Cryogenic electron microscopy (Cryo-EM)
is one of the techniques, which is related to the technique of electron
microscopy (EM), and its application is made on those samples, which are cold
as per cryogenic temperatures, and they are used in vitreous water’s
environment. The application of a solution of the aqueous sample is made on the
plunge-frozen and grid-mesh with liquid ethane. An electrons beam is used by
the transmission electron microscopes (TEMs) so that materials and molecules
structure is examined when they are located at the atomic scale. When a thin
sample observes going through a beam, the interaction of the beam is made with
the molecules, and then the sample’s image is projected on the screen of the
projector (CCD). The electrons' wavelength is quite shorter as compared to the
wavelength of the light; that’s why the detail revealed by the electrons is
much finer as compared to the details shown by super-resolution light
microscopy (BROADWITH, 2017)
b) What are some of the main benefits
of the ‘Cryo-EM’ technology for the medical and biological fields?
The ‘Cryo-EM’ technology comes
with so many benefits for the medical and biological fields. The first great
benefit of ‘Cryo-EM’ technology is that the required samples are not large,
rather very small when its structure is to be determined. Other imaging
technologies require large sample sizes. Moreover, the hydrated state of the
sample is preserved because actual fixation and rapid freezing are performed in
vitreous ice. So, the state of any sample can be seen without any issue. Moreover,
the samples in this technique can be viewed in a wide range, which makes things
easier for the medical processes. In addition to that samples are
inhomogeneous, which means that they come with a high level of magnification,
which helps to closely study the specimen. With the help of ‘Cryo-EM’
technology, the chemical environment can easily be controlled which allows
examining molecules more effectively (, 2019)
c) What is EMPIAR? What are the smallest
and the largest sizes of datasets available at this archive?
The term EMPIAR is derived from
the words “Electron Microscopy Public Image Archive”. It is actually a free
public resource, and it is used for raw images as well as images based on 2D electron
microscopy. The great thing about this archive is that both the smallest and
largest datasets are available here, which can be used for various purposes.
For instance, a user can download, upload or browse raw images, which can be
helpful in building a 3D structure. It is important to mention here that 2D
images and datasets provided by EMPIAR are very critical to develop the
structure for molecular machines as well as for biomacromolecules. The Electron
Microscopy Data Bank (EMDB) is complemented by EMPIAR. The largest datasets in
this archive can go up to the level of terabyte size, which shows its depth for
an archive (EMBL-EBI, 2019)
d) References for Question 1: You
must properly cite at least 2 references for your answer.
for Q.1
BROADWITH, P. (2017). Explainer: What is
cryo-electron microscopy. Retrieved November 28, 2019, from
(2019). What is EMPIAR? Retrieved November 28, 2019, from
(2019). Cryo-Electron Microscopy. Retrieved November 28, 2019, from
Question – 2
a) Name the Pattern Recognition
tasks and the Anatomical Regions that the authors have considered for Medical
Image Analysis in their work
It is important to understand that
authors have taken a great approach for analyzing medical imaging with deep
learning. They used different pattern recognition tasks in relation to the
Anatomical Regions. It is vital to look at them one by one. In total, four
pattern recognition tasks were used, and the first one was
detection/localization. The second major pattern recognition task was
segmentation. The third and fourth pattern recognition tasks in this paper
were registration and classification. Keeping these pattern recognition tasks
in view, the authors used six human anatomical regions. The first three
important human anatomical regions were brain, breast, and eye. The other
three human anatomical regions were chest, abdomen, as well as miscellaneous.
So, this categorization was used in this research article.
b) Briefly describe in your own
words the DL Method of Localization/Detection discussed by the authors as
applied to Eye Disease diagnosis.
It is evident in the research
article that authors have used different detection methods for the diagnosis
of different diseases related to different human anatomical regions such as
the eye. When the eye section is analyzed closely, it shows that authors have
discussed deep learning (DL). They discussed a DL model, which has its basis
on the inception architecture so that Glaucomatous Optic Neuropathy (GON) can
be identified with regards to retinal images. The AUC achieved by this
particular DL model was 0.986, which proved helpful in the distinction of GON
eyes from healthy eyes. For diagnosing eye diseases, the authors also
discussed the topic of deep transfer learning method, which also proved
c) Briefly describe in your own
words the DL Method of Image Segmentation discussed by the authors as applied
to Brain Disease diagnosis.
When the segmentation section was
discussed in detail in this research article, the authors came up with
different methods of the diagnosis to talk about. So, they also used deep
learning (DL) method and discussed its relevant aspects. They talked about the
DL technique, which can be used for the segmentation of the brain tumor. For
this purpose, proper integration of Conditional Random Fields (CRFs) and Fully
Convolutional Networks (FCNs) is needed to combine a framework, which is
helpful in achieving segmentation. It is important to mention here that three
trained segmentation models were used with the help of 2D image slices as well
as patches. They also performed training both for FCN as well as CRF.
d) Describe in your own words at
least 2 challenges faced by DL as applied to Medical Image Analysis that the
authors have discussed in their work
It is vital to understand that when
deep learning (DL) is applied for the analysis of medical imaging, it not only
provides opportunities, but it also comes with some challenges as well. The
authors have talked about the different challenges faced by DL. The first major
challenge in their view is that data for deep learning in the medical field is
not properly annotated. The proper annotation is essential so that a powerful
deep model can be learned with suitable training data; otherwise, things will
remain complex. The second major challenge faced by deep learning as per the
authors is that data is extremely imbalanced. The samples being used in the
datasets of medical imaging are imbalanced. The authors used an example that when
datasets for identification of breast cancer are used, the majority of the
samples are negative, which means that samples don’t come with a considerable
balance to get deep learning on the issue (ALTAF, ISLAM, AKHTAR, & JANJUA, 2019)