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Examine the challenges faced by Kay Sunderland in managing relationships in Attain Learning Inc., especially the people over whom she had no formal authority. Use relevant theoretical concepts learned in the course and provide specific examples to support your argument.

Category: Business & Management Paper Type: Coursework Writing Reference: APA Words: 2050

Kay Sunderland has faced many challenges in managing the relationships in the Attain Learning Inc., The personality of Kay is different than the Mike, she is a bit rude and inflexible when it comes to discuss a problem of organization with the Mike. They both have communication barriers and they cannot convey their concepts and perceptions regarding the problem that rise in the company and Kay cannot convey the project policies to Morgan that is why conflict rises between both of them and they cannot seek out this problem because of the communication barrier. Kay has faced so much problem in managing relationship with her coworker. And Kay was also unable to make Mike understand the requirements of the clients and this is one of the necessary thing to explain the requirement of the client to the 

Content development director, as the main task of the content development direct is to take care of the requirements of the customers and clients in order to provide the clients with the best possible products but when the Content Development director, Morgan does not know the requirement of the client how he can cope up with the situation so there are lot of problems in the Ky Sunderland company regrading the relationships and how to manage these relationships appropriately. And other problems faced by Sunderland is that she cannot maintain s sustainable competitive advantage because of the communication barrier.

She should overcome this problem by following some principle so the administrative management, she should organize meeting and face to face interaction with Morgan and other employees of the company to maintain a balance of the relationships between the employees and the employer as well as the coworkers. She should command in the organization to the employees by interacting first with Morgan, in this way a positive relationship might develop between Kay and Mike. She should control the consequences and the negative situation that occur in the organization with the help of the communication is one of the most important thing required for the organization to be successful. Communication barriers rise many problems in the organization that leads the organization to a more successful and leading company. Next ting is co-ordination she should coordinate with Mike before responding to any client and she should tell the requirements of the client because Kay was dealing with the large profile clients and dealing with large profile clients requires co-ordination. If Mike and Kay have coordinated with each other then there might be no problem in the organization and they both have to face no problem.

Then next step is planning, if the Attain Learning Inc has gotten a project form the large profile client, then to complete this project according to the requirements of the client Mike and Kay should be planning according to the requirements the client has suggested and explain to them. If they plan according to the client and delivered the project with the same expectations the client had for this project, the company will more succeed in the future. And the last but not the least forecasting is an important thing, both should e discussing face to face the future of the organization and some predications should be made to improve the techniques and the technologies used in the organization in order to get more orders from he clients and this step will take the organization towards betterment. Al these things depend on the communication barrier between the Mike and Kay f there was no communication barrier and they both sought out the problem by discussing it face to face then Kay did not face any barriers in managing the relationship between the co workers and the employees with her.

2. Compare and contrast the leadership styles and characteristics of Kay Sunderland and             Mike Morgan using appropriate leadership concepts. Discuss their sources of power and how these enabled or constrained their leadership effectiveness.

Kay Sunderland leadership characteristics is different from Mike Morgan, her leadership  style is the coaching leadership styles as she knows the strengths and weakness of her employees because she is more social and has a positive relationship with her employees and also assist her employers to get their desired goals and take the organization to a next level. This is one of the most appropriate leadership for the employers and the employers. She is efficient yet formal and she always wants to set the expectations high from the outset of a project. She always takes care of the client’s needs and the requirements and keep a balance between what the client expected from her and what she delivered to her client. Ans she always over looks the project, the client has assigned to her to make sure that she should not digress from client expectation. As she is the major person who is shown as the face of company to the world, she is more social and is relationship oriented as well so that is why she could not cope up with the situation what Morgan did. But certain drastic experiences, make her more confident and also complement her managing styles and expertise, as well as the high profit accounts and due to all this she has also developed a fabulous mind set and now she provides critical analysis as well with the suggestions.

