It is important to have a hazard identification
process so that everyone knows about such hazards and prohibited acts. There
are no warning signs and posters around the workplace with strict policy words
so that all employees know that they cannot break this rule. It is important to
have such visible signs so that employees remain aware of it.
Choose one of the hazards from the
The selected hazard from above the
list is the use of prohibited drugs and substances. A person using drugs at the
workplace can be a cause of trouble in so many ways like he/she can make
trouble with customers, and also can make some serious errors in his/her work
while entering data or doing anything else.
4. Who do you consult with about the
risk assessment process?
a) Every stakeholder should be made
part of the process so that risk can be avoided at first place, and if even
then, the risk does happen, then relevant guidelines should be provided to
stakeholders like how to react to any risk and situation.
b) It is important for the company to
hire a risk management expert to talk about this risk and hazard. An expert
will have a meeting with the top management to derive a policy that only helps
to eliminate risk, but also prevents in the future. For instance, training and
orientation programs can be given to employees regarding the prohibition of
drugs at the workplace.
5. What other ways are there for
selecting and implementing risk controls
It is recommended that CCTV cameras
are placed all around the workplace so that security can keep an eye on employees
and customers, and if anyone found using any drug, he/she is caught by the
camera for evidence, as well as immediately removed from the work floor before
any serious incident may happen. A drug security supervisor should be placed on
duty at the workplace, who roams around to keep an eye on people working at the
workplace. Moreover, clear images and signboards should be placed everywhere so
that everyone can see them time and again.
Part B
1. What would you include in a WHS
induction and training program?
It is important to understand that
workplace health and safety (WHS) are critical in so many ways and it can have
so many elements to cover. So, it is crucial to develop a comprehensive
induction and training program. For this purpose, I would conduct bi-monthly
training sessions for employees with health and safety experts who are experts
in risk management. These experts will provide training and information to
employees about how they can avoid all kinds of workplace hazards and risks.
Moreover, the employee will also be given training on how they can remain safe
when a risk or hazard is there, and what should be their plan of action.
Moreover, any other useful information will be gathered and shared with
employees to achieve a safe workplace environment.
2. Develop a system for WHS
recordkeeping. Include what records you would keep, and for how long.
A report template will be developed
to report any hazard, risk or incident. Different kinds of information will be
gathered with this report like it will ask about details of the incident, who
was involved in the hazard, and what actually happened. The persons involved in
the incident will be asked about their witnesses, and they will have to share
details of injuries as well. It will be the policy that every hazard and
incident will be reported on the form, and its electronic record will be made
through record-keeping software for ten years. These incidents reports will
also be taken from the record to come up with considerable ways to avoid those
incidents in the future.
3. Devise a method to measure and
evaluate your WHS management system.
It is true that the development of
the WHS management system is very crucial, but its evaluation and measurement
are also very crucial in so many ways. A monthly review of the WHS policy will
be made to see how things have worked during the whole month. The conduct of
every employee will also be evaluated to see their compliance with the WHS
policy. If any discrepancy will be found, the employees will be asked to answer
their errors or non-compliance. It will also be made sure with the review of
the system that WHS policy is updated with latest standards, and if anything
new has been introduced, and then it is made part of the WHS training programs as
well as policy.
4. What improvement could you make to
your WHSMS to solve this problem?
If the same mistake is being
repeated by the employees, and the same hazard remains at its place, then there
are two ways to deal with this situation. The first method is to call immediate
training sessions, where employees are again trained on keeping the floor clean
all the time and boxes to be fixed at the right place. A warning letter should
also be issued. The second method is to connect rewards for showing compliance
with the WHS policy. The employee showing compliance and coming up with
required performance will be given extra rewards like a one-day extra salary,
one extra leave or any surprise gift, etc.