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Report on Working Hours Labour Law in Oman

Category: Law Paper Type: Report Writing Reference: APA Words: 1150

Introduction of Working Hours Labour Law in Oman

            In Oman, there are various laws associated with employment, leave, and working hours. They have some specific terms and conditions which apply to both organizations and employees. If these laws are violated then measures are taken by the government against organizations. In this paper, the law of working hours in the context of Oman will be discussed. There are some articles associated with this law and they will also be explained. Furthermore, real life examples related to this law will be given in the context of Oman Telecommunications Company and lastly, this paper will be concluded (Globallegalinsights, 2019).

Article 68 of Working Hours of Labour Law in Oman

            An employee might not be needed to work for over 9 hours in a single day and for a maximum of 48 hours in a week. In addition to it, it should not include the periods which are specifically set for taking rest and food. During Ramadan, the maximum working hours must only be 6 hours in a single day while 36 hours in an individual for those employees who are Muslims. And the time for work closing might be selected by the Minister and it might be modified whenever he wants.

            Mohammed Abdul Kalim is an accountant at the Oman Telecommunications Company. Usually, he is needed to reach the organization at 8:30 in the morning and leave the organization at 5:30 in the evening. He is not expected to work more than nine hours and over six hours in Ramadan.

Article 69 of Working Hours Labour Law in Oman

            During the working hours, there should be one or more than one periods for having rest and consuming food. The total of these regions shouldn’t be less than at least half an hour. A decision made by the Minister should determine the works and cases which need continuous work without any period of rest for operational and technical circumstances. In such cases, some granted periods of rest should be offered to employees and they will be recognized as a part of their working hours (ICLG, 2019).

Article 70 of Working Hours Labour Law in Oman

            Generally, if a worker is needed to work over the specified hours in the Article 68, it is important for the employer to offer such an employee some extra payment which is equivalent to the salary which he deserves for overwork. In addition to it, 25 percent of his salary or permission of absence should be granted. With respect to the work which is performed at aircrafts, ships, vessels, airports, and ports, the employee and employer might agree on a fixed allowance payment for the employees in terms of the overtime payment. Similar works might also be added by the Minister.

            There are times when Kalim has to work more than the required number of hours due to the pressure of work. At the end of the month, he is offered 25 percent of his salary in accordance with the days he worked more than his limit. In addition to it, if he wants, he can take absence from the work instead of his extra salary.

Article 71 of Working Hours Labour Law in Oman

            The employee must be granted not less than 24 hours of rest in each and every week after he is made to work for six days in a continuous manner. Additionally, the accumulation of rest periods for not over eight weeks might be allowed by the Minister. In all cases, the weekly rest will be payable (Omanportal, 2019).

            During the work, Kalim is able to get a specific period in which he is not required to work but to rest. For instance, at 1pm, he is allowed to leave the office and do whatever he wants. Similarly, there are other fixed durations which he can utilize as well. If he doesn’t utilize them because the firm needs him to work for the firm, the time that he spends extra is paid to him.

Article 72 of Working Hours Labour Law in Oman

            In the following cases, Articles 69 and 68 don’t bind the employer:

·         Annual inventory, sale arrangements, blocking of accounts, liquidation, and budget preparation should not exceed 15 days in a year, except for the cases which are allowed by the Directorate.

·         And if the work is for the objective of limiting the occurrence of an issue or accidence or evading a loss to different flammable materials.

·         If work is performed for meeting a significant amount of pressure.

·         It is, however, important to ensure that the Directorate is aware of these cases.

·         Occasions and festivals which will be specified by a decision made by the Minister.

In these occasions and special circumstances, sometimes Kalim has to work more than he is specified to do while the other times, he is expected to work only 9 hours in a single day. However, whenever he works overtime, he is paid for the efforts he invests in his work.

Article 73 of Working Hours Labour Law in Oman

            The employee should be granted an extra salary for the overtime period with 25 percent for working hours in daytime and 50 percent for working hours in night-time.

            If Kalim is working overtime during daytime then he will be paid 25 percent extra of the salary he deserves at the end of every month. Meanwhile, if works overtime in night-time then he will be paid 50 percent extra of his salary because he is investing more efforts compared to daytime.

Article 74 of Working Hours Labour Law in Oman

            The schedule of the day shall be displayed on main entrances by the employer. In addition to it, a copy of this schedule must also be delivered to the Directorate (Ochroman, 2019).

            The employer of Kalim has to ensure that working schedule of each and every employee is delivered to the required official to ensure that there are no mistakes in it.

Conclusion of Working Hours Labour Law in Oman

            Overall, it can be said that the law of working hours in Oman is quite strict and it ensures that employers don’t take the advantage of employees. Even if employees need to work overtime, they are paid for their efforts and if they work during night-time then they are expected to be paid 50 percent extra of their specified wage.

References of Working Hours Labour Law in Oman

Globallegalinsights. (2019). Employment and Labour Law. Retrieved from Globallegalinsights: https://www.globallegalinsights.com/practice-areas/employment-and-labour-laws-and-regulations/oman

ICLG. (2019). Employment and Labour Laws and Regulations. Retrieved from ICLG: https://iclg.com/practice-areas/employment-and-labour-laws-and-regulations/oman

Ochroman. (2019). The Rights of Workers in Oman. Retrieved from Ochroman: https://ochroman.org/eng/2018/02/workers/

Omanportal. (2019). Labor laws and policies. Retrieved from Omanportal: https://omanportal.gov.om/wps/portal/index/cr/employmentandmanpower/laborandpolicies/!ut/p/a1/hc_LDoIwEAXQr2EpM7SKj12VoKLS4BO7MWhqJUFqAOX3RcNG42N2d3JuMgMCQhBpdItVVMQ6jZJHFvaOB5ZtjThOuL-ykI1wGfC-S_iaVmBbAfwyDP_1NyB-ErdVA4pDRN4dzwZs3kLiEb8ftH2CK3wHk-WMIaFr 

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