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Assignment on Career Development Plan

Category: Education Paper Type: Assignment Writing Reference: APA Words: 1450

Here is am going to discuss my Career Development Plan. It includes all the elements like what is my position now, where I want to go, how can I get there, what the resources and what is SMART goals. Then complete resources about the career and what goals I want to accomplish and how I can make it possible for my career.

Where are you now?



Where am I now in regards to my career?


Now I am doing my job in the office where I work at initial level and also follow under instructions.

What is my view of current situation?


Now I am working at initial level so I will learn more and more for future and making may career.

What have been my experience to date?


I am working under the observation of senior manager so I am learning all the methods and techniques that how to perform well in the organization and also study its strategic and financial aspect according to my knowledge and understanding.

What do I enjoy most?


In my current job I have complete opportunity to work according to my perception in the office and also utilize my skills and also enhance my knowledge.

What skills come to me naturally?

Different type of skills like dealing with people, effective communication and ability to understand the approach of mental ability of people.

What do I think my strength/assets are?

My skills are related to my knowledge and area of interest. I have great knowledge of computer and all the technological development area that are not easily understandable by every person.

What are some things people ask me to help with?

In their technical work, people ask me to help.

What do I do well?

I can handle all the critical issues and situations that are related to computer and technology.

What appeals to me?


To become a leader that have all the skills and abilities related to work will appeal me.

What are my values?

My values are related to become a successful leader and also guide to others.

Do I like to lead, work with people as a team or work alone?

I would like to work with team and also act as leader to support others.

Do I like working face to face with customers or back office work?

I also like to work with customers face to face so I can better understand their requirement for the business.

How do I feel when I think about my ideal job?

I want o become a successful software engineer that understand all the technical and complicated computer issues with its working. For this the computer sector job is better for me.

Is there anything getting in my way of achieving what is want?

Some people who want to stop me or come at my position became hurdles to achieving my targets of life.

Where do you want to go?



What does my ideal job look like?

My ideal job is software engineer of the company that can sort out all the technical and information


If I could do any job in the world what might it be and why?

I want to work as computer engineer in the world to get more and advance knowledge about my field.

What are my goals?


My goals are to become a successful engineering in the field of computer.

What energize me?

Different IT related issues and problems energize me and the advancement f technology attract me.

Where do I want to be in 1 year to 5 years?


From 1 year to 5 years I want to became an experienced and knowledgeable person who work as engineer in the organizations.

Are there any specific challenges I want to face?


I can have to update my knowledge because previous technology is going to out dated and also new technology is take place.

Why is this important to me?

This Is my dream to become a successful computer engineer and make my own name in the market.

What do I want to get more of?

I want to obtain more experience in this filed and get more knowledge.

What do I want to do less of?

I want to less switch the jobs from one organization to another.

What is my preferred balance between work and my personal life?


I want to work 8 hours in the five days and nights and for the remaining two days I spends for my personal life .

Who else does this affect?

My family also effect with this criteria.

What normally gets in the way of achieving my goals?

My financial issues also become hurdles because for further studies I have to arrange sufficient amount and I face financial problems.

What kind of work environment suits me best?

A friendly and encouraging environment for work suits me best.

Do I feel  I have a calling in life?

Calling of my life is to provide accurate advice and guidance to others.

How might I get there?



How can I prepare myself and my environment to achieve my goals?

I have to understand the changing environment and also better  prepare myself for working with different people.

What resources and tools do I need?

I want good knowledge from the good institute and proper practical training about my work.

What step do I need to take to get from where I am now to where I want to be?

I need to do extra hard work to reach at highest level and also practice a lot for obtaining maximum knowledge and experience.

What new skills, knowledge do I need to possess?

I need to understand the technical approach’s related to my study and also get practical knowledge.

What new skill do I want to learn?

I also learn that what are technical approaches that use in different organization and how to utilize my knowledge.

What existing skills do I need to develop?

I enhance my understanding skill related to technical aspects.

How can I commit to achieving my goals?

I commit myself to understand and continuous learning must be compulsory.

What barriers do I need to remove to make this happen?

I must take admission in the best institute for further studies so they also give good job opportunities.

How will I know I have been successful?

When I get latest and advanced skills and knowledge then I became a successful person.

 Who can help (resources)?



What new relationships might I build help me attain my career goals?

I have to develop my relationship with the my seniors employers to maintain my career.

Who do I know who can support me attain my career goals?

My senior executive and my team support me to obtain my career goals.

Who have I lost touch with who might be able to support me in my career goals?

No one may lost touch to support the career.

What role can my friends and family take in encouraging me to stay focused?

They support me on my working abilities and also encourage me to give more attention on my skills.

What role can my unit head play in supporting my career aspiration?

My unit head support me through giving me new and advance challenges and also appreciate me on my work.

What communities of practices currently exist that I can tap into?

Management and leadership conventions support me to tap in.

 Setting Goals:

Personal career Plan- goals summary:


How will I achieve the goals?

What resources do I need

By when

Success criteria how will I know I have been successful?

Complete my degree

Study with my job

No addition resources required.


When I get my degree.

Get an upper level post

Enhancing my knowledge and skills

Good team work and efforts


When I get more experience.

Make a strong position in the organization

When my abilities can handle major issues.

Good support and appreciation from management.


My level and pay scale increase

Set my own software house

After getting experience from may organizations

Proper financial investment and also utilize skills.


When my own business become successful.

Enhance my scope through working others.

With own business also work for others as employee.

Good links and good market reputation.


When people know me as well experience person.

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