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Assignment on Health Monitoring and Sensing

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Health Monitoring and Sensing

Literature Review of Health Monitoring and Sensing

Parameswaran(2016) has proposed that most of the irrigation system was operated manually, and these traditional techniques were replaced by automated or semi-automated methods. The computerized drip irrigation system was used to apply to measure the soil humidity or user input via a robust network of SMS. And one of the automated systems which we're using is the Arduino, which is the type of hardware system. The design of the Arduino was based on kits to build digital devices and the object device system, which can control and sense the objects with various methods. The controller board of Arduino was based in the ATmgea,328, and it consisted of the 14 digital pins(input/output) 6 of these pins were used as input, and six were used as an analog output, that's why most of the people choose this device. And communication data can be updated by using the webservers of conventional databases. And the internet can be described to the world through objects which were part of daily life, and through various networks, communication can be done; these objects included internet and server. The internet has the physical objects of the system which were connected with electronic software and network connectivity which made these objects to exchange the data. (Parameswaran & Sivaprasath, 2016)

According to Pandya (2012), Arduino had been used as an open-source tool in the making of computers that can sense and control the more of the physical word on your computer screen, as mentioned in the above line Arduino provides the physical computing platform relies on a simple-control board, to develop the environment for the software writing board. Arduino has been used in various; it also used in making interactive objects, such as a variety of sensors or switches, and controlling motor, lights, and other physical outputs. Arduino would stand-alone, or they also communicate with the running software of any computers. The boards of the Arduino cane be available in pr-assembled or assembled by hands; the open-source IDE of Arduino would be downloaded freely. The Arduino programming language was made from wiring, which was based on the Processing multimedia programming environment. The Arduino contained everything which was needed to support the microcontroller; Arduino was connected through the adapter in the computer with power cable, which had the AC to DC for getting started. All the modules of the circuit were connected to Arduino modules. (Krishnamurthi, 2015)

P Kumar and Pradeep (2013) suggested that Arduino is flexible hardware that provides a variety of analog and digital inputs and PWM and SPI serial interface outputs. Arduino is an interfacing software which only deals with receiving and transmitting data through the serial channel so that these devices can generate the capability to communicate appropriately with Arduino. One can use Arduino as the primary serial port and which is used when any of one talk with this program, and you may use these channels as dedicating a plan and use two different pins as a new serial link which is linked with the external device. Some of them not had native serial capabilities. Sensors were the electronic devices that measure the physical quality of converting light temperature into a voltage; this process of changing the form of energy into another form of energy is called transduction. And these sensors were often referred to as transducers. These sensors were found in two categories analog sensors and digital sensors. Sensors were the resistance variables used to control the voltage were analog sensors. And sensors, which give the output of two possible states, were the digital sensors, and most the digital sensors work with threshold, in contrast, the digital and analog sensors output assumes the value in the given range. (kumar, 2013)

Moses, Anbarasan (2016) suggested that In recent times health monitoring of human beings becomes an essential part. In the last few years many techniques were used for health monitoring purposes. Wifi wireless sensor network was propesd by many people because this technique has both data acquisition and transmitting the data principles. The periodic monitoring of vital parameter and correct treatment were based on the given data. This process is might be critical for the people of a certain age who were not capable of monitoring their health conditions appropriate without the medical personnel and the proper equipment to monitoring health. A solution of this smartphone can be used, although smartphone provides the secure and comprehend modular for the patient monitoring in a clinical environment. One can use visualization of the mobile networks of sensors with complete protocol of internet connectivity. The internet protocol activity allows the real-remote sensor readings of the patient's body area network to store and process forward with security for the health care practitioners. (P.Sivasankari, 2016)

According to Walker J and X Gong(2018) sending data through wireless connection can be trending now and wireless communication is getting popular nowadays. And the capabilities of wireless connections would increasingly be integrated into portable devices, including laptops, handled tools, mobile phones, and digital assistants. The Embodiments can provide the techniques to manage the power in the wireless network. The power supply is the main transceiver module to send the transmission of the data through one or more than one device through wakeup interval. To save the data through a wireless link, connect both computers through wifi. The power consumption is the main feature that corresponds to the levels of power consumption to enhance the operational time which is needed in the battery charging session. This integration could provide the users with any time and anywhere connection to resource their information. Current drafts provide the power management mechanism to save the data through wireless connection. However, this management mechanism often results in undesired network operations. The file can be sent through techniques which were provided by the embodiment for the device the power in wireless networks, the transmission of apparatus through transceiver modules and management modules. (Gong, 2018)

