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Case Study on the Manager’s Job in An Organization

Category: Organizational Behavior Paper Type: Case Study Writing Reference: APA Words: 2250

Job requirements of The Manager’s Job in An Organization:

A manager’s job is a sensitive part of any organization, which is based on the different responsibilities to perform in the organization.

Being a manager in ABC organization, I had to perform the following roles and responsibilities:

·         I am required to perform different roles in one situation.

·         I am supposed to be a planner, coordinator, producer, or marketer of the organization to deal with the people or stakeholders of the business.

·         I have always required the diverse bundle of skills that he could use in the strategies of the organization to make his organization as one of the best in the market.

·         As concerned with the job description of my role as a manager, it greatly depends upon the fieldwork which has to perform by me as a manager.

·         For the business of hotels and restaurants, I was required to be qualified in a bachelor degree off hotel and management, but in common experienced, it has been seen that the employees get experience in the relevant field and then get a job of management.

·         There should be proper qualities of management as well as personal qualities such as looking and manners etc.

·         I was required to possess professional skills such as leadership skills, time management, budgeting, analytical skills, decision making, and communication skills as well.

As a manager is always considered as a pivotal figure in the creation of wealth; therefore, he is considered to be the most important person in the organization who has to make the policies in the management of any organization (D. M. Cable & Judge, 2003).

2.      Interaction with others from inside and outside the organization

While working with an organization, I have to deal with the different people in and outside the organization who are known as stakeholders. Stakeholders are the persons who are being affected by the policies or work of the organization in a negative or positive way.  Furthermore, I did realize that I was as the manager did make the interaction with the employees from inside and outside the organization. It was necessary because the internal and external stakeholders inside or outside the company faced some difficulties with performing their tasks well. Once the employees and the middle line managers were stuck in the regulations of the policies, then I, as a manager had to interact with them regulate the policies by reducing the conflicts in the employee-manager relations. For the purpose of knowing about the relation, I am supposed to complete an analysis of stakeholders that how it is being influenced by the organization with the activities done by the organization. It is also an essential part of my job that it should be analyzed by the managers how the stakeholders are being connected with the organization. As if we take the example of stakeholder of a public health center, the following are the internal and external stakeholders of my organization:

Internal stakeholder

External stakeholder

·         Board of director of the public health department

·         Head of the department

·         Director of the nursing

·         Public health analyst

·         Research scientist

·         Communication department

·         Trustee of the health department

·         Board of director


·         Local authority

·         Providers of services

·         Patients

·         Customers and suppliers

·         Donors

·         Health visitor

·         Media

·         The workforce of public health

   Describe the principle characteristics of these individuals or groups

The stakeholders of the public health sectors are discussed above, who have a direct influence on the management of the organization. There are different stakeholders who are influencing the activities of my organization, but here is a list of five to six stakeholders who are being affected by the organization directly or indirectly:

·         Head of the health department

The head of the department is a board, which has to make policies and regulate the policies in public health. The basic characteristics of the health department are that the people who have clinical issues will have to visit these stations, and it prevails in all around the world. If the hospitals are not making a good performance, it will have a negative influence on the head of the department as it is not along with the good reputation of the public health department.

·         Patients

Patients are the people who have to come to the hospitals to get treated by the medical professional to get rid of their diseases. If the health department is regulating the policies in a good way, it will be a good impact on the people. When the policies of the medical department are going ineffective, it could be easy for the patient to get benefits from it.

·         Health department analyst

The duty of analysts is to provide the fair position of the statement, which could be related to the improvement of health and creating a new vision for the department to make better treatment for some existing issues. The potential role of the analyst is to promote the department as a better source in the capacity building of the department as they provide true information about the workplace. It also has basic access to the leading authorities of the department, which are responsible for making the policies.

·         Media

Communication is necessary to make any task more powerful. Media is the best way to communicate about some specific entity to the public so they can aware of the issues of the organization, and management could resolve it.

·         Government

The government influenced by the health or any other department in the sense of revenue generation. These sources are perfect for generating income and spending it on the welfare of society, which gives mobility to the resources in the economy (G. Manetti & Toccafondi, 2012).

4.      Describe the nature of the interdependency that exists between you and these critical groups or individuals.

The legal hierarchy of this stakeholder could influence the potential status of my organization. Some works are very complicated, as well as interdependent. I had to interact with the mentioned stakeholders due to their working styles and workability. For instance, the employees needed the instructions to complete the work. So, I did provide them instructions and guidelines to show the right path and what methods they have to follow. There is a direct influence on the organization:

·         Authority of leadership

·         Negotiation between different stakeholder

·         Control of strategic resources

·         Legal requirements of an organization such as budget and control of the tasks

There is also some indirect influence which could be achieved as:

·         The social and economic status of the organization

·         Changes in the organization which could be negotiated with the factors related to the organization

·         Implementation of policies

These stakeholders are connected with each other, which influences the work of each other in a positive and negative way. The interdependency of this stakeholder is most likely to relate to each other. For example, the policies of the government have an impact on the patients to get treated by the hospitals as if the facilities are better than people will be happy from the services, and it would better impact on society. The individual impact of the patient is to be more reluctant that they will perform positively to the policies of the government.

