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Report on Project Management and Methodology

Category: Business & Management Paper Type: Report Writing Reference: APA Words: 2950


Choose a case study (a scenario). 3

Summary of the case study. 4

Problems and their sustainable solutions. 5

The context and benefits of the system.. 6

Choose a suitable set of criteria (framework) 7

Comparative analysis. 7

Comparison of SDLC.. 9

Recommendation of the most suitable method(s) 12

Basics for the selected Chosen SDLC along with the evaluation. 13

Choose a case study (a scenario). It can be any type of ICT system or piece of software

The ICT System is all about the combination of the software, hardware, data as well as the people who tend to use this system. Mostly it includes the communication related technology i.e., the internet. If we make the comparison of the ICT as well as the computer then it can be said that both the computer & the ICT are different. If we talk about the computer systems then they are the hardware and are the party of the Information and Communication Technology. This is the reason which put emphasis on having the know how about the computer systems along with the considerations of the circumstances and the situations for making use of the computer systems. The reason why the ICT systems are of much significance is purely based on their dependency on the computer systems and the communication being made by these systems. The most remarkable thing about these systems is to provide us with the ease to do something which is intended to do by making use of these systems. Below is given the lit of the areas where the ICT systems can better be used:

·         Ships

·         Offices

·         Aircraft

·         Factories

·         Shops

·         Education

·         Medicine

·         Farming

·         Communication sector

For the normal routine, the ICT systems are important because they provide us with the powers to do what we desire to do. The ICT systems are important because they tend to increase the productivity. The added features include the completion of a task at less cost and the similar time span. The processing of vast amounts of the data is possible with the help of ICT systems. This is done efficiently as well as quickly. The transmission and the receiving of the data and the information is possible with the help of ICT systems (Bbc, 2019).

The case study being selected for the current work is “A Case Study: Embedding ICT for Effective Classroom Teaching & Learning”.  It is about embedding the ICT (Information and Communication Technology) to the teaching as well as the learning.

Summary of Project Management and Methodology

 ICT (Information and Communication Technology) has nearness in most of the segments thus as in teaching as well. Students, Researchers and the Administrators of instruction domain are flourishing for imaginative training educating method to develop the teaching practice viable. In this paper the utilization of current patterns in ICT, for example, BYOD, LMS and learning through Cloud Computing have been examined. Likewise the reactions of educators and students, on the grounds, through online overview have been condensed. Investigation shows the noteworthy improvement in class support and assessment aftereffect of the students.

In the present innovative field customary "Chalk and Talk" encouraging instructional method is either totally supplanted with intelligent e-learning devices/programming's or it is utilized in reconciliation with ICT empowered apparatuses/assets. ICT has contacted practically all individuals and in all areas everywhere and training is no special case in that. Analysts and Teachers are attempting to discover the ways since decade to make the educating learning intuitive, powerful and fascinating. Utilization of ICT now daily is regular among the students and instructors. Henceforth viable utilization of e-learning apparatuses is likewise normal while educating and learning. For successful correspondence with the learners, University/Institutes utilizes the different correspondence innovations, for example, SMS, email, Portal and thus utilization of shrewd gadgets, for example, Smart telephone, tablets and workstations immediately become pervasive among understudies.

According to the researcher, the students are a piece of large lump of the heaviest client of innovation. Discoveries of this exploration show that inserting ICT into study domain will urge the students to learn through shrewd gadgets. Just challenge is to give the satiate of-the-workmanship Infrastructure which transforms the conventional study hall into brilliant homeroom. Dominant part of the colleges/foundations has the homerooms outfitted with sound and visual assets alongside web network (Mehta, 2015).

Problems and their sustainable solutions

ICT enables students to screen and deal with their own learning, think fundamentally and inventively, tackle recreated genuine issues, work cooperatively, take part in moral basic leadership, and receive a worldwide viewpoint towards issues and thoughts. It additionally gives students, from remote zones, access to skilled professionals and learning assets, and gives executives as well as the decision-makers the information & skill they have to work more effectively and quickly. Another test is equity, including money related, sexual orientation, and racial decency in access to training.

Productivity and responsibility additionally should be improved. This incorporates improving teacher-student proportions just as maintenance and dropout ratio. The training gave likewise should be pertinent to financial conditions, for example, coordinating aptitudes delivered to those esteemed by the worldwide market. By taking into consideration the above said parameters, the sustainable solutions for the said problems can better be provided by the ICT systems (ictedupolicy, 2019) and (Ghavifekr, 2019).

