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Assignment on explains about the material and methods

Category: Education Paper Type: Assignment Writing Reference: APA Words: 2850

This section of the research study explains about the material and methods that are utilized in this study in order to compose this research study. This section explore the methods that are required for measuring the employees’ satisfaction in the Omani banking sectors.  In this paper, secondary data techniques are utilized for collecting the relevant information and these techniques include literature review and reference to different reports, newspapers, and existing information in Media. However, there are not enough information available on the topic of employee satisfaction in the Omani banking sector which could be seen as a limitation to this study.

Building research and relating it to the already existing information is a foundational block of all activities associated with academic research. But this process has become quite difficult and complex. Within the field of business, production of knowledge is rapidly increasing while at the same time, it remains interdisciplinary and fragmented (Easterby-Smith, Thorpe, & Jackson, 2015). That is the reason why literature review is considered a relevant method of researching and has been selected in this paper. A literature review can be simplified as a systematic manner of synthesizing and collecting previous research (Ferrari, 2015). The design of the study is explained along with the complete procedures and materials that are required to answer the research question as well as to attain the objectives of the study. The design of the research study explains about the research philosophy, research approach, research strategy, research methods, source of data collection along with its techniques and analysis (Gray, 2014).

3.1 Research Philosophy of Employee Satisfaction in Banking Sector of Muscat Bank in Oman

The research is composed by considering the Interpretivism paradigm. This the one of the best and most suitable philosophy in order to measure the level of employees satisfaction in the Omani banks. The interpretivism research approach is also referred as the interpretivist and it involves the researcher for interpreting the study elements. Hence; the human has been integrated by the interpretivism research paradigm. This kind of the research philosophy is particularly used in order to measure the human interaction on the particular issue of the employee satisfaction in the banking sectors (Biggam, 2015). It is assumed by the researchers who are engaged in conducting the interpretive research study that the only social contraction is the useful technique accessing the reality of the society. It includes instruments, languages, shared meaning and consciousness. The qualitative analysis are only emphasizes under the interpretivism research paradigm and research approach. The philosophical positions of the idealism is considered as the best strategy for the association of the interpretivism and this philosophy is particularly used for the purpose of the group together for the diverse approaches. It includes; hermeneutics, social constructivism and phenomenology (Fisher & Buglear, 2010). The micro approaches are examined under this philosophy which can be seen as the individual having agency. It cannot simply recipient for the external social forces. It allows us to observe how the social reality can be constructed by using the negotiations and sources. There are various other drawbacks of this research philosophy that can occur while conducting this research (Goldkuhl, 2012).

3.1.1 Positivism versus Interpretivism of Employee Satisfaction in Banking Sector of Muscat Bank in Oman

            It can be said that interpretivism and positivism are the two fundamental approaches to research. For instance, scientific and quantitative methods are preferred by positivists while humanistic and qualitative methods are preferred by interpretivists. In accordance with positivism, an individual is shaped by the society and actions of people can be explained generally by the social norms to which they are exposed. The general aim of research is concerned with uncovering the laws which influence human behavior. Additionally, positivism prefers the research to be reliable and valid. Meanwhile, in accordance with interpretivism, individuals possess consciousness which means that they don’t just react to external forces. The aim of this type of research is concerned with gaining deep insights into the lives of subjects (Aliyu, Bello, Kasim, & Martin, 2014).

3.1.2 Positivism of Employee Satisfaction in Banking Sector of Muscat Bank in Oman

            In positivism, researchers tend to find social factors which influence the behavior of people. It wouldn’t be wrong to say such researchers tend to find correlations and relationships between variables. Positivists often attempt to find reliability in their research while ignoring dubious and ambiguous facts (Davoudi, 2012).

3.1.3 Interpretivism of Employee Satisfaction in Banking Sector of Muscat Bank in Oman

            Anti-positivists or interpretivists argue that people are not just puppets that reach to different social forces. In accordance with them, people are complex and intricate, and the same objective reality is understood by them in different ways. They use different methods such as observations and other types of qualitative methods (Potrac, Jones, & Nelson, 2014).

            Considering the nature and research objectives of this study, interpretivism paradigm is utilized. It can be more beneficial in carrying out this research and obtaining reliable results.

3.2 Disadvantage of Employee Satisfaction in Banking Sector of Muscat Bank in Oman

       This method can be the inappropriate in this study because it is assumed by the sociology that all of the individuals are engaging in the rational behavior.

       It discusses about the understanding and views of the individuals and sometimes the understandings of the individuals are not true for the particular situations.

       The impacts of the structural elements on individuals can be ignored by the Symbolic


       It is assumed by the labelling that the social actors passively accepting the being labeled that can be tend to ignore the labels resistances.

