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Assignment on STEEPLE (Social, Technological, Economic, Environmental, Political, Legal and Ethical) analysis

Category: Computer Sciences Paper Type: Assignment Writing Reference: APA Words: 1250

Introduction of STEEPLE (Social, Technological, Economic, Environmental, Political, Legal and Ethical) analysis

This report is about the STEEPLE (S= Social, T= Technological, E= Economic, E= Environmental, P= Political, L= Legal and E=Ethical) analysis. A STEEPLE analysis is a notion, used to inspect the macro-environment parameters of a business, to assist organizations for creating well-versed competitive as well strategic decisions. This environment is beneficial for the firms in order to identify the threats, which exist in the surrounding environment and grab the opportunities from the same. The more the threats are identified the better it helps the firms to mitigate these threats.

The narration of method of analysis along with the consideration of internal and external business environment is being discussed in this report. Also, the main findings and the analysis’ outcomes are a part of it.

Organization being selected

The organization being selected for the evaluation purposes is Apple.Inc.

STEEPLE (Social, Technological, Economic, Environmental, Political, Legal and Ethical) analysis

The convenient strategic tool for the planning purposes is STEEPLE analysis. It better helps the organizations in the planning for the strategic positioning of the organization. It is a tool for identifying the external factors of macro-environment. The factors which are identified through STEEPLE analysis help the firms to identify the direct or indirect impact, of these factors, on business operations. It is suggested to identify these factors and then plan accordingly. It will help the firms to mitigate the risks associated with it (pestleanalysis, 2019). The parameters of STEEPLE analysis are explained below:

·         Social factors: the social environment of the market is determined by the consideration of the social environment. It may include income distribution, change of fashion etc.

·         Technological factors: The technological consideration is realized through the technological environment. It may include technological advancement, innovations etc.

·         Economic factors: the economic performance that has an impact on the firm’s performance is determined by economic factors. It may include economic growth, consumer confidence etc.

·         Environmental factors: the factors existing in the surrounding environment may also affect the business operations. It may include environmental protection.

·         Political factors: these factors tend to determine the impact of Government’s policies on a specified industry or a business. It may include political stability or instability.

·         Legal factors: the business environment may be affected due to certain laws and regulations. It may include employment laws, taxation policies etc.

·         Ethical factors: The ethical considerations also help the businesses to the increased market share. It may include corporate social responsibility regarding the surrounding environment (Bayt, 2019).

Analysis of Key factors of STEEPLE (Social, Technological, Economic, Environmental, Political, Legal and Ethical) analysis

·         Taxation Policies: It is a part of legal factors. There is a possibility to have the changes in the taxation policies as per the governmental rules and regulations. In order to better cater these changes regarding tackling internal and external environment, Apple has a full fledged procedure. This procedure for meeting up with the governmental rules and regulations helps Apple to formulate the strategies in order to train the employees for the taxation policies. It is specifically in the context of Accounting and Finance department of the firm. The officials of the department are trained regarding meeting up with the governmental requirements of the taxation and the rates.

·         Technological advancements: The current era is all about the technological advancement and the innovations. All the firms are required to be one step ahead from the competitors. It is the only key to success. As it helps the firms to conduct the market research in order to know about the market trends and the technological advancements. So as is the case with Apple. Inc. This firm has a separate department for identifying the latest and advanced technology. The more the innovations are determined the better it helps the firm to train the employees accordingly and provide the market place with the innovative products. In this way, Apple is serving the market place in order to become the market leader.

·         Change of fashion: In this world, the only thing which is consistent is change. So as is the case with the changing demands and the change of fashion. People try to adopt what is the new trend in the market place. Apple is trying to tackle the change of fashion by conducting the market survey with the help of its personnel and the staff. The customers are the one who tend to provide the firm with the competitive advantage in the market place (marketingtutor, 2019).

Discussion about main finding and outcomes from the critical analysis

From the critical analysis, it can be evaluated that the firms who tend to conduct the STEEPLE analysis has the ability to identify the environmental factors better than the ones who are devoid of STEEPLE analysis. For every factor which is identified correctly the firm can formulate the strategic plans in order to cater these parameters. The best strategies are if formulated by the firm only then the firm can better serve in the market place. It helps to provide the firm with the competitive advantage and increased customer count in the market place.

Human resource management is perceived to be the significant parameter for any organization. The human resource department is the one which is responsible to hire the new employees, provide the employees with the training, bonuses, compensations, leave encashment and other employee’s related terms and conditions. If it is the case of identifying an issue in the surroundings through the STEEPLE analysis, HRM department is to follow the full-fledged process for the decision making purposes (STEEPLE, 2019). For the key factors identified for the current case study regarding the external environment the management has to follow the key steps for the decision making purposes. It includes as given: identify the problem, gather information, identify the alternatives, perform evaluation for the feasibility purposes, make selection among the alternatives, take action and review the decision (csp, 2019). By following these steps the HRM department can only handle the situations in an effective manner.

In case the HR system is not good, it tends to provide with the problems and the issues in the efficient management of the situations. In case the HR system of the firm is poor, any of the steps of decision making process may be skipped leading the management to the inefficient management of the situation.

Conclusion of STEEPLE (Social, Technological, Economic, Environmental, Political, Legal and Ethical) analysis

STEEPLE analysis is a tool for identifying the external factors of macro-environment. The factors which are identified through STEEPLE analysis help the firms to identify the direct or indirect impact, of these factors, on business operations. The more properly these factors are planned to be tackled, the better it is for the firms to have the financial growth.

References of STEEPLE (Social, Technological, Economic, Environmental, Political, Legal and Ethical) analysis

Bayt. (2019). What is STEEPLE analysis. Retrieved from https://specialties.bayt.com/en/specialties/q/323925/what-is-steeple-analysis/

csp. (2019). 7 steps of decision making process. Retrieved from https://online.csp.edu/blog/business/decision-making-process

marketingtutor. (2019). Apple PESTEL analysis. Retrieved from https://www.marketingtutor.net/apple-pestle-analysis/

pestleanalysis. (2019). What is PESTEL analysis: a tool for business analysis. Retrieved from https://pestleanalysis.com/what-is-pestle-analysis/

STEEPLE. (2019). PESTLE Analysis for Human Resources: How PESTLE Affects HR. Retrieved from https://pestleanalysis.com/pestle-analysis-for-human-resources-how-pestle-affects-hr/

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