5.      Include a diagrammatic representation of these interdependencies.


References of The Manager’s Job in An Organization: https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Aki_Aapaoja/publication/258400800/figure/fig3/AS:392638835511298@1470623801708/The-different-levels-of-stakeh

The stakeholders may be internal or external and could influence my organization with they are connected in different ways, which are divided as secondary and primary levels. The external stakeholder connects with the system of health department, and it could also connect to the competitors in the market who have to change their policies to meet the requirements of the market which is to be influenced in the market as the customers are the persons who are choosers but there is still a point that in case of health, customers are not most likely to be choosers as they have to get services as they have issue and they have to get treatment from the one who is specialized in the certain services of the treatment (A.Zutshi & Sohal, 2004).

6.      Evaluate the interdependent group (that is, the virtual network your diagram represents: yourself and the groups or individuals with whom you must interact) in terms of its effectiveness and efficiency and the satisfaction of those concerned.

The stakeholders of the organizations are managed by the management policies of the organization, which is the basic responsibility of the manager. As a manager, if I analyzed the situation of the public health sector, it will be a considerable point to discuss that the people who are connected to get treated by these professionals and the government are connected with each other through a strong relation of organizations. If the government increases the tax on health, the department manager has to manage the cost of treatment, which could be increased tax, and in the results of an increase in tax, the cost of the treatment will also be increased which will directly influence the patient as they have to pay that cost. From a government perspective, it is an effective policy of the government as it increases the revenue of the government. In the patient’s perspective, they have to bear the extra cost of the tax, which will impose a limitation on the services get by them. This could also impact the economy as due to lack of funds, there may be difficulties for the poor to get treatment from the hospitals, and the mortality rate of a specific country may increase. As a manger, I have to manage all these policies in the relevant organization to maintain equality and consistency in the management of the health department.

7.      Make recommendations for enhancing the effectiveness, efficiency, and satisfaction of the interdependent group.

Managing people in any organization is a hard task to do as it is related to the high level of the management, and people who are connected with this organization are most likely to demand better policies of that organization and extend the program according to these policies. As a manager, I am required to be competent enough that I can better manage the consistency and severity of the works according to the nature of the business, which is being conducted in the organization. All the managers and experts have to face the challenges which are related to some tasks to perform. Management is a process that is considered as the basic job of the manager in a way to find the best suggestion for any issue related to the organization. In the case of management in public health, there may be some issues that are faced by the manager to manage. Therefore, the followings are some recommendations that should be considered as important to implement in the organization by the manager. These are discussed below:

·         It should be developed by the managers that the main objective of the organization, including mission vision and policy statement.

·         The government should change the tax policies for the health sector as it is not about the business of luxury items; it is the services that are necessary to take by the people. Therefore, there should be a low rate of taxes that the patients get treatment easily at a reasonable fee.

·         There should be the establishment of formal and informal policies to delegate the authorities to the staff so they could work more eagerly in the organization.

·         There should be proper planning as it is considered as one of the basic elements in the organization’s management.

·         Once the planning is completed, there should be organizing of that planning so that strategies and policies could be implemented on all the tasks which have an impact on all the stakeholders according to their nature.

·         There should be a complete process of the basic management tools such as staffing, directing, and evaluating so that the manager could get the best opportunity for implementation of the policies in the health department (K. M.Cremers, Nair, & Peyer, 2008).

Modern management is classified into different approaches that could be used in the management of the organization. The system is divided into systems and contingency approaches, which have a positive impact on the organization. There should be proper qualities of management as well as personal quality such as looking and manners etc. he must possess professional skills such as leadership skills, time management, budgeting, analytical skills, decision making, and communication skills as well. For this impact, there must be a division of the policies which are made by the management into different segmentation, which targets the specific area of the organization. The management of the health department should be followed by the management principle of Henry royal which is considered as the best principle to implement on any management of the business.

References of The Manager’s Job in An Organization

A.Zutshi & Sohal, A. (2004). A study of the environmental management system (EMS) adoption process within Australasian organizations —2. Role of stakeholders. Technovation, 24(5), 371-386.

D. M. Cable, & Judge, T. A. (2003). Managers' upward influence tactic strategies: The role of manager personality and supervisor leadership style. Journal of Organizational Behavior: the International Journal of Industrial, Occupational and Organizational Psychology and Behavior, 24(2), 197-214.

G. Manetti & Toccafondi, S. (2012). The role of stakeholders in sustainability reporting assurance. Journal of Business Ethics, 107(3), 363-377.

K. M.Cremers, Nair, V. B., & Peyer, U. (2008). Takeover defenses and competition: the role of stakeholders. Journal of Empirical Legal Studies, 5(4), 791-818 

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