       The numeric figures and graphs cannot be analyzed in this philosophy.

3.3 Research Approach of Employee Satisfaction in Banking Sector of Muscat Bank in Oman

From all of the various kinds of the Research approaches the inductive research approach is used in this study. In this research study the researcher follows the inductive research approach because this is qualitative research study under the interpretivism paradigm and this study is done by following a complete procedure as analyzing and developing the theories, without hypothesis and assumptions. If many theories will be analyzed for research study that needs to be established or banned at the time of the research process when will following an inductive approach. By using inductive approach the consequences of the employee satisfaction can be analyzed. The inductive research approach is referred as the logical reasoning as well and it is the logical reasoning in which the multiple premises are discussed and various matters are solved. Under this research approach the researchers start the research from the procedure of the data collection and this data is collected by analyzing the theories of the numerous authors (Wyk, 2012).

3.3.1 Inductive versus Deductive Approach of Employee Satisfaction in Banking Sector of Muscat Bank in Oman

            In general, the main difference between deductive and inductive approach is that while a deductive theory has the aim of testing a theory, the aim of an inductive approach is all about the development of a new theory from the existing data. A deductive approach begins with the formation of a hypothesis while an inductive approach utilizes research questions for narrowing the study scope. For deductive approaches, the focus is on causality and the aim of inductive approaches is concerned with the exploration of a new process or phenomenon.

3.3.2 Inductive Approach of Employee Satisfaction in Banking Sector of Muscat Bank in Oman

            As explained above, an inductive approach towards research considers qualitative research. Grounded theory is one of the common inductive approaches which is utilized in researches. For instance, grounded theory requires repeated and extensive sifting through the information. Therefore, grounded theory is the most suitable for the studies where event to be studied hasn’t been studied previous.

3.3.3 Deductive Approach of Employee Satisfaction in Banking Sector of Muscat Bank in Oman

            Meanwhile, a deductive approach begins with the formation of a hypothesis. For all the deductive approaches, the focus is on causality and they are commonly related to quantitative research (Soiferman, 2010).

            Inductive research approach has been utilized in this study due to the nature of study and research objectives.

3.4 Research Strategy (Case Study) Single of Employee Satisfaction in Banking Sector of Muscat Bank in Oman

The research strategy is discussed about the particular techniques or points that are selected for scale set. This point is also used as the evidence that can offer the authorities a proof. A Case of Muscat Bank, Oman is taken as an evidential proof in this research and this is the one of the most important and good example that can be provided to motivation the employees of the bank in order to enhancing their commitment as well as the level of the job satisfaction. It has been observed by visiting in the bank that there are the numbers of the employees who are not satisfied with banking strategies and they wants to switch their jobs. There are the number of the reasons that are argued by all of these employees in order measure their level of satisfaction.

3.5 Research Method Qualitative of Employee Satisfaction in Banking Sector of Muscat Bank in Oman

The research study is conducted by using the qualitative research method because it is the one of the most important and best fit research methods that can be employed in this study. The qualitative research strategy is used for conducting the research study. The qualitative research study leads toward the previous existing theories and the concepts which are supporting the several business cases particularly in the context of the CSR. By following the interpretivism paradigm, the research study used a qualitative research strategy. These methods are used because the research study is based on objective and subjective data. The qualitative method is used only for verifying the previous theories. It is depicted by the several research studies of the various authors that at high level usually the qualitative research study is conducted. In this research methods the data is only conducted in the forms of the Alphabets as compare to in the forms of the numeric figures as in quantitative research method. The qualitative research method is absolutely relying upon interpretivist paradigm as well as researcher who is following an interpretivist paradigm can only use a qualitative approach. Qualitative research is conducted on daily routines base of peoples and in own words of peoples and the big fact about this research is that this research is subjective and inductive in nature (Silverman, 2016).

3.5.1 Qualitative versus Quantitative Approach of Employee Satisfaction in Banking Sector of Muscat Bank in Oman

            In comparison with qualitative research approach, quantitative approach is simpler to identify and define. The data produced through this approach is numerical and information obtained from different methods is analyzed with the use of different statistical and mathematical methods. Quantitative approach is generally more reliable than qualitative approach. Meanwhile, qualitative research approach is more complex and difficult to be utilized for finding information. The research techniques are qualitative and facts are involved rather than numbers. In addition to it, this approach doesn’t involve the risk of human error because calculations are not involved in it (Glesne, 2016).