She has now become a motivational person and leader for her team, and she motivates and pushes her team to be more innovative and develop the innovative and the unique and best products for their customers and the clients. But sometimes for being inflexible and sometimes over demanding, she is criticized. However, she has boost up her personal powers and improver her personal actions like her Confidence and her Expertise and all these variable characters are improved by her due to her experience in managing the accounts that are based on large scale or have large profile accounts. And on the other hand, she also has high stamina, high energy and she is more focused and now she is actively response and working with other three different clients having large profiles. The leadership skills she acquires is that she is commanding and her social nature and her relational power is high and she is admired as one of the highly valued manager.

On the other hand, Mike Morgan, attain learning Content Development Director, has a leading leadership style and always wants to lead in the company over his team. Mike has a bureaucratic leadership style because he wants to lead in the company and wants his employees to follow his rules and trust him and trust his judgements. Yet he is more creative and promote creativity in the office so that the employees will be more creative and produce more creative products for the clients. His leadership style is different from Kay as Mike wants more authority in the organization and wants liberty and free hand in his work. And he is more concentrated and enterprising as well, and when he is managing a task, he wants complete ownership upon it. And he leads like a strong leader and wants everyone to agrees with him and trust his judgements and the skills. He is a partner as well as he is a supporter and supports his employees as well in the organization but he more often leads the employees rather than being in partnership with them. But he has shown loyalty to his staff, by supporting his staff. He is also a motivating person and also motivates his staff wand backup his employees with high morale, even though the employees are depressed and not much motivated but still he keeps motivating them and encourage them to perform good and tier best in the organization.

3. If you were an Executive Coach helping Kay Sunderland with her leadership skills, how would you advise her to resolve the power struggle with her colleagues in order to manage conflict and lead more effectively? Discuss the specific strategies or approaches she should adopt considering her perception of others, level of motivation, and position of influence to achieve the expected outcomes.

If I were an executive coach helping Kay Sunderland with her leadership skills, I would advise her to be more polite and passionate as Kay in not polite, yet she becomes angry and pissed off most of the times and dose not listen to everyone, due to this conflicts rise between the employees that are working with Kay Sunderland. If she behaves like this and be more inflexible and restricted then ho she can manage and cooperate with the employees of the company. She should maintain a balance between the relationship with her employees and her fluctuating behavior. She should adopt some different leadership styles as well as she should know some management practices as well so that she can run and lead the business properly. Kay should consider some leadership practices so that she can maintain the organization properly. She should create master-prentice relationship, mean she should behave positively and should create a positive relationship with her employees.

She should measure the employees and the coworkers in the organization by measuring her relationship with the employees that how well they are co-operating with her and as well as the competitiveness of the employees. This will help her to know her employees more properly and she can easily evaluate that which employees is working ore passionately. Moreover, without being frustrated from the mistakes of the employees she should encourage the employees to move on to new opportunities and ask them to be more creative in their work. And she should be adaptive to the environment or the in the workplace in which she is working because by being more adaptive she can work more properly, in this way she can co operate and manage with the people of the organization. And she should take chances in the organization for the unconventional talent because when testing new people, it will help you to bring out more talent in the people and this will be a more advantageous thing for the company. The company can have more innovative people that will be beneficial for the company. She should be vulnerable and take risks because without taking any risks she will not be able to find new talent for the organization and find something new. Moreover, she should focus on the team effort because team  effort is one of the main things require for the running organization encouraging team effort will allow the employees of the company to share their ideas during a meeting and in this way she can take more ideas and can take some creative steps for the company. Team work is really important for the organization because if there will be some conflicts between the workers in the organization then the worker cannot work properly in the organization.

Moreover, Kay Sunderland should do a SWOT analysis of the company, in this way she can come to know about the problems and the strengths and weakness of the organization and what are threats and opportunities the organization might have. By knowing all these things she can cope up with the situations and she can maintain the organization with all her strengths and by knowing the threats and the weakness o the organization, Kay might change her behavior towards the organization and maybe next time she eliminates thus communication barrier and talks to all the employees and the coworkers regarding the problem. These kinds of business management analysis help in establishing an organization and allows the organization to remove the threats a weakness and convert them into their opportunities and strengths. All business organization should follow these steps in order to keep the organization running successfully without any barrier.

References of Kay Sunderland Making the Grade at Attain Learning

Hill, L. A. (2011). Kay Sunderland: Making the grade at attain learning. Brief cases, 1-8.

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