Ynjiun, William (2019) wireless mashup point transmitting the data compromise the communication; mashup point is the first device that provides the gateway to the integration services. This method minimizes the transmitting data sending and receiving from the data collection device. The data collection device is encoded as the information reading device. This invention is done for the employees, and it’s generally related to data collection systems employing the portable data terminals, which were generally associated with the method and wireless data communication in the data collection system. And now sending data through wireless networks is made advancement as well data collection is described by having data collection terminal, the file format has been created at a data collection device which includes an image for the representation of decoded bar code, the representation of image on package including the bar encoded and decoded the message. The data collection terminal also includes a reading device for a barcode; the reading device has magnetic data reading chips that read the data and a fingerprint reading device. these terminals were coupled to the network, which was related to facilitating the financial transaction, which includes the collected data by using different ways of reading devices. (Wang, 2019)

Edward J, Edmund P (2015) the disclosure has related to the field of wireless devices,  and they provide a particular way of communication between wireless and low energy devices for wireless protocols. The aim of inventing this technology is for transferring the data more efficiently; one more advantage is that one can send more than one wireless data through a wireless connection. Moreover these wireless devices also convey the data through a single Bluetooth wireless link to pair and connected the product, once both systems get paired with each other one can send the data by selecting the data which you want to transfer and then press the button your data will send to the other device whom you want to send the file, and the process of saving the data is also straightforward while you receive the file there is a option appears on the button save just click that button and your file would be saved in any folder where you want to put your file. The wireless package does not enable to share the data with the third party who has the wireless links to reduce the power consumption of the wireless connection. (Edward, 2015)

Dimaghni, Wolfe (2011) said that wireless communication was design by the wireless network sensor to monitor the condition of the patient who has chronic diseases at their home with the remoting system of physiological signs. Many of the monitoring systems send the data of the client with the system of the hospital, from the personal computer of the patients, which was presented in the patient homes. This system was later on rejected, and then remote Each patient carried it; this device captured the signal wirelessly transmitted, which had access through patient's home. The connectivity of data transmission is based on the frequency of data transmission. The access point of receiving and transferring the data is attached to the small box with the internet through the home and with digital line router.Using this technology reduced the infection risk and costs of the hospital monitoring system introduced the new system to transfer the data, which is the sensor monitoring system at the patient home, and the network was installed. The nodes were then attached to a central connected node of the hospital through an internet connection. The proposed nodes of the wireless sensor connection and these nodes had sensors of ECG, Microcontroller and low power wireless radio and with a network protocol, which is known as simplici TI protocol. ECG signals were portable signals with portable devices.s. (Dilmaghani, 2011)

According to Ameen, Kwak (2012), the applications of implanted wireless data sensors are the most important and popular area in the research Body Area Networks were the most prominent to support this area and controlling and managing these networks were quite difficult and risky. The MAC protocol was most powerful and easy to handle, and this protocol will help them to improve the performance of the BAN. The major concerns of the MAC were power consumption and delay and protocols of BAN. The low cost wakes up radio modules connected with the sensor devices, which would help to reduce the power consumption of the network. These applications include both medical and non-medical fields. This advancement of technologies reduced the size, cost, and affordability, and these applications od sensor devices and networks were majorly used in Health care. These medical applications were either implanted or either wearable; the wearable devices were used for the outer part of human body, and implanted medical devices can be used for the internal part of the body. The BAN was heterogeneous and used to supports the diverse functionalists, and this may include the wireless network sensors, and these devices were mainly used to handle life-threatening emergencies. (Al Ameen, 2012)

As it was suggested by the Hodges, Dementyev (2013)to develop the wireless systems for those who have the radio configuration parameters and options in large number. The experimental data should be provided to compare the power consumption of the Bluetooth low energy, ZigBee, and ANT protocols were used for a cycle sleep scenario. In this scenario, low-power and short-range wireless sensors nodes send the data packet to a remote, which had the hub to intervening the sleep intervals. Such devices were used in medical health care when one can interfacing with the mobile phone-hub. After analyzing all the data it would be considered that BLE achieved low power consumption as compared to ZigBee and ANT. They have considered high consumption on the difference that it was time taking for a node to connect with the hub after waking up and use of sleep among the RF packet and individual. Three main protocols were used to determine the sleep interval to tradeoff between power consumption and data rate, and these both were optimized. And in the end, it was suggested that BLE is more efficient and excellent to use to calculate power consumption. (Dementyev, 2013)