3.5.2 Qualitative Research Approach of Employee Satisfaction in Banking Sector of Muscat Bank in Oman

            Qualitative research approaches are also considered secondary research approaches and these methods don’t involve numbers or statistical analyses. Some of the examples include literature reviews and case studies. Generally, qualitative research approaches are considered useful in finding existing information about a specific issue or topic. In comparison with quantitative research approaches, these approaches don’t involve a significant amount of risk of inaccuracies.

3.5.3 Quantitative Research Approach of Employee Satisfaction in Banking Sector of Muscat Bank in Oman

            Quantitative research approaches are also referred to as primary research approaches and these techniques for finding information involve statistical analyses. Some of the examples of these research approaches include questionnaires and surveys. These methods involve the utilization of different software such as SPSS as well. Although these techniques are more reliable in comparison with qualitative research approaches, the risk involved in it is more significant (Bryman, 2017).

            Therefore, in order to minimize issues and in accordance with the nature of the study, qualitative research approaches have been considered.

3.6 Source of Data Collection of Employee Satisfaction in Banking Sector of Muscat Bank in Oman

The secondary source of data collection is particularly utilized for attaining research objective and all of the research questions are also answered by implementing this techniques.  The secondary source of the data collection leads towards preexisting data that is usually used in various projects. It includes journals, research papers, research articles, books and news articles that are published in well-known and authentic sources. In this said research the literature review is the best way to analyzing the data as well as collecting the information from the secondary sources. Additionally, a literature review is a reliable method of synthesizing findings of research for showing evidence and uncovering different areas in which more study is required, which is a significant component of developing conceptual models and theoretical methods (Durach, Kembro, & Wieland, 2017). But typical methods of portraying and explaining the literature often seem to lack description and thoroughness (Ferrari, 2015). This seems to result in insufficient knowledge of what the studies are saying or what they are indicating. Consequently, there is a possibility that authors create their study on erroneous assumptions (Sullivan, Weinberg, & Keaney, 2016). Actually, when researchers are selective of the evidence on which to build their study, ignoring the research which points in the other direction, some serious issues can be faced. Additionally, even when methodology is authentic, there are normally issues with what constitutes a good contribution (Agee, 2019).

3.7 Data Collection of Employee Satisfaction in Banking Sector of Muscat Bank in Oman

The simple random sampling techniques is usually employed in this research in order to collecting the data because almost the various kinds of the electronic sources are utilized to collecting the data. The process of the data collection usually depends upon the internet net. The data is collected from the various sources as; Google scholar, news article website of the banks of Oman and the various renowned journals for instance; IBM, IEEE, journal of marketing and research, research gate, springer and Elsevier. All of these sources are utilized by considering the time span of 2005 – 2019. The data older than the 2005 is not consider as the best fit in this study.

3.8 Data Analysis of Employee Satisfaction in Banking Sector of Muscat Bank in Oman

 A total of more than 160 journal articles and various other resources are considered and observed for this research but only 30 resources are analyzed critically to attain the objective of this research. The data has been analyzed by observation methods all the relevant data is collected in the second chapter of the study under the heading of the literature review than it has been observed that there are the numbers of the authors who are commenting in the support of the study.

Secondary analysis is used to intensive for this type of research, so it makes it available for the relevant topic of analysis, but to use the data in other ways the flexible method is being used to utilize the relevant data. For the inspection of the research, the internal auditing role is important to evaluate the performance of Saudi Arabia Government organizations. Secondary analysis is being absorbed for the systematic technique and empirical exercise. But for the help of the research secondary analysis is stepped up by the evaluative and analysis steps so effective material is being collected and primary data is being evaluated (Kempinski, 2013) for the collection and analysis of secondary data, on systematic procedure effective practices by internal auditors for the government organization performance is fixated.

3.9 Ethics Consideration of Employee Satisfaction in Banking Sector of Muscat Bank in Oman

Ethics are involved in conducting a research as well. However, most of the ethics are associated with primary research approaches because they require the researchers to interact with people and it involves the risk of violating the rights of people or participants. Meanwhile, ethics involved in the secondary research approaches are fewer in comparison with the primary research approaches. In this research, ethics were considered and it was ensured that ethics were not violated. For instance, it was ensured that illegal research approaches were not considered for conducting the research. Only legal methods were considered and fallacious information was not utilized in this paper (Resnik, 2011)

3.10 Conclusion of Employee Satisfaction in Banking Sector of Muscat Bank in Oman

   Overall, it can be said that in this chapter, research methodology has been explained. It has been explained that interpretivism approach has been selected along with inductive approach for finding the information. In addition to it, it has also been explained that primary research approaches are considered in this study such as literature review and case studies for finding information and completing this study. Comparisons between different research approaches have also been considered in this chapter.

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