1. Name and briefly discuss some of the
factors which are, and are not associated with successful innovating organizations.
organizations form various strategies in order to become innovative and gain
the competitive edge over their competitors. The factors that promote
innovation in the organization include an evident future vision, alignment of
innovation efforts with business strategy, the involvement of the top
management, research & development and finally willingness to accept
challenges. It is clear that the marketing, finance, R&D and other
functions of the business support the innovation strategy of the business. However,
the routine activities of the business and lack of innovation strategy are such
factors which are not associated with innovation because innovation requires a
lot of R&D and without an innovation strategy no organization can achieve
its desired goal. If the organization has not set any goals than it is another
reason which does not promote innovation. For innovation strategy, the
organization first have set SMART goals and then form the strategic plan
through which it can achieve those goals (Tidd & Bessant, 2014).
2. Is
the scale of
an enterprise's investment
in Research and
Development necessarily a
source of strategic
advantage in innovation?
Why or why not?
research & Development (R&D) plays a vital role in the innovation
process. The research allows the enterprise to determine the need for the
innovation and provide necessary information about what can be done to bring
innovation. Through research, the researchers provide the data which is
important to implement the innovation. Without the necessary data, the
innovators won't know what the people of the society are looking for and the
innovators will unable to resolve their issues. In short, it can be said that
R&D is the essential part of the innovation process. The organization has
realized the importance of research that is why many corporations invest a huge
amount in the research and development.
3. The
problem for the
firms which found
their marketplace disrupted
in the computer
disk drive industry
wasn’t that they
didn’t listen to
customers but rather
that they listened
too well -
to the wrong
customers. Discuss this
reason for the marketplace disruption is that the firm has focused on the
suggestions of the customers and customers are not always right. Each customer
has its own beliefs and it is not appropriate to implement the customer's
suggestion without analyzing it. It is important to take feedback from
customers however the firm has to be very selective in using the feedback. It
means that the company should listen to the advice or suggestions of the
customers but the most innovative solution must be of the organization itself.
The organization should analyze the market trends and make the strategy
accordingly. Through this, the situation the company is facing know can be
is important for the firm to analyze the preferences of the customers but it is
also important that in order to fulfill the demands the organization won't harm
its own activities. Sometimes the customers do not know how their suggestion
can affect the performance & efficiency of the corporation. Therefore it is
up to the corporation to listen to every customer but make their strategy by
analyzing all the important factors (Tidd & Bessant, 2014).
4. What
are two of
the factors in
the decision as
to where to
locate research and
development efforts? No discussion is necessary on this
question. Simply name two factors.
are the two factors in the decision as to where to locate the research and
development effort:
5. Financial measures
are not the
only way to
judge innovation projects.
What are some other types of measures?
What are the
pros and cons
of those others
which you identified?
The financial measures are not the only
measures that are used for evaluating the innovation projects. Some other
measures such as SWOT analysis and alternative evaluation matrix are used in
order to identify the usefulness of the innovation project. The SWOT analysis
analyzes the strength, weaknesses. Opportunities and threat regarding the
innovation project. If the strengths of the projects are more than its
weaknesses or threats that such projects are considered beneficial. In the
alternative evaluation matrix, the weight is given to each criterion. The
innovation project is than analyses regarding how well it meets the set
criterion. The major advantage of SWOT analysis is that it helps in decision
making however sometimes it over simply the strength & weaknesses which is
its major drawback. The benefit of alternative evaluation matrix is that it is
simple however it overlooks the real problem which is the disadvantage of this
measure (Tidd & Bessant, 2014).
6. The
most common model
of the process
of the diffusion
of innovation is
the epidemic or
'S-curve' model. This
is useful but is
based on a number of
assumptions. One of
those assumptions is
that the entire
population consists of
two separate groups:
adopters, and imitators.
Is this assumption entirely true?
Why or why not?
assumption is true because in the society there are people who are imitators,
some are adopters. The S-curve model shows the growth in the adoption of
innovation. Some are early adopter other are late majority and laggards (Tidd & Bessant, 2014).
Tidd, J., & Bessant, J. (2014). Managing
Innovation: Integrating Technological, Market and Organizational Change (5
ed.). Wiley.