The context and benefits of the system of Project Management and Methodology

            In this modern era of IT, almost all the things are equipped with the latest and the advanced technology. So as is the case with the classrooms and the teaching methods. The students as well as the teachers are making use of the latest and the advanced techniques for learning purposes. Through the integration of the advanced teaching and the learning techniques in the classrooms both the students and the teachers can get themselves benefited. The use of the ICT systems in the classrooms has the benefits as given:

·         Improves commitment of Project Management and Methodology

At the point when innovation is incorporated into learning, students are required to be increasingly keen regarding the matters they are contemplating. Innovation gives various chances to make adapting increasingly fun and agreeable regarding showing same things in new manners. For example, conveying instructing through gamification, taking learners on virtual field excursions and utilizing other web based learning assets. In addition, innovation can support a progressively dynamic investment in the learning procedure which can be difficult to accomplish through a conventional teaching environment.

·         Improves information maintenance of Project Management and Methodology

The learners who are engaged & keen on things they are considering are relied upon to have improved information maintenance. As referenced previously, innovation can support dynamic investment in the homeroom which additionally is a significant factor for expanded information maintenance. Various types of innovation can be utilized to try different things with and choose what works best for the learners as far as holding their insight.

·         Advantages for teachers of Project Management and Methodology

With incalculable online assets, innovation can help improve educating. Educators can utilize distinctive applications or confided in online assets to improve the customary methods for instructing and to keep understudies increasingly locked in. Virtual exercise plans, evaluating programming and online appraisals can assist instructors with sparing a ton time. This significant time can be utilized for working with students who are battling. Furthermore, having virtual learning situations in educational institutes improves joint effort and information sharing between educators (adb, 2019) and (webanywhere, 2019).

Choose a suitable set of criteria (framework) for the evaluation of development methods - a set of criteria for your analysis/evaluation that should help you with your analysis and for choosing the most suitable method for your scenario.

A wide range of data frameworks advancement (ISD) approaches exist. It is obvious that extensive consideration of experts and scientists has been committed to the improvement of ISD philosophies. Nonetheless, the assessment of existing ISD approaches isn't keeping the pace with the fast development of ISD systems. The deficiency of research on ISD procedures assessment has basic implications. By neglecting to assess at present utilized ISD systems, associations may not precisely understand the convenience and viability of the ISD philosophies. What's more, the absence of ISD philosophies assessment restrains specialists and scientists to value the qualities and shortcomings of different techniques, which are basic information for structuring progressively compelling and helpful systems. In this way, assessing ISD philosophies is a basic assignment for the two specialists and scientists, and warrants more research. Building up a lot of commonly satisfactory criteria is one of the initial steps to building up an orderly procedure to assess ISD systems. The goal of our investigation is to recognize a lot of commonly worthy criteria for assessing ISD approaches (Tan, 2005).

The existing ISD methodologies are about pre-methodology, early-methodology, methodology and Post- methodology. They are basically about the advancements to the existing ISD methodologies. The most recent is about making use of the already existing ISD methodologies. So, as is the case with the current work, the ISD methodology chosen for the current work is based on the existing ISD methodologies. By making use of these ISD methodologies, the Information Systems Development Methods can better be used.

Comparative analysis

Comparison of the advantages and disadvantages of three different Information Systems Development Methods (ISDM or ISD methods) for the chosen case study

The development life cycle of the software is being discussed in this part. The project is all about the development of the ICT system for the educational institutes. The flow of the software, the modules as well s the sub-modules suggest to consider SDLC (Software Development Lifecycle) in order to achieve the said purpose. This framework will better assist the directions of the current software (ukessays, 2019).

It can be said that SDLC needs to be followed brutally. It is a step-by-step procedure in order to support the development of the software. It is also termed as the software development process as it better helps to direct all the project-related processes. Every phase of the SDLC is further sub-categorized into certain steps. The more accurately this flow is followed, the more effective is the completion of the software (airbrake, 2019). The entire SDLC process is classified into the phases as given:

·         Planning: This phase is related to the plans related to the management of the entire project. It help in the planning for the allocation of the resources, planning for the capacity, decision-making for the project schedule, estimates related to the costs and provisioning etc.  It tends to provide with the project plans, project schedules, cost estimates as well as the procurement requirements.

·         Requirement Analysis: For the purposes of software development, the analysis of the requirements is performed in this phase.

·         Design and prototyping: In this phase, work on the design and the architecture of the software is started. For the development of the software, the established patterns are better used in this phase.

·         Software Development: This phase provides with the developed software. This method can either be carried out as agile methodology or as the single block-of-effort (i.e., waterfall). It tries to provide with the software in the working form as soon as possible. The testable, functional software is the output of the said phase.

·         Testing: It is considered to the most significant phase of SDLC. Without testing, it is not possible to deliver quality software. The quality of the software is measured by considering as given: quality of the code, unit testing, integration testing, testing for checking the performance and the security testing.

·         Deployment: It is perceived to be a highly automated phase. The moment when the software is ready it is then deployed.

·         Maintenance: In order to ensure the proper operations of the software, the software is monitored constantly. Bugs and defects discovered in Production must be reported and responded to, which often feeds work back into the process (softwaretestinghelp, 2019).

