articulate new ways to focus on.

Ambitious of calling the aim must be high to fulfil the demands and standards. In a very comfortable way, the benchmarks must be addressed.

Realistic of calling the vision must be realistic and immediately dealing with the interests and goals of students. People need to deal with the achievable consideration and goals must be achievable and envisaged.

Be creative of calling To become successful one must have imagination and knowledge. The world-class teaching and learning standards must be considered to identify gaps in the market. The vision must describe the way to help the crowd.

Be descriptive of calling The focus of students is to accomplish the goals and the mission statement. There is no pressure on vision, and it can enforce arbitrary limits on the vision to be oriented on the main objectives.

Clear and consistent of calling The mission statement must avoid jargon. The sentences must be short and precise with uncluttered language. All the elements of vision and mission must be achievable, and mission must reflect new areas to be explored in the near future(Jisc. ac. uk, 2014).

Students must define their values as an achievable and collaborative process. In the mission and vision statement, the ethical consideration is required to be considered and encouraged. The relevance with the institute is also important to measure diplomacy with the surfacing tensions. The self-imposed limits can provide core values to define and reflect the random selection process(Aussiechildcarenetwork .com. au, 2017).

References of calling

A. R. Elangovan, Pinder, C. C., & McLean, M. (2010). Callings and organizational behavior. Journal of Vocational Behavior,, 76(3), 428-440.

A. Wrzesniewski. (2012). Callings. . In The Oxford handbook of positive organizational scholarship.

Aussiechildcarenetwork .com. au. (2017, 02 25). Reflect On Your Past and Present Experiences. Retrieved from aussiechildcarenetwork.com.au: https://aussiechildcarenetwork.com.au/forum/certificate-3-assignments/reflect-on-your-past-and-present-experiences-10496

Bennet, D., Power, A., Thomson, C., Mason, B., & Bartleet, B.-L. (2016). Reflection for learning, learning for reflection: Developing Indigenous competencies in higher education. Journal of University Teaching & Learning Practice, 13(02), 01-10.

C. T. Chung, C. R. (2003). Goals and objectives in the management of metastatic breast cancer. The Oncologist,, 8(6), 514-520.

Jisc. ac. uk. (2014). Defining and articulating your vision, mission and values. Retrieved from www.jisc.ac.uk: https://www.jisc.ac.uk/full-guide/vision-mission-and-values

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