Gray, Ayer, Hinton (2015), the IoT assumed as the next step of evolution of the internet. The main theme of the study is to estimate the from an energy consumption viewpoint, some of the networks were the connected gateway into internet to the corporate network, and the aim of the IoT to provide the connectivity of calls not only for the home appliances, consumer electronics but also preferable for the small power battery devices that can not be charged. Small devices like these had many types of curators and sensors that are required to attain the operations for many years in batteries, even in heavy interference. The most popular technology introduced by the wireless technology offered strong connectivity, using ships to demonstrate the power consumption of the low-power wifi technology to enable the connectivity of IP with the power battery devices., to investigate the scene of the sensor applications the evaluation of power consumption can be done by the wifi-enabled devices, to investigate the interference of the and to measure the power range. The power consumption can be access by the network technologies and designed models of the range of the IoT traffic. (Gray, 2015)

Srivas and Koushik (2019) purposed that implementing the smart home energy management system is to stimulate the implementation using Arduino; recently the energy crises had required essential energy reduction in all the areas, energy can be saved through energy sources by considering the solving methods home energy problems. Two audios were communicated to using the Xbee, where different devices of the home were connected, and the output would be displayed to monitor the central home computer on the screen. The power consumption of home appliances can be reduced through renewable energies, which were gathered from servers of home, and it was used to analyze the estimated energy. Using the smart home management system was used to monitor the consuming energy of the home appliances to renewable energy. Using these devices will help to reduce the energy cost and save the home appliance by using such energy, and this will optimize the home energy. And MMS can also be used to measure the magnetic field and situ electric using the drift of weak electronic beam while emitting the specific directions, and drift is related to the electric field. (Srivas, 2019)

The study reveals that monitoring the health and sensing with new technologies, in the analysis of health monitoring system Arduino based technology can be used for the health monitoring and sensing; the Arduino provides many facilities as it was designed to replace the automated technologies aurdino can be used to in the computers for providing fastest communication between two persons, Arduino is basically the hardware of the computer, and it can also be used to provide the digital input and output to the users of computer in hospital setting. Using Arduino in hospital settings helps to face the emergency issue fastly and solve them immediately. Another is sensing the data through wireless connections; wireless connections are the most popular data connection to transfer the data, using wireless connection for healthcare monitoring and sensing. Wireless connections design to communicate and sensor the data using wireless transmission to save your data on your computers can be helpful for you. Wireless connections provided many other techniques to save your data such as Bluetooth devices and wireless internet connection. This is the most liking process of transferring data. And in the next analysis can be done on calculating the power consumption, in the Monitoring healthcare and sensing. Power consumption can be calculated through different methods by using ban, Bluetooth, Wifi and Zigbee. The Bluetooth device can be favorable for the hospital settings because this device consumes the low-power and give more results, and transferring data through Bluetooth device can easily be transferred, and transfer your data through wifi can also be easy by connecting the systems with the internet. We studied different researches about Health Monitoring and sensing systems; we come to this point after analyzing the data Monitoring health and sense. The access point of receiving and transferring the data is attached to the small box with the internet through the home and with digital line router.Using this technology reduced the infection risk, and costs of the hospital monitoring system introduced the new system to transfer the data. In the last after having the detailed analysis, the results of the study shows that use of new technologies in the health monitoring and sensing can be more effected, time-saving, less power consuming and profitable for the medical field and this will provide the more facilities and options to handle and save and monitor the data of the patients for a long time of period.

The study is about health monitoring and sensing system in this topic discussion can be done on the different topics and strategies on how we monitor the health-related data easily. We review Arduino based policy in this system. We discuss its uses and impact of the new technologies on Healthcare monitoring and censoring system. The study aims to provide the latest technologies to facilitate the clinical practitioners and patients as well, and get comfortable and straightforward the process of health monitoring and sensing and to save time and less effort to put, because of health care is essential for all human beings living on the earth. Each of them was needed to have the best quality treatment and to provide the medication on time to the older age persons to their related diseases when emergency mightbe occurred.

References of Health Monitoring and Sensing

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Dilmaghani, S. R. (2011). Wireless sensor networks for monitoring physiological signals of multiple patients. IEEE transactions on biomedical circuits and systems, 347-356.

Edward, P. E. (2015). Method and system for repackaging wireless data. U.S. Patent, 976,724.

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Wang, P. Y. (2019). Wireless mesh point portable data termina. U.S. Patent Application, 327,158.

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