SDLC is of different types. The most relevant SDLC models for the said project work are as given: 

Comparison of SDLC






Waterfall Model (Fig. 1.1)

The sequential 7 steps are used for this model. It is used effectively for the well-known and clear requirements. They are less likely to be changed over the time.





        Simple & easily understandable

        Easily controllable.

        A clear definition for the concepts is provided.

        Well-documented results and software processes.

        Small-scale software development is better supported.

        The phases of this model follow the sequential flow for the completion of the project one after another.

        No development for the next phase until the previous phase is completed properly.

        Unable to support the lengthy and complex software development.

        High association of the risks for the changing requirements during the life cycle of the project.

        The software which follows the regular updates does not suit for the waterfall model.


Incremental Model (Fig. 1.2)

This method for the software development id built based on the waterfall model. The single parts of the software are more focused for the development.

A completed part can better be used to extract the further requirements.

        It tends to focus on producing the important functionality early.

        Better suggested for the long-term projects.

        For every increment to the model, it is better able to be used productively.

        It is easy to make changes to the requirements.

        It believes in the faster delivery of the product.

        It best suits the projects with the new and the latest technologies.

        It is mandatory to pre-plan for each increment.

        It is vital to know the requirements of the complete system in advance.


Agile Model (Fig. 1.3)

The small and fast incremental cycles better support the agile models. Every new cycle is highly dependent on the functionality of the previous cycle.




        Simple & easily understandable

        Easily controllable.

        Supports flexibility.

        Have the ability to works with both fixed or the changing requirements.

        Rapid development of the important functionality is better supported.

        The partial parts of the software can be produced effectively.

        The development of the multi-parts at the same time is supported by this model.

        Less supports the development of the complex software.

        Maintainability areas have risks associated with it.

 Recommendation of the most suitable method(s) for the chosen case study as resulting from

the comparative analysis based on the case study (scenario) you chose, what is the best ISD
method to adopt and why.

Basics for the selected Chosen SDLC along with the evaluation

Initially, it was assumed that the water model for the SDLC is ideal for the said project. It was perceived because of the simplicity of the said model. But the current project comprises of varying phases and the differing functionality. The use of the incremental SDLC model is better suggested for the said software. It can be either the agile model or the iterative incremental model. The final decision was made to go forward by choosing the iterative incremental model. This model is more suggested as it helps to document the software requirements along with the modules and sub-modules more than the agile model. Based on this model, it was possible to produce the partially functioning software at the completion of each iteration.

The rapid development of the functionality is possible with the use of iterative incremental model. The current ICT system comprises of different modules and the sub-modules which need to be implemented and tested upon development. One of the significant reasons for the choice of this software development model is the support for the use of the latest and the advanced technologies. The other reasons include as given:

        It more focuses on producing the imperative functionality early.

        More suggested for the long-term projects.

        For every increment to the model, it is better able to be used productively.

        It is easy to make changes to the requirements.

        It believes in the faster delivery of the product.

        It best suits the projects with the new and the latest technologies.   

By making use of the above suggested model, it is possible to equip the education institutes with the latest and the advanced innovative systems. The more these parameters are followed the more it will be possible to provide the students and the teachers with the latest and the advanced techniques for the learning purposes.

References of Project Management and Methodology

adb. (2019). 5 ways to use ICT to address education challenges. Retrieved from https://blogs.adb.org/blog/5-ways-use-ict-address-education-challenges

airbrake. (2019). What is system development life cycle. Retrieved from https://airbrake.io/blog/sdlc/what-is-system-development-life-cycle

Bbc. (2019). ICT systems and theri usage . Retrieved from https://www.bbc.co.uk/bitesize/guides/z2c82hv/revision/1

Ghavifekr, S. (2019). Teaching and Learning with ICT Tools: Issues and Challenges from Teachers’ Perceptions . Malaysian Online Journal of Educational Technology, 38-57.

ictedupolicy. (2019). Main issues, possible solutions and opportunities for ICTs . Retrieved from https://www.ictedupolicy.org/system/files/main_issues_possible_solutions_and_opportunities_for_icts.pdf

Mehta, S. V. (2015). A Case Study: Embedding ICT for Effective Classroom Teaching & Learning . ResearchGate, 541-547.

softwaretestinghelp. (2019). What is SDLC and its phases. Retrieved from https://www.softwaretestinghelp.com/software-development-life-cycle-sdlc/

Tan, K. S. (2005). Evaluation Criteria for Information Systems Development Methodologies. Science Direct, 3132-3137.

ukessays. (2019). Three Infromation Systems. Retrieved from https://www.ukessays.com/essays/information-technology/three-information-systems-development-methods-information-technology-essay.php

webanywhere. (2019). Top 6 benefits of using technology in the classroom. Retrieved from https://www.webanywhere.co.uk/blog/2016/02/top-6-benefits-technology-classroom/

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