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Assignment on Life Portfolio

Category: Education Paper Type: Assignment Writing Reference: APA Words: 1350

Introduction of Life Portfolio

In my views, each responsible person should have to support the community in a positive way to ensure development and progress. I have decided to be a police officer in future who will have the key duty to stand against crime and make society safe for the citizen. By serving my community and contributing to its development will cater to my personal satisfaction. In this report, I have presented some goals, factors influencing goals, and strategies to achieve goals after the age of 65.       

Goals of Life Portfolio

The prime goals presented below are related to my life after the age of 65.

1)      Community Service

I am primarily interested in community services, therefore, I would join police department and a after getting retirement from police department at the age of 65 I would work for social welfare and community betterment. I have set goals related to community services. The goal is “When I am over the age of 65 I plan on taking participation in the community service to contribute in the development of my community” I have set these goals because a research study found that people involved in the community service remain satisfied and happy as they know that they are doing something good for others (Lawson, Cruz, & Knollman, 2017). Supporting community in a better way make attitude of a person positive and appreciatibale.  

2)      Family Commitments of Life Portfolio

I am a highly family-oriented person. During my work as a policeman, I wouldn’t be capable to spend enough time with my family. Thus, I have planned to spend quality time with my family to make my life more meaningful and busy even after retirement. Regarding family commitment my goal is stated below:

“I have set a goal to spend at least 3-4 hours a day to my family members to make my family bounding strong”.

I have developed this goal as researchers claim that a person living a happy life remains healthy and physically fit for a longer period. I want to remain in good health condition moreover I also want to have social bounding with some sincere fellows such as family members (Thomas, Liu, & Umberson, 2017).  

3)      Work of Life Portfolio

I would also establish a grocery store for a permanent source of earning. The grocery store can make me work simply in a comfortable environment that an old person requires. Concisely my goal statement is presented below:

“I would start working at my grocery store after retirement to earn living comfortably”  

The goal is set in this way because research has proved that physical activities at old age have a direct relationship with well-being. Thus remain fit and healthy I have to work after retirement (Luoh & Herzog, 2002).   

Factors of Life Portfolio

Here some factors are presented which can influence my goals unless these are controlled.

1)      Transportation  of Life Portfolio

Transportation can have an impact on my goal of community service. As I want to provide free self-deference training to woman and children to make them capable to remain safe and secure in case they face an uncertain condition. However, for this training session, I would have to visit local colleges and schools that are far away from my residence. Thus, I would also need proper transportation services to reach the desired destination easily. However, unavailability of public transportation or expensive transportation will create a challenging situation for me. In such a situation, the accomplishment of my goals may get influence.

2)      Economics/Finances of Life Portfolio

Economic and finances factor will draw an impact on my family commitment related goals. Financial expenses of a family are difficult to bear for a retired person. Thus, to handle this financial issue I would have to work which will take most of my time and again at the end of the day I would not be able to spend enough time with my family. Moreover, financial issues will also make me unable to give gifts to my family members on special occasions.      

3)      Health of Life Portfolio

Health is the key factor which will influence all my goal, especially for work-related goals. Poor health condition is unsuitable for physical exertion. In case, I get a negative impact on my health then I would not be able to work properly which will influence the achievement of my goal. Although, good health condition will be supportive for me to accomplish my goals as because of better health conditions I would be able to sit long in the store to work hard and earn a better living.      

Strategies of Life Portfolio

There are some strategies regarding goals to achieve my developed goals appropriately. For each goal, a strategy is presented that will be implemented by me.  

1)      Community Service of Life Portfolio

To accomplish my goal of community service I have developed a strategy to visit nearby colleges and schools to deliver training sessions. According to the research findings of (Harasymowicz & Kalina, 2005), self-defence training is highly important for woman and children to prevent abuses and mental torchers. Proper training enables people to combat cruelty and crime-related experiences. Researchers present that violence in schools and educational institutes is not good for academic achievements and social development of children particularly female children. Thus, research proves that providing free self-defence training to the children will be a great way to deal with increasing terrorism, insecurities, abuses, and crimes. In short, by implementing this strategy I would be able to serve the community in a better way which will complete my goal of serving the community after retirement.             

2)      Family Commitments of Life Portfolio

I have developed a strategy to reach the goal of family commitment discussed in the above sections of this reflection report. My strategy to limit outdoor activities and spend more time at home on weekends and in the evening. I would set my time table in such a way that will enable me to remain free in the evening and weekends when all my family members will come back home from their daily jobs. During this time, I would listen to their pains and share with them happiness. Thus, by working on this strategy I would be able to meet my goal about family commitment.  

3)      Work of Life Portfolio

I would implement an appropriate strategy for this work-related goal to make myself capable to earn my goal of work at the grocery store. I would save some money from my salaries before retirement and purchase retirement insurance to have enough funds at the time of buying a grocery store. Moreover, to deal with the health factor I have developed a strategy to do exercise on daily basis. Research studies have proven that daily exercise can make a person physically fit and healthy (Luoh & Herzog, 2002).    

Conclusion of Life Portfolio

The whole discussion concludes that I would have been working as a police officer in Canada. My life goals are related to my after retirement life. Being a responsible citizen I consider it my social responsibility to benefit my community and serve people around me in a positive way. I have set three goals which include community service, family commitment, and work. However, some expected factors which will influence the accomplishment of my goals are health, finances, and transportation. I have developed strategies e.g. daily time table setting, exercise, and insurance packages purchase to meet my goals in future.     

References of Life Portfolio

Harasymowicz, J., & Kalina, R. M. (2005). Training of psychomotor adaptation – a key factor in teaching self-defence. Archives of Budo, 1, 19-26.

Lawson, J. E., Cruz, R. A., & Knollman, G. A. (2017). Increasing positive attitudes toward individuals with disabilities through community service learning. Research in Developmental Disabilities, 69, 1-7.

Luoh, M.-C., & Herzog, A. R. (2002). Individual Consequences of Volunteer and Paid Work in Old Age: Health and Mortality. Journal of Health and Social Behavior, 43(4), 490-509.

Thomas, P. A., Liu, H., & Umberson, D. (2017). Family relationships and well-being. Innovation in aging, 1(3)

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